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Send Thaksin Down: In Praise Of The Prison Option


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I believe his lawyers have appealed the decision of the court to confiscate his billions of Baht.

Yes, we'll hear the Supreme Court's decision soon, on August 11.

I wouldn't mind betting that he will get some if not all of it back

Given the strict criteria and guidelines for winning on appeal in a Supreme Court case, that's a risky wager.

I say he's out the 46 Billion Baht from losing on this appeal.

But that still leaves him with over 350 Billion Baht.

and do his time at home with an ankle bracelet on and then run for PM and sh*t it in again. Give it time.

That's much a more likely scenario. He's still got the vast resources to create turmoil and possibly even to the point he returns as you say. Hopefully, it doesn't. A thirty year prison sentence (from all the other pending cases) would go a long way in trying to turn the tide on corruption for this country. When he was PM, he was always on about being the first at something as a PM. Always shining the spotlight on his unprecedented status from a PM over this thing or that.

Well... Let him now be the first PM to ever serve a life sentence (he'd be 91 at the end of that stretch).

Let him set the precedent that corruption like his begets a three decade sentence and follow it up with anyone else that pulls his crap. See if that doesn't rattle some cages and begin to set this country on a proper path. Let him go down in history as the one that Thailand turned over a new leaf with.

Edited by march
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I am not really interested in politics. But I do believe all countries are the same....... power corrupts and thus it is hard to have honest people in power.

Thailand currently is not a democracy, but a police/military state. Under this condition Thaksin would be crazy to surrender himself to the will of his opponents.

I read all the posts painting him as an evil person who harmed Thailand. These people obviously know nothing of the recent political history of Thailand.

Thaksin was elected & re-elected by the people of Thailand, he was & is popular with the majority of Thais. He was ousted while he was out of the country by his opponents with the backing of the military.

Was he good for Thailand? I believe he was ... he is a good businessman and Thailand was prospering. Was he corrupt? Probably. Are there any honest politicians taking his place? Not likely. If all politicians are the same, isn't better to have one that does good things for Thailand?

Good for Thailand? Unless your one of the Thousands he had killed that is.

Drug dealers derserve to die.

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I am not really interested in politics. But I do believe all countries are the same....... power corrupts and thus it is hard to have honest people in power.

Thailand currently is not a democracy, but a police/military state. Under this condition Thaksin would be crazy to surrender himself to the will of his opponents.

I read all the posts painting him as an evil person who harmed Thailand. These people obviously know nothing of the recent political history of Thailand.

Thaksin was elected & re-elected by the people of Thailand, he was & is popular with the majority of Thais. He was ousted while he was out of the country by his opponents with the backing of the military.

Was he good for Thailand? I believe he was ... he is a good businessman and Thailand was prospering. Was he corrupt? Probably. Are there any honest politicians taking his place? Not likely. If all politicians are the same, isn't better to have one that does good things for Thailand?

Good for Thailand? Unless your one of the Thousands he had killed that is.

Drug dealers derserve to die.

None of them were convicted drug dealers. During that time anyone could place an anonymous note in a police box accusing someone of being a drug dealer & occasionally some of them were summarily executed.

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I am not really interested in politics. But I do believe all countries are the same....... power corrupts and thus it is hard to have honest people in power.

Thailand currently is not a democracy, but a police/military state. Under this condition Thaksin would be crazy to surrender himself to the will of his opponents.

I read all the posts painting him as an evil person who harmed Thailand. These people obviously know nothing of the recent political history of Thailand.

Thaksin was elected & re-elected by the people of Thailand, he was & is popular with the majority of Thais. He was ousted while he was out of the country by his opponents with the backing of the military.

Was he good for Thailand? I believe he was ... he is a good businessman and Thailand was prospering. Was he corrupt? Probably. Are there any honest politicians taking his place? Not likely. If all politicians are the same, isn't better to have one that does good things for Thailand?

Regardless of what one considers towards Thaksin, the proposed prosecution should should be set in order first. Those responsible for an illegally organized and pre-meditated coup should be first upon the judicial docket, yes?

How about dealing with the crimes in the order they were committed? Deal with Thaksin first. And of course, if (when) he's found guilty, the coup makers will have shown justification for their actions.

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I am not really interested in politics. But I do believe all countries are the same....... power corrupts and thus it is hard to have honest people in power.

