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Hi, I want to go to Pattaya for a week with the missis. I don't want to drive in one day... these days I could and did are far behind me.

Can someone give me some idea where to overnight?

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Hmmm... he probably wants someone to suggest halfway point to spend the night and break the drive into two approximately equal days.

Allow me to point out Phitsanulok or Nakon Sawan as possibilities.

Personally I'd play it by ear and eye, if saw somewhere I liked around the 500km mark I'd stop.


The biggest problem here on Earth is that people look and not see, they hear but not listen! And in this case, they read but ....

Sceadugenga, thank you so much for reading and UNDERSTANDING what I asked.

Maybe you have a name or an adress from a hotel?

Thanks in advance!


I'd say CM you'd be better off looking for a place when you get there. If you make commitment sight unseen in a strange town there's a chance that you may not be able to find it anyway.

If you want a general idea, googling the name of the city and "hotel" usually reveals a good selection, with prices, maps and an opportunity to book on the internet.


It just seems a bit unrealistic to expect that any of us, sitting up here in the Rai, are going to be a able to give a travel agent sort of answer to this question.

If you are not up to the drive, then fly. If you insist on driving, then drive as far as you can the first day, and stop. I would suggest more than halfway, so you won't be as tired when you arrive at your destination. Get yourself a good map, look at it, read it and understand it.

For a more detailed answer, we are going to have to do the web search, that you should be doing yourself. I think it is a bit much to expect that of us. As Scea suggested, just look around when you get tired or see someplace nice. :)


Unless you really enjoy driving, flying might be the best option. The mind boggles at what some people post. ;)(Come from where...?)

from the usual helpful V.F .

Just a guess but i reckon it was the (come from where..?) that he was commenting on, seeing as the OP was in the CR forum, it's a fair bet he's coming from CR


Unless you really enjoy driving, flying might be the best option. The mind boggles at what some people post. ;)(Come from where...?)

from the usual helpful V.F .

Just a guess but i reckon it was the (come from where..?) that he was commenting on, seeing as the OP was in the CR forum, it's a fair bet he's coming from CR

So how did you get to be so clever Biff? :)


I'm just astounded that he wants to bring his wife to Pattaya. :D

Did the old adage "Coals to Newcastle" cross your mind. B)

A little decorum gentlemen. He is after all a newlywed and this may be a belated honeymoon. Give the guy six months or so before expecting him to fool around in Pattaya. ;)


Unless you really enjoy driving, flying might be the best option. The mind boggles at what some people post. ;)(Come from where...?)

from the usual helpful V.F .

Just a guess but i reckon it was the (come from where..?) that he was commenting on, seeing as the OP was in the CR forum, it's a fair bet he's coming from CR

So how did you get to be so clever Biff? :)

mostly trial and error :)


Face it dude, when it comes to good old down home understanding, there's sceadugenga, and there's the rest. B)

You're the man Scea :D


I'm just astounded that he wants to bring his wife to Pattaya. :D

Did the old adage "Coals to Newcastle" cross your mind. B)

A little decorum gentlemen. He is after all a newlywed and this may be a belated honeymoon. Give the guy six months or so before expecting him to fool around in Pattaya. ;)

Actually the Jomtien Beach area and Koh Larn are non sin city areas I would reccomend and I am sure there are others.

I also liked the Tiffany show. Of course I had to go to Pattaya beach and walking street to take a look. Escorted of course.


I don't know what you old boys sitting up here in the Rai are basing your knowledge of Pattaya on nowadays, but there IS a lot more todo there than what you think.

I lived there for 5 years before coming up here, and I spent the last couple of those years without going anywhere near a bar or nightspot and I can confirm that if you don't go to them, they don't come bother you.

Walking on a beach, sitting looking at the sea, being able to easily buy most products you crave from home, and having a choice of quality restaurants are the things I miss from Pattaya.

As for driving down, (I have done it several times both ways) and have yet to pass any hotel that I would actually want to stay in before I got to Bangkok. Just get a good rest before hand, eat some apples or oranges whilst driving, make plenty of stops for coffee and lipo, and products with sugar in, and you will find the time passes very quickly. It's only about a 10 or 11 hour journey. If you get tired which you will take a 30 minute nap in your car in a service station.

