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Seh Daeng's Daughter: I Willl Lead Dad's Political Party

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again, that all over the world the governments would had acted same as the Abhisit regime is an unfounded fantasy, plus it don't become true if it gets repeated all the time.

a reality check is to listen to the European parliament

Now you are just being silly. No government would allow a 2-month take over of the central business district of their nation's capitol. Especially not when the protesters were armed with grenades, bombs, molotov cocktails, military rifles, and handguns. And if the protesters turned their weapons on security forces, killing 11 of them and injuring some 500, the response would not be pretty.

yeah I can only imagine if some protesters tried to shut down Times Square in NYC for 2 months. Wouldn't last 2 hours. I would bet 99% of the US population would be behind the police/national guard if they went in to break it up.

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again, that all over the world the governments would had acted same as the Abhisit regime is an unfounded fantasy, plus it don't become true if it gets repeated all the time.

a reality check is to listen to the European parliament

Now you are just being silly. No government would allow a 2-month take over of the central business district of their nation's capitol. Especially not when the protesters were armed with grenades, bombs, molotov cocktails, military rifles, and handguns. And if the protesters turned their weapons on security forces, killing 11 of them and injuring some 500, the response would not be pretty.

yeah I can only imagine if some protesters tried to shut down Times Square in NYC for 2 months. Wouldn't last 2 hours. I would bet 99% of the US population would be behind the police/national guard if they went in to break it up.

But is was Ok for the yellow shirts to occupy governemnt house for 8 months?


and in even less countries armed medics


I can only presume you don't have much experience in this area at all as Army medics from a plethora of countries are deployed with weapons.

That is not the point. in how many countries the government used the army to disperse participants of a political assembly of more than 5 people?

and is it really that laughable when Seh Daeng suggest to separate the powers of the current Thai police and build up a new independent agency that does the investigations?

In answer to your question "in how many countries the government used the army to disperse participants of a political assembly of more than 5 people?"

Probably depends on how many people the political assembly has already killed and injured, and how much national infrastructure they have tried to blow up, or whether they are calling for the destruction of the capital or not. In this case, probably all countries except Somalia, where such violent assembly is the norm.:)

What about Northern Island in 1972.

13 (+1) dead, and the Bristish PM now own up. The army kill them, while they have NO weapons.

I'm sorry, but why it took 38 years to discover the truth?

And yet you want the Thai army to own up that they kill people, now?



again, that all over the world the governments would had acted same as the Abhisit regime is an unfounded fantasy, plus it don't become true if it gets repeated all the time.

a reality check is to listen to the European parliament

Now you are just being silly. No government would allow a 2-month take over of the central business district of their nation's capitol. Especially not when the protesters were armed with grenades, bombs, molotov cocktails, military rifles, and handguns. And if the protesters turned their weapons on security forces, killing 11 of them and injuring some 500, the response would not be pretty.

yeah I can only imagine if some protesters tried to shut down Times Square in NYC for 2 months. Wouldn't last 2 hours. I would bet 99% of the US population would be behind the police/national guard if they went in to break it up.

But is was Ok for the yellow shirts to occupy governemnt house for 8 months?

Is was not ok. I didn't realize we were discussing that. But since you brought it up, I'm sure if it was these red folk, they would have burned it to the ground. I dont't recall 100 something being killed and 1000+ being injured.

This whole thing is starting to remind of Israel/Palestine. A bunch of children saying "he started it first!"


Watch this space. She could be the next

Aung San Suu Kyi

Can you explain this statement? It seems to have no basis.

ASSK father was murdered by the government/army.

The daughter who has no interest in politics have to step in and lead a party and finally elected as PM by the people.

However the army play cheat, and prison her instead.

Yes we know all that but you miss the main point. ASSK's father was in a different game altogether and ASSK led a movement against Burmese generals who are probably now the worst of the world's dictators responsible for corruption on such a massive scale that the people are left wanting and human rights abuses that must begin to equal those in Cambodia and other such parts of the world. Dear can run whatever party she likes but to compare her and by implication the situation to Burma is risible - or just wholly inaccurate.

At that time the Burmese generals were Mr. nice guys, just like what you have in Thailand now (Gen Anupong et al).

Time pass, ASSK father no longer there, the Burmese generals gradually increase their greed and no and turn Burma to a state we see today.

Thailand we see the same.

Time pass, Khun Dear father no longer there, the Thai generals will gradually increase their greed and no and turn Thailand into a 2nd Burma.

This thing take time.