Thailand currently is not a democracy, but a police/military state. Under this condition Thaksin would be crazy to surrender himself to the will of his opponents.

I read all the posts painting him as an evil person who harmed Thailand. These people obviously know nothing of the recent political history of Thailand.

Thaksin was elected & re-elected by the people of Thailand, he was & is popular with the majority of Thais. He was ousted while he was out of the country by his opponents with the backing of the military.

Was he good for Thailand? I believe he was ... he is a good businessman and Thailand was prospering. Was he corrupt? Probably. Are there any honest politicians taking his place? Not likely. If all politicians are the same, isn't better to have one that does good things for Thailand?

Best and most rational comment I have read on Thai Visa for the past 5 Years.

excepting his is not factul!

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I am not really interested in politics. But I do believe all countries are the same....... power corrupts and thus it is hard to have honest people in power.

Thailand currently is not a democracy, but a police/military state. Under this condition Thaksin would be crazy to surrender himself to the will of his opponents.

I read all the posts painting him as an evil person who harmed Thailand. These people obviously know nothing of the recent political history of Thailand.

Thaksin was elected & re-elected by the people of Thailand, he was & is popular with the majority of Thais. He was ousted while he was out of the country by his opponents with the backing of the military.

Was he good for Thailand? I believe he was ... he is a good businessman and Thailand was prospering. Was he corrupt? Probably. Are there any honest politicians taking his place? Not likely. If all politicians are the same, isn't better to have one that does good things for Thailand? Best and most rational comment I have read on Thai Visa for the past 5 Years.

You start your post with "I am not really interested in politics" which is the prequel to the lies (intentional or mis-guided) which follow. It's your first post, so perhaps we should welcome you to T.Visa and go easy on you. However, it's easy to post under multiple names (articulated in the new book titled; GUARDED CONVERSATIONS).

In your next to last sentence, you propose that all Thai politicians are liars and corrupt - so you think it's better to have one of the corrupt liars who may have done the least harm to Thailand. In some ways I agree, and it pains me to think that there are few (if any) honest people to run for top offices in Thailand. However, I don't agree with the premise that T did 'good things for Thailand.' He made loans easier and therefore ran up debts for poor farmers. He caused the death of thousands of people - none of whom rec'd a trial (fair or otherwise). At least T and his ex-wife rec'd trials. Of the thousands of Thais (nearly all were young males) supposedly involved with drugs or with civil protests in the south - none of them received a trial of any type. ....and all died on T's watch. Was that good for Thailand? Did T ever apologize (no!) Was there ever a proper investigation? (no!).

T should be hauled before the Int'l Court at the Hague for crimes against humanity.

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I am not really interested in politics. But I do believe all countries are the same....... power corrupts and thus it is hard to have honest people in power.

Thailand currently is not a democracy, but a police/military state. Under this condition Thaksin would be crazy to surrender himself to the will of his opponents.

I read all the posts painting him as an evil person who harmed Thailand. These people obviously know nothing of the recent political history of Thailand.

Thaksin was elected & re-elected by the people of Thailand, he was & is popular with the majority of Thais. He was ousted while he was out of the country by his opponents with the backing of the military.

Was he good for Thailand? I believe he was ... he is a good businessman and Thailand was prospering. Was he corrupt? Probably. Are there any honest politicians taking his place? Not likely. If all politicians are the same, isn't better to have one that does good things for Thailand?

Regardless of what one considers towards Thaksin, the proposed prosecution should should be set in order first. Those responsible for an illegally organized and pre-meditated coup should be first upon the judicial docket, yes?


The proper order would be: Taksin (massive voter fraud and corruption as P.M.), then the Generals and their associates (illegal coup d' etat, dictatorship), then the Yellows (invading govt. house and the airports) then the Reds (Songkran riots, upsetting ASEAN meet), then Taksin and the Reds (most recent excesses). If I have to pay a thousand baht fine for a cigarette butt thrown onto an existing pile of trash on the street in Bangkok, I want each and every one involved in the actons listed above to feel the full force and weight of the justice system with no double standards and no favoritism and especially no compromise in the name of harmony. That last one really takes the cake. Thais can and will forgive anything to make peace and in the process, 'Justice' gets short shrift.

While I'm here what ever happened with Dr. Taksin's war on corruption? Can anyone name even one Amart or influential person prosecuted or even accused of corruption?

