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British Father Calls In Interpol After Son Is Kidnapped By Thai Bride


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Cannock Dad calls in Interpol after toddler is kidnapped by Thai bride

A DESPERATE Midland dad has claimed his Thai bride has run off with their toddler son.

Sean Felton, from Cannock, Staffordshire, is currently working with his local police, MP and Interpol to find two year-old Jobe and his 30 year-old wife Kim.

The 39 year-old says Kim has run off with the tot and he fears she is hiding with him in Bangkok.

Sean, a painter and decorator, has employed a private detective to track down the pair in Thailand.

He has also offered a £500 cash reward through a Thai newspaper to anyone who can help.

But so far his searches have been in vain.

He said: “Jobe should be back in England. I’m trying to carry on as normal, but this is ripping me to bits.

“I’m better than I was, but still have days when I break down.

“I’ve seen how they live over there. By now, Jobe will be living in squalor.”

Sean said he and Kim were on the verge of splitting up in March.

Then he returned home and discovered his wife and son had simply vanished.

He said that he last heard from them by phone on April 24.

Sean met Kim while on holiday in Thailand in 2005 – his first break in seven years.

He said: “She said she was visiting her cousin and would soon be going back to her farm. And she said her dad was dead.

“I spent about two or three weeks with her, and in that time she couldn’t do enough for me. I fell head over heels, to be honest.”

Sean said he couldn’t stop thinking about Kim when he returned.

Story continues: HERE




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And she said her dad was dead.

Well, guess the bride took a ride on a motorbike. The dead dad came back. How sad.

"I spent about two or three weeks with her, and in that time she couldn't do enough for me."

:ph34r: Sir, could you translate that for others to find the bride? Hope there's nothing to hide.

Edited by sirchai
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So some blokes lost his kid and is at his wits end ... and the first 2 posters come out with the predictable snidy Thaivisa remarks.

Sorry 'hansum', but my thoughts are closely aligned with the first two posts. How can the OP expect anything less after only having stayed with 'Kim' (not a Thai nick name I am familiar with) for two to three weeks (his words). The OP also talks about squalor, interested to know how and why he ended up with 'Kim' who also must have been living in squalor when he met her. I think 'gullible' is putting it rather politely. I'd love to know what went on between 2005 and 2010.

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totally agree Hansum, theres always someone who has to show their manliness by being a know- it- all.

Good luck to this poor man, I hope everything soon becomes ok for everyone

Yes, well said, I hope the guy is okay. Resolving this situation won't be easy as both parents have rights to be a part of their son's life, yet obviously have very different concepts of normality. Whether Mum returns and stays in the UK, or the father visits Thailand - there is no middle ground. Acting in the best interests of the child is often the hardest thing for parents to do. In this case, the father may have to accept that his son should be free to enjoy life with his mother on their farm in Thailand, but it'll be hard from him to accept this, as he views life in Britain, with English schools and culture as 'normal' and his son's 'right'.

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totally agree Hansum, theres always someone who has to show their manliness by being a know- it- all.

Good luck to this poor man, I hope everything soon becomes ok for everyone

Yes, well said, I hope the guy is okay. Resolving this situation won't be easy as both parents have rights to be a part of their son's life, yet obviously have very different concepts of normality. Whether Mum returns and stays in the UK, or the father visits Thailand - there is no middle ground. Acting in the best interests of the child is often the hardest thing for parents to do. In this case, the father may have to accept that his son should be free to enjoy life with his mother on their farm in Thailand, but it'll be hard from him to accept this, as he views life in Britain, with English schools and culture as 'normal' and his son's 'right'.

How very prosumsious. Thailands very beautiful but on a good day cannock is one of the most scenic places in the Midlands.

This a very sad story, just reading some of the story has brought tears litterally rolling down my cheeks.

All my best to Dad.

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Is there any country that will give custody to a foreign father????? :unsure:

Yes, Thailand for example. It just might take a while and for sure you have to fight for it before court. But it can be done, a friend of mine did it in Nong Khai.
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It is clear that the story is incomplete.

3 weeks together, marriage, son, living in England.

There are many more pieces to this jigsaw.

If Mr Felton was going to split up with his wife in March, who did he expect would have custody of the boy ?

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I feel very sorry for this man. I love my little boy so much and could not bare to be without him. It would be horrible!

No to scam a man when he falls in love and take his money is one thing and yes, I would say what a sucker!!

