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Hope you at least have her Thai ID number. With that and a few "friends" of either the brown shirt (police) and/or detective ilk and some $ you can most likely get a handle on which slimy rock this skank slithered off to and... Oh... By the way... Wouldn't do the same again if I were you. :whistling:

"How to become a millionaire in Thailand?? :jap: Come as a billionaire"

Whats the bet he dosent know her real ( thai) name and couldnt find his way back to the village without her,
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Astonishing amount of emic dysentery in most of these posts. Doubtless, Thai bargirls could make a list of scams perpetrated on them by the hordes of educated, subtly turned out, elegantly tattooed foreign gentlemen who grace the portals of their bars and even homes, claiming to be wealthy, toxin-free and single. If they only had the same opportunities they could regale us with their wisecracks, well-honed complaints and lamentations. But they don't, do they?

Monkey Lek.....WELL DONE!

I hope you are a Thai chick!



Well regardless of what you all say sometimes it does work. I met my wife at a bar, she was 18 years old and I was 25. She had just started work a few months before and had been with many men, but we hit it off and fell in love. I am now 34 and my wife is 27. We are still together and happy, we rebuilt the family home just like this guy, quite similar too, but for only around 650,000 baht. My wife has never tried to get money out of me for any reason, even in the begining. I live and work here and my wife has just recently went back to school to get and education so that she can find a real job. She works part time as a hairdresser and uses her own money for shopping. Of course I pay the bills because I make more money, but that's it. I never paid a dowery to her family to marry her, other than rebuiding the house. That I did for my own comfort when we visit and one day will retire to it. After almost 10 years we are very happy together and even still hold hands while walking in the market. <BR>       So for all of you who think getting a lady from the bar is bad news, think again and learn the language. Most of them just want security and a future. But if you let one screw you out of 6 million baht it's most likely your own fault for not making her feel like you would be there. In other words if you want the girl, move to Thailand, do not carry on an overseas relationship that is only asking for trouble


That wasn't really news. She has nice sunglasses

I would be happy to see a story of where it did not go wrong (ONE only!!!)

I have a happy story, I came here to teach English, my boss is the head of the foreign language dept at my school. after 18 months I married her, we have been together 4 years and she has never asked me for money, I live in her house and have fixed it up to the tune of 120000 baht for our comfort ,we are still togetheer, one thing she is and never was any kind of bargirl ,been a teacher all her life, the typical suburban Thai that most foreigners never get to meet,


I have been meeting with Americans here in Thailand for 11years for their income tax preparation and most of them tell me their stories, with a very few exceptions they all have this same story. ONLY THE NAME IS DIFFERENT! And I thought mine was different until I found she never quit the trade so I joined the club. But I have opted out lost house, car lots of furniture and stuff and have now started life over again, about 2 years ago now, and I have a wonderful older Filipino wife, just the best ever. She never worked in the trade and never really ever even had a boyfriend, college educated worked a secretary and nanny.

I agree you have to be very careful to get to know the lady first and when she starts asking for money for parents, or others with their made up hard luck stories. -- RUN LIKE hel_l.


Hi!I'm new here.Married to a Thai lady.Things do not seem to be going right.I have a son who is going to 2 yrs.She often says she wants to leave me.I agreed that she can but I need the my son whom she says I will never get as the court will support her as she is Thai.I really do not mind the divorce , but I want my son,Please help me!


My fiancee said she would help you find her. What would you pay for her to do this? Up to you. Please contact me with your e mail.

SURELY YOU JEST!!! You think this guys best bet is to start paying other people to help him find her, like she's suffering from amnesia and will fall back into his arms once she remembers what happened? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good money after bad... NOT THE SOLUTION. I think we all know where she is: Either in Pattaya or lording it up in her brand new house...the toast of the village!

I agree to a point here..

I have a friend here, who was scammed in almost the same way. He contacted a good gentleman friend of ours (who is ex-brtish intelligence). Now he not only found the girl but also recovered some of my friend funds.

