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Dry Eyes To The Extreme Since I Had Lasik Surgery Three Years Ago Anyone Have Success With A Certain Type Of Treatment?


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I have severe dry eyes and when waking I cannot open my eyes. I use eye drops and when trying to open my eyes in the morning they seemed sealed shut. I try to get them open gently and with some drops but sometimes I am just trying to hard to open and get inflamed and infected and when going back to the eye Doctor they say that I should continue with the eye drops and when infected give me antibiotics and antibiotic creams and eventually the infection goes away but it has been going on four years since the operation.

I am happy I had the surgery since at almost 64 I have 20/20 vision and even though they told me it was basically for distance, I do not as of yet need reading glasses since the operation.

I am writing this out of frustration because on TV a few months ago they had a special about dry eyes and some treatments in USA for this that seem to work, however here they do not seem to know or think it is not necessary.

Anyone have any suggestions concerning this matter based on their own experience or anyone they know and where in Bangkok they have gone for treatment. I have Googled it and come up with many solutions but many seem to be based on certain products they were selling.

Thanks in advance

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thanks I have been doing Google on it

allot of info so far. I have been to Bumrungrad where the Lasik was done and the Laser for Glaucoma prevention. The Doctor is pleased as I am with the vision, however he doesn't seem concerned about the dry eyes and the infections. I do not like taking Antibiotics or any medication, but that is what they prescribe ointment and pills which work but it does come back.

I will go to another Hospital specifically for eyes after the infection is gone, which with the balance of the ointment this week it is almost healed but this is basically a bandage and I need to get to the root and deal with that issue asap. Sincerely thanks for your response.

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I also had lasik done at Bumrungrad about four years ago. I also have severe dry eyes in the morning when I wake up, and at night starting about 6 pm. My doctor at Bumrungrad said that it would go away. I was not informed about this side effect, and blame myself for not doing more research before the operation.

I use the more expensive preservative free eye drops.

It is horrible but I live with it.


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I don't think you'll get very far seeing doctors who specialize in LASIK for this as they, understandably, specialize in refractive surgery and may not have experience much beyond that.

If sufficiently bothered by it to want to consider surgical options I suggest you go to Rutnin Hospital whcih treats a wide range of eye disorders and is likely to have surgeons expereinced in the procedure.

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Don't go anywhere looking for surgery as that's what you will likely get. I guess she is referring to sealing the punctals.

Some people say Bumrangrad Lasik clinic is hopeless, Some people say it's a Lasik mill focused on money not patient care. Maybe that' s not true. I had it done there 4 years ago and immediately went to TSRC for all after care . I also suffered severe dry eye side effects and nobody who hadn't had the problem can understand how uncomfortable it is.

Go see Dr. Chansue at TSRC Lasik Center. He acted as a doctor should to help me with my problem.

Also check the dry eye forums.

You can try:

Flax seed oil

Punctal plugs


Time has helped for me and its tolerable. Best of luck!

Edited by Danger
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