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Aids Etc


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if you meet a girl that you like, maybe at a bar, and you want to to take her travelling with you...what is the way of getting her checked out for any transmittable diseases without being offensive.

it would be good to clarify the situation and maybe not use a condom.

i ask this question with respect.


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"if you meet a girl that you like...and you want to to take her travelling with you"

I guess "traveling with you" is another euphemism for "hooking up". Clarifying the situation, always use a condom. Always.

"...what is the way of getting her checked out for any transmittable diseases without being offensive."

Unless you prefer the "Hey, look over there. It's Johnny Depp!", and then conking her on the head and dragging her to a doctor, you should bring up the subject unambiguously, directly, and face-to-face.

"Have you ever had an STD? I'd like us to go have ourselves checked by a doctor before we initiate an intimate relationship." If you get get upset about asking the question, or she get upset with you asking it, it's a good sign you should find someone else.

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The scenario is, you are going to say (one way or another) to a Thai bar-girl: Since you might well have a life-threatening disease

contracted by sleeping with many men without protection, I want you to go through a stressful medical investigation to find out if

you are clean enough for me to enjoy without protection - oh, and if you haven't already, go on the Pill so you don't get pregnant.

How soon after you meet your ideal travelling companion do you fancy your chances of a smooth outcome to this potentially

catastrophic approach ? Good luck though - but why oh why do nearly all guys horizons for meeting a Thai girl stop at 'A Bar',

when there are thousands and thousands of beautiful, educated, fun-loving girls in shops, offices, you-name-it - many of whom

are far too discriminating ever to go into 'A Bar', even as a customer. Spread the net !

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great answers so far, guys.

i agree with what you say, crazy pauly...i've been all over thailand half a dozen times over the last few years as a traveller and only once hooked up with a B girl which wasn't very inspiring....can't seem to get my head around the concept?!

i'd love to get involved with a funloving, educated Thai lady and look after them whilst glidin' around the LOS...but when you're only in the country for around a month how is that ever likely to happen?

any thoughts ?

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Hiccup and think this through again , even those educated fun loving ladies are prone to STDs , as are all of you healthy studs , any lady I spent 'Steady 'time with went for testing at a clinic , it took a simple " How about we both go to the clinic for blood tests " . The minumum is both HIV and HEPPATITUS B , both of which are too prevalent in Thailand to dimiss lightly , asians live with the B but you cannot .

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Any hospital will do a HIV test for about 400bht each, relatively painless blood test, results within 2 hours.

"I really like you and want to move in, we go for HIV test first"

I've done it twice, never a protest from the girl, they want to know you are OK too.


Didn't matter where I met the girl or what sort of girl I thought she was, this is Thailand

Edited by sarahsbloke
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My experience is that the tests are 500-650.

IMPORTANT: THE TEST WILL NOT SHOW INFECTION UP TO THE LAST 90 (possibly 60) days. A bar girl has slept with DOZENS of men in the last 90 days.

The notion of you having sex with a Thai prostitute without condom is shocking. You really need to rethink that. I now have a gf of six months. DEF not a sex worker. She has though had sex w/o a condom with her former Thai boyfriends (last about >2yrs ago). We have both had tests ( when I was a player, I used to test every 4 mos). I have had multiple tests in last 2 yrs and 100% pos I am not infected. She is pretty much sexually inactive last few yrs so for me, one is ok and we have been monogamous for last six months. ONLY NOW does the condom come off.

Then as other have mentioned - do you have a hepB vaccine? what about all the other strains? Were you aware that Gonorrhea is many cases is now vitually incurable? Then there are warts (common) and HSV2. Chlamydia is a disease so many girls carry around that you are virtually guaranteed of getting it and this can be transmitted by a blowjob sans condom.

The girls, never test. NEVER. She may not even want to or not show last minute.

Really bad, bad idea.HIV is rife out here, no one talks about it. I'd put my estimate at about 15-20% of active working girls.

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The last poster is correct re a negative HIV test not ruling out early infection.

There are TV members who acquired HIV in Thailand exactly by relying on a negative test result and dispensing with condoms once they knew the girl well. Do not do this.

There is no way around it: condoms.

Should also get vaccinated for Hep B, for sure.

