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King George Ii Visits The Colonies Today!


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I would be the first one to push whatever buttons I need to push ( and we have a lot of buttons in America) to "VAPORIZE", instantly any countries and peoples way of life as well as their life itself who has or have anything to do with attacking America, or Americans, anywhere in the world.

V-A-P-O-R-I-Z-E . As is POOF, el gonno. El Disappearo.

Well , if the above statement equates being intellectual and smart.....I'll take the moat Ta very much.


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Ok to both of you Chon and Mr. Vietnam. I have read your posts and responses very carefully here.

I do see some titilation going on and do see lots of bad blood breeding here. Now Chon, first and I don't know if you did this or not say something to Mr. Vietnam to make his blood boil over and this is his response to such threat.

I know both of you guys well enough since we all are friends. Perhaps if I may say so this last few posts have been getting kinda personal and I would think apologies to both sides is in order.

One being no one on this forum should be attacking another members family or getting familys involved in the first place. Yes we do have wives and they are very much our other halves. They are the ones who make it worth our while in life.

I know both of you Chon and Mr. Vietnam, and both of you are good friends to me. I wish no ill will to either of you and never will do so. Friends are indeed hard to find in life. Sure we do have our vast opinions and at times does really get heavy, but at the end guys, shake hands OK

Sure I am kinda a bit anti of everything, and yes I am a rebel of some sort, and do find it difficult to conform to the ways of society and of their thinking but again we all do not have that much choice do we???????

As of you Tomy, stay out of this please. One of the things is your slang usage here in this forum like you from outer space and a Martian of some sorts. If you want to write down your comments please write it in ENGLISH that appears to be human, and not some fuked up robot. Get my drift. You do not know who these guys are and what they are all about. I would appreciate that other members give this a pass and keep a small distance.

Now yes we all do have our dislikes of the Brits, and they have their dislikes of the Americans. This goes back to 1776!!!!!!!!! and the feud still prevails to this day. As of Scots, yes they are Scots and the skirts I find it funny, yet it is your custom. With my legs, well I would rather have pants on any day. Sigh. :o So fine some of you Scots got legs worth looking at and you being proud to wear the skirt. No problem. I do like hearing your bagpipes and to some people they hate it. So I am flexible either way.

But Scots are not Brits - so please do not merge yourself into that idea. Scots and Brits are two totally different scenarios and yes I will admit the Scots will kick the arse of the Brits easily. But when it comes to America VS Scots it will be a Draw for the most part physically but mentally that is another thing.. I wonder who will cringe first but again we are all brothers and have to live one way or another.

So First you two, shake hands and call it a truce. OK

After that then lets get it on expressing our opinions and try helping others to survive either in Nam or in Thailand from time to time. We can always do our sparring in between the sheets as long as a woman is there to referee us. Don't you agree????????

So I hope this takes the sting from both of you and that both of you take a deep breath and relax and be friends. Fair enough


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On that note I think I'll leave this thread , I tried to get a response from you without any derogatory remarks , I failed.

So be it.

Enjoy your buttons and coins....


I think that is a good idea, mind you he'll probably be knocking one off, celebrating another argument won (he hasn't lost one yet :o )

I think I've found some of his other websites




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Nah, never mind, and let me put it to you this way. I would be the first one to push whatever buttons I need to push ( and we have a lot of buttons in America) to "VAPORIZE", instantly any countries and peoples way of life as well as their life itself who has or have anything to do with attacking America, or Americans, anywhere in the world.

V-A-P-O-R-I-Z-E . As is POOF, el gonno. El Disappearo.

:o Right back at you, BIG man,

Jeez, thankfully the vast majority of the posters on this thread are merely slaves of their own governments and have zero power over their fellow man.

Isn't that pathetic? Look at how you all would excercise power if you had it.

Ignorant pricks with a nazi streak.

Mr Vietnam  :D

Hoisted on your own petard, dOoD

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Nice post Dave , I've no problem with Vietnam, just passed a few hours on Sunday afternoon, supposed to be fixing an IT prob at work , got bugger all achieved. Going home to the wife and kids, where , as you say , real life begins.

See you all tommorow , probably!


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Now to to both of you and to other members as well

Read this carefully!!!!!!!!!!!

After his death, Osama bin Laden went to paradise. He was greeted by George Washington, who slapped him across the face and yelled, "How dare you attack the nation I helped conceived!!!!!!!"

Patrick Henry punched Bin Laden in the nose and shouted, "You wanted to end America's Liberty, but you failed.""""

James Madison appeared, kicked him in the balls and said, "This is why I allowed the government to provide for the common defense."""

Bin Laden was subjected to similar beatings from John Randolph, James Monroe, Thomas Jefferson and 66 other early Americans. As he writhed in pain on the ground, an angel appeared. Bin Laden said, "This is not what I was promised.""""

The angel replied, "I told you there would be 72 Virginians waiting for you. What did you think I said?????"

Daveyo :o

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But Scots are not Brits - so please do not merge yourself into that idea.  Scots and Brits are two totally different scenarios

That's a good one

I know I shouldn't question this forum's resident "History Expert" but arn't the Celts, Scots, Welsh, even the Irish more likely to be decendants of The Brits than the Anglo Saxon English?

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Just blew world rugby away.




Pretty funny actually and only one person got the point, 2 came close but sorry, no havana monte cristo for you, and the rest are but a mere blip on the scope for the brain dead.

You know who you are.

"Methinks" Hahahahahahahaha

End of Thread. Gotcha. Or should I say, "touche'"?

Mr Vietnam turns 100 in 7 days :o

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Steve, those are CLANS and or otherwise known as TRIBES. For example the Indians in America, we have the Navajo, and the Souix etc and they are tribes of their own.

Quite frankly to say to you, actually these clans originated from another region and you might find it surprising. The origins are from the fjords which compasses Sweden and Norway and Finland. Darn, I forgot the name of the main tribe there as I write. If and when I remember since it is in my head here, but cannot come out due to heavy dust, whew., I will let you know.

They also were most feared and excellent sailors of the sea. They found England themselves and settled there over the course of time. Their leaders were known to be burned on a boat that was sent out to sea. One of their traditions.

If my memory serves me correctly over the years. Whew, we are talking of time and ancient dates.


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