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Gay Asylum Seekers Win In Uk Court


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Gay asylum seekers win in UK court

Source: NineMSN

Britain's Supreme Court on Wednesday overturned a decision to deport two gay asylum seekers who face persecution in their homelands.

A lower court had backed the government's decision to return the men to Iran and Cameroon on the grounds that they would be safe as long as they kept their sexuality secret.

Five judges ruled unanimously that this was a violation of the men's rights. They said that "to compel a homosexual person to pretend that their sexuality does not exist ... is to deny him his fundamental right to be who he is".

Homosexual acts in Iran are punishable by death, and in Cameroon by several years in jail.

The court said authorities should reconsider the cases of the two men.

Britain has had a change of government since the lower court's ruling. The Conservative-Liberal Democrats coalition, which took office in May, said it agreed with the Supreme Court judgment.

"We have already promised to stop the removal of asylum seekers who have had to leave particular countries because their sexual orientation or gender identification puts them at proven risk of imprisonment, torture or execution," Home Secretary Theresa May said.

"I do not believe it is acceptable to send people home and expect them to hide their sexuality to avoid persecution."

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Great news for gays, bad news for Brits (far too many people are being allowed to immigrate).

They aren't immigrants - they're asylum seekers. There's a big difference.

Asylum seekers ARE immigrants. OK, they're a special category, but they still come to live in the country and make use of its services.

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Great news for gays, bad news for Brits (far too many people are being allowed to immigrate).

They aren't immigrants - they're asylum seekers. There's a big difference.

Asylum seekers ARE immigrants. OK, they're a special category, but they still come to live in the country and make use of its services.

And I'm proud to be a citizen of a country that offers those in despair sanctuary.

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And I'm proud to be a citizen of a country that offers those in despair sanctuary.

So am I, endure... and in this case particularly so. BUT we are just not big enough to offer a refuge to everyone who seeks it, and I think we need to be much more discriminating about who we allow in.

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An absolute joke now all anyone has to do to get a life provided by the British taxpayer is pretend theyre gay.<br>


This bloke should just not go around flaunting it in his own country like no doubt 100s of thousands do.<br>



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An absolute joke now all anyone has to do to get a life provided by the British taxpayer is pretend theyre gay.<br>


This bloke should just not go around flaunting it in his own country like no doubt 100s of thousands do.<br>



Like these two?




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Ugly pictures but some ignorant people don't realize how serious the situation is for gays in many countries even in these modern times.

And many do realise it, but prefer to ignore uncomfortable facts.

And many more prefer to say that "these two" were hung for being gay when Ayaz Marhoni and Mahmoud Asgari were actually hung for abducting and raping a 13 year old boy at knifepoint, as Human Rights Watch, the International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission and the lesbian and gay Muslim group the Al-Fatiha Foundation (and many others) confirmed after investigation - contrary to what Peter Tatchel and Outrage! and Doug Ireland claimed (without investigation!).

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Anyone who denies that gays are severely oppressed in many countries, and yes even killed for it, is just not facing facts, and/or may have an anti-gay agenda. I don't see any point in focusing one case in Iran, the overall horrific situation for gays in Iran is a fact.

Wiki, Gay Iran

Male homosexuality

Sodomy is a crime for which both partners can be punished by death. If the participants are adults, of sound mind and consenting; the method of execution is for the Shari'a judge to decide. A non-adult who engages in consensual sodomy is subject to a punishment of 74 lashes. (Articles 108 to 113) Sodomy is proved either if a person confesses four times to having committed sodomy or by the testimony of four righteous men. Testimony of women alone or together with a man does not prove sodomy. (Articles 114 to 119). "If sodomy, or the lesser crimes referred to above, are proved by confession, and the person concerned repents, the Shari'a judge may request that he be pardoned. If a person who has committed the lesser crimes referred to above repents before the giving of testimony by the witnesses, the punishment is quashed. (Articles 125 and 126).

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For those interested in the subject of the extreme oppression of gays throughout almost all of AFRICA, find a way to watch this doc from BBC 4--

Africas Last Taboo

What is going on now against gays in Africa, which is disgustingly fueled and supported by right wing American Christian fundamentalists reminds me of the earlier days of Hitlerian oppression of Jews in Germany. They have crowds there riled up to burn gays people alive.

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Ugly pictures but some ignorant people don't realize how serious the situation is for gays in many countries even in these modern times.

And many do realise it, but prefer to ignore uncomfortable facts.

And many more prefer to say that "these two" were hung for being gay when Ayaz Marhoni and Mahmoud Asgari were actually hung for abducting and raping a 13 year old boy at knifepoint, as Human Rights Watch, the International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission and the lesbian and gay Muslim group the Al-Fatiha Foundation (and many others) confirmed after investigation - contrary to what Peter Tatchel and Outrage! and Doug Ireland claimed (without investigation!).

It would seem facts are getting in the way of Jingthings agenda.

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Not going to respond to troll posts here. However, about the specific Iranian case which I continue to contend is just one case, whether they boys were murdered by the Iranian regime for rape or consensual gay sex continues to be a matter of great controversy and uncertainty. If someone wants to start a thread about that case in particular, fine, but a detailed discussion of that ONE CASE does not seem to belong in a more general topic thread like this.

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<br>Not going to respond to troll posts here. However, about the specific Iranian case which I continue to contend is just one case, whether they boys were murdered by the Iranian regime for rape or consensual gay sex continues to be a matter of great controversy and uncertainty. If someone wants to start a thread about that case in particular, fine, but a detailed discussion of that ONE CASE does not seem to belong in a more general topic thread like this.<br>
<div>When the original judge stated his judgement on the case views that are the same as mine was he just trolling? now please stop trying to belittle or insult in some way someone who disagrees with youre extremist far left views.


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I have no respect for Iranian judges. I have no respect for the Iranian regime. I have no respect for Sharia law. How very radical left wing of me.

Credible people think the Iranian regime LIED about that charges against the hanged boys because they know it would make them look bad internationally to have murdered them for consensual gay sex.

Again, start a new thread if you want to argue the details of the case in the photo.

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