<br>I don't know what you old boys sitting up here in the Rai are basing your knowledge of Pattaya on nowadays, but there IS a lot more todo there than what you think. <br><br>I lived there for 5 years before coming up here, and I spent the last couple of those years without going anywhere near a bar or nightspot and I can confirm that if you don't go to them, they don't come bother you. <br><br>Walking on a beach, sitting looking at the sea, being able to easily buy most products you crave from home, and having a choice of quality restaurants are the things I miss from Pattaya. <br><br>
<br><br><div>Never been myself but some Thai friends of mine, from Bangkok, go quite a lot for the beach and stuff, they're definitely not interested in the bar scene. Ms Tastic said 'pattaya' without blinking an eyelid when I asked her where we should take the nippers for a holiday. I'd love to do that drive by the way, sounds great. <br><br>


what's with all the <br> <br> </div> stuff in my, otherwise beautiful,post? :lol:


I don't know what you old boys sitting up here in the Rai are basing your knowledge of Pattaya on nowadays, but there IS a lot more todo there than what you think.

I lived there for 5 years before coming up here, and I spent the last couple of those years without going anywhere near a bar or nightspot and I can confirm that if you don't go to them, they don't come bother you.

Walking on a beach, sitting looking at the sea, being able to easily buy most products you crave from home, and having a choice of quality restaurants are the things I miss from Pattaya.

As for driving down, (I have done it several times both ways) and have yet to pass any hotel that I would actually want to stay in before I got to Bangkok. Just get a good rest before hand, eat some apples or oranges whilst driving, make plenty of stops for coffee and lipo, and products with sugar in, and you will find the time passes very quickly. It's only about a 10 or 11 hour journey. If you get tired which you will take a 30 minute nap in your car in a service station.

THIS I call a good advise!


I don't know what you old boys sitting up here in the Rai are basing your knowledge of Pattaya on nowadays, but there IS a lot more todo there than what you think.

I lived there for 5 years before coming up here, and I spent the last couple of those years without going anywhere near a bar or nightspot and I can confirm that if you don't go to them, they don't come bother you.

Walking on a beach, sitting looking at the sea, being able to easily buy most products you crave from home, and having a choice of quality restaurants are the things I miss from Pattaya.

As for driving down, (I have done it several times both ways) and have yet to pass any hotel that I would actually want to stay in before I got to Bangkok. Just get a good rest before hand, eat some apples or oranges whilst driving, make plenty of stops for coffee and lipo, and products with sugar in, and you will find the time passes very quickly. It's only about a 10 or 11 hour journey. If you get tired which you will take a 30 minute nap in your car in a service station.

THIS I call a good advise!

THAT explains a lot! :coffee1:


It is a rainy old day and this is a good example of the kind of thread that I find irritating. My own recommendations come at the end of this rant.

First the Op says he is far past the day when he was capable of driving to Pattaya in one go and wants to know where to stop along the way.

Well a quick look at any map and the OP would see that both Sukhothai and Phitsanulok would fit the bill nicely. Both are centrally located in the heartland, are of historical significance and boast several very nice hotels in the 1000 to 2000+ range. But that, it seems, is too difficult.

Scea points out something similar with the substitution of Nakon Sawan, and the OP asks for the name and address of a hotel. Scea also correctly suggests that the OP do his own Google Search but might be better off looking for a place when he gets there, rather than booking sight unseen.

Scorpio and I both suggested that since the OP admitted to being incapable of making the trip in one day that perhaps he should consider flying.

Dingdong put up some links while a few others tried to lighten things up with a little humor and levity.

Paul888 shows up and tells the OP to dope up on coffee and Lipo and just go ahead and make the drive in one go, and is praised for giving good advice. I thought he said that was not an option.

All of this vagueness and confusion does not paint the OP in a very good light. We are expected to guess at what his imaged needs might be and do all the work for him.

