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British Father Calls In Interpol After Son Is Kidnapped By Thai Bride


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I can guarantee one thing. True to form regarding all news stories concerning Thailand, there will be no follow-up story to say what has happened. It does not seem to matter whether it's a Thai paper or a foreign one.

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Not nice when this sort of thing happens but it's not the first or even 100th an estranged partner has done a runner with the kid. If the poor chap had not been so naive and married so frivolously his marriage might not have broken down and he wouldn't be in such a position. If he knows his wife properly he should know how to track her down in Bangkok via family, and would know Thailand well enough that you pay people in uniform to get the kid back, or at least reconcile with the girl and arrange shared custody.

I feel sorry for him, but like others who've lived here awhile, I'm not surprised.

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Why is the dad the best choice just because he lives in jooly old England. I would say the mom loves her son as much as he does and maybe she figured she would be left high and dry if she stayed in England.

We have only heard one side of this sordid affair but we get the usual Thaivisa jump the gun and condemnation crowd of both parties.

Indeed. We know nothing, except that this is the bitter story of a breakup. Nobody can say the mom is bad, or the dad is bad - we don't know. They're in a way both bad because they didn't find a way to stay together but they're not the only ones this happened to.

So mom vanished with the kid, certainly not the nice thing to do. But maybe she trusts the English courts just as much as many expats in Thailand trust the Thai courts.

I wish them reconciliation, and for love to return to their life.

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I remember the cute krugn krugn at the island resort, mother was a decent though snarky Brit, with some family come over to help and enjoy, father was a handsome young Thaï with a great family, all hard working on the resort, and everybody so sad when mother went to England for holidays with baby and never came back, no news good news.

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"" Nobody can say the mom is bad, or the dad is bad ""


I for one can ; when my wife left me to divorce and took the kid away, with the blessing of French police & legal system, even the police thought not seeing the kid after six weeks was a bit much and I promptly got a meeting .Splitting is one thing, it is legal, it never meant a parent can be cut away from child like this-and child has a right to at least hear parent over the phone . .[ Now I enjoy de facto shared custody (and full parental rights , but my lawyer had advised me NOT to ask for legal shared custody "so as not to upset the judge" ] .

""Life is a long and painful divorce"" (some French poet)

so : she is as bad as can be and deserves jail for kidnapping.

Edited by souvenirdeparis
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In either event, what has happened is a human thing, not a Thai thing, and unfortunately is no doubt being repeated as we speak in countries all over the world.

I've come across some apologists in my time. It's a Thai thing as she (a Thai) kidnapped the kid and fled to Bangkok which as we all know is in Thailand.

You missed the point entirely. People of all nationalities take and flee with their kids in a break-up, not just Thais. So why lay it all on her Thai heritage? I'm no apologist. Far from it. There are plenty of things you can lay on Thais because of their heritage, just like you can with Brits, Americans, Austrailians, etc., but this is not one of them. In any event, it's her kid and she will likely end up with custody anyway if she hasn't abused the kid. The poor farang will just end up paying - now that's a Thai thing!

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So some blokes lost his kid and is at his wits end ... and the first 2 posters come out with the predictable snidy Thaivisa remarks.


So what is their beef...these perfect human beings, who are so so perfect and righteous that they would never ever get into any such situation? Get a life guys.

Me? I read this as a decent bloke who is conned, as thousands of others are, by a scheming snide Thai babe. Like most of the others scheming rubbish she can't see the wood for the trees and throws it all away. Probable gone to the temple to have a good wash, say a few prayers and "everything OK now".

The guy is clearly distraught.....let's hope those stupid posters with inane and insensitive comments never have to face a similar situation. All the very best of luck to him in his search. I wish him well.

Is this post saying that thais are scheming rubbish?? Ooh no no no, I see this staying up for to long, very objectionable.

Some people do find the truth objectionable. But true it is.. I very clearly do not state that ALL Thais are scheming, just the ilk like this rubbish woman......but I have had first hand knowledge of many, many scams perpetrated on foreigners. They have been stripped bare both financially and emotionally.

If you think this does not happen in the Land Of Snarls then you need to wake up.

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Economics is a big factor when it comes into these Thai lady/foreign man relationships. If you are the foreign guy you have to ask yourself if she is really with you because she wants to be, or is she there to improve her life. If you were poor and no matter how good an education you can get (including a degree), you still remain poor because there are so many with degrees trying to get a good job like you. So the easy thing to do is marry a better off foreign man, and these compromises eventually lead to other problems.

What, you though she was with you because she liked you :P This explains the syndrome of beautiful woman being with the most ugly/undesirable men or the moody Tha wife/gf. She is there for a reason and she probably isn't 100% happy with it, but what else can she do?

Getting back to the original story; I guess there were alot of compromises in this relationship. Probably far from ideal. Was the women terrible running off or was the man not easy to live with or the fella from hel_l? Who knows.

Edited by MaiChai
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so : she is as bad as can be and deserves jail for kidnapping.

