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Farang Men Hitting On Farang Women?


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Many of the Farang girls seem unsually hot travelling around the cities of Asia... In my decade off and on in Asia throughout my 20s the main relationships I recall are the half intelligent ones with farang women. There is no denying that many Asian girls are hot yet hot Farang girls are logically a better fit and generally more stimulating intellectually. Someone should start a Poll starting whether they prefer Farang girls over Asian in Thailand.

I think you farang girls will be pleasantly surprised at the result whether you like the advances or not. As many of my mates will not touch an Asian and only date Farangs in a relationship. I personally think that women whom travel are more adventurous and sexy. The boring ones stay home.:lol:

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I think you farang girls will be pleasantly surprised at the result whether you like the advances or not. As many of my mates will not touch an Asian and only date Farangs in a relationship.

Foreign men who pair off with Thai girls are often either weak inadequates or simply at a low ebb in their life.

More often than not, the so-called "Thai wife" or "Thai girlfriend" is little more than a dish cloth or a girl who previously worked in the sex industry. These relationships are invariably flawed and heavily reliant on money or the belief that money will follow.

How often do you see financially independent Thai women with foreign husbands? Almost never. Put another way, how many foreign men would even have the courage to start dating a wealthy Thai girl?

I'm single and would much prefer a foreign woman. Problem is, where do you meet them?

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Foreign men who pair off with Thai girls are often either weak inadequates or simply at a low ebb in their life.

More often than not, the so-called "Thai wife" or "Thai girlfriend" is little more than a dish cloth or a girl who previously worked in the sex industry. These relationships are invariably flawed and heavily reliant on money or the belief that money will follow.

How often do you see financially independent Thai women with foreign husbands? Almost never. Put another way, how many foreign men would even have the courage to start dating a wealthy Thai girl?

I'm single and would much prefer a foreign woman. Problem is, where do you meet them?

I can tell you are just trying to be a big shot here, but do you truly believe that the only acceptable women in Thailand are wealthy, and the rest are dishrags. You are being rather asinine in regards to a great many decent ladies who are Thai. My wife spent her entire life in charity work with orphans, most of the time as a volunteer. What contribution do you bring to the human condition?

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Foreign men who pair off with Thai girls are often either weak inadequates or simply at a low ebb in their life.

More often than not, the so-called "Thai wife" or "Thai girlfriend" is little more than a dish cloth or a girl who previously worked in the sex industry. These relationships are invariably flawed and heavily reliant on money or the belief that money will follow.

How often do you see financially independent Thai women with foreign husbands? Almost never. Put another way, how many foreign men would even have the courage to start dating a wealthy Thai girl?

I'm single and would much prefer a foreign woman. Problem is, where do you meet them?

I can tell you are just trying to be a big shot here, but do you truly believe that the only acceptable women in Thailand are wealthy, and the rest are dishrags. You are being rather asinine in regards to a great many decent ladies who are Thai. My wife spent her entire life in charity work with orphans, most of the time as a volunteer. What contribution do you bring to the human condition?

You ought to learn to read. And you ought to learn to think. Your comments are childish.

Any foreigner who has been in Thailand for a few years will have noticed that the overwhelming majority of foreign men pair off with Thai women who can politely be described as uneducated trash.

Clearly, this does not imply that all Thai women are uneducated trash. It most certainly does not imply that the woman to whom you are married is uneducated trash. Nor does it imply that "the only acceptable women in Thailand are wealthy".

As I said, learn to read. And learn to think.

Edited by andrewbkk
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Hey sbk... why spoil the fun... was enjoying the confrontation. Anyway looks like the thread been taking over by men and the ladies are having very little input or are now uninterested. Lets face it- if you Brad Pitt women will want you no matter where they are from- Farang or Asia. Your looks and assets count greatly- depending on the women one counts more than the other. So it is easy to see out of necessity why many Thai women will pick a very average guy looks wise Vs their perceived beauty.

Yet is this not the world over- just look at Donald Trump, etc. Old haggard men with women most of us can only dream to be with... So status in both Farang and Asian culture (Power & wealth) means something and adds value to you, whether you like it or not. For whatever misguided reason I see many pretty thais think all Farangs are rich- which most are not. They learn this the hard way, after many years of being used for nothing.

So pretty Farang girls- you are in demand and you know it... To the Thai you are unusual, attractive and different... TO the Farang you are independant, hot and an equal. Many times I thought- Dam I should of pursued that Farang relationship other than being a weak man and being seduced by a very pretty Thai. But I am but a mere mortal man. :rolleyes:

Chok Dee.