I can't go into details, but lets just say. SHE WILL THINK AGAIN !! and remember THE FEEL GOOD FACTOR here. More details e-mail me



Sad how stupid some guys can be here - they must leave their brains in a luggage locker at the airport - there are so many lovely women here why marry a hooker ??

I don't think they leave their brains anywhere, These people are LOW Mentally and socially, even if my wife was a .....!! whatever she was, I would'nt put such a bloody movie clip about her, and he said he loves her.


Don't let yourself be scammed. If a Thai girlfriend or her family asks for money, cut her loose, period.

If you give a Thai woman or her family money, from that point on you will never know the real reason she is with you, but chances are, it is for the cash.

Don't worry, Thailand offers plenty of women to entertain you. The second she ask you for money, consider the relationship a business arrangement, and treat it as such. Do not ever, ever combine business with love.

If you want a serious relationship with a Thai woman, find one that doesn't ask for money, and doesn't lie. Take a few years of watching her manage her money and proving her honesty. You will save yourself a disaster.

You are absolutely right. But what kind of a 'proper' thai woman would marry you if you are middle aged, balding and may be fat also? You get exactly what your situation allows. A young girl may be, but poor and uneducated. A high class educated young woman would'nt spit on you (unless of course if you are dashing,in your early 30s, rich and handsome.Any american or western woman would fall for you) So it is give and take. You get something young and pretty versus your moderately financially sound, middle aged condition. She will never be swept on her feet by you and you know why? Because she will never be able to appreciate your intellect or talents (if you have any) due to her lack of education, school or social.

Bottom line. Do not expect the full monty. It is against nature for an older man to win the heart and mind of a much younger woman. Maybe it appears to be so in some couples but I doubt if it is true.


They should show this one on the plane over.

There is a bit of a scam mentality right throughout Thailand's feminine population. I don't mean that all Thai women will scam & steal - but there are an awful lot of non-bargirls who will.

And most bargirls will, needless to say.

But maximise your chances:

Firstly, what is someone who wants real love doing in Pattaya - the tomb of love & commitment, the ugliest place (on every level) in Thailand, if not God's Earth?

Secondly, avoid bargirls (as marital partners): If something happens to farangs on the plane, something happens to a girl after one day in a bar. The "grass is greener" syndrome takes root. No matter how nice or how committed the guy, part of them will always think, "The next one might be better". In a bar, some fundamental emotional rewiring takes place.

Thirdly, there are many good girls in Thailand. Usually they have reasonable jobs & stable families. Find one of those. But...

Fourth: Get smart & do some checking. Check her InBox while she's asleep; send her texts from an 'admirer' on a separate SIM & see if she responds; ask someone to follow her to work or on that visit to see her sister - & see where she really goes. Develop a phoney IM/Skype/dating website account, & make overtures to her. This is not the kind of thing that ever crossed my mind in the West. I have learned to do it in SE Asia & have got results on several occasions.


My fiancee said she would help you find her. What would you pay for her to do this? Up to you. Please contact me with your e mail.

SURELY YOU JEST!!! You think this guys best bet is to start paying other people to help him find her, like she's suffering from amnesia and will fall back into his arms once she remembers what happened? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good money after bad... NOT THE SOLUTION. I think we all know where she is: Either in Pattaya or lording it up in her brand new house...the toast of the village!

I agree to a point here..

I have a friend here, who was scammed in almost the same way. He contacted a good gentleman friend of ours (who is ex-brtish intelligence). Now he not only found the girl but also recovered some of my friend funds.

I can't go into details, but lets just say. SHE WILL THINK AGAIN !! and remember THE FEEL GOOD FACTOR here. More details e-mail me


A little footnote to this post-68522-089340900 1278312997_thumb.pn

Our gentleman friend I spoke with over the weekend, told me that alot of people don't really understand the concept of all this, In the UK 500,000 girls are imported ever year to work, it's bigger than drugs now and here in Thailand they don't need to import because they are already here!!

