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First Aid Course


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As some one who's ThaiVisa reputation remained on the minimum possible for years under the old system let me assure you that being recognised as a prick eventually brings a sense of achievement.

Like it or not, I'm giving you a bump under the new system. :D

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Your just too far ahead of us VF. First you try to get more activity from the silent majority which you seem to be doing quite well on, and now you expect us to start looking at our own profile pages for brownie points. Whats the point anyway, you just know your going to take those hard earned points off us later anyway :whistling:

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Your just too far ahead of us VF. First you try to get more activity from the silent majority which you seem to be doing quite well on, and now you expect us to start looking at our own profile pages for brownie points. Whats the point anyway, you just know your going to take those hard earned points off us later anyway :whistling:

That is the beauty of the new system. You can only give. You can't take away. The star system was used to beat people up by voting them down. With the reputation system you can only go up. Of course if I ever figure out how to chop someone off at the knees, I'll keep that information to myself. ;)

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banter is great but but please take into consideration your answer as it may offend,in dingdongs case i dont think giving his kid a beer or or a massage would have been much help.

Interesting how it is always considered okay by some to use censored profanity "****" when responding to perceived slights. Not sure how "****" can be considered banter, inoffensive or considerate. Of course no one was suggesting giving beer to or massaging children because of course no one knew we were talking about children. And who's fault is that?

Well well well,thats rattled a few chains from varios parties,but i have to say im not suprised,lets have a dual at dawn chaps,make ready!tally ho,well whatever lifts ya skirt,rings ya bell,turns ya light on or whatever makes you happy,you can all stay in that little niche of yours what you call(world),its very sad and boering and far from reality,and if you think answering a ? with a ? (who's fault is that)is good procedure then your like most politicians who have for decades got us in the shit were in now,you could have asked!the original poster to elaborate rather than give such a stupid answer.

Very strong words (censored perceived slights inoffensive),my favorite one is (profanity),this word means obscene i dont think i was being,but if i was then ive read my previous post/reply wrong,please dont use words that are for the intellects as im a bit thick,ya know,say red backwards kinda thing,dont know if your fimiliar with (cock hook and look) but if your not it means look before you leap,sorry but you didn't and that could result in deaths (where im from anyway).

I dont go off on one so often these days (mellow) now,and its just my way of giving a little back to what i have been given,no offence intended to anyone,now thats of my chest,gonna have coldie,beer beverage tinny lube bevy hair of the dog,whatever,have a canny day bonnie lads,by the way yes im an old fart that was down the pit at 15,then joined up,and did 23 in the mob (army) so if there is any true blues out there good luck god bless ya.

Cheers Wora.

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For those who don't know. Profanity and pornography are very different words.;)

profanity |prəˈfanətē; prō-|

noun ( pl. -ties)

blasphemous or obscene language : an outburst of profanity.

• a swear word; an oath.

• irreligious or irreverent behavior.




1 he hissed a profanity | an outburst of profanity: oath, swear word, expletive, curse, obscenity, four-letter word, dirty word; blasphemy, swearing, foul language, bad language, cursing; informal cuss, cuss word; formal imprecation; archaic execration.

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I'm confused VF. Who mentioned Pornography ?

Anyway, Woralak. You haven't been given anything realy. Its all relative, you should see what goes on on other forums, this is tame and harmless in comparison. You have to go in with guns blazing, attack is the best form of defence as you should know. Nothing wrong getting things off your chest either, especially if you worked down't Pit. Which Pit and which country ?

And how about a bevvie in Chiang Khong sometime. I'm only 20 kms away on occasion.

Edited by jubby
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I'm confused VF. Who mentioned Pornography ?

If someone thinks profanity means 'obscene' then it is a safe guess that they have mistaken one word for another. That is of course giving them the benefit of the doubt, that they know the difference. ;)

I was going to suggest the the two of you might hit it off. :D

obscene |əbˈsēn|


(of the portrayal or description of sexual matters) offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency

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Wow, VF, now your really one step ahead of us. Its scary , very scary :rolleyes:

Yeah, maybe we will hit it off. You've probably met him also, analysed him and made your conclusions.

