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Education Emploment

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I am cuurrently in Thaialnd with a multi entry visa, arrived 10 days ago, reading the Bangkok post last week I noticed the UK and German Govts are amending their rules for issuing visa for emtry into their countries. One of the new rules is have to speak the lingo. the other is coping with everyday life. I was thinking mayve I could help out in this area. Now if an education centre took me on how would that affect me staying in the Kingdom? In future woulld I need an education visa, where would I get it and would the school need to provide me with evidence I was employed by them? I am over 60 and would intend returning once a year to the UK for about 2 months.

Any thoughts for infotmation would be gratefully recieved,


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You do not need to speak English to obtain a visa to either country and never will.

As for teach English in Thailand you must have a non immigrant visa entry that allows a work permit to be issued. That would rule out ED visa. A non immigrant B visa would be the normal visa for employment and if meeting extension of stay requirements you could do so and stay longer than the visa permitted to stay time of 90 days.

Currently you can obtain a non immigrant O multi entry visa to visit friends in Thailand at Hull in the UK. That allows a year of 90 day stays with just an exit/return required for a new 90 day stay.

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Thanks for input, to answer question my multi entry is 'O' and the new rules for the UK involve tests that you have a basic command of the English language. For some time now in North London I felt I was one of the few indegineous population, people getting on buses and taking for ages to consult driver with bits of paper in their hand, even in the streets many non English languages are being spoken so I am not surprised the Governent have decided to adopt these rules.

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I believe you are thinking about immigration rather than normal tourist visa entry. As there are hundreds of English teachers currently in Thailand, many underemployed, do not believe there will be much change in demand.

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I believe the O/P is making reference concerning foreign nationals who are married to people from the UK, and the new rule which I believe comes into effect later this year regarding their moving to the UK;

Here's a 'shameless rip' (NOT from the paper which cannot be named!! ;) ) of an article about it;

"Thousands of foreigners who want to marry a British person will have to pass an English test before being allowed to enter the country.

The new rule will come into force in the autumn and will mean that non-EU migrants seeking a visa to marry will need to be able to understand English at the level of a child of 5 or 6."

I think the O/P is talking about this and wanting to capitalize on teaching basic engrish to thais to pass this upcoming requirement.

Then again I could be WAY off base, but if I had ta bet, my money is on this. :D

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You are pretty spoy on what I was thinking, not sure about the age you mention for English Level though. The immigrants will also have demonstrate they can cope with everyday life, it is my experience that although people can learn language in school or in their mother country as soon as they try the new language in the new country alot of it goes out of the window, in simple terms no confifence and a lot Thais are shy, that is where I thought I might help, give them more confidence.

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