Yes, I agree with this. If a foreigner was caught doing this in Thailand I'm sure he would be deported and put on the blacklist for life which would prevent him from ever returning.

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So some blokes lost his kid and is at his wits end ... and the first 2 posters come out with the predictable snidy Thaivisa remarks.


So what is their beef...these perfect human beings, who are so so perfect and righteous that they would never ever get into any such situation? Get a life guys.

Me? I read this as a decent bloke who is conned, as thousands of others are, by a scheming snide Thai babe. Like most of the others scheming rubbish she can't see the wood for the trees and throws it all away. Probable gone to the temple to have a good wash, say a few prayers and "everything OK now".

The guy is clearly distraught.....let's hope those stupid posters with inane and insensitive comments never have to face a similar situation. All the very best of luck to him in his search. I wish him well.

Is this post saying that thais are scheming rubbish?? Ooh no no no, I see this staying up for to long, very objectionable.

Some people do find the truth objectionable. But true it is.. I very clearly do not state that ALL Thais are scheming, just the ilk like this rubbish woman......but I have had first hand knowledge of many, many scams perpetrated on foreigners. They have been stripped bare both financially and emotionally.

If you think this does not happen in the Land Of Snarls then you need to wake up.

Well they do say that a fool and his money are easily parted, it's just a shame they think we're all as idiotic.

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Those are normal occurences when a marriages break up, the mother claims the child in the first place and 99% of the law will support her in this request, thus you have got to face this head on with a business like mentality, moreover, the boy was not kidnapped by strangers and all that may result from this, but taken by his mother, thus there is no need to panic, break downs, and being ripped to bits as you mentioned, are neither helpful nor appropiate, therefore try to control you emotion and handle all this with a cool mind.

In addtion don't forget that your son has Thai blood in his veins thus living in squalor (sic) on a farm might well please him more than living a controlled and diciplinary life in the Uk, and since he will no doubt get financial support from you his life as a child could be even better, although education might suffer, but that is something you can sort out with his mother.

Therefore have an icy shower, and face this matter head on, find her location via your private detective, and then negotiate with her in order to find a solution to the problem.

Good luck,

Thank you for providing the only objective assesment of the situation, and sensible and realistic advice to the father .

My guess is that the advice will be ignored. This story has the sniff of a Brit tabloid rant about wicked thai women, but on second thoughts most of the posters on this subject are doing the same .

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Same thing happened to me but with a Western woman....police told me they couldn't help and various lawyers quoted me around 20K US to resolve the issue....i haven't seen my little girl in over 2 years now. I hope for your sake mate you can get your son back. Its going to take a lot of money and a great deal of heartache.

Edited by doubledoppelganger
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So some blokes lost his kid and is at his wits end ... and the first 2 posters come out with the predictable snidy Thaivisa remarks.


So what is their beef...these perfect human beings, who are so so perfect and righteous that they would never ever get into any such situation? Get a life guys.

Me? I read this as a decent bloke who is conned, as thousands of others are, by a scheming snide Thai babe. Like most of the others scheming rubbish she can't see the wood for the trees and throws it all away. Probable gone to the temple to have a good wash, say a few prayers and "everything OK now".

The guy is clearly distraught.....let's hope those stupid posters with inane and insensitive comments never have to face a similar situation. All the very best of luck to him in his search. I wish him well.

'Private Dancer' should be compulsory reading for any single male foreigners planning a trip to Thailand with a multiple choice exam at immigration before entering the country !

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So some blokes lost his kid and is at his wits end ... and the first 2 posters come out with the predictable snidy Thaivisa remarks.


So what is their beef...these perfect human beings, who are so so perfect and righteous that they would never ever get into any such situation? Get a life guys.

Me? I read this as a decent bloke who is conned, as thousands of others are, by a scheming snide Thai babe. Like most of the others scheming rubbish she can't see the wood for the trees and throws it all away. Probable gone to the temple to have a good wash, say a few prayers and "everything OK now".

The guy is clearly distraught.....let's hope those stupid posters with inane and insensitive comments never have to face a similar situation. All the very best of luck to him in his search. I wish him well.

'Private Dancer' should be compulsory reading for any single male foreigners planning a trip to Thailand with a multiple choice exam at immigration before entering the country !

Absolutely right. This goes on every day in Thailand. I have an interest in this as a close friend of mine is going through the very same thing right now. But it is worse than the story here ...much worse. Not for me to tell his story here.

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So some blokes lost his kid and is at his wits end ... and the first 2 posters come out with the predictable snidy Thaivisa remarks.


So what is their beef...these perfect human beings, who are so so perfect and righteous that they would never ever get into any such situation? Get a life guys.

Me? I read this as a decent bloke who is conned, as thousands of others are, by a scheming snide Thai babe. Like most of the others scheming rubbish she can't see the wood for the trees and throws it all away. Probable gone to the temple to have a good wash, say a few prayers and "everything OK now".