But is was Ok for the yellow shirts to occupy governemnt house for 8 months?

Is was not ok. I didn't realize we were discussing that. But since you brought it up, I'm sure if it was these red folk, they would have burned it to the ground. I dont't recall 100 something being killed and 1000+ being injured.

This whole thing is starting to remind of Israel/Palestine. A bunch of children saying "he started it first!"

Yes, it is was Ok for the yellow shirts to occupy government house for 8 years if they want to. Long live PAD, the true people's power of Bangkok and Elite.



again, that all over the world the governments would had acted same as the Abhisit regime is an unfounded fantasy, plus it don't become true if it gets repeated all the time.

a reality check is to listen to the European parliament

Now you are just being silly. No government would allow a 2-month take over of the central business district of their nation's capitol. Especially not when the protesters were armed with grenades, bombs, molotov cocktails, military rifles, and handguns. And if the protesters turned their weapons on security forces, killing 11 of them and injuring some 500, the response would not be pretty.

yeah I can only imagine if some protesters tried to shut down Times Square in NYC for 2 months. Wouldn't last 2 hours. I would bet 99% of the US population would be behind the police/national guard if they went in to break it up.

But is was Ok for the yellow shirts to occupy governemnt house for 8 months?

Did I say that? Is it impossible for you to differentiate the behaviors of one group from another? There are probably protests in Zimbabwe we could discuss, but they, like any previous protests by any other group have no bearing on the behaviors of the UDD/DAAD. The UDD/DAAD leaders made choices as adults. They should accept the consequences of those choices as adults. Armed insurrection will be dealt with harshly anywhere in the world.


Seh Daeng's Daughter: I Willl Lead Dad's Political Party EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW

Who is this Seh Daeng guy? I thought on Thai visa only proper names were to be used. I can't find any politician in Thailand called Seh Daeng, if its another name for Mr Thaksin then perhaps you should use that name instead.

Oh Dear, another silly post, time to add one more to the Ignore-list. :)


what up with these dudes who tell everybody about the names on their ignore list? not only Ricardo, i read that quite often. isn't that pretty much the opposite of ignoring someone?


What a pity The Nation and Thai Visa didn't include the list of names published in some Thai newspapers yesterday, revealing the deposits and withdrawals of key red shirt leaders.

How they can claim to be ไพร่ ,peasants, the common man is truly ludicrous.


Now you are just being silly. No government would allow a 2-month take over of the central business district of their nation's capitol. Especially not when the protesters were armed with grenades, bombs, molotov cocktails, military rifles, and handguns. And if the protesters turned their weapons on security forces, killing 11 of them and injuring some 500, the response would not be pretty.

Blah, blah, blah. plus AGAIN: Why repeating unfounded fantasies about how the other countries would act in the same or similar situation.

why don't listen what they said in the European parliament?. did any other foreign nation say: "Congratulation Abhisit, well done. You did exactly they right thing that have to be done."? No, nobody said something like that, except the international community of beer bar patrons in Thailand maybe and the board mob of ultra right wing extremist.

Abhisit said the number of 'terrorists' among red-shirt protesters was relatively small. Most red shirts were ordinary citizens.

<deleted>? Does the PM watch to much CNN and BBC, is he brainwashed by Dan Rivers?

what will the board mob of the ultra right-wing extremists say to such a comment?

I think they will probably agree for the most part. Nobody ever argued the point that the majority of the protesters were not armed with war weapons.


What about Northern Island in 1972.

13 (+1) dead, and the Bristish PM now own up. The army kill them, while they have NO weapons.

I'm sorry, but why it took 38 years to discover the truth?

And yet you want the Thai army to own up that they kill people, now?

Perhaps the IRA and UDF should now apologise for all the unarmed people THEY killed through indiscriminate bombings. So one sided, eh?

By the way it is Northern Ireland, not Island


What a pity The Nation and Thai Visa didn't include the list of names published in some Thai newspapers yesterday, revealing the deposits and withdrawals of key red shirt leaders.

How they can claim to be ไพร่ ,peasants, the common man is truly ludicrous.

Indeed. And after seeing the remunaeration the leaders of the people's revolution and leaders of the poor got we now know they are whores to master and anything they say has absolutely nothing to do with politics of oppression but is only as a mouth of mighty master. It explains too why Weng when in a recent interview was questioned about the drug war dodged the issue with the only comment being it was popular and nobody had proved anyone was illegally killed. That is a change from the prinicpled position he used to have. Now we know the reason. He was paid. Shame on anohter sell out to the poltics of oppression and money which is what the red movement will actually bring if succesful as you dont have all the upcountry feudal barons on your side, and in control, if you are going to liberate any poor rural person. That though is another question that the usel;ess analysys of Thai politics never raise as it doesnt fit their simplistic and useless analyses.

