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Bangkok Blast Kills 1, Injures 10 In First Attack Since May Turmoil

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anti-current government?

and the military? Mr 30%s. They don't care about the people. Nobody elected them. Nobody elected this government. BJT changed sides. So a vote for them didn't count really for much.

Block, ban all indipendant media., web sites. Arrest 16 year olds for holding a placard saying he saw dead people in Rachaprasong! A rant indeed. Oh yes. Things may be good in Pattaya but not here in Bangkok. Tourism is on the slide. Our business is suffering but those in power they couldn't care less. This is what you get from overthrowing an elected government. Sorry 2 elected governments and 3 prime ministers. The clock had to reset. Look at the history. Anytime change, modernisation begins here it has to be supressed. Everyone can see who really runs Thailand and they're so greedy. Are they buddhists? Downhill since the coup.

Here we go again. The MPs were elected, MPs form a government. If its MPs of one party its mostly a majority government, if it's MP's of various parties it's a coalition (like now in the UK).

The army in it's coup in 2006 was greeted with flowers. Probably because K. Thaksin was starting to slide on a slippery slope down to 'I say, so you do'. Newspapers were pressured, people asking awkward questions rebuked, tax-money handed-out to supporters, nepotism, cronyism, etc. Elections after the coup still dubious with TRT proxies. PAD come up, similar to UDD, but less violent. PM's road-map may not be perfect, but as a framework which can be filled-in by all in open-minded co-operation it is sufficient. Being only negative like the PTP doesn't help.

Business is recovering, but maybe not in your sector? Tourism is down, will stay down for awhile. Bomb attacks don't help, neither rainy season or 'farang countries' still barely recovering themselves from economical downturn. The last even K. Thaksin couldn't have done much about (apart from handing out more tax-money).

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This is just my opinion and it might offend people but I believe it to be true

The government has been far to nice to the red shirts. They have been more concerned about looking good than they have in punishing the criminals. The red shirts should have been crushed. As is they were merely coddled told it was not there fault and given free rides home.

Time to think of Thailand and not what is nice for the red shirts. Give them the same consideration they gave Bangkok. If the situation was reversed they would not handle you in such a nice way.



anti-current government?

and the military? Mr 30%s. They don't care about the people. Nobody elected them. Nobody elected this government. BJT changed sides. So a vote for them didn't count really for much.

Block, ban all indipendant media., web sites. Arrest 16 year olds for holding a placard saying he saw dead people in Rachaprasong! A rant indeed. Oh yes. Things may be good in Pattaya but not here in Bangkok. Tourism is on the slide. Our business is suffering but those in power they couldn't care less. This is what you get from overthrowing an elected government. Sorry 2 elected governments and 3 prime ministers. The clock had to reset. Look at the history. Anytime change, modernisation begins here it has to be supressed. Everyone can see who really runs Thailand and they're so greedy. Are they buddhists? Downhill since the coup.

Here we go again. The MPs were elected, MPs form a government. If its MPs of one party its mostly a majority government, if it's MP's of various parties it's a coalition (like now in the UK).

The army in it's coup in 2006 was greeted with flowers. Probably because K. Thaksin was starting to slide on a slippery slope down to 'I say, so you do'. Newspapers were pressured, people asking awkward questions rebuked, tax-money handed-out to supporters, nepotism, cronyism, etc. Elections after the coup still dubious with TRT proxies. PAD come up, similar to UDD, but less violent. PM's road-map may not be perfect, but as a framework which can be filled-in by all in open-minded co-operation it is sufficient. Being only negative like the PTP doesn't help.

Business is recovering, but maybe not in your sector? Tourism is down, will stay down for awhile. Bomb attacks don't help, neither rainy season or 'farang countries' still barely recovering themselves from economical downturn. The last even K. Thaksin couldn't have done much about (apart from handing out more tax-money).

There is no point in rehashing this again. Most people who are not completely biased understand there were real reasons for the coup. It wasn't just a blatant power grab by the military, although Thaksin apologists will never acknowledge this. In any case, I have been surprised on occasion that there are some on this forum who support the cause of the reds, but are smart enough to see the harm that Thaksin caused and do not simply spout blatantly false rhetoric about the coup. I think posters like Babcock are in a small minority. No reason to give his opinion more credence than it deserves.

It is important everyone remeber the coup was a symptom of the problem, not a cause. The downhill slide started in 2001 when Thaksin was found not guilty of asset concealment in an extremely unsettling legal opinion that to this day affects the credibility of the court. His insatiable ego trip and all the subsequent problems began after that when he felt invincible, and others realized that the fledgling democratic movement of the late 90's was about to be mercilessly pummeled by the emrging tyrant.