I won't be doing that, I'm not looking to befriend him or give him my business card or assault his personal space in Big C, or anything. :rolleyes:

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Wow, VF, now your really one step ahead of us. Its scary , very scary :rolleyes:

Yeah, maybe we will hit it off.

We seem to be locked in some kind of epic struggle, jubby. Me lifting up in one direction, with you dragging down in the opposite. As we pull and rip at the seams of the forum, perhaps we will have the complimentary, even synergistic effect of broadening the overall scope, content and membership here. Higher highs and lower lows. A win win for all. ;)

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Wow, VF, now your really one step ahead of us. Its scary , very scary :rolleyes:

Yeah, maybe we will hit it off.

We seem to be locked in some kind of epic struggle, jubby. Me lifting up in one direction, with you dragging down in the opposite. As we pull and rip at the seams of the forum, perhaps we will have the complimentary, even synergistic effect of broadening the overall scope, content and membership here. Higher highs and lower lows. A win win for all. ;)

Talking of Win Win for all. Did you get those drugs by prescription or are they available to all and sundry ;-)

No its just Sarcasm on my part VF, nothing epic about it. probably gets a couple of laughs but that about all. You keep on lifting though. Now that could be queue for another song but I'll spare everyone. ran out of John Denver tracks anyway.

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Wow, VF, now your really one step ahead of us. Its scary , very scary :rolleyes:

Yeah, maybe we will hit it off.

We seem to be locked in some kind of epic struggle, jubby. Me lifting up in one direction, with you dragging down in the opposite. As we pull and rip at the seams of the forum, perhaps we will have the complimentary, even synergistic effect of broadening the overall scope, content and membership here. Higher highs and lower lows. A win win for all. ;)

Talking of Win Win for all. Did you get those drugs by prescription or are they available to all and sundry ;-)

No its just Sarcasm on my part VF, nothing epic about it. probably gets a couple of laughs but that about all. You keep on lifting though. Now that could be queue for another song but I'll spare everyone. ran out of John Denver tracks anyway.

Sounds more like a Bette Middler song than a John Denver.

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Back on topic, there is another way to approach this subject. Instead of trying to become a paramedic, one could devise an action plan for many common scenarios.

Think in terms of deep lacerations, severed digits, electrocution, dog bites, snake bites, eating bad mushrooms or getting into a bad batch of homemade rotgut. These are things that happen all the time and knowing who to contact, where to go and how to get there quickly could be very important.

Think about what could go wrong with you, your family or your neighbors. Then make preparations for what you would do. You are more apt to encounter blood, broken bones or poison than a need for CPR. Thinking about it in advance will save a lot of valuable time in the advent of an emergency. If you can't do it yourself, know where to go and the quickest way there.

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We see you lurking at the bottom of the page, halfhead. Don't be shy, just jump in at any time. You know you want to. ;) No curse words or personal insults will be forthcoming from this quarter. Not my style. :)

That made me laugh,I am lurking.

I will admit the post was a little lacking in info but sometimes I like to keep things short and sweet.

Now that this thread has drifted from the topic I suppose now could be a good time to say hello to

all in here living in Chiang Rai.Im actually glad this thread has got a little bit of attention either way

because it might highlight the danger of a child choking,and I wouldnt like anyone to have to go

through what I had to,it was my biggest nightmare with the baby come true.

Thanks to all for the concern shown and for the First Aid related information.

Cheers all

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We see you lurking at the bottom of the page, halfhead. Don't be shy, just jump in at any time. You know you want to. ;) No curse words or personal insults will be forthcoming from this quarter. Not my style. :)

That made me laugh,I am lurking.

I will admit the post was a little lacking in info but sometimes I like to keep things short and sweet.

Now that this thread has drifted from the topic I suppose now could be a good time to say hello to

all in here living in Chiang Rai.Im actually glad this thread has got a little bit of attention either way

because it might highlight the danger of a child choking,and I wouldnt like anyone to have to go

through what I had to,it was my biggest nightmare with the baby come true.

Thanks to all for the concern shown and for the First Aid related information.

