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I would like to thank Kandahar and Jubby plus the others, for their troubles visiting the orphanage and their reports.

Not once has a detailed account been given about the orphanage.

We all know now, how it all started with all the dots being joined, it has now put my mind at rest.

It was wonderful to hear more about the location and to what your other half's thought of the place.

At least now i have given you a new project.

You can all blame me, i have broad shoulders.

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I would like to thank Kandahar and Jubby plus the others, for their troubles visiting the orphanage and their reports.

Not once has a detailed account been given about the orphanage.

We all know now, how it all started with all the dots being joined, it has now put my mind at rest.

It was wonderful to hear more about the location and to what your other half's thought of the place.

At least now i have given you a new project.

You can all blame me, i have broad shoulders.

I'm a doubting Thomas too sometimes.

The owner couple didn't appear to be living well off the income and donations from the orphanage, No new 4x4 parked on the driveway (what driveway, just bare earth) . No big House , and I seriously doubt they've had Pizza either.

They do appear to have enough on their plate already with a couple of elderly relatives to take care of without the Children.

The Childrens Dorms were clean and nicely painted which is more than I can say for the family house.

We could all be wrong on this, maybe the House & 4x4 are in another Village , but I truely doubt it.

We all forgot to mention they were also raising a couple of black Pigs to the rear of the Girls dorm, which will no doubt supplement the childrens diet in the near future. Along with the barbecued Lizard B)


Hi all,

I just want to point out that the original web link given to an El Shaddai Orphanage in Chiang Rai on this thread was not the same as the one visited on the weekend.

It was a completely different building (photos of some where else) and story.

There may well have at one time been another orphanage that the French woman was closely involved with.

It may be that this woman was a trigger for starting this particular orphanage but it would have only been in the very beginning - maybe a funding injection to start the building of a dorm (as described above).

In the years we have been involved and followed the progress of El Shadai there has never been any mention of this woman at all.

As far as lizard2010 goes - he has read countless posts and stories on El Shadai on the Chiang Rai forum of Trip Advisor and has done nothing but try to hinder the help forum members have tried to give.

His influence has been nothing short of destructive and I can not believe he is now trying to take the credit for introducing TV members to El Shadai.

He has constantly tried to cause trouble - hence this thread and his motivation for starting it - to infer only one guide can take you there.

He has been told over and over that this is not the case. Anyone is welcome to visit - just call first to let them know.

All the best to you all - it sounds like you help out where and when you can in and around Chiang Rai. I'm sure Mon and Surasak will appreciate any help what so ever.

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It takes allsorts Fairgo. I wouldn't ever have come across the place without Lizard bringing it to our attention. So indirectly you could thank him for that. lets not take this thread into negative territory again Guys.

It seem both of you agree its a worthy cause now anyway, so its all good :) ......... Init B)


Hi all. "Thank you's" are in order!!!

Firstly, kandahar - for the time and effort taken to organise the run and for keeping an open mind from the word go.

To all the other members who went on the ride to the orphanage, plus their wives/partners/gf's - thanks for the positive feedback and comments made on this Forum since your return.

The thread has morphed from one of concern, doubt and inuendo to one of positive vibes.

You've all now found a "cause" worthy of some support. If you can find it in your hearts and pockets to help them out you'll be doing your little bit to make the world a better place and the few others who are already there helping, will be appreciative of a "lightening of the load".



PS - You're right - the pigs will be supplementing the kids' diet, but as for BBQ-ing Lizard, I wouldn't, ........... it will leave a really bad taste in your mouth!!!!!!

  • Like 1

Hi all. "Thank you's" are in order!!!

Firstly, kandahar - for the time and effort taken to organise the run and for keeping an open mind from the word go.

To all the other members who went on the ride to the orphanage, plus their wives/partners/gf's - thanks for the positive feedback and comments made on this Forum since your return.

The thread has morphed from one of concern, doubt and inuendo to one of positive vibes.

You've all now found a "cause" worthy of some support. If you can find it in your hearts and pockets to help them out you'll be doing your little bit to make the world a better place and the few others who are already there helping, will be appreciative of a "lightening of the load".



To be fair, I doubt there is a one of us, who does not have an extended family, of sorts, and village that we are helping to take care of, and therefore we are already doing our little bit to make the world a better place. As they say, charity begins at home.

I understand you are trying to motivate us but I take umbrage with you choice of words in the highlighted section. It implies that we are not already doing more than our fair share and have only now stumbled upon the idea of helping.


Hi all. "Thank you's" are in order!!!

Firstly, kandahar - for the time and effort taken to organise the run and for keeping an open mind from the word go.

