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Can Estranged Wife Claim My Car


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Just curious. What if I inherited a decent sum of money from my father while I'm married. Does that money get split at divorce as well? If not, what about purchases made with the money?


Only if you bring the money into Thailand.

Best to keep details of all your finances to yourself, then you don't have problems.

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First thing : STOP USING THE CAR she could go to the police and say that you stole it ....

then explain to her that all the land and house that you pay for can be seized by the state if it is proven that the money comes from you, so if she doesnt want to loose the land and house she'd better let you have the car or better yet sell it to you for 1000 symbolic baht. at the contrary of land, you CAN buy a car in your name in Thailand.

This seems like good advice. I would probably do it myself, if in the same position. But the general rule is the farang get's screwed in such matters. Depends on what the rules were when the house was purchased. The rules seem to change on a monthly basis concerning this.

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Under Thai law unless she has a set of keys, and you can prove payments, you still own the car. Check with the lawyers! The car is yours and you simply 'facilitated the loan" to obtain the car. She does not drive it and if she wanted to make a claim on it she had the opportunity ages ago. Don't back down.


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The contract seems to be in her name, so when the final payment is done the car will be in her name. That you paid for it doesn't mean anything, she can just claim it was a gift from you. On you the burden of proof that the misses agreed to give you the car.

I assume you are still married. If so, all wealth acquired during the marriage needs to be split when you divorce. That includes the (value of) the car.

In isaan I would recommend isaanlwyers, they have a good reputation in family law.

wait a minute.

assuming that he was legally maried with the lady

the car's purchasing contract was signed while they were husband and wife

and it works as for the others family assetts.....

is some way should have been "splitted" at the time of the divorce.... 2 years ago.

Edited by janderton
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Shame to hear from your problems. I see you get good advice already. I would try a good lawyer.

Maybe can make deal with your wife because divorce 50% sounds good.

It is possible to get finance on your car in your name. Same car dealers. I have finance on my car in my name. My girlfriend guarantee for me (with my money)

I only could get 50% finance a thai person up to 70% this is what the toyota dealer said to me.

The finance is true Tisco bank. There are a lot of things for us farnags possible. We need to exchange information better.

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as I feel I will drive it into the Mekong & watch it go to Cambodia before I give it to her

did u ever c the movie "war of the roses" ?

if not , do .

seems errors in judgements may have been made re: marriage , acquiring a car .

but that's DONE . the money's ALREADY gone . what r u gonna do , spend good money after bad on a lawyer (in a country where 99% of judges would never rule for a farang)

i'd think about letting it go .

Edited by jackdawson
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as I feel I will drive it into the Mekong & watch it go to Cambodia before I give it to her

did u ever c the movie "war of the roses" ?

if not , do .

seems errors in judgements may have been made re: marriage , acquiring a car .

but that's DONE . the money's ALREADY gone . what r u gonna do , spend good money after bad on a lawyer (in a country where 99% of judges would never rule for a farang)

i'd think about letting it go .

"Letting it go?????" It is a good thing most people do not listen to your "advice".

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Advice needed by anyone in same situation or been there?

Short version, Married 2004 to T

hai Lady, retired 2006 & moved here, built house, purchased land & then the violence started & she made my life a misery so I left 2 years ago. I purchased a new car from Toyota , paid 215,000 depsit & rest over 4 years,met with my wife some months after I left & she agreed to let me have the car when paid for because it was in her name. 9 payments left & she says she will claim the car because it is in her name but she has not paid one baht towards it. Trouble finding English speakingor Toyota

this. Is a prime example of one of the biggest mistakes made by new oldies in Thailand - Never build a Thai woman a house , especially if she is from a poor background and you are new to Thailand . Rent rent rent rent rent. Wait about five years and then decide. There should be a sticky somewhere - never buy a house or car for a Thai woman from a poor background in her name until you have known her a few years. If building a house is such a big issue dump her.

