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I'm aware that plates on trailers, registered as commercial, are required in Bangkok and Phuket; but good luck with that in Chiang Mai. Our better luck than the few trailers I've met. And that's even with a work visa etc in hand, your told mai pen rai. Can you believe that, but I was new and couldn't.

Had a close look at an UPBEAT at a bike show (non folding style), and there properly built. A shop just past Doi Saket stocks well made hitches for most common trucks.


it was 8,000baht to fit tow hook to Camry.

Think 2 bike trailer in excess of 50,000baht.

I have one and never used it. :(

Should have no trouble finding a willing buyer in the north>


Trailers must be covered when entering the expressway or motorway. Tootling around Bangkok mean streets is fine uncovered. But as you as you pull up at the tollway, the cops will pounce and either issue you a fine or force you to reverse out.

Already have a two bike trailer. Never use it.

Would use only a truck or a van.

If using the truck. The bike still got to be covered if on the expressway or motorway.

also the Bib may say that you need the side bars as well. if the tail gate is open then you need a red flag on the back with the reg number written on it. This is for trucks.

or the rear light on. Ninja key switched all the way to right. For safety reasons, bib then accepts bike not covered. At least so far. Besides i cant cover my rottweiler sitting next to or between the bikes when driving


Anyone know FOR SURE what the rules are about trailers on the Bangkok tollways?



A legal trailers (plated,book, tax, insurance) are legal on any public road including tollways. Subway use them all over LOS, cooler in pickup, cooler on trailer. Not sure all bib knows it though, so might want to print the proper code to show themB)

But why bother with a trailer when you have a 4 door Vigo? 2 Ninja 650 no problem. 2 VTX 1800 wouldnt work, to heavy on rearwheel and to long to not be diagonal

Edit. Had a look and the trailers look great. Suspension and brakes from German ALKO I guess

Cheers Kata,

Well, to be honest I haven't tried to see if the Ninja 650R will fit in the back of my Vigo as right now I have a topper on that is quite handy during the rainy season for keeping things dry so I'm not so keen to remove it... You might recognize this spot- it's in the parking lot of the Kata Sun! B)


I haven't measured the bed of the Vigo but just eyeballing it I didn't think I'd be able to close the rear door with the 650R in the back and I hear the BIB will get you for that too... :rolleyes:

Then again- I see the usual Bangkok racers driving down the motorway to BIRA with uncovered bikes in the back of their pickups and they all seem to get pulled over at the toll booth by the coppers so I guess they just budget the fine / bribe into the cost of the drive. ;)

Oh, finally, the 4x4 Vigo is pretty tall making the loading and unloading of bikes a bit tricky...

Anyway- I've emailed UPBEAT and am awaiting a quote on their 2 bike trailer and a hitch for the truck.

Will keep you posted!

Ride On!


hey Tony

With all the gear you bring, you seem to need a trailer for bikes

post-81971-007667900 1279091253_thumb.jp

here its just a large fridge/freezer, recliner, 50 kg rottweiler and one Ninja 650.

2000 km, bikes rearlight on when driving, pulled over for speeding but never for bike/load issues.

transporting my VTX 1800cc was more problems as it was 390 kg and much longer needing most of the bed diagonally for itself


Trailers must be covered when entering the expressway or motorway. Tootling around Bangkok mean streets is fine uncovered. But as you as you pull up at the tollway, the cops will pounce and either issue you a fine or force you to reverse out.

Already have a two bike trailer. Never use it.

Would use only a truck or a van.

If using the truck. The bike still got to be covered if on the expressway or motorway.

also the Bib may say that you need the side bars as well. if the tail gate is open then you need a red flag on the back with the reg number written on it. This is for trucks.

or the rear light on. Ninja key switched all the way to right. For safety reasons, bib then accepts bike not covered. At least so far. Besides i cant cover my rottweiler sitting next to or between the bikes when driving

Having a Rotti in the back. The cops will most likely leave you alone. :)

Hmm wonder if a Doberman in the back of the truck will do the trick.


Having a Rotti in the back. The cops will most likely leave you alone. :)

Hmm wonder if a Doberman in the back of the truck will do the trick.

Thais are scared to sh-t when they see a rottweiler, but arent bothered much by doberman or pitbull. Used to have 2 doberman when I was young, but in LOS I v had only rotties

On one trip with Honda Accord, redplatebook was forgot under the trunk floor and dog was in the trunk. Bib wanted to see book, we said no problem we remote open trunk., rottie jumps out and you have a look at book. mai bel rai :jap:


BBBKK. Can you recall the price fot trailer? Seems I've got the same truck as you but I've got a carryboy on the back of mine. Guessing the trailer would be ok to transport a large atv?

Just checked the link and atv version is available.

Sorry I really can't remember but I think the 2 bike trailer was something like 30k Baht and the single is closer to 20k. Please don't quote me on that though! I've emailed upbeat requesting a quote for the 2 bike trailer and will let you know if/when I hear back. Cheers!

At 20 or even 30k I would be all over that like a rash.. I dont want a pickup, and it would help me shifting bike, GF, and GF's stuff to do up north tours. If I ride up and she flys I need to add 50kg of bags for her and me for a long tour. And posting the bike isnt ideal either.