To all the other members who went on the ride to the orphanage, plus their wives/partners/gf's - thanks for the positive feedback and comments made on this Forum since your return.

The thread has morphed from one of concern, doubt and inuendo to one of positive vibes.

You've all now found a "cause" worthy of some support. If you can find it in your hearts and pockets to help them out you'll be doing your little bit to make the world a better place and the few others who are already there helping, will be appreciative of a "lightening of the load".



To be fair, I doubt there is a one of us, who does not have an extended family, of sorts, and village that we are helping to take care of, and therefore we are already doing our little bit to make the world a better place. As they say, charity begins at home.

I understand you are trying to motivate us but I take umbrage with you choice of words in the highlighted section. It implies that we are not already doing more than our fair share and have only now stumbled upon the idea of helping.

Thats an interesting observation VF, especially as its your first post on the thread.

How can it imply 'You' are already not doing more than your fair share ? .

How can you take umbradge (be displeased) when you've not been involved in the conversation. Just curious !?

I didn't take umbrage by the way, as you will no doubt know already. , maybe I should have!? ; Maybe I'm thick or something :)


Hi all. "Thank you's" are in order!!!

Firstly, kandahar - for the time and effort taken to organise the run and for keeping an open mind from the word go.

To all the other members who went on the ride to the orphanage, plus their wives/partners/gf's - thanks for the positive feedback and comments made on this Forum since your return.

The thread has morphed from one of concern, doubt and inuendo to one of positive vibes.

You've all now found a "cause" worthy of some support. If you can find it in your hearts and pockets to help them out you'll be doing your little bit to make the world a better place and the few others who are already there helping, will be appreciative of a "lightening of the load".



To be fair, I doubt there is a one of us, who does not have an extended family, of sorts, and village that we are helping to take care of, and therefore we are already doing our little bit to make the world a better place. As they say, charity begins at home.

I understand you are trying to motivate us but I take umbrage with you choice of words in the highlighted section. It implies that we are not already doing more than our fair share and have only now stumbled upon the idea of helping.

Thats an interesting observation VF, especially as its your first post on the thread.

How can it imply 'You' are already not doing more than your fair share ? .

How can you take umbradge (be displeased) when you've not been involved in the conversation. Just curious !?

I didn't take umbrage by the way, as you will no doubt know already. , maybe I should have!? ; Maybe I'm thick or something :)

Is there some kind of time limit on participation? I didn't like the tone and you did, what is new about that? Just expressing an opinion, like you. :)


Hi all. "Thank you's" are in order!!!

Firstly, kandahar - for the time and effort taken to organise the run and for keeping an open mind from the word go.

To all the other members who went on the ride to the orphanage, plus their wives/partners/gf's - thanks for the positive feedback and comments made on this Forum since your return.

The thread has morphed from one of concern, doubt and inuendo to one of positive vibes.

You've all now found a "cause" worthy of some support. If you can find it in your hearts and pockets to help them out you'll be doing your little bit to make the world a better place and the few others who are already there helping, will be appreciative of a "lightening of the load".



To be fair, I doubt there is a one of us, who does not have an extended family, of sorts, and village that we are helping to take care of, and therefore we are already doing our little bit to make the world a better place. As they say, charity begins at home.

I understand you are trying to motivate us but I take umbrage with you choice of words in the highlighted section. It implies that we are not already doing more than our fair share and have only now stumbled upon the idea of helping.

VF I have to disagree with you there mate, ok maybe if it read "you've all now found 'another' cause worthy of some support..." but then that could carry an implication that our extended families are charity cases. My point is that you could read all kinds of implications into anything people say and I doubt that that would be entirely useful.

It's true charity does begin at home but that shouldn't, in my opinion, prevent those who are able, from helping other people a bit further afield in some small way should they wish to.

I also didn't find Lizards comments to be undesirable or unhelpful, these things need to be discussed and, as Jubby pointed out, the place has now been visited and conclusions drawn.

I've spoken to Ms Tastic and she's now starting a 'box' in which she will put clothes and shoes etc. that her girls have grown out of so that they can be sent over, it's not much and she recently had a 'clear out' and gave away some stuff to people in her village but for the future she will be keeping some for the orphans. I hope the word can spread and that the people at the Wat can start to do a similar thing. Rather than give money directly I hope that this can develop into a small, regular and sustainable gesture of support.

Let's try and keep some focus on what's really important here, the children.

Cheers, Biff


Hi all. "Thank you's" are in order!!!

Firstly, kandahar - for the time and effort taken to organise the run and for keeping an open mind from the word go.

