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Where'S My Cell Phone Credit Going?


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I bought a 12call (AIS) simcard in BKK upon arrival. I loaded 800 baht to it, and now it's at zero... I bought it on Wednesday.. and been in chiang mai since thursday..

Is there roaming charges with them? anything for incoming? I Thought the agent mentioned it would be 1 baht a minute anywhere...

Also they gave me 24 hours of internet, anyone have any idea what that means? how are the hours calculated? I have an iphone and I'm almost finished that as well even though I haven't been browsing for many hours...


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Where have you been calling???

Mistakingly called one contact overseas twice for a minute each time (it was in my pocket...)

otherwise just local calls and cell phones...

Is there roaming if I bought the sim in Bangkok? would incoming ever cost me anything?


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I'm not so worried about the data, I just want to know before I refill, if I should get a local sim or if there's no difference... basically does 12call have roaming charges, meaning if I bought it in Bangkok, do they charge a premium for using it outside of bangkok or for receiving calls?

Thanks again!

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When I first bought my iPhone I had that problem. Was eating up my phone cards like crazy. Had to shut off all push notifications for email, etc. if out of a wi-fi area, as it would automatically use EDGE from 1-2-Call.

No other charges, roaming or otherwise, for anywhere in Thailand as far as I know.

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AIS 1 2 Call has never been able to explain how are the hours calculated, how they are charging the customer...

I went 2 or 3 times to CM office to get explanations why my credit was disapearing very quickly

I shut off all push notifications, shut off all why I could

Even so, credit was going away...

I was told they could not check on their computer how I was charged

I was told that my contract " Internet Lover" was cancelled when it was not

I was still charged for it

In fact, they do not have a proper idea

They just keep saying: " It is a problem with iPhone"

Probably, being the only provider not being able to secure a deal with Apple, AIS relieves their frustrations on customers

AIS sucks, "honest mistake"!!!, they say...

I am using now True to my complete satisfaction

True offers a promotion with unlimited data: really worth

Check on their Website

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Anybody know if you are able to keep your present phone number after changing to a different service. For example, I now have AIS, if I went to a True account could I retain my same phone number?

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If the little 'E' symbol is appearing at the top of your screen, you're being charged for it when using 12call. you can either go into your settings and ditch your internet connection or you can sign up for a monthly plan with 12call. I signed up for the 2g unlimited (I didn't get the 3g because - if i remember correctly - either unlimited was way too much and at that point I was unsure how much internet I was actually using. You can choose different options with the 3g, all depending on usage). I got the 2g unlimited option. the first month costs close to 1000 baht but after that, if you top up in time (they notify you via text) the following months are 650 baht. You should be able to sign up and work it out at any phone shop. Pretty sure that if you switch carriers, you have to change your number.

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Anybody know if you are able to keep your present phone number after changing to a different service. For example, I now have AIS, if I went to a True account could I retain my same phone number?

Easy answer no, Numbers are set to each provider, changing provider means changing number.

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I had problems at first with notifications.

Phone was constantly ringing and flattening my battery.

Got it all sorted and now credit all the time.

All i got to do now is use it all up.

That is going to be the hardest thing to do.

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