I have become convinced, from reading this forum, that anyone who can defend Dr. Taksin's behavior during or after his Prime Ministership is either woefully uninformed, deluded, or totally immoral. (or paid by Mr. Amsterdam)

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I am not really interested in politics. But I do believe all countries are the same....... power corrupts and thus it is hard to have honest people in power.

Thailand currently is not a democracy, but a police/military state. Under this condition Thaksin would be crazy to surrender himself to the will of his opponents.

I read all the posts painting him as an evil person who harmed Thailand. These people obviously know nothing of the recent political history of Thailand.

Thaksin was elected & re-elected by the people of Thailand, he was & is popular with the majority of Thais. He was ousted while he was out of the country by his opponents with the backing of the military.

Was he good for Thailand? I believe he was ... he is a good businessman and Thailand was prospering. Was he corrupt? Probably. Are there any honest politicians taking his place? Not likely. If all politicians are the same, isn't better to have one that does good things for Thailand? Best and most rational comment I have read on Thai Visa for the past 5 Years.

You start your post with "I am not really interested in politics" which is the prequel to the lies (intentional or mis-guided) which follow. It's your first post, so perhaps we should welcome you to T.Visa and go easy on you. However, it's easy to post under multiple names (articulated in the new book titled; GUARDED CONVERSATIONS).

In your next to last sentence, you propose that all Thai politicians are liars and corrupt - so you think it's better to have one of the corrupt liars who may have done the least harm to Thailand. In some ways I agree, and it pains me to think that there are few (if any) honest people to run for top offices in Thailand. However, I don't agree with the premise that T did 'good things for Thailand.' He made loans easier and therefore ran up debts for poor farmers. He caused the death of thousands of people - none of whom rec'd a trial (fair or otherwise). At least T and his ex-wife rec'd trials. Of the thousands of Thais (nearly all were young males) supposedly involved with drugs or with civil protests in the south - none of them received a trial of any type. ....and all died on T's watch. Was that good for Thailand? Did T ever apologize (no!) Was there ever a proper investigation? (no!).

T should be hauled before the Int'l Court at the Hague for crimes against humanity.

Hypocrite hippie. Looks like that you are full of lies and propaganda and not jim walker.

If extra-judicial killing and human right violations really upset you, where was your voice of protest 2-3 month ago?

and what you talking about? civil protest in the south? all died under Thaksins watch? Thaksin never apologised? there was no trial of any type?

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I do not care about Thaksin now and I did not when I came here in 2004, but under him I loved the exchange rate for my US$ 40-42 I even liked when the Military was in power they kept at 36.5 I settle for them any time over the present one what ever his name is.

So it is all about money to you. Bush and Brown had nothing to do with the Euro falling in value. But I wish they had both been in Thailand instead of where they were.

Actually it is the States fault if they had been a democracy Gore would have been the president and I believe thing would have been a lot different.

Just because the current one is not afraid to hold elections is no reason to hold one. Besides the red shirts need time to build up there money to buy votes. It is not as easy as it was for Thaksin to transfer money into there coffers.

Are you serious? Global warming Gore? You need to to do your homework before you give Gore credit. Gore just got into the global warming game for personal gain and profits.

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I am not really interested in politics. But I do believe all countries are the same....... power corrupts and thus it is hard to have honest people in power.

Thailand currently is not a democracy, but a police/military state. Under this condition Thaksin would be crazy to surrender himself to the will of his opponents.

I read all the posts painting him as an evil person who harmed Thailand. These people obviously know nothing of the recent political history of Thailand.

Thaksin was elected & re-elected by the people of Thailand, he was & is popular with the majority of Thais. He was ousted while he was out of the country by his opponents with the backing of the military.

Was he good for Thailand? I believe he was ... he is a good businessman and Thailand was prospering. Was he corrupt? Probably. Are there any honest politicians taking his place? Not likely. If all politicians are the same, isn't better to have one that does good things for Thailand? Best and most rational comment I have read on Thai Visa for the past 5 Years.

You start your post with "I am not really interested in politics" which is the prequel to the lies (intentional or mis-guided) which follow. It's your first post, so perhaps we should welcome you to T.Visa and go easy on you. However, it's easy to post under multiple names (articulated in the new book titled; GUARDED CONVERSATIONS).

