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Unable To Contact My Son


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OK - i am ready to be flamed, ready for the negative remarks & jibes. Still, here I go.

To cut a long story short I was young & stupid, met a girl there, fell in love. She lived with me for a few years, we had a son (Matthew) and then everything went to custard.

She got custody - of course with me being the 'farang' and I left Thailand, although I do return at least once a year.

I have kept up payments for child support as agreed in our divorce. I try to call him every week but recently the 'ex' has become incresingly unstable. She is still getting money but she seems to have either changed her mobile number or ... well I don't know.

Edited by cdnvic
removed identifying information
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While we don't allow missing persons threads without admin approval, I've allowed this one to stay open in order for people to advise the poster in general about dealing with custody and visitation issues. Identifying info and addresses have been removed.

This is a serious subject, lets keep it polite and helpful.

Thank you.

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Thank you. Seriously.

All I have is a mobile phone number and now this seems to be disconnected.

He's a great kid, full of laughs & smiles no matter what the world throws at him.

I was just hoping someone, expat, retiree etc. might know the area and be able to confirm at least that he is ok.

It is NOT a missing person. I just miss him.

& it's hard after 4 years of giving support to be suddenly cut off like this.

Thanks ThaiVisa


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If you cannot get a hold of her to talk to your son, where are you sending the payments?

Maybe if you withheld the payment until she let you talk to your son you would hear from her?

yep, deffo a good idea this one. she will soon start calling when there is no money coming in

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As this is no longer a Pattaya related subject may be there would be another forum that would be better for advice?

I assume by your original post that the divorce took place in Thailand and therefore would be subject to Thai law?

Please do not think because this is Thailand is the reason you do not have custody, in most countries it is common for the mother to normally get custody.

With holding money, you really need to get professional advice on this one, on your next visit you do not want problems at the airport because your name has been flagged.

Wish you well and hope you get it sorted.

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His name flagged or not at the airport he has no idea the whereabouts of his child or whatever the circumstances. Witholding payments is a good idea to flush the other party out,but needs proof the child is alive and kicking,keep a log of any efforts you have made to make contact to show the authorities if they do indeed take any action.Good luck anyhow.

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