Cheers all

Really good to hear from you and we hope you keep on contributing. I have met several guy with infants and small children so I'm pretty sure there is an audience for your insights and experiences of raising a child in the Rai. Just try to be a little more wordy. You don't need to replicate the efforts kandahar or yours truly but a few more words would help. ;)

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We see you lurking at the bottom of the page, halfhead. Don't be shy, just jump in at any time. You know you want to. ;) No curse words or personal insults will be forthcoming from this quarter. Not my style. :)

That made me laugh,I am lurking.

I will admit the post was a little lacking in info but sometimes I like to keep things short and sweet.

Now that this thread has drifted from the topic I suppose now could be a good time to say hello to

all in here living in Chiang Rai.Im actually glad this thread has got a little bit of attention either way

because it might highlight the danger of a child choking,and I wouldnt like anyone to have to go

through what I had to,it was my biggest nightmare with the baby come true.

Thanks to all for the concern shown and for the First Aid related information.

Cheers all

Most first aid courses in Australia are run by the ambulance service, (As a ploy to get volunteers), so get your Mrs to ring the local station and ask them. There's a good chance that they know where the courses are run if they don't offer them themselves.

I'm glad you didn't take offence at some of the comments, but then with so many people eager to take it for you I could see why you wouldn't be bothered. B)

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I'm confused VF. Who mentioned Pornography ?

Anyway, Woralak. You haven't been given anything realy. Its all relative, you should see what goes on on other forums, this is tame and harmless in comparison. You have to go in with guns blazing, attack is the best form of defence as you should know. Nothing wrong getting things off your chest either, especially if you worked down't Pit. Which Pit and which country ?

And how about a bevvie in Chiang Khong sometime. I'm only 20 kms away on occasion.

Well after your fair and just comments how can i refuse,sure you can call in for bevvie if your in this neck of the woods same goes for any of the members (even VF),just call (0871833368) when/if you fancy some lite refreshment.

We can chew some fat swing the light shades,and pull up a sand bag and talk about the good old days (if your old enough),i was at Ashington colliery (Bothal Pit) from 1962 till 1965 but then i saw the light (excuse the pun) but we didn't get to see the light much,so i joined up,im from Ashington 15mls n/east of Newcastle England and yes im a (Geordie) and proud of it.

Ok so now you know,feel free the doors open.

Cheers Geordie.

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I'm confused VF. Who mentioned Pornography ?

Anyway, Woralak. You haven't been given anything realy. Its all relative, you should see what goes on on other forums, this is tame and harmless in comparison. You have to go in with guns blazing, attack is the best form of defence as you should know. Nothing wrong getting things off your chest either, especially if you worked down't Pit. Which Pit and which country ?

And how about a bevvie in Chiang Khong sometime. I'm only 20 kms away on occasion.

Well after your fair and just comments how can i refuse,sure you can call in for bevvie if your in this neck of the woods same goes for any of the members (even VF),just call (0871833368) when/if you fancy some lite refreshment.

We can chew some fat swing the light shades,and pull up a sand bag and talk about the good old days (if your old enough),i was at Ashington colliery (Bothal Pit) from 1962 till 1965 but then i saw the light (excuse the pun) but we didn't get to see the light much,so i joined up,im from Ashington 15mls n/east of Newcastle England and yes im a (Geordie) and proud of it.

Ok so now you know,feel free the doors open.

Cheers Geordie.

Luckily I wasn't Old enough for the Pit experience, but I am from a small mining Village. They had already started winding them down, and anyway, you had to know someone those days to get that Job in the Dark. Maggie said get on your Bike and I did. Didn't Join up either, But thought about it. Did 18 months in Royal Marine Reserve but that probably doesn't count. What Pongo regiment was you in B)

I'll give you a Call sometime :D

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I think biff deserves a boost in reputation as well. Done, you are now at one. :D

As some one who's ThaiVisa reputation remained on the minimum possible for years under the old system let me assure you that being recognised as a prick eventually brings a sense of achievement.

thanks :) now I feel all warm and fluffy :lol: how many boosts do i need before the TV system announces to all and sundry that I'm a fully fledged prick? I need to feel that sense of achievement :lol:

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Back on topic, there is another way to approach this subject. Instead of trying to become a paramedic, one could devise an action plan for many common scenarios.