To all the other members who went on the ride to the orphanage, plus their wives/partners/gf's - thanks for the positive feedback and comments made on this Forum since your return.

The thread has morphed from one of concern, doubt and inuendo to one of positive vibes.

You've all now found a "cause" worthy of some support. If you can find it in your hearts and pockets to help them out you'll be doing your little bit to make the world a better place and the few others who are already there helping, will be appreciative of a "lightening of the load".



To be fair, I doubt there is a one of us, who does not have an extended family, of sorts, and village that we are helping to take care of, and therefore we are already doing our little bit to make the world a better place. As they say, charity begins at home.

I understand you are trying to motivate us but I take umbrage with you choice of words in the highlighted section. It implies that we are not already doing more than our fair share and have only now stumbled upon the idea of helping.

Thats an interesting observation VF, especially as its your first post on the thread.

How can it imply 'You' are already not doing more than your fair share ? .

How can you take umbradge (be displeased) when you've not been involved in the conversation. Just curious !?

I didn't take umbrage by the way, as you will no doubt know already. , maybe I should have!? ; Maybe I'm thick or something :)

Is there some kind of time limit on participation? I didn't like the tone and you did, what is new about that? Just expressing an opinion, like you. :)

Nothing, just struck me as rather odd. Anyway, welcome back VF :jap:


I never took it any other way either. Jubby, perhaps we're both thick. Hey we could be bookends :lol:

Bookends indeed , you must be a northerner and a dumb blonde like me. :D


I am in no way saying these people are not in need or that it is bad to help them. I'm just surprised, when we are surrounded by people in need, that we sometime, almost arbitrarily, single out one particular cause as being greater than others. I didn't comment earlier because I already feel like I have enough on my plate. If you want to help that is great. I just had a gut reaction to that one section of the post. Sorry if that bothers you but I'm not taking it back.

And Jubby, I never left, just being all-back-of-the-bus, is all. ;)


Nah, doesn't really bother me and i don't expect you to take anything back, as always, i respect your opinions :) and yes, we are surrounded by people in need. I am too, here in London, some get help some don't. We do what we choose to do, it's all good, we can't help everybody. Whilst you seem to be ' all back of the bus' right now, I seem to be up-front pissing off the driver! :lol: I'm sure that's inter-changeable.

Cheers, Biff


I too, found that highlighted bit to be an odd thing to write. I pretty much saw it initially just the same as VF does. But I also thought that a lot of people, including me, sometimes say things that don't quite come out the way we meant them to. I think we all know, if we live in Thailand, we are probably supporting a lot more people than we did in our home country. To me, that is a given. But I also find, for my own circumstances anyway, I am constantly exposed to other groups in need of help here; groups outside of family, much more so than in the old country. And I do help. There are just too many to choose from over here. So, to think that anyone has "finally found a worthy cause" is kind of comical unless you are blind and deaf. However, we all did finally find "THIS" worthy cause and I think that is probably what the poster meant. If it isn't what the poster meant, then yeah, I think he has the wrong idea about how most of us operate over here.

Most of the people I know here are helping others, outside of the family, in the ways that they can. And I am pretty sure that anyone who adds this place to their list already has a pretty full list. In some cases, it will be that whatever is given to this new cause will take away from a previous cause.

So, I saw what VF saw and understood it the same but on contemplating it, I think it wasn't meant as it was written. And I had about three hours to think about it before I wrote anything in reply to it. It usually helps me if I digest info before dragging out the big pencil. I too, am kind of slow.

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The highligting of this place and I will not call it an orphanage because by all accounts it is not, brings the subject of Hilltribe people to the fore.

Most of the members on this board who have been here a few years, know of many more and maybe more deserving places requiring aid.

I certainly do, and mostly without any religion attached.

Some friends and I support a small village in the Doi Wawee area, nothing big but a continuous donation which educates and feeds the poorer families in the village and no strings attached.

Finally in this case I would not shoot the messenger because he has done more for this place in a few days that their sponsors have done in years.

  • Like 1

The highligting of this place and I will not call it an orphanage because by all accounts it is not, brings the subject of Hilltribe people to the fore.

Most of the members on this board who have been here a few years, know of many more and maybe more deserving places requiring aid.

I certainly do, and mostly without any religion attached.

Some friends and I support a small village in the Doi Wawee area, nothing big but a continuous donation which educates and feeds the poorer families in the village and no strings attached.

Finally in this case I would not shoot the messenger because he has done more for this place in a few days that their sponsors have done in years.

Hey dindong.

If you're making a run to that village in the future, I would appreciate an invite. I would like to see what they have and what they haven't. Maybe I'll see something there that I can help with.



