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Selling Queue Numbers At Vientiane Thai Consulate

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I'm not a crusader either but I refuse pay these touts also. I believe in integrity and fair play and was lampooned when I posted my experience of not paying 500 baht to a tout @ Poipet to jump the queue and get my passport stamped ahead of all the other people who were queueing patiently.....

Integrity and fair play in this part of the world or on this form? :cheesy:

Fair Comment.

I forgot to add to my original post that while I disagree with paying touts, I wouldn't try to convert those who do......

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Some people have no respect for self and others.

It's a shame to see, especially from westerners. :(

Saving time IS having respect for self. I respect myself so much that I pay a guy 500 baht to take me straight up the window no matter how many hundreds are waiting. I don't even need a ticket. I arrive at the border at 9am and less than an hour later I'm having a massage at my hotel, application already accomplished.

You like to do it the tough way, that's your choice, but you're never going to stop people from paying for convenience. Like you, I used to do it the tough way until I learned there are better ways.

If it upsets you that you have to wait longer because people buy tickets, take it up with the Embassy staff. Only they have the power to stop it. There's nothing to achieve by whinging about it here except that you may improve ticket sales.

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Why you need to buy a number,if you don't buy you move 60 places to the front anyway.

Exactly - as the numbers are called - they are not taken up and the word 'next' comes to mind. Any fool can go in there - hum 50 tickets from the machine an walk outside and try to sell a higher number to someone who is stupid enough t buy! What a dumbassdry.gif post!

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It was happening when I was there last week too, but my driver who I used just walked over to the guy selling and got one no charge for me while i got a photo. The following day at pickup the embassy staff had the tickets pre printed as people came through the gate one by one, no scamming on the pickups.

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All Scams are perpetuated by those that fail to do something about them,or even condone them!

You're preaching in the wrong country dude. Here everything is about money and most things can be bought at a price.

It's only a scam if it doesn't profit you in some way. If it saves you time it has value to people who value their time. If for example you get there and there are hundreds in front of you and someone can sell you a ticket near the front of the queue, it's not a scam because you get something in return for your money.

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All Scams are perpetuated by those that fail to do something about them,or even condone them!

You're preaching in the wrong country dude. Here everything is about money and most things can be bought at a price.

It's only a scam if it doesn't profit you in some way. If it saves you time it has value to people who value their time. If for example you get there and there are hundreds in front of you and someone can sell you a ticket near the front of the queue, it's not a scam because you get something in return for your money.

you are right Tropo but you are preaching to the wrong dudes :lol: no family, no home, no furniture, no "cheap" Mercedes, travelling for 17 years Thailand, the neighbouring countries and the Himalayas and doing visa runs. those dudes haven't got heaps of money but all the time in the world to wait in a queue. let them be happy when waiting and reading books.

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Exactly - as the numbers are called - they are not taken up and the word 'next' comes to mind. What a dumbassdry.gif post!

Think the last few times I've been they've called the numbers ten at a time.

As for relaxing with a book and iced latte as 'doing it tough', toughing it like that with one's manners, self respect and respect for others in tact is far more enjoyable. It's hardly tough.

Not everyone's cup of tea, like barging into lifts, queue jumping and general ignorance.

Just that I'm happy to have been raised with manners and respect, pity others haven't.

BTW why do ye think that those of us who don't buy our way in front others choose not to?

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"As for relaxing with a book and iced latte as 'doing it tough', toughing it like that with one's manners, self respect and respect for others in tact is far more enjoyable.