Think in terms of deep lacerations, severed digits, electrocution, dog bites, snake bites, eating bad mushrooms or getting into a bad batch of homemade rotgut. These are things that happen all the time and knowing who to contact, where to go and how to get there quickly could be very important.

Think about what could go wrong with you, your family or your neighbors. Then make preparations for what you would do. You are more apt to encounter blood, broken bones or poison than a need for CPR. Thinking about it in advance will save a lot of valuable time in the advent of an emergency. If you can't do it yourself, know where to go and the quickest way there.

spot on, it's planning what you will do in advance that avoids panic.

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im from Ashington 15mls n/east of Newcastle England and yes im a (Geordie) and proud of it.

That explains a lot, me Mum's a Geordie and she's never bloody wrong either. :lol:

Well all ave gotta say is ya from good stock,bonnie lad.

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52 replies to the topic, must be a record.

Pity that only 4or 5 have any relevance to the original post.

Definitly seems that the replies are the problem not the poster.

You're beating a dead horse here. Time to move on, everyone else has, including the OP. :P

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I'm confused VF. Who mentioned Pornography ?

Anyway, Woralak. You haven't been given anything realy. Its all relative, you should see what goes on on other forums, this is tame and harmless in comparison. You have to go in with guns blazing, attack is the best form of defence as you should know. Nothing wrong getting things off your chest either, especially if you worked down't Pit. Which Pit and which country ?

And how about a bevvie in Chiang Khong sometime. I'm only 20 kms away on occasion.

Well after your fair and just comments how can i refuse,sure you can call in for bevvie if your in this neck of the woods same goes for any of the members (even VF),just call (0871833368) when/if you fancy some lite refreshment.

We can chew some fat swing the light shades,and pull up a sand bag and talk about the good old days (if your old enough),i was at Ashington colliery (Bothal Pit) from 1962 till 1965 but then i saw the light (excuse the pun) but we didn't get to see the light much,so i joined up,im from Ashington 15mls n/east of Newcastle England and yes im a (Geordie) and proud of it.

Ok so now you know,feel free the doors open.

Cheers Geordie.

Luckily I wasn't Old enough for the Pit experience, but I am from a small mining Village. They had already started winding them down, and anyway, you had to know someone those days to get that Job in the Dark. Maggie said get on your Bike and I did. Didn't Join up either, But thought about it. Did 18 months in Royal Marine Reserve but that probably doesn't count. What Pongo regiment was you in B)

I'll give you a Call sometime :D

Now then Jubbs,your gonna have to wait for that answer,keep you in suspenders for a while.:whistling:

Edited by woralak
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52 replies to the topic, must be a record.

Pity that only 4or 5 have any relevance to the original post.

Definitly seems that the replies are the problem not the poster.

You're beating a dead horse here. Time to move on, everyone else has, including the OP. :P

Maybe so, but with attitudes like yours how can this forum possibly interest any newbie in posting here.

I agree though, time to move on and talk about ................................beer.

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52 replies to the topic, must be a record.

Pity that only 4or 5 have any relevance to the original post.

Definitly seems that the replies are the problem not the poster.

You're beating a dead horse here. Time to move on, everyone else has, including the OP. :P

Maybe so, but with attitudes like yours how can this forum possibly interest any newbie in posting here.

I agree though, time to move on and talk about ................................beer.

personally, I find the opposite to be true. I found this forum to be very welcoming and helpful.

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personally, I find the opposite to be true. I found this forum to be very welcoming and helpful.

Me, too. (Whooops, broke an old message board rule :whistling: )

Anyway, kudos to the OP who managed a frightening event with success and that getting through another may require better preparation, just as VF outlined.

First thing I will do when I set down in Thailand semi-permanently this autumn is to line up info on the nearest and best hospitals for emergencies, how to get there, go through registration and find out who to see. That will actually require visiting the places for research purposes, long before I really need to go there, and ask around -- which I've already done in a small part of Bangkok and I do need to do more. Just makes sense.

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