Might I recommend that posters give more information in their questions. Do a little of their own homework first and offer a couple of options that they are looking at. We can then critique those options and offer alternatives based on a clearer notion of what criteria might be involved.

Throwing out lazy, overly broad questions and expecting detailed answers, could be seen as inconsiderate.

As a qualifier, I find the OP is a very polite and hospitable individual in person and I am simple using this topic as an example of what is wrong IMHO with some of the requests for help or information that we come across in this forum. Help us, help you, by being more specific. :)

Throwing out lazy, overly broad questions and expecting detailed answers, could be seen as inconsiderate.

So why don't you walk on by if the phrasing of a particular question being asked is not up to your standards villagefarang?

It is not obligatory to post in every thread. (I believe).

As these things seem to bother you too much, I will explain the reasoning beyond my "villagefarang not approved" answer.

The OP is planning to drive to Pattaya but thinks that the trip is too long to be accomplished straight off and he doesn't feel he wants to do that.

Unless you have actually done the drive in question or other long drives, this is understandable. The idea of a 1000 km trip sounds a pretty daunting task.

I couldn't recommend a hotel I would stay at, so I did the next best thing in my opinion and suggested to consider taking the drive on, on on the basis that it is not actually so hard, and easier to accomplish without the need for an overnight stay than people may initially think.

I am pretty sure that I didn't suggest "doping" up on coffee and lipo so why don't you do what you always suggest others do and "re-read" that particular section.

When you start complaining about people saying someone other than yourself made a useful post, you are either taking yourself too seriously or you are spending too much time on the forum.

Throwing out lazy, overly broad questions and expecting detailed answers, could be seen as inconsiderate.

So why don't you walk on by if the phrasing of a particular question being asked is not up to your standards villagefarang?

It is not obligatory to post in every thread. (I believe).

As these things seem to bother you too much, I will explain the reasoning beyond my "villagefarang not approved" answer.

The OP is planning to drive to Pattaya but thinks that the trip is too long to be accomplished straight off and he doesn't feel he wants to do that.

Unless you have actually done the drive in question or other long drives, this is understandable. The idea of a 1000 km trip sounds a pretty daunting task.

I couldn't recommend a hotel I would stay at, so I did the next best thing in my opinion and suggested to consider taking the drive on, on on the basis that it is not actually so hard, and easier to accomplish without the need for an overnight stay than people may initially think.

I am pretty sure that I didn't suggest "doping" up on coffee and lipo so why don't you do what you always suggest others do and "re-read" that particular section.

When you start complaining about people saying someone other than yourself made a useful post, you are either taking yourself too seriously or you are spending too much time on the forum.

We seem a bit touchy today. I made no criticism of your post at all. The most I could possibly say about your post was that it was perhaps overly generous. As for the doping phrase, that was just an attempt at a colorful reference to your "make plenty of stops for coffee and lipo", no slight intended.

What is it with people being so serious and easily offended these days? Again I was not complaining about the answers given but about vague and overly broad questions that don't give us enough information to go on. I am grateful for anyone who tries to make a contribution, please get that straight. It would just be nice if the users of the forum would help out by being clearer about what they need. It would make it much easier on the contributors.

It is interesting to me that those who contribute so little to this forum are so critical of those who try to keep it afloat. As I have said before, however, there is room here for everyone. :)


I would vote for Phitsanulok.

Some nice hotels besdie the river & excellent vegetarian meals with "Morning Glory"

Yes Pattaya does have some good family restaurants,excursions & good Mall type Shopping

Good Luck on your journey


It is interesting to me that those who contribute so little to this forum are so critical of those who try to keep it afloat.

OK Vilage Farang, I will bite again, and help your hitherto single handed quest to keep the forum "afloat" with a further reply. :)

People ask questions in many different ways. Some take too long to get to the point, others don't give enough detail to be easily helped. Few ask the queston perfectly for everybody.

We as viewers and potential helpers have to read the posts and decide if we can contribute or better can be bothered to contribute. As I said before commenting on every thread is not compulsory.

