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Renewal Of Thai Passports In Australia

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One question Electau,

Was her sister or any other family member at the airport??

Yes, her sister was with her at the time.

So that would discount any problems with the sister or issues of destitution?

She would have had an airline ticket. Remember DIAC would have all her passport information and visa number on their database so it would be no real problem for them to arrange a temporary one way document for travel that would meet international requirements.

Remember she is departing Australia not arriving.

Read your own post....#13....

It is not upto DIAC to arrange travel documents for a lost passport.

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Look at it this way .

Passport is lost and the flight out of Australia which she is confirmed on departs from Cairns in 48 hours. Do you really think that she will get emergency travel documents from the Embassy in the ACT by the time she has to depart?

First stop would be DIAC and obtain their advice. And in Cairns one cannot pick and choose ones flights.

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Look at it this way .

Passport is lost and the flight out of Australia which she is confirmed on departs from Cairns in 48 hours. Do you really think that she will get emergency travel documents from the Embassy in the ACT by the time she has to depart?

First stop would be DIAC and obtain their advice. And in Cairns one cannot pick and choose ones flights.


DIAC won't provide travel documents bus as stated earlier,

they would've assisted her through Customs, airlines and




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Read my lips.

Financial issues can be of great concern to DIAC.

If a UK citizen for example, fronts up to DIAC 6 weeks into

their 3 months stay and advises they have no money or

accomodation and the Embassy can't or won't help, then

yes, DIAC have a duty of care to that person.

They have a few options like cancelling the visa and

detaining until they can arrange a flight home. This is

usually a last resort. More than likely, they will give

the person enough money for a night or 2 at a backpackers

while they arrange a flight home.

Secondly, in the case electau gave, the person may have had

to urgently be back in Thailand for a cerain date and DIAC

would have been assisiting her passage through. It would be

a lot easier for DIAC to help her through the airport than to wait

for travel documents and give bridging visa's. I'm not saying she

was destitute.

Geez, the DIAC website can be a dangerous place for some people.



If a person turns up at DIAC and claims destitution, DIAC will advise them to contact their Embassy. Especially with 6 weeks left on a visa. The Embassy is unlikely to not assist their citizens if they are genuinely in dire straits, after all that is their job amongst other things.

DIAC does not provide financial assistance to visitors.

They may cancel a visa for certain reasons, pretty sure that destitution is not one of those reasons.

DIAC are not concerned about what the travellers future plans in Thailand are....that is the responsibility of the traveller not DIAC. According to electau she had a Document of identity and a ticket...no need for assistance from an Immigration Officer to assist her through the airport, I am sure that the Airport Immigration people are well aware of the travel documents that are required in emergencies in order for a person to leave Australia.

Unless electau knows the ladys situation personally then everything else is speculative including your comments and opinions and mine. You offered a potential situation, I offered a different one, who is right?? Can you totally discount my version of the situation??

You seem to think that DIAC will assist in areas that are not their responsibility, a very unlikely scenario in my experience with them.

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and none of this interesting discussion has anything to do with the OP's orginal question.....

Gone off track a bit you reckon??


I only came into this when incorrect statements were made....but I plead guilty to off tracking B):ph34r:

Edited by gburns57au
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Read my lips.

Financial issues can be of great concern to DIAC.

If a UK citizen for example, fronts up to DIAC 6 weeks into

their 3 months stay and advises they have no money or

accomodation and the Embassy can't or won't help, then

yes, DIAC have a duty of care to that person.

They have a few options like cancelling the visa and

detaining until they can arrange a flight home. This is

usually a last resort. More than likely, they will give

the person enough money for a night or 2 at a backpackers

while they arrange a flight home.

Secondly, in the case electau gave, the person may have had

to urgently be back in Thailand for a cerain date and DIAC

would have been assisiting her passage through. It would be

a lot easier for DIAC to help her through the airport than to wait

for travel documents and give bridging visa's. I'm not saying she

was destitute.

Geez, the DIAC website can be a dangerous place for some people.



