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A Theoretical question :

Say a UK national (male) was married to a Thai National (female).

They set up a company together in Thailand, got a WP for him and paid the required amount of tax on an income of say 50 or 60k baht a month - he "stayed" in Thailand on his Non-O.

However, in practice they were physically present in the UK for the vast majority of the following 3 years so that his wife could get her UK passport (she would be allowed out of the UK for only 270 days in total and 90 days in the last year).

Would this be a possible way to kill "two birds with one stone" ie wife get's UK Passport husband get's (could apply) for Thai PR?

Obviously the other requirements for PR would have to be met.


P.S. I've not come across a specific number of days an applicant would actually physically have to spend in Thailand over the 3 years???

P.P.S Posted this in the pinned guide to PR. Mod's feel free to delete one if required.

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You would also have to show for your wife's ILR, that you were living together as man and wife throughout the three years.

Sorry missed the bit about you both staying in the UK for the majority of the year. and i would agree with post 2.

Edited by steve187
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Your presence and marriage status would likely be very closely checked during the PR process and expect you would come up short. But that is just gut feeling.

If you had a house or condo in Thailand and photos, bills and all the other bits that go with approving a PR application...Could you not say your time out of the country was for your-Thai based business? :whistling:;)


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