In your next to last sentence, you propose that all Thai politicians are liars and corrupt - so you think it's better to have one of the corrupt liars who may have done the least harm to Thailand. In some ways I agree, and it pains me to think that there are few (if any) honest people to run for top offices in Thailand. However, I don't agree with the premise that T did 'good things for Thailand.' He made loans easier and therefore ran up debts for poor farmers. He caused the death of thousands of people - none of whom rec'd a trial (fair or otherwise). At least T and his ex-wife rec'd trials. Of the thousands of Thais (nearly all were young males) supposedly involved with drugs or with civil protests in the south - none of them received a trial of any type. ....and all died on T's watch. Was that good for Thailand? Did T ever apologize (no!) Was there ever a proper investigation? (no!).

T should be hauled before the Int'l Court at the Hague for crimes against humanity.

To say T got a trial in Thailand is a ridiculous statement. There is no such thing as a fair trial here with this corrupt system. I do agree with the international option of having a retrial where there is less chance of local political influence. I would like to see this issue put to rest, but there is little to no chance of that.

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I have become convinced, from reading this forum, that anyone who can defend Dr. Taksin's behavior during or after his Prime Ministership is either woefully uninformed, deluded, or totally immoral. (or paid by Mr. Amsterdam)

I have become convinced, from reading this forum, that anyone who does noting else but repeatedly gospel like blame always and only Thaksin, even years after his Prime Ministership, is either woefully uninformed, deluded, or totally immoral.(or a drunken beer bar patron)

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I have become convinced, from reading this forum, that anyone who can defend Dr. Taksin's behavior during or after his Prime Ministership is either woefully uninformed, deluded, or totally immoral. (or paid by Mr. Amsterdam)

I have become convinced, from reading this forum, that anyone who does noting else but repeatedly gospel like blame always and only Thaksin, even years after his Prime Ministership, is either woefully uninformed, deluded, or totally immoral.(or a drunken beer bar patron)

If you really read my posts you would know I blame the Yellows and the coup-makers (in and out of uniform)

Edited by rametindallas
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I do not care about Thaksin now and I did not when I came here in 2004, but under him I loved the exchange rate for my US$ 40-42 I even liked when the Military was in power they kept at 36.5 I settle for them any time over the present one what ever his name is.

So it is all about money to you. Bush and Brown had nothing to do with the Euro falling in value. But I wish they had both been in Thailand instead of where they were.

Actually it is the States fault if they had been a democracy Gore would have been the president and I believe thing would have been a lot different.

Just because the current one is not afraid to hold elections is no reason to hold one. Besides the red shirts need time to build up there money to buy votes. It is not as easy as it was for Thaksin to transfer money into there coffers.

Who caused the Euro to lose value against baht

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I am not really interested in politics. But I do believe all countries are the same....... power corrupts and thus it is hard to have honest people in power.

Thailand currently is not a democracy, but a police/military state. Under this condition Thaksin would be crazy to surrender himself to the will of his opponents.

I read all the posts painting him as an evil person who harmed Thailand. These people obviously know nothing of the recent political history of Thailand.

Thaksin was elected & re-elected by the people of Thailand, he was & is popular with the majority of Thais. He was ousted while he was out of the country by his opponents with the backing of the military.

Was he good for Thailand? I believe he was ... he is a good businessman and Thailand was prospering. Was he corrupt? Probably. Are there any honest politicians taking his place? Not likely. If all politicians are the same, isn't better to have one that does good things for Thailand? Best and most rational comment I have read on Thai Visa for the past 5 Years.

You start your post with "I am not really interested in politics" which is the prequel to the lies (intentional or mis-guided) which follow. It's your first post, so perhaps we should welcome you to T.Visa and go easy on you. However, it's easy to post under multiple names (articulated in the new book titled; GUARDED CONVERSATIONS).

In your next to last sentence, you propose that all Thai politicians are liars and corrupt - so you think it's better to have one of the corrupt liars who may have done the least harm to Thailand. In some ways I agree, and it pains me to think that there are few (if any) honest people to run for top offices in Thailand. However, I don't agree with the premise that T did 'good things for Thailand.' He made loans easier and therefore ran up debts for poor farmers. He caused the death of thousands of people - none of whom rec'd a trial (fair or otherwise). At least T and his ex-wife rec'd trials. Of the thousands of Thais (nearly all were young males) supposedly involved with drugs or with civil protests in the south - none of them received a trial of any type. ....and all died on T's watch. Was that good for Thailand? Did T ever apologize (no!) Was there ever a proper investigation? (no!).