Just that I'm happy to have been raised with manners and respect, pity others haven't."

please select one of my answers -as specified below- according to your liking:

1. yada, yada, yada... yakety-yak <_<

2. i admire your manners :lol:

3. latte :bah:

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Taxi drivers picking people up at Nong Kai sell these numbers. I'm sure they sell them for what they can get so price will vary. For me twice it has been 50 baht. They started at 200 once and 100 another time, but its just a # and it will expire if they don't sell. Odd thing in US I could care less about saving even $50 when i lived here for stuff, now in Thailand I find myself debating over less than a dollar often and have become a tight cheap bastard in so many ways :(

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So you have nothing to reply with bar what an eight yr old might come up with. Okay then. :)

= lame statement, no manners. but then... what can one expect from somebody who drinks milk and reads books when waiting in an immigration office? :lol:

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BangkokBurning, Thomo, LanxangBillybob and all the other people that are still able to understand what is wrong in cheating others, i am glad you exist, really, there are lots of other people here that think that is ok to just funds people taking advantage of them(because they pay money for something that should be free) and cheat the rest of the other people too, because if you have been waiting for a while, it is not right that somebody else that is just arrived jump on front of you, where is respect for the others? nobody teach them in their early years how to stay in the queue or what? and where do you draw the line? do you really think that people finding you "easier ways" would not find any other fees for you as soon as they see that nobody go against them? let's say the money they are getting for the tickets are not enough anymore for them and now they pretend some cash even to let you get your documents and some money to actually access the office you need and money to get off after....what are you ready to accept? remember, it's never too late to rethink the way you act, i understand that these sort of shortcuts might look enticing but have a deeper understanding of what they really are and you will easily see that is not the way to go, all the best.

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but then... what can one expect from somebody who drinks milk

I drink milk too, lots of it and i love it, it's part of my country traditional breakfast as well, the "Cappuccino", do you have problems with that too? you seems to have many my man, hopes you get better soon....:coffee1:

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but then... what can one expect from somebody who drinks milk

I drink milk too, lots of it and i love it, it's part of my country traditional breakfast as well, the "Cappuccino", do you have problems with that too? you seems to have many my man, hopes you get better soon....:coffee1:

if you call a capucciono "milk" than you have the same problem as somebody who uses the italian word "latte" (milk) and means coffee with milk.


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BangkokBurning, Thomo, LanxangBillybob and all the other people that are still able to understand what is wrong in cheating others, i am glad you exist,

Yes, unfortunately so many aren't raised well.

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I can't resist getting back into the fray...<br><br>Offered a ticket at B200. <br><br>Not only proves my point, but its already occurred. <br><br>Let's see - B200 for selling one ticket to a lazy farang Or a day of hard labor under the southern Laotian sun for B150.<br><br><br><br>Surayau: the game now is not watching each others back, its putting a knife in it. Make a note of it... It's not that a farang, will pose no barrier, they will actively do what they can to harm you if it in turn helps them. This is even more true in the Philippines.<br>

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Was there a few days ago, got there early so was well up front so was not offered, however there were about a dozon kon Lao hanging around the gate all with passports and when the gate opened they just pushed in no getting in a queue for them.

Is this normal?

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if you call a capucciono "milk" than you have the same problem as somebody who uses the italian word "latte" (milk) and means coffee with milk.


That's not a problem, the "latte macchiato" is just one version of the "cappuccino" with less coffee on it, people of every countries tend to cut short the name because is a bit long, the difference is that in the country of origin people just ask for a "macchiato" when they go to the coffee shop, but abroad people just use the other part of the full (proper) name : "latte"

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It completely baffles me that a seemingly innocuous thread titled; "Selling Queue Numbers At Vientiane Thai Consulate" has turned into yet another "my dick is bigger than yours" all out pissing match. :blink:

How this thread even began to discuss the moral virtues in regards to paying for or not paying for a low queue number ticket I also have abso-tively posi-lutely no frickin' idea. :huh:

NEWS FLASH, in every country, no matter if it is a first world one like the UK, US, a 'developing' third world one like the glorious "Land 'O Thais” or a truly third world one like Lao PDR; where ever tourists congregate there are people who will try to capitalize on either their ignorance OR their ability to pay for better service. It is economics 101; if there is a market for a specific product or service people will sell it. To the "holier than thou" crusaders single-handedly trying to stamp out what they broad brush label as 'corruption'; sadly I think you're pissin' into a might strong head wind with your lofty ideals :o .

