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Different Curry Paste


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A lot of the lesser known pastes are regional like Kaeng Hang Le.

There's no strict rules about what you make curry out off before you add the paste. Mine are often pot luck, whatever seems to be in surplus in the fridge and freezer goes into it.

The other day I had a red up and running and realised we were out of coconut milk.

Was still ok.

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ask the vendor for more information

most vendors would be kind enough to provide the necessary info

I wish I could ask....I can not sepak Thai, so that will be out my option.....

You've been here since 2008. I'm not having a pop at you because you don't spe4k Thai. Fluently. But hope you have at least bothered to learn the numbers, days of the week, months? Colours?

You don't need to have a conversation with the vendor. They understand not many farang fluent. Just ask which particular paste you like the look of is called what? Or, buy 5 bhat's worth of every paste, ask them to write it on each little pack, and remember which ones you like/want. Two way street.

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There is also at least one type of curry paste that is to be used without coconut milk. Called something like krueng gaeng pad pet ..

The finished dish doesn't have a lot of liquid like a typical curry. The meat and veg are just coated with the curry paste, it's red and very spicy.

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