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i s'pose i had this fantasy about meeting a nice lady...aaah, forget it...you guys have woken me up to reality....guess i knew it anyway but the condom is like getting jiggy with a packet of potato chips when it comes to feeling so???

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It's worth noting that HIV isn't restricted to sex workers.

I was discussing this with a member of the medical profession last week. This person compiles data on HIV and works in association with HIV/AIDS researchers.

They pointed out one village we drove through. This village has a higher than average amount of HIV believed to be transmitted by members of the community that refuse to practice safe sex.

The situation in that village is so bad the local temple has placed a notice stating they won't perform cremations for any villager that died from AIDS until the villagers accept there is a problem and start working with the authorities to reduce transmission.

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My experience is that the tests are 500-650.

IMPORTANT: THE TEST WILL NOT SHOW INFECTION UP TO THE LAST 90 (possibly 60) days. A bar girl has slept with DOZENS of men in the last 90 days.

Chiang Mai RAM 400bht, results in 2 hours

90 day is old news, now it's 95 percent certain after 21 days.

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That would depend wholly on the type of test.

What test currently on the market will give you a 95% result in 21 days? Who wants a 95% assurance? Even Orasure will give you 98% but is not available to my knowledge in Thailand for whatever stupid reason.

I'm asking, not necc deriding you. I think that is PCRDNA and that is to my knowledge not available in Thailand. Further, even Western Blot is not widely used. I think Pattaya only got it last year and does not always use this method. It falls back on GPA Screening Method - whatever that is and Microparticle Enzyme Immune something or other...

Every nurse I have tested with asked me to come back - in 90 days with a smile. Thanks for checking.

Edited by bangkokburning
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PCR is available in Thailand in a few of the larger hospitals but is quite costly and not generally indicated. However I do know of people who, in order to gain peace of mind after a high risk expsosure, got one.

The rapid tests in wide use are followed by a Western Blot in cases where the initial test resuklt was positive; that is standard protocol as the rapid tests do yield occasional false positives. It is also why you have to wait hours (or depending on the clinic, even a day or two) for your results. The initial test involves a simple test strip and results are instantaneous but they have people come back later in case they have to do a Western Blot to confirm the initial result.

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What a romantic OP is!

It's not an easy subject though, and my contribution is to ask whether you shouldn't get her checked for any number of serious communicable diseases, eg TB, as there is possibly a greater chance of contracting these as there is of HIV, Hep B. I mean why single out the sexually transmitted diseases?

And while we're about it! presumably you'll be undergoing these tests too!

I'm not sure the HIV test would be indicative anyway, because there is a 90 day detection window.

I never met anyone who contracted HIV in Thailand, but there again I never met anyone who got bird flu either.

Best advice is just to wrap up surely! Not nice I know, but I'm sure the great sense of fidelity, integrity and commitment you are bringing to this wonderful relationship will ensure a thrilling sensuous experience.

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My experience is that the tests are 500-650.

IMPORTANT: THE TEST WILL NOT SHOW INFECTION UP TO THE LAST 90 (possibly 60) days. A bar girl has slept with DOZENS of men in the last 90 days.

The notion of you having sex with a Thai prostitute without condom is shocking. You really need to rethink that. I now have a gf of six months. DEF not a sex worker. She has though had sex w/o a condom with her former Thai boyfriends (last about >2yrs ago). We have both had tests ( when I was a player, I used to test every 4 mos). I have had multiple tests in last 2 yrs and 100% pos I am not infected. She is pretty much sexually inactive last few yrs so for me, one is ok and we have been monogamous for last six months. ONLY NOW does the condom come off.

Then as other have mentioned - do you have a hepB vaccine? what about all the other strains? Were you aware that Gonorrhea is many cases is now vitually incurable? Then there are warts (common) and HSV2. Chlamydia is a disease so many girls carry around that you are virtually guaranteed of getting it and this can be transmitted by a blowjob sans condom.

The girls, never test. NEVER. She may not even want to or not show last minute.

Really bad, bad idea.HIV is rife out here, no one talks about it. I'd put my estimate at about 15-20% of active working girls.

I agree with the 90 day window, but catching clymydia off a BJ is scaremongering.

What's with the whole Gonorrhea being incurable thing?

Have antibiotics suddenly failed all of a sudden?

You speak some sense but are going off at the deep end I think on the other things.

Edited by JimsKnight
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