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I Am A Foreginer Looking To Invest In Reals Estate In Thailand

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Hi - I would like to invest in real estate in thailand (as a froeginer)

Purpose of investment is to generate rental income on a short term and sell the porpoerty after it appriciates significantly.

Please suggest do's and dont's !!


What kind of budget should i look at to start small ?

What cities/areas should I concentrate on ? (would like to play safe with the frist investment)

Is it easy to rent out a good property to a company ?

What % of Returns should I expect ?

What period of lease do tenants usually prefer for comercial ? residential props ?

How is the market now ? is this a good time to buy ?

If I go for Condos - can I own a 100% or still would end up ownig 49 % of Condos - btw for Condos - is the builder a 51% thai owner ? can one trust these buliders ?

Are there laws that protect the Foregin Invstor as a 49% owner ?

Does the 49% owner have the right to sell or rent the prop to who so ever he wnat ? also does he have to share the profits generated by Sale or Rent of his investmen with the 51% thai owner ?

Could you please recomend a good broker ? or an estate Agent company ? that has exoerience working with Foreginers

I am open to any other thoughts or comments on the subject




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