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Farang male 2 cents:

1) I love the Farang women in Thailand. I find them, almost always, spirited, outgoing, and much more worldly and educated than Thai women. Almost by the very fact that they're in Thailand instead of back home, wherever that might be, it's safe to say they have a spirt of adventure and openmindedness. And almost all Farang men say the same thing, and would add, of Farang women: wow, someone I can talk to. So if I, or we, talk to you and enjoy your company, don't be surprised. Yet ...

2) Please, please, please don't be so egotistical as to interpret every man's greeting, civility and friendliness as "hitting" on you. This is tricky business for both genders; yours isn't much better at interpreting little signals than ours.

3) Don't think that the ThaiVisa Bitters represent most of us. Not at all. Personally, I can't stand the Farang who can't stand the Farang.

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Foreign men who pair off with Thai girls are often either weak inadequates or simply at a low ebb in their life.

More often than not, the so-called "Thai wife" or "Thai girlfriend" is little more than a dish cloth or a girl who previously worked in the sex industry. These relationships are invariably flawed and heavily reliant on money or the belief that money will follow.

How often do you see financially independent Thai women with foreign husbands? Almost never. Put another way, how many foreign men would even have the courage to start dating a wealthy Thai girl?

I'm single and would much prefer a foreign woman. Problem is, where do you meet them?

I can tell you are just trying to be a big shot here, but do you truly believe that the only acceptable women in Thailand are wealthy, and the rest are dishrags. You are being rather asinine in regards to a great many decent ladies who are Thai. My wife spent her entire life in charity work with orphans, most of the time as a volunteer. What contribution do you bring to the human condition?

You ought to learn to read. And you ought to learn to think. Your comments are childish.

Any foreigner who has been in Thailand for a few years will have noticed that the overwhelming majority of foreign men pair off with Thai women who can politely be described as uneducated trash.

Clearly, this does not imply that all Thai women are uneducated trash. It most certainly does not imply that the woman to whom you are married is uneducated trash. Nor does it imply that "the only acceptable women in Thailand are wealthy".

As I said, learn to read. And learn to think.

To call fellow human beings "trash" (hardly a "polite description" btw) merely because they don't have they same type of education as you is hateful and racist. You, for example, probably got a formal education and you turned out meanspirited and bigoted. But this isn't the subforum for it, so I won't respond further.

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Farang male 2 cents:

1) I love the Farang women in Thailand. I find them, almost always, spirited, outgoing, and much more worldly and educated than Thai women. Almost by the very fact that they're in Thailand instead of back home, wherever that might be, it's safe to say they have a spirt of adventure and openmindedness. And almost all Farang men say the same thing, and would add, of Farang women: wow, someone I can talk to. So if I, or we, talk to you and enjoy your company, don't be surprised. Yet ...

2) Please, please, please don't be so egotistical as to interpret every man's greeting, civility and friendliness as "hitting" on you. This is tricky business for both genders; yours isn't much better at interpreting little signals than ours.

3) Don't think that the ThaiVisa Bitters represent most of us. Not at all. Personally, I can't stand the Farang who can't stand the Farang.

Nice answer joe, and one I agree with, I never understand those who must persistently insult people, regardless of where they come from or what gender they have to be.

Anyway, as for the hitting on issue, I am a friendly soul and chat to nearly everyone I meet, so I guess unless its blatant, I don't ever perceive male attention that way (unless, as said, its blatant-- and then it is often kinda tacky, so I make my excuses quickly).

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I've enjoyed, admittedly with some envy, all the stories of folks getting hit up on. I ever only just get hit. SlapintheFace.gif

If any of the sweet ladies on this forum would be so kind as to hit on me I'll leave my number where I can be reached at the front desk. :guitar:

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Sorry to jump in on the Ladies Forum, just saw the thread on the rightside of the main board and got interested.

My perspective is that in the U.S. many times it's very difficult for men to strike up a conversation with a woman as it's then the " are you hitting on me!", sort of attitude, after a while men don't really bother.

Here in Thailand it's all a bit more relaxed, you can say hi to people you don't know without being perceived as a lunatic, many times people are curious about other people male and female "where are you from, what are you doing here, etc." It's all nice no pressure one way or another, no pressure perceived.

Last year when I was in the states I pulled up a chair next to a lady, she was talking with the bartender, when they stopped I said hi, asked if I could buy her a drink, she said no and walked off. I usually do o.k. with women, you know the third eye and a tail usually is intriguing for them ;-), but attitude like that made me look forward to getting back to Thailand. Even if the women here are not interested at least they are polite.....