If a person turns up at DIAC and claims destitution, DIAC will advise them to contact their Embassy. Especially with 6 weeks left on a visa. The Embassy is unlikely to not assist their citizens if they are genuinely in dire straits, after all that is their job amongst other things.

DIAC does not provide financial assistance to visitors.

They may cancel a visa for certain reasons, pretty sure that destitution is not one of those reasons.

DIAC are not concerned about what the travellers future plans in Thailand are....that is the responsibility of the traveller not DIAC. According to electau she had a Document of identity and a ticket...no need for assistance from an Immigration Officer to assist her through the airport, I am sure that the Airport Immigration people are well aware of the travel documents that are required in emergencies in order for a person to leave Australia.

Unless electau knows the ladys situation personally then everything else is speculative including your comments and opinions and mine. You offered a potential situation, I offered a different one, who is right?? Can you totally discount my version of the situation??

You seem to think that DIAC will assist in areas that are not their responsibility, a very unlikely scenario in my experience with them.


It seems as if I have to explain this again to you, slowly this time.

"If a person turns up at DIAC and claims destitution, DIAC will advise them to contact their Embassy. Especially with 6 weeks left on a visa. The Embassy is unlikely to not assist their citizens if they are genuinely in dire straits, after all that is their job amongst other things."

As I stated previously, if they have contacted the Embassy with no luck, it is then DIACs problem.

Graham, you obviously have not dealt with Embassies so to be blunt, you really don't know what

you're talking about. Each Embassy is different in the way it helps it's citizens. The UK Embassy

is notorious for not providing financial assistance whereas the USA Embassy is a lot better. So,

if someone turns up at DIAC desitute, they become DIAC's problem.

"DIAC does not provide financial assistance to visitors."

Wrong again Graham. You can't get everything you want to know from the DIAC website.

DIAC would and do provide financial assistance if necessary. It is a lot cheaper

to give someone $70 for a backpackers room and food for a few nights than

then to detain them while arranging a flight home.

"They may cancel a visa for certain reasons, pretty sure that destitution is not one of those reasons."

Wrong again Graham. The person can request to have their visa cancelled. They then become

unlawful and are then DIAC's problem.

"DIAC are not concerned about what the travellers future plans in Thailand are....that is the responsibility of the traveller not DIAC. According to electau she had a Document of identity and a ticket...no need for assistance from an Immigration Officer to assist her through the airport, I am sure that the Airport Immigration people are well aware of the travel documents that are required in emergencies in order for a person to leave Australia.

Yes they are. The case officer may have been providing customner service. It would be a lot easier

for an officer to accompany her to process her, especially on the airline side of things.

"Unless electau knows the ladys situation personally then everything else is speculative including your comments and opinions and mine. You offered a potential situation, I offered a different one, who is right?? Can you totally discount my version of the situation??

Of course I can't say who is right or wrong in that scenerio, I said it was a moot point.

But you keep on providing statements that are incorrect (see above).

"You seem to think that DIAC will assist in areas that are not their responsibility, a very unlikely scenario in my experience with them.

To be honest, the only experience you probably have had is your wife's tourist and spouse visa.

Tell me then Graham, what do you think DIAC would do if someone turned up claiming destitution

and requesting to have their visa cancelled whilst also having a ticket home in 2 days time?



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and none of this interesting discussion has anything to do with the OP's orginal question.....

Oops, sorry we have strayed but post Number 9 asked what would happen if the visa

expired whilst waiting for a new passport and away we went.



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and none of this interesting discussion has anything to do with the OP's orginal question.....

Gone off track a bit you reckon??


I only came into this when incorrect statements were made....but I plead guilty to off tracking B):ph34r:

So your answer to an incorrect statement was to add some more incorrect statements??

Edited by Will27
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and none of this interesting discussion has anything to do with the OP's orginal question.....

Indeed, and that question has been answered to his satisfaction.

As it has now reached the point of

"I'm right!"

"No, I'm right!"

"No, I'm right!"



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