Still anyone who has spent any time in upcountry areas will not be surprpised by any of this as how things really work is obvious in the extreme and not hidden.


Blah, blah, blah. plus AGAIN: Why repeating unfounded fantasies about how the other countries would act in the same or similar situation.

why don't listen what they said in the European parliament?. did any other foreign nation say: "Congratulation Abhisit, well done. You did exactly they right thing that have to be done."? No, nobody said something like that, except the international community of beer bar patrons in Thailand maybe and the board mob of ultra right wing extremist.

Abhisit said the number of 'terrorists' among red-shirt protesters was relatively small. Most red shirts were ordinary citizens.

<deleted>? Does the PM watch to much CNN and BBC, is he brainwashed by Dan Rivers?

what will the board mob of the ultra right-wing extremists say to such a comment?

I think they will probably agree for the most part. Nobody ever argued the point that the majority of the protesters were not armed with war weapons.

Beer bar patrons. That's actually hilarious. Talk about stereotypes.



what will the board mob of the ultra right-wing extremists say to such a comment?

I think they will probably agree for the most part. Nobody ever argued the point that the majority of the protesters were not armed with war weapons.

I watched an interview with the independent American war journalist on Thai PBS the other day. He'd been in Afghanistan and Iran and said he thought the Thai army had been very disciplined in their actions.

No government is going to say congratulations in a situation like this but I don't think western countries will condemn Apisit, knowing the lengths Thaksin will go to to regain power.


What a pity The Nation and Thai Visa didn't include the list of names published in some Thai newspapers yesterday, revealing the deposits and withdrawals of key red shirt leaders.

How they can claim to be ไพร่ ,peasants, the common man is truly ludicrous.

They did publish it. I can't remember if it was the Nation or BKK Post, but they published the names and the amounts. I can't seem to find it now. Strange.


I watched an interview with the independent American war journalist on Thai PBS the other day. He'd been in Afghanistan and Iran and said he thought the Thai army had been very disciplined in their actions.

No government is going to say congratulations in a situation like this but I don't think western countries will condemn Apisit, knowing the lengths Thaksin will go to to regain power.


Well, i watched the session of the European parliament where many speakers did exactly that: condemn the actions of the Abhisit regime.

ignoring reality don't make an unfounded fantasy true.



I watched an interview with the independent American war journalist on Thai PBS the other day. He'd been in Afghanistan and Iran and said he thought the Thai army had been very disciplined in their actions.

No government is going to say congratulations in a situation like this but I don't think western countries will condemn Apisit, knowing the lengths Thaksin will go to to regain power.


Well, i watched the session of the European parliament where many speakers did exactly that: condemn the actions of the Abhisit regime.

ignoring reality don't make an unfounded fantasy true.



I meant government response, not a few speakers in the EU parliament.

Western governments know full well Thaksin's evil.The Americans even warned the Thai government before the violence broke about about possible sabotage and terrorism.

Which western government welcomes Thaksin apart from Montenegro?!

Apologies for being off topic.


I watched an interview with the independent American war journalist on Thai PBS the other day. He'd been in Afghanistan and Iran and said he thought the Thai army had been very disciplined in their actions.

No government is going to say congratulations in a situation like this but I don't think western countries will condemn Apisit, knowing the lengths Thaksin will go to to regain power.


Well, i watched the session of the European parliament where many speakers did exactly that: condemn the actions of the Abhisit regime.

ignoring reality don't make an unfounded fantasy true.



Yes. I watched it too. Talk is cheap. There is no doubt that they would quickly change their position if a similar hostile takeover of the central business district by armed insurgents occurred in their home countries. You know this, but instead prefer to cast your armchair aspersions while sitting in your air conditioned office in Singapore.


I meant government response, not a few speakers in the EU parliament.

Western governments know full well Thaksin's evil.The Americans even warned the Thai government before the violence broke about about possible sabotage and terrorism.

Which western government welcomes Thaksin apart from Montenegro?!

Apologies for being off topic.

The 'Americans' warned the Thai government? where did you hear something like that?


I watched an interview with the independent American war journalist on Thai PBS the other day. He'd been in Afghanistan and Iran and said he thought the Thai army had been very disciplined in their actions.

