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Ah yeah, great, my name is Dufus from abroad and I need you to track down Nong,she works in a bar and I think she might be going out with other guys on me while I'm home, overseas.

I'm sooooooooo in love, she constantly was telling me how handsome I am so I know she loves me too.......................I'm wondering if the money I've sent really was for the sick buffalo back home on the farm in Isaan.

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Greetings psdetetective & Welcome.

Perhaps you can help me solve the following :-

A man was found murdered one Sunday morning.

His wife immediately called the police.

The police questioned the wife and staff and was given these alibis:

The Wife said she was in bed reading a book.

The Cook claimed she cooking breakfast.

The Gardener claimed he was planting seeds.

The Maid claimed she was getting the mail.

The Butler claimed he polishing the silver.

The police instantly arrested the murdered. Who did it ?

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Greetings psdetetective & Welcome.

Perhaps you can help me solve the following :-

A man was found murdered one Sunday morning.

His wife immediately called the police.

The police questioned the wife and staff and was given these alibis:

The Wife said she was in bed reading a book.

The Cook claimed she cooking breakfast.

The Gardener claimed he was planting seeds.

The Maid claimed she was getting the mail.

The Butler claimed he polishing the silver.

The police instantly arrested the murdered. Who did it ?

Colonel Mustard did with a candelabra in the library, who needs PSdetectives?

Oilinki-I think you need to get checked for dyslexia.

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Greetings psdetetective & Welcome.

Perhaps you can help me solve the following :-

A man was found murdered one Sunday morning.

His wife immediately called the police.

The police questioned the wife and staff and was given these alibis:

The Wife said she was in bed reading a book.

The Cook claimed she cooking breakfast.

The Gardener claimed he was planting seeds.

The Maid claimed she was getting the mail.

The Butler claimed he polishing the silver.

The police instantly arrested the murdered. Who did it ?


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PS detectives, probably going to get more work on other more bar girl / nightlife related forums..

Maybe also a intro into your time incountry, networking contacts, fluency, police contacts etc.. Met a few people who thought the old PI number would be good, but who wouldnt know what was being discussed at the next bar stool.

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I had a look at your website. I would not count myself to the spelling police, but I have to agree, you need to run a spell checker on your texts or get them proof read.

We are foreign managed but opertate both Foreign and Thai agents male and female which are suited to different kinds investigations
We do not fill our website with useless information about details that are not important, we inform you of our services and how we can possibly help you, once you have received our advise and costings you then decide if we are the service that you require

It just does not look very professional.

I like the business idea and I can imagine that you get a good amount of business especially if you quote reasonable prices.

A few examples of prices would be good advertising.

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OK so I just turned off my add blocking to find the link.. And yeah WOW..

Protected data due to high levels of securtiy attched to these services is not always a lower cost alternative

Someone get their kid to do this as a class project ??

Then again.. Thread title should have been a give away.

Edited by LivinLOS
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Ah yeah, great, my name is Dufus from abroad and I need you to track down Nong,she works in a bar and I think she might be going out with other guys on me while I'm home, overseas.

I'm sooooooooo in love, she constantly was telling me how handsome I am so I know she loves me too.......................I'm wondering if the money I've sent really was for the sick buffalo back home on the farm in Isaan.

Lol will I ever stop laughing......

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Greetings psdetetective & Welcome.

Perhaps you can help me solve the following :-

A man was found murdered one Sunday morning.

His wife immediately called the police.

The police questioned the wife and staff and was given these alibis:

The Wife said she was in bed reading a book.

The Cook claimed she cooking breakfast.

The Gardener claimed he was planting seeds.

The Maid claimed she was getting the mail.

The Butler claimed he polishing the silver.

The police instantly arrested the murdered. Who did it ?


Well Done" LivinLos"

Yes it was the Maid, as there is no mail on Sunday.

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Yes it amazes me how many times people launch businesses but don't have professional copy text on their website.

Send me a private message if you want the contact details of a good copy writer. A native English speaker whose job it is to write, thus making your business appear professional. I never use businesses that have sloppy websites.

Having said that even your post is hard to understand.

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With the amount of x bar /massage/coyote girls parading around Patong and Chalong working in dive shops etc trying to act as respectiful women, this is an ideal service for those genuine employees or worried boyfriends.....its amazing some of the dirt that can be dug up on even the youngest of "respectiful" girls....should do well as a company:lol:

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Greetings psdetetective & Welcome.

Perhaps you can help me solve the following :-

A man was found murdered one Sunday morning.

His wife immediately called the police.

The police questioned the wife and staff and was given these alibis:

The Wife said she was in bed reading a book.

The Cook claimed she cooking breakfast.

The Gardener claimed he was planting seeds.

The Maid claimed she was getting the mail.

The Butler claimed he polishing the silver.

The police instantly arrested the murdered. Who did it ?



There were only farang books in the house and the wife can not read english.

The cook is really the wife's sister and has never cooked a meal since being employed as the wife always insisted they went out to eat.

The gardener is really the wife's brother and swings in a hammock all day, drinking. Since being employed, he has never touched the garden.

The maid is really the wife's best friend, and after being elevated to the status of "best friend of Thai lady who have farang" - has not worked a day, or night since, and doesn't even know where the mail box is.

The butler is really the wife's "gig" and there is no silver in the house to polish because after their last argument - the wife sold all the silver and sent the money home to her mother, in Issan.

So, we still have a house full of suspects, and an interesting coincidence is the deceased returned from his country a week prior, after changing his final Will and Testament, to include his new Thai wife. Also, prior to leaving Thailand for his native country, the deceased had lengthy conversations with his wife in which he explained what the words "pension" and "inheritance" means.

The wife further stated that she, and her husband, had an argument about which was the nicer colour, red, or blue, and that this argument was the reason she was leaving him and that her late husband had become quite depressed in his last few days and was continually walking around the house saying - "We should have lived in a top floor apartment."

This is an obvious case of suicide. The injuries on the deceased are consistant with him jumping out of his first floor window and dying when hitting his front lawn.

It is nothing more than a coincidence that the wife, and butler, have been looking at buying a farm, and a shop, in Issan, and that in the week leading up to the husband's suicide, they put down a deposit and bought air tickets for themselves, and all the "staff."

Upon closer inspection of the deceased, at the morgue, two large handprints were found on the back of the deceased, however, the wife explained these handprints are from a massage the deceased got earlier in the day.

Glad I am on the case and not you, LivinLOS - I would have hated to see an innocent person go to prison. :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Now, where did I put that tea money???? :)

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