Hi all, If I have offended anyone, please, accept my apologies. I have re-read what I wrote several times, and, I agree, I could have worded it better. All I was trying to say was that if you are able to help in any way, we would be very appreciative. Cheers.

  • Like 1

I'm actually happy to see all the information come out about this place. As said previously most of us have extended families, but it can't hurt to help out if one can. I think the hardest part is that most people (like myself) aren't aware of a lot of people that are in need in their local area and can only act on what they know or what they feel is right thing for them to do. In short I think any kind of donation or gift would be appreciated, even if it is a 'one off'. Making no donations isn't bad either as we all have varying commitments in our communities and can at least pass on this information for others with perchance the ability to act on this if they can. :jap:


Thanks to the TV members for all the comments

It has been shown that the local TV members do get things done, as well as supporting a lot more places, rather than just one location.

It seems to me that the TA ones here still have not got the hint.

I will leave it at that.


Let us not turn a positive into a negative. It was a bit confusing at first but hopefully the visit took care of that. Let us focus on the positive.

Those who choose to do nothing. I respect that ABSOLUTELY without reservation. Those who choose to do something I applaud ABSOLUTELY. Anything else is illogical.


It has been added to the pinned Google map. If you find it on the "map" version, you can click on the "Earth" version and see that the marker is exactly on top of a reddish colored roof. That is the older, main house. Several buildings have been built there since the pic was taken and lots of neighbors homes have gone up since then as well. Directions to follow shortly.


It has been added to the pinned Google map. If you find it on the "map" version, you can click on the "Earth" version and see that the marker is exactly on top of a reddish colored roof. That is the older, main house. Several buildings have been built there since the pic was taken and lots of neighbors homes have gone up since then as well. Directions to follow shortly.

Thanks bud, that will be a doddle to find now :D


Directions: Immediately after you cross the highway 1207 river bridge near Rim Kok Resort, travel 1.25 K. Arrive at a stop sign, intersection with Meakok Road. Be careful. Traffic from the right does not stop, you have a stop sign but NOBODY wants to stop there, so even if you stop, you're likely to get rear-ended by someone behind you who is used to flying through that intersection. Also oncoming traffic does not stop and may turn left in front of you. From that stop sign, continue forward for almost another 1.25 K, which will now be a total of 2.4 K from the river bridge. At that point, you will see on your right a big display containing a pic of Thai royalty and two huge gold fish under and on either side of the pic. Lots of signs accompany the display. See pic below-

post-94255-079252400 1281174367_thumb.jp

A note: As you are looking at that sign complex, you will see a tall gold temple spire in the right background of the scenery.

At that sign/intersection,turn right and proceed down the winding road approximately .75 K. At that point, or shortly before, you will see this house in front of you and on the right. That house is on the street you want. Turn right onto that street and pass this house-

post-94255-050749600 1281174462_thumb.jp

This road is concrete. There are several branches off of this road but they are gravel or dirt. Stay on the concrete and wind around and climb the hill. At .4 K, you will be ready to crest the highest point of the concrete road and you can see El Shaddai on the right, exactly at the crest. Here it is as you will see when getting close. It is the boys dorm and the little thatched driveway gate is where you turn into the place.

post-94255-022275100 1281174558_thumb.jp

If you pass the place, you will start downhill from there and will run out of concrete within 50 meters or so. If you head their way, here are some numbers you can call. I'm not sure which is best to reach them but all of the numbers are published as points of contact for that couple.

Ph. 6653-150280, 6684-8103145, 6689-4359185

If you click on these pics and they open too big for you computer, exit that and try a right-click on the pic and select "Open in new tab". They should open in a new tab just right for your computer screen. This is for the new Version of Google Chrome Browser and Internet Explorer, new version. Firefox, other browsers or Mac, I can't help you.


Better late than never? I hope so. Sorry for the delay. Here's some pics of the trip to the kid's home we ( Scorpio1945, jubby, kandahar, one anonymous guy and the wives/girlfriends took a couple of weeks ago. If the pics open too big, then try right-click and open in new tab.

The kids, Mom and Dad, Dad and one of our own having a laugh, the kids with our ladies and Mom and Dad :

post-94255-079263400 1281600000_thumb.jp

post-94255-063315000 1281600067_thumb.jp

post-94255-044488800 1281600088_thumb.jp

post-94255-083681200 1281600131_thumb.jp


Last, but not least, two pics of the ladies with the kids, Mom and Dad, and the two brave TV men who decided it was okay to stand before the camera.

post-94255-000829600 1281600549_thumb.jp

post-94255-095789500 1281600590_thumb.jp

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