No government is going to say congratulations in a situation like this but I don't think western countries will condemn Apisit, knowing the lengths Thaksin will go to to regain power.


Well, i watched the session of the European parliament where many speakers did exactly that: condemn the actions of the Abhisit regime.

ignoring reality don't make an unfounded fantasy true.



Yes. I watched it too. Talk is cheap. There is no doubt that they would quickly change their position if a similar hostile takeover of the central business district by armed insurgents occurred in their home countries. You know this, but instead prefer to cast your armchair aspersions while sitting in your air conditioned office in Singapore.

cheap are arguments based on unfounded fantasies.


Additional information with an apparently more up-to-date photo:

The Reds also have an alternative to the Chalerm PTP or Giles/Weng Communists in the political party Sae Daeng formed, the Khattiyatham Party.

Following his death, his only daughter, 29 year-old Khattiyaa Sawasdipol, will soon be potentially taking over Party leadership.


I'm sure that since Sae Daeng founded it, it must have a wise and reasonable platform to resolve the myriad of issues facing Thailand. :)

For example, the Khattiyatham Party's current Party Leader, 2nd LT Surapat Chantima, has an arrest warrant on terrorism charges.

In the Nation photo she looks pretty hot, but in the other photo she looks sort of pasty...........


I watched an interview with the independent American war journalist on Thai PBS the other day. He'd been in Afghanistan and Iran and said he thought the Thai army had been very disciplined in their actions.

No government is going to say congratulations in a situation like this but I don't think western countries will condemn Apisit, knowing the lengths Thaksin will go to to regain power.


Well, i watched the session of the European parliament where many speakers did exactly that: condemn the actions of the Abhisit regime.

ignoring reality don't make an unfounded fantasy true.



Yes. I watched it too. Talk is cheap. There is no doubt that they would quickly change their position if a similar hostile takeover of the central business district by armed insurgents occurred in their home countries. You know this, but instead prefer to cast your armchair aspersions while sitting in your air conditioned office in Singapore.

cheap are arguments based on unfounded fantasies.

Indeed. Cheap argument and unfounded fantasy is something you excel at. A bit of an expert really.


What a pity The Nation and Thai Visa didn't include the list of names published in some Thai newspapers yesterday, revealing the deposits and withdrawals of key red shirt leaders.

How they can claim to be ไพร่ ,peasants, the common man is truly ludicrous.

Indeed. And after seeing the remuneration the leaders of the people's revolution and leaders of the poor got we now know they are whores to master and anything they say has absolutely nothing to do with politics of oppression but is only as a mouth of mighty master. It explains too why Weng when in a recent interview was questioned about the drug war dodged the issue with the only comment being it was popular and nobody had proved anyone was illegally killed. That is a change from the principled position he used to have. Now we know the reason. He was paid. Shame on another sell out to the politics of oppression and money which is what the red movement will actually bring if successful as you don't have all the upcountry feudal barons on your side, and in control, if you are going to liberate any poor rural person. That though is another question that the useless analysis of Thai politics never raise as it doesn't fit their simplistic and useless analysis.

Still anyone who has spent any time in upcountry areas will not be surprised by any of this as how things really work is obvious in the extreme and not hidden.

List is in Post # 36 of the thread:

Focus On Thaksin's Associates - Thailand Forum


That is not the point. in how many countries the government used the army to disperse participants of a political assembly of more than 5 people?

and is it really that laughable when Seh Daeng suggest to separate the powers of the current Thai police and build up a new independent agency that does the investigations?

In answer to your question "in how many countries the government used the army to disperse participants of a political assembly of more than 5 people?"

Probably depends on how many people the political assembly has already killed and injured, and how much national infrastructure they have tried to blow up, or whether they are calling for the destruction of the capital or not. In this case, probably all countries except Somalia, where such violent assembly is the norm.:)


again, that all over the world the governments would had acted same as the Abhisit regime is an unfounded fantasy, plus it don't become true if it gets repeated all the time.

:headwall: :headwall: :headwall:

Please, one, just one real example of a protest group that uses RPGs against fuel storage tanks and occupied hotels, and kills soldiers, that was treated any kinder than Abhisit did. Just one.

You can't


:headwall: :headwall: :headwall:

Please, one, just one real example of a protest group that uses RPGs against fuel storage tanks and occupied hotels, and kills soldiers, that was treated any kinder than Abhisit did. Just one.

You can't

which protest group used RPGs against fuel storage tanks and occupied hotels?


