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Does anyone else suffer with sore eyes over here?My eyes feel very sore and gritty(specially in the morning)Ive been to the eye hospital and been given various eye drops but they havent tried finding the cause of the problem.Does anyone have any alternative herbal ideas,I'm getting pissed off with looking like Ive been drinking all night(save that for the weekends!)Thanks.

Does anyone else suffer with sore eyes over here?My eyes feel very sore and gritty(specially in the morning)Ive been to the eye hospital and been given various eye drops but they haventย  tried finding the cause of the problem.Does anyone have any alternative herbal ideas,I'm getting pissed off with looking like Ive been drinking all night(save that for the weekends!)Thanks.

Strangely enough, dryness can be a greater problem in the morning than at other times. While we sleep, our tear production drops dramatically. With air conditioners and poor air quality, this can cause dryness when we wake up. Our eyelids actually prevent oxygen from being absorbed by our eyes so in effect, at night when you sleep you are starving your eyes of oxygen. If moisture is low as well then you are also putting your eyes through many hours of extended dryness. You could look into a humidifier or air purifier. You could also try purchasing cod liver oil. If the problem comes from dryness, then this might help.

You really should find the cause of the problem though. Trying herbal remedies without knowing the reason for the symptoms can actually be dangerous in some cases. Symptoms such as these could be caused by a thyroid imbalance or other systemic problem. Herbs could actually aggravate the problem rather than help you if their mechanism of action is opposite to what is needed.

Other options that should be looked into are punctal occlusions and nighttime ointments. Most eye doctors will try the least aggressive solution first. If this fails they will be more aggressive in treatment. I would recommend that you return to your eye doctor and report that you are not any better than before. If you don't return, they will assume you have recovered.


^^ Very good advice from Dradam.

I think I would also seek a second opinion. Your sight is nothing to play around with. Get some professional treatment, and don't put it off. Do it now!

good luck, keep us posted on your progress.:o


Try turning off the air con as it only dries out the air and your eyes. Don't worry a fan works just as well and is far cheaper.

Also you could try getting a cloth with some warm water and putting this over your face for a few minutes. I find this relaxing and calms the eyes a bit. Puts a bit of moisture back into your throat, face and eyes.

If this fails maybe get a second opinion with a doctor.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for all your replies.I shall contact the hospital about another consultation.I also had this problem in the UK, but was not as severe.Thanks again,I'll let you know how I get on.

Thanks for all your replies.I shall contact the hospital about another consultation.I also had this problem in the UK, but was not as severe.Thanks again,I'll let you know how I get on.

Am suffering the same problem at the moment along with other "hayfever" like symptoms. Have suffered this before in the tropics of Oz and found, oddly enough, that cutting out wheat-based foods cleared up all the health problems. And you lose weight too. Worth a try!

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