T should be hauled before the Int'l Court at the Hague for crimes against humanity.

Hypocrite hippie. Looks like that you are full of lies and propaganda and not jim walker.

If extra-judicial killing and human right violations really upset you, where was your voice of protest 2-3 month ago?

and what you talking about? civil protest in the south? all died under Thaksins watch? Thaksin never apologised? there was no trial of any type?

How did you know I was a hippie, thru and thru. Am also a tree hugger, but that's beside the point.

...."my voice of protest 2-3 months ago?" ......I did protest, via letters etc. I was appalled by the raucous crowd which commandeered downtown Bkk, and protected people (black shirts) who shot innocents from within those barricades - with grenades and bullets (example: the woman killed on the railway platform 100 meters away).

mazeltov asks; 'civil protest in the south?' - Ken replies; Yes, were you asleep when Tak Bai happened?

mazeltov asks 'all died under Thaksins watch?' Yes. T was PM then, and made it crystal clear before the protests that he would be 100% in charge of all that happens by authorites. He often claimed he was the CEO PM, remember?

mazeltov asks; 'Thaksin never apologised?' No. Apology never exists for Thaksin - for anything he may have done.

mazeltov asks; 'There was no trial of any type?' If you know of any trial for any of the drug dealers who were extra-judiciously killed, or any trials for the protesters who were killed in the south, please let us know. I've never heard of any. In contrast, T and his family have had trials in Thailand. They also lied to avoid the law, when they said they needed to go see the Olympics, and promised to return.

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I am not really interested in politics. But I do believe all countries are the same....... power corrupts and thus it is hard to have honest people in power.

Thailand currently is not a democracy, but a police/military state. Under this condition Thaksin would be crazy to surrender himself to the will of his opponents.

I read all the posts painting him as an evil person who harmed Thailand. These people obviously know nothing of the recent political history of Thailand.

Thaksin was elected & re-elected by the people of Thailand, he was & is popular with the majority of Thais. He was ousted while he was out of the country by his opponents with the backing of the military.

Was he good for Thailand? I believe he was ... he is a good businessman and Thailand was prospering. Was he corrupt? Probably. Are there any honest politicians taking his place? Not likely. If all politicians are the same, isn't better to have one that does good things for Thailand?

Regardless of what one considers towards Thaksin, the proposed prosecution should should be set in order first. Those responsible for an illegally organized and pre-meditated coup should be first upon the judicial docket, yes?


The proper order would be: Taksin (massive voter fraud and corruption as P.M.), then the Generals and their associates (illegal coup d' etat, dictatorship), then the Yellows (invading govt. house and the airports) then the Reds (Songkran riots, upsetting ASEAN meet), then Taksin and the Reds (most recent excesses). If I have to pay a thousand baht fine for a cigarette butt thrown onto an existing pile of trash on the street in Bangkok, I want each and every one involved in the actons listed above to feel the full force and weight of the justice system with no double standards and no favoritism and especially no compromise in the name of harmony. That last one really takes the cake. Thais can and will forgive anything to make peace and in the process, 'Justice' gets short shrift.

While I'm here what ever happened with Dr. Taksin's war on corruption? Can anyone name even one Amart or influential person prosecuted or even accused of corruption?

I have become convinced, from reading this forum, that anyone who can defend Dr. Taksin's behavior during or after his Prime Ministership is either woefully uninformed, deluded, or totally immoral. (or paid by Mr. Amsterdam)

Agreed with your last point as well as the rest of the post. :thumbsup:

I would only add one more to your timeline and that is the red violent action in 2007 that injured hundreds and predates the yellow's action in 2008, so it would then be reds in 2007, yellows in 2008, reds in 2009, and reds in 2010.

Edited by ThaksinKharma
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I am not really interested in politics. But I do believe all countries are the same....... power corrupts and thus it is hard to have honest people in power.

Thailand currently is not a democracy, but a police/military state. Under this condition Thaksin would be crazy to surrender himself to the will of his opponents.

I read all the posts painting him as an evil person who harmed Thailand. These people obviously know nothing of the recent political history of Thailand.