:headwall: :headwall: :headwall:

Please, one, just one real example of a protest group that uses RPGs against fuel storage tanks and occupied hotels, and kills soldiers, that was treated any kinder than Abhisit did. Just one.

You can't

which protest group used RPGs against fuel storage tanks and occupied hotels?

No idea, but the red's used M79's :)


:headwall: :headwall: :headwall:

Please, one, just one real example of a protest group that uses RPGs against fuel storage tanks and occupied hotels, and kills soldiers, that was treated any kinder than Abhisit did. Just one.

You can't

which protest group used RPGs against fuel storage tanks and occupied hotels?

Like I said, you can't.

All this was well reported, though you already know that, but to continue your guise of public discussion for the sake of propaganda, I will continue.......

1. Google "rpg jet fuel storage thailand", among many reports ..........

Anti-tank rocket hits PTT jet fuel depot | Bangkok Library

2. Google "rpg hits dusit hotel bangkok.", among many reports ...................

RPG rockets hit Dusit Thani Hotel, no casualties reported : National News Bureau of Thailand

Politics News - RPG rockets hit Dusit Thani Hotel, no casualties reported

The RPG attacks occurred on May 17, hitting the 5th and 17th floors od the Dusit, as the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) protesters retaliate against the military troops. The 22,000,000 liter jet fuel storage tank was set on fire by an RPG rocket on April 28th during renewed red violence.

For more information you can also see.

Terrorism and Civil Aviation Security: Problems and Trends

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

(RPG), anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM), heavy and light machine-guns, .... technical infrastructure (passenger and cargo terminals, hangars, fuel ... destroyed, and an electricity power station and two aviation fuel storage tanks were ..... worth $1000 in Thailand, wholesales for $110000 in Canada, with a retail ... http://www.comw.org/.../0503arasly.pdf - Similar

When I saw the references to destroyed electricity power stations and aviation fuel storage tanks, I thought they were referring to Thailand. However, this is an older study of terrorist threats to aviation security, predicting coming terrorist threats, now realized in Thailand.:)

I await your next twist to the facts.

They didn't see them!

No one was ever found guilty in court.

They never found the person who pulled to trigger.

How do you know they were RPGs?

You can't trust those sources (but here there is a lot!!)

Completely switch subjects.

Outright denial.


Deny education level of posters.



But, I have faith, you will find one.


:headwall: :headwall: :headwall:

Please, one, just one real example of a protest group that uses RPGs against fuel storage tanks and occupied hotels, and kills soldiers, that was treated any kinder than Abhisit did. Just one.

You can't

which protest group used RPGs against fuel storage tanks and occupied hotels?

Like I said, you can't.

All this was well reported, though you already know that, but to continue your guise of public discussion for the sake of propaganda, I will continue.......

1. Google "rpg jet fuel storage thailand", among many reports ..........

Anti-tank rocket hits PTT jet fuel depot | Bangkok Library

2. Google "rpg hits dusit hotel bangkok.", among many reports ...................

RPG rockets hit Dusit Thani Hotel, no casualties reported : National News Bureau of Thailand

Politics News - RPG rockets hit Dusit Thani Hotel, no casualties reported

The RPG attacks occurred on May 17, hitting the 5th and 17th floors od the Dusit, as the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) protesters retaliate against the military troops. The 22,000,000 liter jet fuel storage tank was set on fire by and RPG rocket on April 28th during renewed red violence.

For more information you can also see.

Terrorism and Civil Aviation Security: Problems and Trends

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

(RPG), anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM), heavy and light machine-guns, .... technical infrastructure (passenger and cargo terminals, hangars, fuel ... destroyed, and an electricity power station and two aviation fuel storage tanks were ..... worth $1000 in Thailand, wholesales for $110000 in Canada, with a retail ... http://www.comw.org/.../0503arasly.pdf - Similar

When I saw the references to destroyed electricity power stations and aviation fuel storage tanks, I thought they were referring to Thailand. However, this is an older study of terrorist threats to aviation security, predicting coming terrorist threats, now realized in Thailand.:)

I await your next propagandistic twist to the facts.

They didn't see them!

No one was ever found guilty in court.

They never found the person who pulled to trigger.

How do you know they were RPGs?

You can't trust those sources (but here there is a lot!!)

Completely switch subjects.

Outright denial.


Deny education level of posters.



But, I have faith, you will find one.

Not sure why you waste your time. All you will get in response is the airport thing. It's almost like China. Pretty soon they will be carrying little red books.



i am not denying that it happen, the question is: who did it? your sources don't indicate that there is any evidence that it came from the red shirts.

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