But do it once you have a kid! That's fcuked! I hope he works it out. Good luck to him.

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So some blokes lost his kid and is at his wits end ... and the first 2 posters come out with the predictable snidy Thaivisa remarks.


So what is their beef...these perfect human beings, who are so so perfect and righteous that they would never ever get into any such situation? Get a life guys.

Me? I read this as a decent bloke who is conned, as thousands of others are, by a scheming snide Thai babe. Like most of the others scheming rubbish she can't see the wood for the trees and throws it all away. Probable gone to the temple to have a good wash, say a few prayers and "everything OK now".

The guy is clearly distraught.....let's hope those stupid posters with inane and insensitive comments never have to face a similar situation. All the very best of luck to him in his search. I wish him well.

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I feel very sorry for this man. I love my little boy so much and could not bare to be without him. It would be horrible!

No to scam a man when he falls in love and take his money is one thing and yes, I would say what a sucker!!

But do it once you have a kid! That's fcuked! I hope he works it out. Good luck to him.

Well said onnut,

Theres been a few VERY disparaging posts made tonight about the issue of trust (or lack thereof) in LOS..

Kinda makes the idea of living like a monk start to look vaugely pheasable :blink:

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totally agree Hansum, theres always someone who has to show their manliness by being a know- it- all.

Good luck to this poor man, I hope everything soon becomes ok for everyone

Yes, well said, I hope the guy is okay. Resolving this situation won't be easy as both parents have rights to be a part of their son's life, yet obviously have very different concepts of normality. Whether Mum returns and stays in the UK, or the father visits Thailand - there is no middle ground. Acting in the best interests of the child is often the hardest thing for parents to do. In this case, the father may have to accept that his son should be free to enjoy life with his mother on their farm in Thailand, but it'll be hard from him to accept this, as he views life in Britain, with English schools and culture as 'normal' and his son's 'right'.

You say the father should accept their child should stay on some dump of a "farm" in Thailand? With a woman who has kidnapped the child and denied the father his lawful and moral rights? With a woman who couldn't give a toss about how the child feels or will feel in the future about being denied to be with his father? No...stick with the dad, his life will be better. Let's see....Thai life, education, job prospects, health care, and passport....or European/UK life, education, job prospects, health care, etc, etc,

O!...and EC passport. She is not acting in the best interests of the child. It appears she does not want him to be involved...why has she not contacted the dad??

I don't believe that all women are saints and scholars and deserve to have custody of children as their God given right.

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Why is the dad the best choice just because he lives in jooly old England. I would say the mom loves her son as much as he does and maybe she figured she would be left high and dry if she stayed in England.

We have only heard one side of this sordid affair but we get the usual Thaivisa jump the gun and condemnation crowd of both parties.

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The story says she was in England and went to Thailand with the boy, right?

[or he 'suspects' that]

I thought it was impossible to cross borders, nowadays, without both parents' consent?

in theory yes but in practice the issue of a passport to a child supposes both parent's approval, so when the passport is with either parent, the consent of the other is assumed.

The child can cross borders with a passport.

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I hope he had a paternity test done already. He's obviously been scammed here, maybe in more ways than he appreciates at the moment.

I believe so. It's the classic set up: a lonely single painter and decorator from the UK visits Thailand on holiday. Highly likely the destination was a resort where it's easy to find rentable women. His mia chao knows all the tricks while he's here and after he leaves:

"He kept in touch with her by phone and e-mail and even sent her money to help her through some hard times which she had intimated to him she was forced to endure."

By 'hard times' I guess the buffalo died again, her nephew needs schools fees and her 'brother' is in hospital. In the UK she even tried to sell his house.

These guys need to do a little research before they come here. Hopefully many will find Thaivisa and read the less-naive posts. My advise is live here (a real life and not a drinking in life in Pattaya or Phuket) for at least a year before you even consider investing time, emotion and money in a relationship. Most working girls from bars continue working all the way through their relationships with foreigners. These aren't the places to find a life partner IMO.

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So some blokes lost his kid and is at his wits end ... and the first 2 posters come out with the predictable snidy Thaivisa remarks.


So what is their beef...these perfect human beings, who are so so perfect and righteous that they would never ever get into any such situation? Get a life guys.

Me? I read this as a decent bloke who is conned, as thousands of others are, by a scheming snide Thai babe. Like most of the others scheming rubbish she can't see the wood for the trees and throws it all away. Probable gone to the temple to have a good wash, say a few prayers and "everything OK now".

