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Teacher Lunch

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My school offers a "free" lunch to teachers but the same old Thai dishes do get old after awhile.

The school also "discourages" teachers from leaving campus to get lunch.

Do most teachers settle for the free lunch at school or do they leave campus for lunch?

I would like to address the issue with my boss but would also like to know the situation for others


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I don't even know if our school has free lunches for the teachers. The only one I know is the other Thai teachers inviting me to come and eat with them. Another foreign teacher and I usually go out and eat somewhere.

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Free lunch at school which I find tasty and adequate, we have 4 dining areas to choose from a mini mart and bang outside the school a 7-11 and a host of stalls serving food plus cafes and restaurants. the staff room has a microwave for a do it yourself touch, coffee maker and normal hot water pot and a couple of fridges, fine by me.

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We have free lunches in the Canteen. Unfortunately, the phrase 'you get what you pay for' is usually true there! I'll eat the free lunch if I don't have time to go off-campus or if it looks better than usual. Most of the time I either brown-bag it or go to a nearby restaurant.

Someone in Admin once mentioned that we weren't supposed to leave campus without signing out. We've all been in Thailand long enough to know how to deal with that sort of nonsense: We didn't argue, we just ignored them.

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I sometimes have lunch on campus and other times with go off campus to a local falang place. Occasionally I will go home and have lunch with my wife and son, depending on my schedule. We don't get free lunch, but all of the vendors in the canteen (about 15 vendors) offer their meals for 20 baht.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My school does not provide lunch, I pay the same 10 baht as the children but usually get a larger portion, and they do not seem to care if I stay or leave. I usually stay just because it's too hot to go anywhere at lunch time anyway.

I do know that if my school discouraged me from leaving, as the foreigner, and especially since I am very happy with everything else, I would just go along with the program and stay on campus at lunch. Are you sure it's really important enough to make an issue out of?

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