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Govt Tightens Controls On Caffeine Beverages


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:D Ok, so now they wanna ban this thing coz it's so unhealthy to ppl. What about the other kind of food/beverages which are unhealthy and causing problems to the population.. is that gonna be banned too? It's pretty weird of them to be doing something like this when they can instead run health campaigns advising people to live healthily than "hide" advertisements. :D

Sure, sure.. they'd want the kids to stay out of caffeine.. and how about the parents. Is it just because they don't have time to 'teach' the kids anymore? Busy world, busy life. Chaos countdown has begun ! :o

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good idea ,all that caffeine must be making thais jumpy and twitchy ! nervous systems are under pressure?

and high blood pressure !

I think this caffeine thing is more mental than physical, truly, I can fall asleep while drinking a cup of coffee or cola and I'm nearing 70 years old. Coffee has never had any effect on me, never kept me awake or caused me to get twitchy, nervous, etc.

We get it in our heads that coffee or cola causes certain reactions and then the mindset comes into play and we react accordingly. If you just don't buy into it early on, it has no material effect whatsoever.

All too often, we let "spin" and "hype" dictate how we live and the mind is an awfully powerful tool.

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The "ban everything" mentality is getting really scary. I think people are able to determine for themselves if/when they want alcohol or caffeine. It's not difficult to find out which products contain these things and the approximate amount.

I get much more concerned about the many different chemicals they put on foods that aren't acknowledged anywhere--like borax. Then there are the other additives from MSG on.

Finally, it gets really difficult to find food/drinks without tons of added sugar.

I think an information campaign might be the place to start so that people can make informed decisions.

I need a cup of coffee in the morning and another one in the afternoon. I never drink soft drinks, espcially cola--unless I can't get a cup of coffee. I NEED the caffeine to keep me going.

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The standard, white No-Doz pills in the USA are 100 mg of caffeine. The larger yellow Vivarin are 200 mg. I can't find any place in Thailand that sells any form of caffeine tablets. If I ever run out of Ritalin, I'll need 400 mg to 800 mg doses to drive long distances.

Sometimes, it's the other ingredients that can be worse. Isn't coffee a strong acid? Carbonated beverages contain carbonic acid, which is very weak except that it destroys your teeth enamel (or so said my dentist as he pulled my 30th tooth).

Alcohol is far, far deadlier than caffeine, but it can't be banned - alcohol consumption is a religion.

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Govt tightens controls on caffeine beverages 

But FDA Secretary-General Pakdee Pothisiri admitted today that companies were continuing to violate the ban, and were posing a health risk to consumers as a result.

And the companies will continue to defy the government, as they are the government. One of Thaksins biggest supporters just happens to own Nestle Thailand. Prayuth Mahakitsiri who is Deputy TRT leader is also President of the Nestle Group Thailand.

Gotta love it!

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Why worry about caffeine in the goodies section. They should be more worried about the HUGE AMOUNTS OF BOOZE that the Thai people drink.

This country is pure alchoholics period. A perfect recipe for disaster.


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There are far worse things than caffeine in the coke we drink..... anyone ever seen this!?

To clean a toilet:

Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet. Let the "real thing" sit for

one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains

from vitreous china.

*To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers:

Rub the bumper with a crumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap

aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.

*To clean corrosion from car battery terminals:

Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the


*To loosen a rusted bolt:

Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for

several minutes.

*To bake a moist ham:

Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan; wrap the ham in

aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before the ham is

finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with

the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.

*To remove grease from clothes:

Empty a can of Coke into a load of greasy clothes, add

detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will

help loosen grease stains.

*It will also clean road haze from your windshield.


Believe it or not - I have tried ALL of these and it WORKS! I hear there are more of these oout there as well. I also hear that if you put a nail in a glass of coke it will dissolve ... haven't tried that one yet.

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Evidently, the author of the home remedies for Coca Cola listed above, wasn't talking about the Coca Cola you get in Thailand. It's so flat it couldn't clean dust off your shoes, much less gunk from a toilet bowl. It'd make a fine sticky mess though. You might be able to pour it in a shallow container to use as a fly trap as it dries.

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Evidently, the author of the home remedies for Coca Cola listed above, wasn't talking about the Coca Cola you get in Thailand. It's so flat it couldn't clean dust off your shoes, much less gunk from a toilet bowl. It'd make a fine sticky mess though. You might be able to pour it in a shallow container to use as a fly trap as it dries.

There ya go! Two more uses!!!!! :o

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First of all, I don't think the acid in cola beverages is citric; I understand it's carbonic, from the carbonation. Also, that carbonic acid is quite weak on the pH scale. Even if those home remedies and old wives' tales are true, the human body is not vitreous china or chrome bumpers. Orange juice has citric acid. Alcoholic beverages have all kinds of garbage. Do you know what's actually in beer, which is also a carbonated beverage? Alcoholic drinks are called 'intoxicants' because they put toxins inside you. That's why the stomach vomits when you over-indulge - it's trying to purge the body of poisons.

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I seem to remember that when the 10 o'clock watershed for alcohol ads first came about, the original wording included so-called power drinks, i.e. Red Bull, M150 etc. For some "unknown" reason this part of the legislation became lost.

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