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Two Work Permits In Thailand

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I would like to know :

1. I already have a work permit, under my own company as director. But I would like to work for other company full time, so is it legal to have 2 work permits?

2. What is the procedure for getting second work permit?

3. For applying second work permit, do they need any documents from first company?

Suggest me the best way please. Thanks


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If the companies are both in the same labour office area, the second company can be added to the work permit. For that you need to have permission of the first company, so write a letter in which you as the director gives you permission.

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if i m not wrong, u will have to pay income tax for both jobs on the separate work permit.

45k thb is the minimum pay for a class b work permit therefore u will have to submit a income tax from a income 90k thb monthly therefore, 1.08m thb yearly income. u will have to be taxable on your income which will be approx. 20% = 200k thb a year....

it is something u have to be careful about...... talk to a tax auditor or an accountant before making any decisions.....

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if i m not wrong, u will have to pay income tax for both jobs on the separate work permit.

45k thb is the minimum pay for a class b work permit therefore u will have to submit a income tax from a income 90k thb monthly therefore, 1.08m thb yearly income. u will have to be taxable on your income which will be approx. 20% = 200k thb a year....

it is something u have to be careful about...... talk to a tax auditor or an accountant before making any decisions.....

minimum salary is 30.000 exept for governement/teaching jobs/volunteer, the monthly tax is 1000 baht.

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There is no minimum income requirement for a work permit. Only immigration has a income requirement if you want an extesion of stay based on working, and the hight is of the income is based on your nationailty. For west Europeans and Americans it is 50,000 baht a month. If you earn less, you still get a work permit from labour, but no extensions of stay from immigration.

(teachers, members of the media and performers are exempted from the minimum income requirement).

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Why not just contract to the newco under your existing company - why go thru all the BS again! Also as a contractor you pay withholding tax and not salary tax - far cheaper!

Edited by asiawatcher
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I have looked into this in very similar circumstance but actually opted to quit the first job for various reasons, rather than get the second work permit. My understanding is that this would be a fairly simple procedure, requiring only the permission from the current employer to do the second job with no salary requirements from the Labour Ministry. There are pages at the back of the work permit to add the details of additional jobs or places of employment. This is also the proper procedure for foreigners working as non-executive directors of other companies, even if they receive no fee for the directorship. Tax has to be deducted from all salaries and the multi-job employee needs to finisse things to ensure he pays the right tax. One way to do this would be to provide the second employer with salary and tax details of the first job, so they can deduct the right amount. At any rate all will be reconciled when you do your annual tax return PNG 90 or 91. You are probably best to do this yourself or get your accountant to do, rather than leave it to one of your employers to ensure it is correct. This can easily be done online these days and filings are accepted by the Revenue Dept starting from the first day of each calendar year.

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Why not just contract to the newco under your existing company - why go thru all the BS again! Also as a contractor you pay withholding tax and not salary tax - far cheaper!


What is a witholding Tax? What is the cheapest way to obtain a work permit? Setting up a company? Or can i paid some company to write me a letter that they engage me? I think Thailand tax of foreigner are too complicated.

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Dear all,

Thanks for you reply. I am well aware of salaries, income taxes and all other issues. Some of you have answered my question,

@Arkady has given correct answer. I also tried to get some information to having a second WP. They said :

1. Adding a second job may not be complicated in this case they may require permission from first company.

2. We can add the second job in existing work permit but both jobs will be expire on same date.

2. Next year during WP extension (first job), we must present second company paper too, so both job can extend same time on our work permit.

If I am wrong, please correct.

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Dear all,

Thanks for you reply. I am well aware of salaries, income taxes and all other issues. Some of you have answered my question,

@Arkady has given correct answer. I also tried to get some information to having a second WP. They said :

1. Adding a second job may not be complicated in this case they may require permission from first company.

2. We can add the second job in existing work permit but both jobs will be expire on same date.

2. Next year during WP extension (first job), we must present second company paper too, so both job can extend same time on our work permit.

If I am wrong, please correct.

I think what asiawatcher suggested is by far the easiest and most economical way:

You/your own company should write a monthly invoice to your new employer and charge them for your service (salary). No need for a second work permit and you still get paid.

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Dear all,

Thanks for you reply. I am well aware of salaries, income taxes and all other issues. Some of you have answered my question,

@Arkady has given correct answer. I also tried to get some information to having a second WP. They said :

1. Adding a second job may not be complicated in this case they may require permission from first company.

2. We can add the second job in existing work permit but both jobs will be expire on same date.

2. Next year during WP extension (first job), we must present second company paper too, so both job can extend same time on our work permit.

If I am wrong, please correct.

I think what asiawatcher suggested is by far the easiest and most economical way:

You/your own company should write a monthly invoice to your new employer and charge them for your service (salary). No need for a second work permit and you still get paid.

That will only work if the job description of the job he has the work permit for matches the work he will do for the other company. (Not to mention the point that he must work at the location mentioned in the work permit, but i don't now how strict that it).

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Why not just contract to the newco under your existing company - why go thru all the BS again! Also as a contractor you pay withholding tax and not salary tax - far cheaper!


What is a witholding Tax? What is the cheapest way to obtain a work permit? Setting up a company? Or can i paid some company to write me a letter that they engage me? I think Thailand tax of foreigner are too complicated.

Setting up a company to obtain a WP will not be the cheapest way...:unsure: ........Of course you could pay a company to sponser your WP, but bit more involved than writing a letter and you would have to pay your own tax and social security payments, most companies will not entertain this

Thailand tax compared to most western countries is actually very simple

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