Alot of the girls REALLY WANT TO GET OUT, but are tied up with payments too ??? and families don't help. Around 50% of the money goes to the M_F__ (boys in brown,)

It's time to do something. :angry:post-68522-096816200 1278313661_thumb.pn


They should show this one on the plane over.

There is a bit of a scam mentality right throughout Thailand's feminine population. I don't mean that all Thai women will scam & steal - but there are an awful lot of non-bargirls who will.

And most bargirls will, needless to say.

But maximise your chances:

Firstly, what is someone who wants real love doing in Pattaya - the tomb of love & commitment, the ugliest place (on every level) in Thailand, if not God's Earth?

Secondly, avoid bargirls (as marital partners): If something happens to farangs on the plane, something happens to a girl after one day in a bar. The "grass is greener" syndrome takes root. No matter how nice or how committed the guy, part of them will always think, "The next one might be better". In a bar, some fundamental emotional rewiring takes place.

Thirdly, there are many good girls in Thailand. Usually they have reasonable jobs & stable families. Find one of those. But...

Fourth: Get smart & do some checking. Check her InBox while she's asleep; send her texts from an 'admirer' on a separate SIM & see if she responds; ask someone to follow her to work or on that visit to see her sister - & see where she really goes. Develop a phoney IM/Skype/dating website account, & make overtures to her. This is not the kind of thing that ever crossed my mind in the West. I have learned to do it in SE Asia & have got results on several occasions.

For the greater part, i think you have a good game plan there mate, especially the part about non-bargirls even trying to lay it on pretty thick.

At some stage you have just got to accept facts: as far as a thai girl is concerned, farang=money, therefor farang=take care..(take care being the polite term)

why else?...our good looks and charm..:rolleyes:

Its just a matter of how much they think they can push you as to how much you will eventually be taken advantage of.

The average Thai somchai on the street probably doest have the money/means to feed these girls greed AND in any case, they know better. The more you give the more they will want..the more kindness you show,the more they will throw it on the street and stomp on it.

Even the thai guys who do have the means would probably prefer to go to the local fishtank joint with a few mates every friday afternoon instead, and blow a lazy thousand on choosing the latest flavour...and this includes married thai guys to of course...

Maybe us farang are best doing the same...financially and emotionally...especially if you are gullible and wear your heart on your sleeve. I wont be so arrogant as to say i was never those two things to an extent ,but luckily it only cost me small change...now ive learnt better!

As for the above posters 4th suggestion, it might sound good in theory, but when the penny has finally dropped,does it really matter?? Sounds like a lot of work for no gain. And if you did strike it lucky and happened to find a decent, honest one, and she found you trying to catch her out with such antics, you run the risk of loosing what could have been a 1 in a million girl..im sure they do exist..i have mates who have 'em, but they are just so !#$%^&* hard to find.

The rules of the game need be simple... the only way to win IMO is face facts:

Thai female: Will try to get as much benefit as she can for herself, in the least possible amount of time, with least amount of effort and having to compromise herself.

Farang: Simply try to get as much of whatever it is you want..by spending as least as possible while minimizing both the risk of mental and financial breakdown as much as possible.

I suggest sticking to this plan in kind, as per being treated the same way YOU are probably being treated..be ruthless at all times while hiding it all behind a nice big genuine smile

like these :P:):D :D


As the perceptive Phineas T. Barnum once said:

"There's one born every minute." Meaning suckers.

It seems Thailand has arriving a disproportionate share,

all thinking with the little head, and not the big one.


As the perceptive Phineas T. Barnum once said:

"There's one born every minute." Meaning suckers.

It seems Thailand has arriving a disproportionate share,

all thinking with the little head, and not the big one.

I fully agree.