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For some reason these stories always remind me of this picture. Personally I think the husband was responsible for the engine killer blow in the middle of the bonnet, 1000B well spent.

The best advice is going to, go see a lawyer, with all the paper work and get them to explain the law, the options and most importantly what to do should she report the car stolen and you get arrested. you might find that should she do this, she might be in very deep water

post-65350-088412300 1277453697_thumb.jp

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Just curious. What if I inherited a decent sum of money from my father while I'm married. Does that money get split at divorce as well? If not, what about purchases made with the money?


Only if you bring the money into Thailand.

Best to keep details of all your finances to yourself, then you don't have problems.

No - inherited property and wealth do not count as "marital property", they are personal.

To limit your risks, you should strictly separate that wealth from marital property, for example by keeping that money on a separate bank account.

Even better if the account is abroads.

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Just curious. What if I inherited a decent sum of money from my father while I'm married. Does that money get split at divorce as well? If not, what about purchases made with the money?


Only if you bring the money into Thailand.

Best to keep details of all your finances to yourself, then you don't have problems.

No - inherited property and wealth do not count as "marital property", they are personal.

To limit your risks, you should strictly separate that wealth from marital property, for example by keeping that money on a separate bank account.

Even better if the account is abroads.

Even better - NEVER marry a poor Thai woman - I can't stress this enough - especially an older guy.

I know a 70 year old millionaire who wants to marry a 35 year old woman he met working in a hotel - for Christs sake - throwing money away - i've seen it time and again and want to start warning these guys.

There are women out there with money - just wait and you'll find them.

My father in law has a LOT of money - one of the 20 wealthiest men in the country - when he dies - am I entitled to half? interesting as I come from a poor background. Someone should have given my wife I'm giving all you wealthy farang.

Edited by saraburioz
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The best advice is going to, go see a lawyer, with all the paper work and get them to explain the law, the options and most importantly what to do should she report the car stolen and you get arrested. you might find that should she do this, she might be in very deep water

If they are still legally married he cannot be accused of stealing marital property.

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Many thanks for all the replies,it has kept me busy all weekend. I have gone the legal way & seen a lawyer, he states Toyota will do nothing until 3 payments have been missed then they will be after my wife for payment?? I have all the documents including the copy of the blue book, she does not have the keys & has never made a payment so she can fight me for it. There has been a lot of hits to my problem so I guess a lot of people are in the same boat, what does surprise me is the number of Ex pats who say just give it to her & put it down to experience!! I can get a lot of experience here for 1.2 million baht. It is up to us to take everyone of them to court & the more we do it & win the word will soon get round & the Yak Yak may stop. By the way I'am not a newbie,been coming here since 1986 & what a change in the attitude of the girls, Money Money Money & scew every Farang you can, so Lads start to fight back & maybe The Thai Government will listen ?? Keep you posted on the out come.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Going through the same thing now...the car is so important but the money it represents is more so. Just have to hit the sweet spot.

Th conniving little bitc**s just don't respect anything, it is all primitive asset building with no global logic. Pick up one day...no pick up the next...money one day...gone the next and this is after a 6 year marriage

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Whatever route the OP takes, lawyers, courts, causes criminal damage as revenge or continues to pay, it is going to cost him dear.

I guess everything his wife has, has been bought with the OP`s money. The dream girl, love of his life has been handed everything on a golden platter by the OP. She has nothing to loose by grasping on to all the OP has provided for her.

This has come about because the OP did not take measures to protect himself against break up of relationship or what happens if his wife dies.

The situation is that the wife has everything to gain and the OP has everything to lose.

Bare witness as a warning for anyone else who is considering doing the same.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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That is why we took a mortgage on a house and i did not finance it. Now she pays half and i pay half. Same with the car both payed a share of it and the rest we finance and pay 60/40. So i only loose a lil if we break up. Still if your married you can go to a lawyer and get half of the assets bought during marriage. So just protect yourself a lil bit.

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