Thaksin was elected & re-elected by the people of Thailand, he was & is popular with the majority of Thais. He was ousted while he was out of the country by his opponents with the backing of the military.

Was he good for Thailand? I believe he was ... he is a good businessman and Thailand was prospering. Was he corrupt? Probably. Are there any honest politicians taking his place? Not likely. If all politicians are the same, isn't better to have one that does good things for Thailand? Best and most rational comment I have read on Thai Visa for the past 5 Years.

You start your post with "I am not really interested in politics" which is the prequel to the lies (intentional or mis-guided) which follow. It's your first post, so perhaps we should welcome you to T.Visa and go easy on you. However, it's easy to post under multiple names (articulated in the new book titled; GUARDED CONVERSATIONS).

In your next to last sentence, you propose that all Thai politicians are liars and corrupt - so you think it's better to have one of the corrupt liars who may have done the least harm to Thailand. In some ways I agree, and it pains me to think that there are few (if any) honest people to run for top offices in Thailand. However, I don't agree with the premise that T did 'good things for Thailand.' He made loans easier and therefore ran up debts for poor farmers. He caused the death of thousands of people - none of whom rec'd a trial (fair or otherwise). At least T and his ex-wife rec'd trials. Of the thousands of Thais (nearly all were young males) supposedly involved with drugs or with civil protests in the south - none of them received a trial of any type. ....and all died on T's watch. Was that good for Thailand? Did T ever apologize (no!) Was there ever a proper investigation? (no!).

T should be hauled before the Int'l Court at the Hague for crimes against humanity.

Hypocrite hippie. Looks like that you are full of lies and propaganda and not jim walker.

If extra-judicial killing and human right violations really upset you, where was your voice of protest 2-3 month ago?

and what you talking about? civil protest in the south? all died under Thaksins watch? Thaksin never apologised? there was no trial of any type?

How did you know I was a hippie, thru and thru. Am also a tree hugger, but that's beside the point.

...."my voice of protest 2-3 months ago?" ......I did protest, via letters etc. I was appalled by the raucous crowd which commandeered downtown Bkk, and protected people (black shirts) who shot innocents from within those barricades - with grenades and bullets (example: the woman killed on the railway platform 100 meters away).

mazeltov asks; 'civil protest in the south?' - Ken replies; Yes, were you asleep when Tak Bai happened?

mazeltov asks 'all died under Thaksins watch?' Yes. T was PM then, and made it crystal clear before the protests that he would be 100% in charge of all that happens by authorites. He often claimed he was the CEO PM, remember?

mazeltov asks; 'Thaksin never apologised?' No. Apology never exists for Thaksin - for anything he may have done.

mazeltov asks; 'There was no trial of any type?' If you know of any trial for any of the drug dealers who were extra-judiciously killed, or any trials for the protesters who were killed in the south, please let us know. I've never heard of any. In contrast, T and his family have had trials in Thailand. They also lied to avoid the law, when they said they needed to go see the Olympics, and promised to return.

Hypocrite hippie, Tak Bai is your civil protest? Do you know what happen? Why and how people did protests there? Was it civil or was the crackdown by security forces legal and justified and all according to the law?

FAST FORWARD into the year 2009:

Court clears security officials over Tak Bai deaths

In one of the most controversial verdicts passed in decades, a court yesterday cleared security officials of misconduct in the October 2004 Tak Bai incident in which 85 Malay-Muslim protesters died at the hands of the authorities.

The two-member panel in the post-mortem inquest
concluded that Army and police officials had acted according to the law, used sound judgement and done their best
given the circumstances.


By The Nation Published on May 30, 2009

You blame Thaksin for things that don't make him actually outstanding from others, under the current powers or under the Junta happen the same kind of human right violations if not worse. But you do like Thaksin would be the only one doing this. That makes you (intentional or mis-guided) to a liar.

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Hypocrite hippie. Looks like that you are full of lies and propaganda and not jim walker.

If extra-judicial killing and human right violations really upset you, where was your voice of protest 2-3 month ago?

and what you talking about? civil protest in the south? all died under Thaksins watch? Thaksin never apologised? there was no trial of any type?

How did you know I was a hippie, thru and thru. Am also a tree hugger, but that's beside the point.