Even if the video was a pisstake, it showed 7 sexually suggestive pictures of a woman.

As Confucious once said, "Unattractive man who follow penis, wake up with empty wallet."


I experienced myself trying to be with a lady bar to marry and have baby. I know Thailand for more than 20 years and I married already a thai lady for 12 years in the past. I had never like bar before meet this LB and now I should say I hate much more than ever. I don't blame the LB, they do what they have to do for themselves and family. I blame more the family which influence the girl to choose the most stupid guy with the most money (jaleousy little but true). I didn't spend much money for her, I think not enough for her family for sure. I didn't buy anything but send small money every month during a year. She didn't ask me money during a year, I sent from myself only 6.000 baths a month, very few! She tried to work in farm and she did it, surprised! but this for only 6 months after that she was back to her bar, without telling me of course. I knew many people in that place (Koh Chang) so I heard the truth quickly. Then the problems started. Welcome to the glaucous bar world ;-). I endured to meet her "friends" (customers and LB) during a month. Before she didn't drink and was very quiet and that time in her bar place she was allways drunk and behave like a slut (what she was in fact). She asked me money everyday. I knew her for more than a year and stayed really with her 3 months in Thailand and my love collapsed roughly at that time. I have got so many headaches trying to understand what happened to her. Maybe a revenge?! In fact I'm still not sure today, but anyway this is not my world and I'm happy to be out.

The lesson is : NEVER fall in love with a LB. This gives you more chance to meet a good girl, lol!! These girls have pressure from family, drinking problems most of the time, psychological troubles (would you have sex with different men everyday for years?). Their surrounding bring them to behave like that too (LB friends and customers). They are out of the real life and it's very difficult for them to get back to reality after that.

Once again! I don't blame them (it's funny to drink with sexy girls around you, right?) but think very very carefully before to care a LB! it's most of the time the worst choice of life!!

The story is so much more longer but it's quite a good summary. I should add one last think : I knew at the first day I met her that it would be impossible but love sometimes knock at your door in an unexpected way. Stupid, no?


The "LB" can't be entirely to blame. Actually, it's all the fault of the foreigner in many cases.


a] something that you can switch on & off like a light.

b] a monetary obligation.

c] something that creates/causes pain.


a] something you can switch on & off.

b] sometimes things that can blindly lead to monetary obligations.

c] things that can allow the individual to create their own pain.

<BR>As the perceptive Phineas T. Barnum once said:<BR>"There's one born every minute." Meaning suckers.<BR><BR>It seems Thailand has arriving a disproportionate share,<BR>all thinking with the little head, and not the big one.<BR>
<BR><BR>I fully agree.<BR><BR>Even if the video was a pisstake, it showed 7 sexually suggestive pictures of a woman.<BR><BR>As Confucious once said, "Unattractive man who follow penis, wake up with empty wallet."<BR>

Mr kangarito never dissapoint

I think mr confucious write diffewent line for evewy country,

In west he teach us lesson "standing penis hab no concience" :lol:

All jokes aside though, i definatley confer with you here, your version is perfectly fitting for life in LOS


LOL! Nice! Just take a bulldozer to the place... It will fix everything!

now thats what you call a dumb arse mind you after 3 years and 7 months i must say it took that long but they say its a plan and can take years to get to there objective anyway she gone now time to move on unlucky for you

but theres no doubt the guys are right if you where in the usa would you marry a young girl who just wanted money from you and prostituted herself she not bothered about the video as it just promotes her as many stupid men will fall for this girl the best one i heared was a guy sending $100 a motn to his bargirl friend so she wont sleep with other men and he believed it


In case it hasn't dawned on you...you've been scammed. They are all sitting around laughing at the stupid Farang.

If it makes you feel any better you are not the only one and most definitely won't be the last.


In case it hasn't dawned on you...you've been scammed.  They are all sitting around laughing at the stupid  Farang.  