I don't make as many posts as you because i am not as knowledgeable about Chiang Rai as you having been living here only a matter of months, and as a result I reserve my contributions to areas that I actually have an opinion on or feel I can help, as in this case, that long but not so arduous drive to Pattaya.

I believe your intentions are good but you are going about it the wrong way. If you want more people to post more often then don't jump up from behind your keyboard with a smart ass remark everytime a reply doesn't pass the Village Farang quality test !


It is interesting to me that those who contribute so little to this forum are so critical of those who try to keep it afloat.

OK Vilage Farang, I will bite again, and help your hitherto single handed quest to keep the forum "afloat" with a further reply. :)

People ask questions in many different ways. Some take too long to get to the point, others don't give enough detail to be easily helped. Few ask the queston perfectly for everybody.

We as viewers and potential helpers have to read the posts and decide if we can contribute or better can be bothered to contribute. As I said before commenting on every thread is not compulsory.

I don't make as many posts as you because i am not as knowledgeable about Chiang Rai as you having been living here only a matter of months, and as a result I reserve my contributions to areas that I actually have an opinion on or feel I can help, as in this case, that long but not so arduous drive to Pattaya.

I believe your intentions are good but you are going about it the wrong way. If you want more people to post more often then don't jump up from behind your keyboard with a smart ass remark everytime a reply doesn't pass the Village Farang quality test !

I'm a great fan of feedback and as such greatly appreciate your insights. As I have tried to point out, newcomers often have more to offer than they give themselves credit for.

I'm not convinced that there is any right or wrong way to go about improving the quality of experience on our forum. It is not a competition but a collaboration. We can all do more and that has nothing to do with any VF quality test.

I am perhaps more willing to say what others are thinking, but unwilling to say, and say it in a more attention getting way. I'm not too shy to point out that stupid questions result in less than intelligent responses. Garbage in, garbage out comes to mind.

I sometimes stir the pot and try to provoke interaction. Some are peace makers. Others are comedians and offer comic relief. Some are reader while others are writers. Some ask while others answer. Some criticize constructively while others do in abusively.

To make my contribution, I am willing to take a certain amount of abuse from those who are not like minded. I do not strive for conformity or homogeneity. Diversity and tolerance are more acceptable goals and do not exclude doing a better job. I don't think it is wrong to encourage people to try a little harder. Granted, none of us are perfect the way we are, but that doesn't mean we have to dumb things down to the lowest common denominator or not make an effort.

Discussion and difference of opinion are a good thing, so thanks for 'biting'. ;)


When I came to this forum the Chiang Rai subforum was enjoying what could be looked back on as a golden age.

There were a lot of posters with plenty of experience in Chiang Rai and the information flowed amidst a spirit of good-fellowship.

For reasons I won’t go into we became unmoderated and the opportunity was taken by several members to settle old scores and attack what they considered to be worthless posts and the posters.

This part of ThaiVisa became a byword in the forum for flaming and petty bickering and subsequently we became the target of some pretty stiff moderating.

After this I can remember days passing with out a post, but a few of us stuck it out; at times I could see us rejoining the Chiang Mai forum, but eventually it was built up again and I consider we are once more a worthwhile member of the ThaiVisa community.

So let’s not regress into the bad old ways. If you have a problem with another member, either make a report or discuss it by PM.


When I came to this forum the Chiang Rai subforum was enjoying what could be looked back on as a golden age.

There were a lot of posters with plenty of experience in Chiang Rai and the information flowed amidst a spirit of good-fellowship.

For reasons I won’t go into we became unmoderated and the opportunity was taken by several members to settle old scores and attack what they considered to be worthless posts and the posters.

This part of ThaiVisa became a byword in the forum for flaming and petty bickering and subsequently we became the target of some pretty stiff moderating.

After this I can remember days passing with out a post, but a few of us stuck it out; at times I could see us rejoining the Chiang Mai forum, but eventually it was built up again and I consider we are once more a worthwhile member of the ThaiVisa community.

So let’s not regress into the bad old ways. If you have a problem with another member, either make a report or discuss it by PM.

Good advice from and old hand. Thanks Scea. :)

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