20+ yrs ago when moved to Singapore I was amazed to find that you could strike up a conversation with a local girl pretty much anywhere... And be answered politely and in a friendly manner.. Something that seemed dificult in the UK and Australia.. There, no matter the situation you were often likely to be met with ''I have a boyfriend'' '' of some such... Maybe girls have to be more defensive in Western countries ? or are just tired of getting 'hit on' In Singapore and elsewhere in Asia (Malaysia, Taiwan, HK etc) I found you were much less likely to be rejected out of hand.. For sure after a few minutes conversation you'd know whether the girl/woman wished to continue chatting etc.. But it did seem that their initial response was a lot less defensive/abrupt. Maybe a cultural thing where if they are approached politely they respond in a similar manner..

I'd sort of expect a brush off if I was drunk, unkempt, loud and in a bar type situation.. But when you are just being polite/friendly because of the situation..ie being seated next to a girl on a plane or adjacent to someone in a queue etc.. You don't really expect such a sudden rebbuttal..

I don't really have a preference for women of any race.. If they fit my physical preference and are bright, friendly and fun I don't care what colour, race etc they are.. I've been lucky enough to have relationships with a very diverse bunch. So if I meet a woman (I'm older now) here I'm happy to chat and be friendly whatever her background... However form my experience I've found farang women are much more liekly to fob you off/reject your approach out of hand than an Asian girl.. So if I happen to meet a farang woman here I'm less likely to say hello or acknowledge her unless she makes the first 'move' Maybe like I said they have to be more defensive or they figure that all farang guys here must be kinky sex tourists ?

I do remember being friends with a bunch of Kiwi nurses in Singapore.. I'd often run into them out at night in Orchard.. They would pi55 and moan constanly about not being able to get a r00t and only being 'hit on' by older Chinese Singaporean guys or Singaporean Indians.. They were very jealous of the local girls and the fact that all the younger Western guys seemed to ignore them..

I'm and equal oppotunity 'employer' and would be just as interested in a smart, cute and independent farang girl as a girlfriend here if I didn't already have a smart, cute and independent Asian one.

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Not that anyone would care, but if I was not married to the only Thai girl I ever dated (still happy 5 years running) I would likely be just as interested in ladies from whatever country if I found them interesting and attractive. In the west I dated many nationalities. I have not noticed that Asia has more to offer than other places. The culture here makes it easier to break the ice though. Guys who have little opportunity elsewhere, definitely get a better chance here.

And then there is the whole pay for play thing that makes guys think they are dating.

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How often do you see financially independent Thai women with foreign husbands? Almost never. Put another way, how many foreign men would even have the courage to start dating a wealthy Thai girl?


I thought of 7 couples I knew of that met this requirtement before I finished reading this post, and have thought of another 10 while waiting for the reply page to load. And yes, the thai ladies are stunningly beautiful too.

This seems it might reflect different social spheres if there are none of the example type couples to be seen that I personally encounter quite often.

Edited for spelling error, and to add:

Poker joe seems to have hit the nail on the head as sbk notes

Tippaporn: you sound so sweet there, if I wasn't crazily in love with my crazy fella I would blow you a big kiss from across the ocean right now :wub:

Another wonderfully good read of a thread for the most part - very interesting again, yay!

Edited by redfish44
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  • 3 weeks later...

Tippaporn: you sound so sweet there, if I wasn't crazily in love with my crazy fella I would blow you a big kiss from across the ocean right now :wub:

Oi, I GOT A HIT, I GOT A HIT!!!!! And it feels wonderful . . . it does!! But I didn't see it 'till now. :( Redfish, are you still there? Is it really true you have a crazy fella? What if you ran into a crazier fella?? :crazy:

Mods, what in heaven's name is wrong with this site? Why haven't I been notified of this immediately?? Was there no one who could text my mobile?? I don't believe!!! :o

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I think that the Op needs to remember that their are many foreign men here that are simply not that attracted to Thai women. They are physically more attracted to western women. They choose to live here because they love living in the country, not for the local ladies. Seems perfectly normal to me.

i live here becoz i like the country, it has so much to offer. thia girls not counted as plus:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Everythng you got down is true, i live study and play soccer in lampang, i visit chiangma alot and i love it, i ike the raggae bar areas and stuffs, dam_n!!!!! many cute western women, anyways im into anyy kind of women, I can speak good thai, write and read some, but sometimes i feel so lazy speaking, most of the thais here can't speak english, also tired of doing translation all the time..lol...I'd come out straight, I love FARANG western, not for the skin or whatever, just love them and thats it.. probably cos am cute sexy african...post-113894-090266000 1284520233_thumb.j

Im under the impression that many Thai guys think farang girls are out of the equation. Reasons such as concerned about language barrier (usually Thai guys that can speak English are more forward. Or, when they realise you can speak Thai feel more comfortable). Some guys are just a bit intimidated to make that first move. Some maybe think the farang girl wouldnt be interested in them or that they have a bf already.