If it makes you feel any better you are not the only one and most definitely won't be the last.

I don't think this story is at all funny, whether true or not, it's very sad. Yes, I have heard it all before, many, many times, in the many, many years I have been here, and it will never be funny.

From my experience it matters little where the girl is from, bar girl or no bar girl, the problem is this sick culture where only money matters. 

I would be out of here if I was rather younger, too late for me now. I would advise any Ferang to just come here for a good &lt;deleted&gt; when they feel the need and go back home. We don't belong here, we are too emotional, perhaps we have all seen too many Hollywood movies. 

But I think it's our upbringing, born to loving parents, not like that here, children seem to be merely an asset to provide for them in later life. I have never seen much evidence of real love here, in fact I would say we love our dogs more than these people love their children!

The cycle continues, as it's a well known fact that people who abuse their own children were themselves abused as a child.


Do I see the whole culture too negatively?  I welcome evidence that I am wrong.


Yeah...as usual, love are blind & i can't blame this man for falling in love with someone.  Irregardless of their profession or background.  One can claim that he falls to a scammer/s.  I agree and disagreed.  Everybody out there...pls close your eyes for a moment, focus it to your very first love or to your legally married wife.  What happened..?  Do you receive critics and comments of your choice. ?  What's your response then..?  Thats what happen to this guy...!  <BR><BR>

<BR>As usual , love makes a man blind and one thing is true. You can take out the Girl from the Bar but you can't take out the Bar from the Girl. You should read Private Dancer&nbsp; and maybe you will understand .<BR>

LOL! Nice! Just take a bulldozer to the place... It will fix everything!

I know someone who did it for real. House flattened to the ground. Bad surprise for the lady!

It didn't bring him back his money of course. But he was definitely feeling much better after that :)

Most likely he would have been arrested, because the house is not his, its her's........plain & simple.


I'd like to add my own experiences to this well of information, but it's been told many times over many years on these pages. Not by me, but by many various fellow farangs who knew better than to listen to the old timers on this forum. "My girl is different...blah blah..." Listen to the old timers, fellow horny old farang!! ...... changing the subject, this Yank wants to know what "taking the piss" means in Brit lingo. If you could also explain "punters", it'd be appreciated.

Dear Yank,

"taking the piss" means to make fun of someone.

American's don't understand this concept (I know because I grew up there)

because they have too much pride, and get insulted easily. Almost always ending up in some sort

of disagreement and sometimes even getting shot! YAY :)

British people are a little more fun loving and easy going to be able to "take the piss" out of each other

and NOT get overemotional :)

Typical American....(taking the piss)

Punter in my experience is like a customer at a bar...the punters.

Thank you Saijay......

Now I understand "taking the piss"

And thank you for sharing your opinion of my countrymen.. You forgot to also kick George Bush in your reply.

But I won't try to diss yo ass in reply because I have many Brit friends that have lots of class.

And, this is the truth, ..I have never shot anyone!! jing jing!


The "LB" can't be entirely to blame. Actually, it's all the fault of the foreigner in many cases.


a] something that you can switch on & off like a light.

b] a monetary obligation.

c] something that creates/causes pain.


a] something you can switch on & off.

b] sometimes things that can blindly lead to monetary obligations.

c] things that can allow the individual to create their own pain.

Sure, culture shock is real and intense here. Better to take things lightly, control emotions and allways protect your back. Basic rules to be happy. Eden doesn't exist


It doesn’t have be a bar girls as a lot of them post themselves on Thailovelink dating agency. Over the past three years I have heard so many stories I even posted warning some of you guy still you think you are untouchable. They might look so innocent to you but when it comes to your money they are the smart and could outwit you any time.


Folks, it's pretty clear someone is taking the piss with that video.

Couldn't have put it better myself. lol

Definitely taking the piss

Funniest thing I have seen on the issue for a while! Well he got his revenge once it does the rounds on the thai langauge site....

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