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Ghost Fears Keep Visitors From Thailand


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Picture was taken near legian beach Bali


thus reinforcing the thought process behind such inexplicable behaviors as (legitimately) bidding $32,000 on ebay for a grilled cheese sandwich with the face of christ, or the pilgrimages to see what vaguely looks like the artist's concept of the virgin mary on the side of a barn in the Czech Republic!

not that i'm knocking these people. frankly, i'm jealous. life and death is clearly much easier to deal with when you believe in such fantasy- sure beats the he11 out of reality...

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When we was taken a pictures we actually didn’t seen it.

And if it was a flash from camera in “GHOST’S” eyes I wouldn’t publish this picture


No doubt those red eyes must be deadly DEMON EYES ready to ensnare the unwary. Woe be to the unprepsred! One must be properly equipped at all times to trap ghosts. Ya never know when the ghastly entities will pop out at you.

I recommend using GHOST-B-GON, now with extra heavy duty Flex-Net and adjustable wand fir those hard to get poltergeists.


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Ghosts yes they definitely exist in fact I used to work with some. They could appear and disappear at any time. Problem was they used to disappear every time it was their round and miraculously re-appear when the drinks arrived. Strange that! :o:D


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Ghosts yes they definitely exist in fact I used to work with some. They could appear and disappear at any time. Problem was they used to disappear every time it was their round and miraculously re-appear when the drinks arrived. Strange that! :D  :D


Yep, and quite a few Kiwi ghosts in LOS ....... :o

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Let's try: "There is no such things as religion"

Tell that to the folks in the Middle East! :D

Dont classify "folks in the Middle East" as "religious"! Im from the Middle East n in no way a fanatic religious freak. As a matter of fact, i dont even practice my religion. N neither do any of my friends or family..

So before you or anyone out there makes uneducated assumptions, think again before you insult someone.. :o

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There are no such things as ghosts.  Remember when as a kid you watched the vampire, werewolf and other horror shows with your hand over your eyes  looking between your fingers until the 'really scary' parts came on.  Yeah, sleeping with those little night lights on in your bedroom?  Well, its time to grow up and realize its all in your head.  Sylvia Browne, john Edward and a host of other Con Artists make a fortune SCAMMING people about spirits and talking to people who have 'crossed over'.  Over where?  Dead is dead.  If one can produce a ghost contact James Randi at www.randi.org where he has a MILLION DOLLAR prize for anybody that can prove what they think is supernatural.  This includes dowsers and mind readers and any and all people that think they can do it.  The prize has never been paid because all these people cannnot prove anything.  Johnnie Deeee

Can you prove their are no ghosts? Just as hard to prove their is ghosts.

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I think Johnnie Deee's point quite rightly is that if such things existed (could be proven to exist) then someone should have/would have taken the proof to James Randi and collected the million dollars...but no-one ever has.

My mother believes in ghosts, and has some pretty hair raising stories to tell from war-time UK when she was in the WAF. I have listened and I am sure something happened - although "what" I have no idea - a whole room full of people couldn't all be wrong especially as there were the physical effects both seen, heard and felt (table being blown across the room).

I have no such belief at all, but my wife and kids, being Thai, are absolutely convinced that ghosts exist - my most logical explanations and scientific reasoning will not allay their fears...

To clarify a point re the post saying "There is no such thing as religion" This is unfortunately incorrect - the comparison to JD's post is wrong - belief in ghosts is the belief that a particular supernatural being exists, it is absolutely certain that the BELIEF in ghosts exists - in the same way, religion is the BELIEF in the forces of the supernatural related to Gods and Devils, magic, miracles etc and the effect they and the teachings of a particular religion have on humans - again there can be absolutely no denying that some people believe in these things, so religion, the BELIEF, certainly exists - a beleif in ghosts and a belief in religion both definitely exist.

The question is if ghosts exist, not if the belief in ghosts exist. So the correct comparative must be to say do Gods exist, not "does religion exist".

When my grandmother died, I dreamed she was walking along the corridor of our house a day or two after she died - but I realised afterwards that the reason for the dream was not that she was there as a ghost, but that I was missing her and dreamed about her - this is a quite normal reaction - like dreaming of your family while you are away travelling - it doesn't mean they are ghosts following you - and we don't think of it that way - because they are alive - but if we do the same thing and dream about someone who we miss because they have died, all the ghost believers come out saying that we saw a ghost in our dreams - <deleted>...we saw the person we miss in our DREAMS - a memory based experience recalling someone we love or know...other explanations for these dreams are simply guesses by the ill-informed at something they don't understand...unfortunately this is the case throughout much of Asia, and it is taken as the truth...*sigh*...

I take the view that if these things existed we would by now have absolute proof of some sort. We could apply one of the major tenets of scientific enquiry - the proof must be repeatable - given the same test situation and the same circumstances, we must get the same result, and be able to do it whenever we set things up the same - this is simply not the case with ghost research because so much relies on "faith" (the belief in something) so can never be scientifically proven - as such, I don't believe in ghosts - not one proof has EVER been repeatable. NOT ONE!

James Randi, the magician mentioned above, once said that he was quite confident he would never have to give away his million - as he knows no-one will ever be able to come up with any form of absolute, irrefutible proof of the existence of any "supernatural" event. He is a "magician", a trickster, a conjurer, so he knows all the tricks, and can see through attempts to con him - so far no-one has come even close...

Related to this one must also remember that it is generally not possible to prove that something does NOT exist - it is, however, possible to prove that something DOES exist.

In short - go to Phuket - you will have a nice holiday safe from ghosts, and the only danger will be from the girl sitting on your lap, "spiriting away' the contents of your wallet! :o

Edited by Greer
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I hate to say this again, ...

Not to be insenitive, ... it's the incessant wooing that I hate when I'm trying to listen to the game ...,, especailly when I finally got rid of the Lepricons ... :o

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