As for your question about Farang guys hitting on me. Yes, it happens. I dont go out so much (clubs etc) and keep myself to myself, but even then it happens. More so when i go to Bangkok actually. Dunno what it is about Bangkok, maybe the guys are more forward?? Ive been asked out even whilst just hanging about, such as at the BTS. Guys around my own age in CM show interest. Especially guys who are here on vacation and assume i probably am too.

But both Thai and Farang are usually more forward at night..which is normal i guess..cuz a few drinks gives people confidence. Had a weird one happen at night when a guy kept shouting out his car window asking me to please stop and help. It was in a crowded street area so i slowed down, only for him to say to me that he just would like to ask me out sometime!! This was from a Thai guy.

I think that many farang guys come here and are drawn to Thai/Asian women..but there are many guys are interested in any and all women they find attractive regardless of their ethnicity. Bangkok likely has a lot more guys who are into any women as long as they find them interesting and/or attractive. Regular guys without bizarre hang-ups about western women. :giggle:

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Your smart

I think that the Op needs to remember that their are many foreign men here that are simply not that attracted to Thai women. They are physically more attracted to western women. They choose to live here because they love living in the country, not for the local ladies. Seems perfectly normal to me.

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I'm 26 and I live in Bangkok..

The guys could be anywhere between 19-40 it is really random age groups lol..

No, I don't mind it at all, I just felt a little curious because I've been told so many times it wouldn't be happening to me here haha and the fact that it didn't happen when i lived in the US just made me feel even more curious...

its your money honey

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Ohhhh, farang guys that are hitting on farang women here are doing it for the money..? dam_n, i had no idea.

...But somehow i have this niggling feeling that im not the one who has been clueless this time...

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I'm a 29 year old farang guy. I live in Pattaya and finding any young farang women here(except ruskies who never smile btw) is almost impossible. nothing but old retired sexpats around here and of course me.

I've never had any relationships with any farang women because I couldn't afford any when I lived in the west. $200 was a bit steep to me for a rental, so I booked a flight to Bangkok to get that.:thumbsup:

no offense to farang women. I just didn't have a lot of money when I was in my 20's. now that I have a business going, I have some real dosh to spend. so maybe one of you farang girls might get hit up by me one of these days. :giggle::w00t:

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The whole point of dating falang women is that they DONT CARE if you are rich or poor, they actually love you for you and not your money... so no idea what you are talking about. If you are in Thailand and worried about presenting your money so much then stick to Asian hunters that are more interested in your pocket book then your face or personality.

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Well, now we know why he couldn't find a farang girl if he thinks they are all for sale. and living in Pattaya he won't ever learn that there are millions of Thai women who aren't for sale either. Kind of a sad place to be really, but I guess he will figure out someday that its nice to be loved for the person you are than what you money you think you have to offer. Or maybe not and he will go through life with his rather warped sense of reality.

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I do however draw the line at AGE; I have abso-tively posi-lutely NOTHING in common with a 20 something y/o female of ANY nationality!

Wow. I feel completely different. I have something in common with everyone on the planet, and I enjoy (sometimes more and sometimes less so) the opportunity to talk to new people--to see their perspective and attitudes.

It's an interesting thread.

Edited to add:

The whole point of dating falang women is that they DONT CARE if you are rich or poor, they actually love you for you and not your money...

I guess you're saying that western women are *less likely* to care about money, but I think even that is debatable.

Well, now we know why he couldn't find a farang girl if he thinks they are all for sale. and living in Pattaya he won't ever learn that there are millions of Thai women who aren't for sale either. Kind of a sad place to be really,...

It may come as a surprise, but the vast majority of women in Pattaya are not for sale.

Edited by Jimmyd
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I'm 26 and I live in Bangkok..

The guys could be anywhere between 19-40 it is really random age groups lol..

No, I don't mind it at all, I just felt a little curious because I've been told so many times it wouldn't be happening to me here haha and the fact that it didn't happen when i lived in the US just made me feel even more curious...

its your money honey

It's my honey-money


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