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Hi all,

I will be visiting Thailand again soon to see the little lady :o . I figure we might as well sort out another visa for her while I am there.

Bearing in mind that the gf has visited the UK this year, abided by the rules, and returned home before her visa expired (the little so and so couldn't wait to get home :D ), can we expect the process to be a little easier this time? Ideally, we would like to just saunter up to the British Embassy, hand in the forms, and then have the application processed that day following a short interview. (Well, you've got to have a positive outlook! :D )

Is this realistic?

Also, most of the paperwork from the last visa application is still at her place, so should I just top this up with more recent bank statements, wage slips, photos, etc?



(the little so and so couldn't wait to get home)

Well, what do you expect when you live in Manchester...........?? :o

As your g/f complied with the conditions of her first visa, any subsequent application should be a doddle providing there's been no great change in her circumstances. Just top up your supporting evidence a all should be fine.


Hi all,

I will be visiting Thailand again soon to see the little lady  :o . I figure we might as well sort out another visa for her while I am there.

Bearing in mind that the gf has visited the UK this year, abided by the rules, and returned home before her visa expired (the little so and so couldn't wait to get home :D ), can we expect the process to be a little easier this time? Ideally, we would like to just saunter up to the British Embassy, hand in the forms, and then have the application processed that day following a short interview. (Well, you've got to have a positive outlook!  :D )

Is this realistic?

Also, most of the paperwork from the last visa application is still at her place, so should I just top this up with more recent bank statements, wage slips, photos, etc?



Judging by my (I mean the wife's) experience earlier this year, the second application will be easier, but you won't be able to just saunter in and get the visa the same day - you'll be told to use the 'drop box' and come back in 2 days. We had to wait over an hour outside in the queue to be told this, despite pointing out that the official notice on the wall outside merely says that repeat applicants may use the drop box facility.

Oh, and you'll also need to go to the bank first to get a banker's draft for the visa fees: they don't take cash for drop box applications. The nearest bank is the Bank of Ayutthya near Ploenchit BTS, they have pre-filled in bankers' draft application forms for the Embassy at the reception desk, so they know the procedure.

Bearing in mind that the gf has visited the UK this year......
Keep an eye on the dates. She will probably not be granted another visa if it means she will, or could, spend more than 6 months out of the last 12 in the UK.



There is no restriction on the number of visits a person may make to the United Kingdom nor any requirement that a specified time must elapse between successive visits. The fact that a person has made a series of visits with only brief intervals between them would not, in the absence of any other relevant factors, constitute sufficient ground for refusal.

It is reasonable, however, for the immigration officer to consider the stated purpose of the visit in the light of the length of time that has elapsed since previous visits. A visitor should not, for example, normally spend more than 6 out of any 12 months in this country (but see Section 3 of this chapter in the case of visitors for private medical treatment).

Well, what do you expect when you live in Manchester...........?? :o

As your g/f complied with the conditions of her first visa, any subsequent application should be a doddle providing there's been no great change in her circumstances. Just top up your supporting evidence a all should be fine.



I knew I shouldn't have told you! :D Actually, I don't live in Manchester these days, or she would never come back!

Incidentally, the gf's circumstances are slightly different this time because she will be travelling alone, rather than with her sister. Will that complicate things?

The last time she actually stayed in the UK for a week longer than her sister, and flew home alone, so I am hoping that must be worth a few Brownie points.


Judging by my (I mean the wife's) experience earlier this year, the second application will be easier, but you won't be able to just saunter in and get the visa the same day - you'll be told to use the 'drop box' and come back in 2 days.  We had to wait over an hour outside in the queue to be told this, despite pointing out that the official notice on the wall outside merely says that repeat applicants may use the drop box facility. 

Oh, and you'll also need to go to the bank first to get a banker's draft for the visa fees: they don't take cash for drop box applications.  The nearest bank is the Bank of Ayutthya near Ploenchit BTS, they have pre-filled in bankers' draft application forms for the Embassy at the reception desk, so they know the procedure.


"Saunter" was a bit tongue-in-cheek, but you get the idea.

The drop box facility sounds ideal. I will be aiming to put everything into a lightweight plastic A4 folder. Will this fit in the drop box?

When you to return after a couple of days, is that for an arranged interview or do you have to queue up and be seen when it is your turn?

Thanks for the info.




^ There doesn't usually seem to be an interview with these 'drop box' applications, they just give you a visa when you come back - as happened with the wife who got what we wanted, a 2-year multiple entry visitors' visa. When they take your papers where the security guards are, near the entrance (there is no "box" as such) they also take your phone number in case there are any difficulties, but they don't give you any indication whether your visa will be granted or not. So, I guess it's possible that they could call you back for a later interview if they have any outstanding queries.

As far as I can see the 'drop box' is a dry run for the planned contracting-out of all visa applications that the Embassy is due to implement soon. Gone will be the days of 'turn up and get the visa the same day' and large hordes inside the Embassy.

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