...."my voice of protest 2-3 months ago?" ......I did protest, via letters etc. I was appalled by the raucous crowd which commandeered downtown Bkk, and protected people (black shirts) who shot innocents from within those barricades - with grenades and bullets (example: the woman killed on the railway platform 100 meters away).

mazeltov asks; 'civil protest in the south?' - Ken replies; Yes, were you asleep when Tak Bai happened?

mazeltov asks 'all died under Thaksins watch?' Yes. T was PM then, and made it crystal clear before the protests that he would be 100% in charge of all that happens by authorites. He often claimed he was the CEO PM, remember?

mazeltov asks; 'Thaksin never apologised?' No. Apology never exists for Thaksin - for anything he may have done.

mazeltov asks; 'There was no trial of any type?' If you know of any trial for any of the drug dealers who were extra-judiciously killed, or any trials for the protesters who were killed in the south, please let us know. I've never heard of any. In contrast, T and his family have had trials in Thailand. They also lied to avoid the law, when they said they needed to go see the Olympics, and promised to return.

Hypocrite hippie, Tak Bai is your civil protest? Do you know what happen? Why and how people did protests there? Was it civil or was the crackdown by security forces legal and justified and all according to the law?

FAST FORWARD into the year 2009:

Court clears security officials over Tak Bai deaths

In one of the most controversial verdicts passed in decades, a court yesterday cleared security officials of misconduct in the October 2004 Tak Bai incident in which 85 Malay-Muslim protesters died at the hands of the authorities.

The two-member panel in the post-mortem inquest
concluded that Army and police officials had acted according to the law, used sound judgement and done their best
given the circumstances.


By The Nation Published on May 30, 2009

You blame Thaksin for things that don't make him actually outstanding from others, under the current powers or under the Junta happen the same kind of human right violations if not worse. But you do like Thaksin would be the only one doing this. That makes you (intentional or mis-guided) to a liar.

Dear 'good luck', you pick part of a statement and use it to call someone a liar. Not nice, also incorrect use of logic, I'm afraid. To blame K. Thaksin doesn't mean all others who can be blamed are ignored. It would just distract in this discussion. The ruling you quote can indeed be seen as grand injustice, but doesn't diminish the fact that K. Thaksin in 2004 said 'those who died were weak from fasting anyhow'.

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Rubl, your old problem, you have to read also brahmburgers previous entry. he started calling others liar and he lies too and ignores all other human right violations when they are not fitting into a anti-thaksin rant.

btw. Thaksin said also that 'We are sorry they died untimely deaths'.

That of course excuse nothing, but if you are not able or willing to see and point out the similarities to more recently incidents your are nothing else than a hypocrite and a liar (intentional or mis-guided).

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Rubl, your old problem, you have to read also brahmburgers previous entry. he started calling others liar and he lies too and ignores all other human right violations when they are not fitting into a anti-thaksin rant.

btw. Thaksin said also that 'We are sorry they died untimely deaths'.

That of course excuse nothing, but if you are not able or willing to see and point out the similarities to more recently incidents your are nothing else than a hypocrite and a liar (intentional or mis-guided).

If I have to assemble posts again in order to properly reply to all, I would probably be suspended for violating one of the forum rules. The post I remarked on justified my reply IMHO.

K. Thaksin managed to put 'sorry for untimely deaths' and 'they were weak from fasting' maybe not in the same sentence, but same interview or statement. Makes it worse methinks.

There is a difference between 'not able' and 'not willing'. How serious any depends heavily on the context in which you place it. I assume you're not calling me a liar or hypocrite?

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...."my voice of protest 2-3 months ago?" ......I did protest, via letters etc. I was appalled by the raucous crowd which commandeered downtown Bkk, and protected people (black shirts) who shot innocents from within those barricades - with grenades and bullets (example: the woman killed on the railway platform 100 meters away).

mazeltov asks; 'civil protest in the south?' - Ken replies; Yes, were you asleep when Tak Bai happened?

mazeltov asks 'all died under Thaksins watch?' Yes. T was PM then, and made it crystal clear before the protests that he would be 100% in charge of all that happens by authorites. He often claimed he was the CEO PM, remember?

mazeltov asks; 'Thaksin never apologised?' No. Apology never exists for Thaksin - for anything he may have done.

mazeltov asks; 'There was no trial of any type?' If you know of any trial for any of the drug dealers who were extra-judiciously killed, or any trials for the protesters who were killed in the south, please let us know. I've never heard of any. In contrast, T and his family have had trials in Thailand. They also lied to avoid the law, when they said they needed to go see the Olympics, and promised to return.