The guy is clearly distraught.....let's hope those stupid posters with inane and insensitive comments never have to face a similar situation. All the very best of luck to him in his search. I wish him well.

'Private Dancer' should be compulsory reading for any single male foreigners planning a trip to Thailand with a multiple choice exam at immigration before entering the country !

Absolutely right. This goes on every day in Thailand. I have an interest in this as a close friend of mine is going through the very same thing right now. But it is worse than the story here ...much worse. Not for me to tell his story here.

C'Mon!!!!!! You can't leave us in suspence!!

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If the baby was born in England

Then he first would need a British Passport to leave the country

Did the father allow the baby to get a Thai passport or birth certificate

If not then the child would not be able to stay in Thailand more than 3o days with out being a overstayer

At this point the British government can come into play

If he allowed his son to get a thai passport

there is very little he can do, he is THAI

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Nobody knows the full story, who knows why she left the UK.

Let's not get that in the way of a good rant, shall we?! The less we know about the story the better, so we can all project our personal histories and / or opinions onto it.

It's amazing how a story with this little detail can get some guys going off the deep end here...

Maybe he beat his wife? Maybe he was a pimp? Do we know?? I can come up with a million more reasons how the reality could be completely different from what we hear here. Then again maybe not. The point is we don't know.

Edited by nikster
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If True, which I have no doubt the post is , This sort of thing happens a lot in Thailand , the poor child has become a piece of merchandise, Probly . Just a porn in a money game.It not only happens in Thailand it happens all over the world , when couples break up some of the children become tools to hurt each partne with without any thought for the child . Hope he finds peace and gets this sorted quick. I do not know how I would feel about my child if anything like this happend to me.

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If True, which I have no doubt the post is , This sort of thing happens a lot in Thailand , the poor child has become a piece of merchandise, Probly . Just a porn in a money game.It not only happens in Thailand it happens all over the world , when couples break up some of the children become tools to hurt each partne with without any thought for the child . Hope he finds peace and gets this sorted quick. I do not know how I would feel about my child if anything like this happend to me.


probly= probably

porn= pawn

Happend= Happened

Just for the Non-English

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I think most of you guys are right, when you were writing that there's probably more to it than this, and that none of us know all the facts. What really irks me is how the father puts up a meager 500 quid!!! Surely his son must be worth more than that to him!!!! I know without a doubt that if I were the boy, and I found out later that my dad put a pittance of 500 quid up for me I would find that insulting!!!

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If True, which I have no doubt the post is , This sort of thing happens a lot in Thailand , the poor child has become a piece of merchandise, Probly . Just a porn in a money game.It not only happens in Thailand it happens all over the world , when couples break up some of the children become tools to hurt each partne with without any thought for the child . Hope he finds peace and gets this sorted quick. I do not know how I would feel about my child if anything like this happend to me.


probly= probably

porn= pawn

Happend= Happened

Just for the Non-English

Fanxs am ploud to be Blitish

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I think most of you guys are right, when you were writing that there's probably more to it than this, and that none of us know all the facts. What really irks me is how the father puts up a meager 500 quid!!! Surely his son must be worth more than that to him!!!! I know without a doubt that if I were the boy, and I found out later that my dad put a pittance of 500 quid up for me I would find that insulting!!!

Perhaps 500 quid is all the money he has. For some folks that's a lot of cash. For others, a mere pittance.

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If True, which I have no doubt the post is , This sort of thing happens a lot in Thailand , the poor child has become a piece of merchandise, Probly . Just a porn in a money game.It not only happens in Thailand it happens all over the world , when couples break up some of the children become tools to hurt each partne with without any thought for the child . Hope he finds peace and gets this sorted quick. I do not know how I would feel about my child if anything like this happend to me.


probly= probably

porn= pawn

Happend= Happened

Just for the Non-English

Fanxs am ploud to be Blitish

Hey, My own Dad is dyslexic don't worry. But i can't see the spread of lies and incompetence, and that is what English language wrongly spelt is. Don't have an inferiority complex about it , there are wide spread examples on this forum of sloppy English language. I left school without attending any exams and am now just an Engineer of some sort now. When i leave English text on an international forum i spell check it in the anticipatory knowledge that a Dutch, German, Turkish, Arab, French person etc. will look at my text and take it as perfect English( Why wouldn't they). I would finish by adding that if you were 'ploud to be enlglsh you would spend to minits chekin ur work before you pressed return button'. Your choice, i just wouldn't want to be associated with your work, but for all i know you are a millionaire ( Isn't everybody out in the Land of lies).

Funny really the amount of so called English teachers swanning around Thailand while i have a superb command of English and an adequate command of Thai including writtten and i wouldn't be a teacher for 40k Bt (7 days spending money while on holiday) I do wonder how good these 'Language Teachers' are when there are people around who can't differentiate between pawn and porn ?????? (And still have the front to be smart about it) Try doing all that and fault finding a 1 megawatt Ammonia plants' electrical control system.

Good luck with your English studies. xxxxx

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