It was the same way up there a couple years ago before the thai consulate moved to the new location. There were Laotians outside the old locations gates willing to sell you the form (which is actually free), fill it out for you, make your copies, take your photo, etc. FWIW; they were doing a bang up business just because people showed up without a clue. Now if you have even half a clue and enough time you can do most anything here in S/E Asia by yourself. At the end of the day it all comes down to how much money is your time worth.

If you're doing nothing but killing time by floating around S/E Asia in an effort to embrace all the oxymoronic cultural aberrations the indigenous natives do in ‘this neck of the woods'; please by all means take the moral high ground; stand in line.

You'll show them, won't you? ;)

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You'll show them, won't you?

Odd how this theme of comment is recurring.

It's sadly quite indicative that the people using it can only relate to waiting in a queue when you can buy your way to the front, is some sort of stand against the corrupt evils of this world.

That one chooses to do so because they're happy to respect those ahead of them, have the manners that separates us from animals, and aren't so impatient that relaxing with a book and iced latte for half an hour isn't a burden on their precious life, seems to be a concept completely lost on them.

What a shame. :(

Nay, what a shame on those who raised them.

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It completely baffles me that a seemingly innocuous thread titled; "Selling Queue Numbers At Vientiane Thai Consulate" has turned into yet another "my dick is bigger than yours" all out pissing match.

How this thread even began to discuss the moral virtues in regards to paying for or not paying for a low queue number ticket I also have abso-tively posi-lutely no frickin' idea.

Sorry, how can you not correlate a discussion on the morals of a topic, that is acceptable in Asia, but not acceptable where the average poster comes from, and the topic itself?? :huh:

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It completely baffles me that a seemingly innocuous thread titled; "Selling Queue Numbers At Vientiane Thai Consulate" has turned into yet another "my dick is bigger than yours" all out pissing match. :blink:

How this thread even began to discuss the moral virtues in regards to paying for or not paying for a low queue number ticket I also have abso-tively posi-lutely no frickin' idea. :huh:

NEWS FLASH, in every country, no matter if it is a first world one like the UK, US, a 'developing' third world one like the glorious "Land 'O Thais" or a truly third world one like Lao PDR; where ever tourists congregate there are people who will try to capitalize on either their ignorance OR their ability to pay for better service. It is economics 101; if there is a market for a specific product or service people will sell it. To the "holier than thou" crusaders single-handedly trying to stamp out what they broad brush label as 'corruption'; sadly I think you're pissin' into a might strong head wind with your lofty ideals :o .

It was the same way up there a couple years ago before the thai consulate moved to the new location. There were Laotians outside the old locations gates willing to sell you the form (which is actually free), fill it out for you, make your copies, take your photo, etc. FWIW; they were doing a bang up business just because people showed up without a clue. Now if you have even half a clue and enough time you can do most anything here in S/E Asia by yourself. At the end of the day it all comes down to how much money is your time worth.

If you're doing nothing but killing time by floating around S/E Asia in an effort to embrace all the oxymoronic cultural aberrations the indigenous natives do in 'this neck of the woods'; please by all means take the moral high ground; stand in line.

You'll show them, won't you? ;)


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OK - I think we all agree that this ticket selling business is wrong and that someone has found a way to take advantage of us Westerners.

I'm not sure anyone has pointed out that many of us Westerners come from a country where our B50 can be earned in minutes.

We can chose to stand fast to our principles because we have the financial means to.

Others chose to be realists and recognise that world is not perfect and chose not to concern themselves with the smaller issues.

Others are saying that its these smaller issues that are the thin end of the wedge and lead to many of the major issues facing many developing countries.

Unfortunately as all of our morals differ from the 'black and white' crowd to the 'varying shades of grey' so will the opinions and tolerance of other peoples opinions vary.

So, is it wrong to sell the cue tickets at the consulate? I believe so, but also believe it is not really damaging to anyone in particular. IMO it falls into a category of it being morally wrong, but not particularly harmful to anyone so I'd tolerate it and if in a particular rush participate.

Edited by richard_smith237
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