Hypocrite hippie, Tak Bai is your civil protest? Do you know what happen? Why and how people did protests there? Was it civil or was the crackdown by security forces legal and justified and all according to the law?

FAST FORWARD into the year 2009:

Court clears security officials over Tak Bai deaths

In one of the most controversial verdicts passed in decades, a court yesterday cleared security officials of misconduct in the October 2004 Tak Bai incident in which 85 Malay-Muslim protesters died at the hands of the authorities.

The two-member panel in the post-mortem inquest
concluded that Army and police officials had acted according to the law, used sound judgement and done their best
given the circumstances.


By The Nation Published on May 30, 2009

You blame Thaksin for things that don't make him actually outstanding from others, under the current powers or under the Junta happen the same kind of human right violations if not worse. But you do like Thaksin would be the only one doing this. That makes you (intentional or mis-guided) to a liar.

Yes, I and many others blame T and his generals for the lethal mistakes made at Tak Bai. Shortly before Tak Bai (stemming from Kru Sae) T called his generals together and, while waving a mobile phone, told them he would always be in charge and that he was never farther away than a phone call. A two-member panel (probably military themselves, or certainly Thaksin subordinates because at that time, everyone in gov't was beholden to T) concluded .....whatever Thaksin wanted them to conclude. Simple as that. Have you ever heard the expression "fox guarding the hen house'?

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If only the reds would denounce Thaksin in all of his evil forms and all his wicked ways we could actually get on with reconcilliation. As it is, there is no choice but to support the military, no matter how corrupt they are, because the alternative the PT represents is even worse.

The reds and their leadership are far too entwined with Thaksin for this to take place. I would be first in line to support a totally independant movement exposing corruption, keeping politicians, police and military honest and calling for justice on all sides. There is nothing democratic about an organisation financed by a crooked politician, having leaders either self appointed, or chosen by that same politician, making enormous decisions without a word of consultation with the grass roots members (claiming the protest was all about getting early elections and then three people rejecting outright an offer by the government following the receipt of a text message from who?), and being aligned with a political party that is itself aligned with the same corrupt politician that finances the group. A true pro democracy group would have accepted early elections, negotiated to see how far they could be moved forward, be open to free campaigning by all sides (instead of bragging about how they attack and terrorise anyone they don't agree with), made it clear they would monitor the government up to those elections, made it clear they would be watching all sides for vote buying and voter intimidation, made it clear that they would accept whoever won, and made it clear that they would continue to monitor the next government's performance. Points the reds fail miserably on. Their "pro democracy" face is the biggest scam in Thailand.

I think your painting the picture of several Thai political parties here. They are all the same. Hopefully all the deaths and misery, (drugs, hmong, rohingya, protests, riots) of the Thaksin and Abhisit eras are a thing of the past, over 6,000 people died or missing.

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Prison is too good for him. Considering all the evil he spawned, like extra-judicial murders upcountry, I think a bullet to the head is his best reward. But, then again, I ain't had my coffee yet :lol:

I am sure their would be a lot of people that would like to do that, as well as people who would do the same to the people that caused the deaths of the hmong and rohingya as well as protests and many other slayings. So there goes T, A, S, and i imagine many other politicial personnell. Why not just take all their money and assets and make them work in a mine in siberia.


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Indeed the kudos that would arise from facing the truth and its consequences would ensure a landslide victory for Thaksin and any political party as he may be involved with.

Those politicians in the party that Thaksin was involved with wouldn't just have their hands inthe pork barrel they would be totally immersed in the pork barrel.jap.gif

However the massive ego that Thaksin has will not allow him to face the truth in any way shape or form.

"Former Thai prime minister and persecuted political refugee Thaksin Shinawatra today demonstrated his selfless love for the Thai people by surrendering to the Thai authorities.

Dream on Thaksin, dream on Thailand.

Thaksin the man, (I use the word man a gender identification rather than as a statement regarding his status) could never ever face reality if it stood in front of him stark naked and punched him on the nose.

I agree with you my friend but Thaksin is not of that caliber to do such an honorable thing, he has already caused the death of SO MANY of his Paid followers, how much is each death worth, they will never see the outcome of what they died for.bah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

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