Ooops! Sorry guys- I was a bit off on the price- got a quote from Upbeat for the 2 bike trailer for 98k Baht :whistling:

First off- kudos to Upbeat for a same-day reply to an email inquiry- that's never guaranteed here in Thailand and points to a professional well run business.

Adding the hitch for 7500 Baht, 7% tax and another 5000 Baht for trailer license fee, road tax and 3rd party insurance brings the grand total to 117,885 Baht.

Unfortunately that's quite a bit more than I was expecting so... I guess I may consider removing the topper from my pickup truck and throwing the bike in the back for the time being...

Apologies for being so far off on my guesstimate of the price!



Pictures of the ramp as requested.post-62652-092014600 1279120752_thumb.jppost-62652-088047000 1279120876_thumb.jp

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post-62652-072683100 1279121032_thumb.jp

Wow! Looks strong and HEAVY! Any guess what that thing weighs? I've used the Aluminum and plastic ramp they sell at Dirtshop and am always worried it's going to snap. The one you've pictures looks incredibly strong but can one person pick it up? Cheers!


Ooops! Sorry guys- I was a bit off on the price- got a quote from Upbeat for the 2 bike trailer for 98k Baht :whistling:

Yeah thats more like it.. Didnt mention the single did they ??

I saw a crappy sided trailer here for 40k and it didnt have rego.. Was a bike one advertised second hand for similar money..

For me its just a fox chicken grain issue with the wife, the wifes stuff, and the bike..


Pictures of the ramp as requested.post-62652-092014600 1279120752_thumb.jppost-62652-088047000 1279120876_thumb.jp

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post-62652-072683100 1279121032_thumb.jp

Wow! Looks strong and HEAVY! Any guess what that thing weighs? I've used the Aluminum and plastic ramp they sell at Dirtshop and am always worried it's going to snap. The one you've pictures looks incredibly strong but can one person pick it up? Cheers!

Tony.Yes it is heavy but one person can lift it. I would guess it weighs about 25kg-ish. I was very impressed with the folding joint the guy spent a fair bit of time getting that right. My bike aint light and i could run the bike up on the back of the truck quite easily standing at the side of the ramp and using the engine power.

Any way the guy has 2 left if any one is interested pm me or let me know here. I'm sure he would make more if he has pre-paid orders.

currently they are 2,500 and 2,800b (thats what he quoted when i bought mine)


Tony.Yes it is heavy but one person can lift it. I would guess it weighs about 25kg-ish. I was very impressed with the folding joint the guy spent a fair bit of time getting that right. My bike aint light and i could run the bike up on the back of the truck quite easily standing at the side of the ramp and using the engine power.

Any way the guy has 2 left if any one is interested pm me or let me know here. I'm sure he would make more if he has pre-paid orders.

currently they are 2,500 and 2,800b (thats what he quoted when i bought mine)

PM sent! :)


Ooops! Sorry guys- I was a bit off on the price- got a quote from Upbeat for the 2 bike trailer for 98k Baht :whistling:

First off- kudos to Upbeat for a same-day reply to an email inquiry- that's never guaranteed here in Thailand and points to a professional well run business.

Adding the hitch for 7500 Baht, 7% tax and another 5000 Baht for trailer license fee, road tax and 3rd party insurance brings the grand total to 117,885 Baht.

Unfortunately that's quite a bit more than I was expecting so... I guess I may consider removing the topper from my pickup truck and throwing the bike in the back for the time being...

Apologies for being so far off on my guesstimate of the price!


Yup that about right.

Add to the fact how often you would use it. Becomes very costly. Using the Pickup is still the best option, if you got one.


Pictures of the ramp as requested.post-62652-092014600 1279120752_thumb.jppost-62652-088047000 1279120876_thumb.jp

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post-62652-072683100 1279121032_thumb.jp

Wow! Looks strong and HEAVY! Any guess what that thing weighs? I've used the Aluminum and plastic ramp they sell at Dirtshop and am always worried it's going to snap. The one you've pictures looks incredibly strong but can one person pick it up? Cheers!

Tony.Yes it is heavy but one person can lift it. I would guess it weighs about 25kg-ish. I was very impressed with the folding joint the guy spent a fair bit of time getting that right. My bike aint light and i could run the bike up on the back of the truck quite easily standing at the side of the ramp and using the engine power.

Any way the guy has 2 left if any one is interested pm me or let me know here. I'm sure he would make more if he has pre-paid orders.

currently they are 2,500 and 2,800b (thats what he quoted when i bought mine)

Thai CBR

Thanks for the pictures mate, yep that looks like a good ramp. Couple of further questions if you please.

I notice from the first pic that you've got 2 ramps. Is that so you can walk the bike up on the pickup standing on one ramp, bike on the other ?

That's always how I figured the easiest way would be.

What sort of pickup are you putting it on, Is it the high up type, mines a four door triton high up tray so the angle ramp to tray can be critical. My race bike is pretty low clearance with the lower fairing. Could always take the lower fairing off for transporting, but that's a bit of a hassle.

