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As usual these days I am sitting around wasting a Sunday morning and I thought why do people consider that TV memebers are whingers?

So I had a look through one of my books and come up with the following quotations which may help explain the situation.

Everybody thinks of others as being excessively human, with all the frailties and crotchets appertaining to that curious condition. But each of us also seems to regard himself as existing on a detached plane of observation, exempt (save in moments of vivid crisis) from the strange whims of humanity en masse.

Christopher Morley - Pipefuls

We should have no regrets. We should never look back. The past is finished. There is nothing to be gained by going over it. What ever it gave us was something we had to know.

Rebecca Beard - Everyman's Search

The average man finds life very uninteresting as it is. And I think I know why…is that he is always waiting for something to happen to him instead of setting to work to make things happen.

Alan Alexander Milne - If I May: The Future

There is no position in the world more wearisome that that of a man inwardly indifferent to the amusement in which he is trying to take part.

Phillip G. Hamerton - The Intellectual Life.

I live from one tentative conclusion to the next, thinking each one is final. The only thing I know for sure is that I am confused.

Hugh Prather - Note to Myself

People often complain of their environment: it is dull, colourless, or even hostile; and it never occurs to them to enliven it or rectify it rather than just endure it. A lamp doesn't complain because it must shine at night.

Antonin G. Sertillanges - Rectitude

No sooner do we take a step out of our customary routine than a strange world surges about us.

J.B. Priestley - All About Ourselves and Other Essays

Establishing the Boundaries for Success

There is something that I Don't know

That I am supposed to know

I don't know what it is that I don't know,

And yet am supposed to know,

And I feel I look stupid

If I seem not to know it;

And not know what it is I don't know

Therefore I pretend I know it.

This is nerve wracking

Since I don't know what I must pretend to know.

Therefore I pretend to know everything.

I feel you know what I am supposed to know

But you can't tell me what it is

Because you don't know that I don't know what it is.

R.D. Laing - Knots

feel free (as I'm sure you will) to help enlighten me with your thoughts or other quotations

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My thought for the day is that this isn't Thailand connected.

Since it could prove interesting (or not), I'll move it to the Pub.


I wasn't aware that we had pigeon holes for different topics as I normally only browse through the "General Topics", Farming and Isaan forums I just stuck it there. Maybe we need a forum called "The Bulls Dunny"

Anyway I just want to say thanks as this quote from my post over in farming says it all in this case.

No sooner do we take a step out of our customary routine than a strange world surges about us.

J.B. Priestley - All About Ourselves and Other Essays

So when you moved it I was taken or forced to step outside my normal routine and as a consequence spent hours reading stuff in the pub.

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The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.

- Humphrey Bogart

Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it is to dark to read.

- Groucho Marx

Anybody who can't spell a word more than one way is an idiot.

- W.C. Fields

Indecision may or may not be my problem.

- Jimmy Buffet

Some weasel stole the cork out of my lunch.

- W.C. Fields

Edited by Kickstand
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