The guy is clearly distraught.....let's hope those stupid posters with inane and insensitive comments never have to face a similar situation. All the very best of luck to him in his search. I wish him well.

Is this post saying that thais are scheming rubbish?? Ooh no no no, I see this staying up for to long, very objectionable.

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Cannock Dad calls in Interpol after toddler is kidnapped by Thai bride

A DESPERATE Midland dad has claimed his Thai bride has run off with their toddler son.

Sean Felton, from Cannock, Staffordshire, is currently working with his local police, MP and Interpol to find two year-old Jobe and his 30 year-old wife Kim.

The 39 year-old says Kim has run off with the tot and he fears she is hiding with him in Bangkok.

Sean, a painter and decorator, has employed a private detective to track down the pair in Thailand.

He has also offered a £500 cash reward through a Thai newspaper to anyone who can help.

But so far his searches have been in vain.

He said: "Jobe should be back in England. I'm trying to carry on as normal, but this is ripping me to bits.

"I'm better than I was, but still have days when I break down.

"I've seen how they live over there. By now, Jobe will be living in squalor."

Sean said he and Kim were on the verge of splitting up in March.

Then he returned home and discovered his wife and son had simply vanished.

He said that he last heard from them by phone on April 24.

Sean met Kim while on holiday in Thailand in 2005 – his first break in seven years.

He said: "She said she was visiting her cousin and would soon be going back to her farm. And she said her dad was dead.

"I spent about two or three weeks with her, and in that time she couldn't do enough for me. I fell head over heels, to be honest."

Sean said he couldn't stop thinking about Kim when he returned.

Story continues: HERE




Those are normal occurences when a marriages break up, the mother claims the child in the first place and 99% of the law will support her in this request, thus you have got to face this head on with a business like mentality, moreover, the boy was not kidnapped by strangers and all that may result from this, but taken by his mother, thus there is no need to panic, break downs, and being ripped to bits as you mentioned, are neither helpful nor appropiate, therefore try to control you emotion and handle all this with a cool mind.

In addtion don't forget that your son has Thai blood in his veins thus living in squalor (sic) on a farm might well please him more than living a controlled and diciplinary life in the Uk, and since he will no doubt get financial support from you his life as a child could be even better, although education might suffer, but that is something you can sort out with his mother.

Therefore have an icy shower, and face this matter head on, find her location via your private detective, and then negotiate with her in order to find a solution to the problem.

Good luck,

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Those are normal occurences when a marriages break up, the mother claims the child in the first place and 99% of the law will support her in this request, thus you have got to face this head on with a business like mentality, moreover, the boy was not kidnapped by strangers and all that may result from this, but taken by his mother, thus there is no need to panic, break downs, and being ripped to bits as you mentioned, are neither helpful nor appropriate, therefore try to control you emotion and handle all this with a cool mind.

In addtion don't forget that your son has Thai blood in his veins thus living in squalor (as you mentioned) on a farm might well please him more than living a controlled and diciplinary life in the Uk, and since he will no doubt get financial support from you his life as a child could be even better, although education might suffer, but that is something you can sort out with his mother.

Therefore have an icy shower, and face this matter head on, find her location via your private detective, and then negotiate with her in order to find a solution to the problem.

Good luck,

Edited by george
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Terribly sad of course. But why take one reported incident and make it a Thai thing? Girls and guys here in the US run off with their kids all the time after a split up. Many times the woman or child is being abused by the father, or the woman is abusing the kid and the man splits with them. There is always more than meets the eye to these stories and it may likely as not have nothing to do with the mother's Thai heritage. What if it was her that ran to the police to claim abuse? We'd be bashing the poor dad. It's all about who is framing the argument. Right now dad has the bully pulpit and will get his sympathizers. Let's see what she has to say when she is inevitably found. In either event, what has happened is a human thing, not a Thai thing, and unfortunately is no doubt being repeated as we speak in countries all over the world.

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In either event, what has happened is a human thing, not a Thai thing, and unfortunately is no doubt being repeated as we speak in countries all over the world.

I've come across some apologists in my time. It's a Thai thing as she (a Thai) kidnapped the kid and fled to Bangkok which as we all know is in Thailand.

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My 2 cents worth. She's living with someone down the road in Staffordshire!!! Probably a new man, possibly a Thai guy living in UK!! If she is in Thailand, go look for her where she used to work. She obviously had more fun in the squalors than living with Sean!!

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