Actually if it were a problem with the angle I can see a work around by putting a second flap on the ramp same as the one goes on the pickup tray. Could then put a tyre or something underneath that to change the angle.


Pictures of the ramp as requested.post-62652-092014600 1279120752_thumb.jppost-62652-088047000 1279120876_thumb.jp

post-62652-018301800 1279120911_thumb.jppost-62652-072690700 1279120949_thumb.jppost-62652-039543200 1279120994_thumb.jp

post-62652-072683100 1279121032_thumb.jp

Wow! Looks strong and HEAVY! Any guess what that thing weighs? I've used the Aluminum and plastic ramp they sell at Dirtshop and am always worried it's going to snap. The one you've pictures looks incredibly strong but can one person pick it up? Cheers!

Tony.Yes it is heavy but one person can lift it. I would guess it weighs about 25kg-ish. I was very impressed with the folding joint the guy spent a fair bit of time getting that right. My bike aint light and i could run the bike up on the back of the truck quite easily standing at the side of the ramp and using the engine power.

Any way the guy has 2 left if any one is interested pm me or let me know here. I'm sure he would make more if he has pre-paid orders.

currently they are 2,500 and 2,800b (thats what he quoted when i bought mine)

Thai CBR

Thanks for the pictures mate, yep that looks like a good ramp. Couple of further questions if you please.

I notice from the first pic that you've got 2 ramps. Is that so you can walk the bike up on the pickup standing on one ramp, bike on the other ?

That's always how I figured the easiest way would be.

What sort of pickup are you putting it on, Is it the high up type, mines a four door triton high up tray so the angle ramp to tray can be critical. My race bike is pretty low clearance with the lower fairing. Could always take the lower fairing off for transporting, but that's a bit of a hassle.

Actually if it were a problem with the angle I can see a work around by putting a second flap on the ramp same as the one goes on the pickup tray. Could then put a tyre or something underneath that to change the angle.

Art pictures taken at the guys shop. I only have 1 ramp. i stand at the side and power the bike up the ramp. coming down just sit on the bike and paddle down using the brake. It is easier if you have some one to help but its doable by yourself.


Pictures of the ramp as requested.post-62652-092014600 1279120752_thumb.jppost-62652-088047000 1279120876_thumb.jp

post-62652-018301800 1279120911_thumb.jppost-62652-072690700 1279120949_thumb.jppost-62652-039543200 1279120994_thumb.jp

post-62652-072683100 1279121032_thumb.jp

Thanks Allan

Nice ramp. Do you know how long the ramps are? Vigo bed is 150cm long and it would be nice if it fits in line with closed hatch


Kata folded i think no problem fitting into the bed. it goes in my Ford Ranger ok (the bed of the Ranger is only slightly longer) I have the standard length ramp.

Also Art the guy does 2 lengths one for standard trucks and 1 for 4x4 (hilines) not sure of the length but i can check tnite. I go past the shop most days.


Good pics!

And indeed they look heavy.

You could actually make 2 smaller ones instead of 1 wide one. One for the bike, one for yourself (at least with a 4x4 or PreRunner/HiRider).

The Alum one's from DirtShop are so flexibele that it looks like they will break but they are a combi of Alum and super strong plastic. Unless you overload they will not break.

  • 1 year later...

Ok I know this an old thread but it features just what I'm after , the ramp to get bike on truck any new ones become available I have only seen one in dirtbike shop but at 4500 bht pretty expensive anyone know of any others available at more reasonable price


Ok I know this an old thread but it features just what I'm after , the ramp to get bike on truck any new ones become available I have only seen one in dirtbike shop but at 4500 bht pretty expensive anyone know of any others available at more reasonable price


Taninthai. You can have mine for 2000b.

Its the one in the pictures. I'm near bkk. Could deliver within reason (at cost)

sent from my Wellcom A90+

I'm all the way down south in krabi what about postal options

Dunno. Will have to get back to you. But its heavy so maybe have to be a freight company like OK TRANSPORT

sent from my Wellcom A90+

I'm all the way down south in krabi what about postal options

Dunno. Will have to get back to you. But its heavy so maybe have to be a freight company like OK TRANSPORT

sent from my Wellcom A90+

If Taninthai doesn't take it, I would like to buy it.

I'm all the way down south in krabi what about postal options

Dunno. Will have to get back to you. But its heavy so maybe have to be a freight company like OK TRANSPORT

sent from my Wellcom A90+

If Taninthai doesn't take it, I would like to buy it.

OK. Taninthai what do you want to do? I reckon it would be at least 1000b to send down (not checked yet. just a guess)

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App



if saorsa is in Bangkok you can sell it to him I'm gonna take pictures from here and maybe get one made up or look fo a electrical wholesaler who has heavy duty cable tray which can be used to make one




if saorsa is in Bangkok you can sell it to him I'm gonna take pictures from here and maybe get one made up or look fo a electrical wholesaler who has heavy duty cable tray which can be used to make one


I'm in Bangkok...well, actually, I'm in Kazakhstan right now, but I will be home next week. Once I get the ramp, I just need to buy a pickup truck!! :P

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