These fundamental issues have not yet been resolved. There has been alot of effort to widen the problem to include other aspects of society which most people could compromise on and find a middle ground if they were not tied to the intractable issue of Thaksin. That has no solution short of eliminating him and his minions in any way possible. The bombings, subsequent clampdowns, and I'm sure in time further riots and violent skirmishes will continue until the majority of red supporters decide they have had enough and denounce Thaksin. With that element removed, reconcilliation can begin in earnest.

Of course, this may never happen, and we will simply have to wait for Thaksin and his supporters to die, and fresh young minds to rise into positions of authority who can look past the poison he has introduced to society. In that case, get ready for a decade or more of terrorist attacks by the violent faction of the reds. People in the south of Thailand and the Middle East live with this threat everyday. We will all need to learn to do so as well. We are lucky in that the wounds of Thai society don't really go that deep, but require constant amplification by the Thaksin regime to remain open and festering. Eventually he will be gone and they will heal on their own.

Most of the Thais who are anti red have no problems supporting the legitimate causes of injustices put forth by the reds, but simply can not accept subjugation under the square faced dictator.



Well, well, you DO have a sense of humour. You're bound to get a few more comments now.


There are many possiblities of which group planted the bomb, yellows, reds, southern terroist, and government, but given the history of the location and what this site means to one group (reds) any thinking man or woman could eliminate most of the suspects.

Babcock your name isn't Savage is it.


This is just my opinion and it might offend people but I believe it to be true

The government has been far to nice to the red shirts. They have been more concerned about looking good than they have in punishing the criminals. The red shirts should have been crushed. As is they were merely coddled told it was not there fault and given free rides home.

Time to think of Thailand and not what is nice for the red shirts. Give them the same consideration they gave Bangkok. If the situation was reversed they would not handle you in such a nice way.


Yes I agree with you the red shirts have a convenient built in for-getter. That would change in a heart beat if they did any thing right. But alas.

I really don't think there are that many red shirts most Thais are peace loving. They may agree with some of the things the red shirts claim they want but do not agree with what they do. Unfortunately they have a loud mouth and that is all the world hears. If they were to change there thinking and think of the welfare of Thailand they could work with the Government for more equality in Thailand. If they were to do this there would be a lot of the people sitting on the side lines who would jump in.

It would take compromise on all sides not just one side demanding. The red shirts have demonstrated the failure of just demanding with no compromise. The opposition would have to change there attitude also. The one big problem is that people would have to forget there own little plans and work for the greater good. This might result in them not getting reelected. And that to any politician is unthinkable.

Once again just my opinion.


Why give balance to a group with such a track record of terrorist acts? This isn't a garden party.

Why? Just to be fair!

Till now there is no proof who did this, only many speculations. Many good, bad, interesting arguments for and against. Only party not accused yet are the aliens (the real ones that is). As I said, IMHO it's red/UDD sympathisers, but that still allows me to try to keep an open-mind!

I don't see the point in giving equal weight to ridiculous theories. The theory that the government did it is ridiculous.

For some the theory that those peace-loving reds did it, is equally ridiculous. I don't feel up to weighting theories, even if I have my own opinion. Call it 'insufficient data'

Why would you even consider the possibility that this wasn't the work of the red shirts? You aren't thinking that perhaps some group with a vested interest in keepin the SOE in place did this are you? Say, to forestall some serious problem in the possibility that something disturbing happens that has nothing to do with politics?

Isn't it obvious that the redshirts enjoy the SoE- (which this act is certain to prolong) and that they really believe that a bomb at a bus stop killing some people will bring down the government. They are so ignorant of world opinion that they look forward to scuttling any international sympathy that they enjoy?That they are so ignorant of tactics that, of rather than setting up a bomb that does much greater damage they opt for a bus stop?(let's face it- bus stops don't attract the crowds that- say- shopping centers on a Saturday afternoon do.)

Nah- the reds did it. Morons, to a man.


Why give balance to a group with such a track record of terrorist acts? This isn't a garden party.

Why? Just to be fair!

Till now there is no proof who did this, only many speculations. Many good, bad, interesting arguments for and against. Only party not accused yet are the aliens (the real ones that is). As I said, IMHO it's red/UDD sympathisers, but that still allows me to try to keep an open-mind!

I don't see the point in giving equal weight to ridiculous theories. The theory that the government did it is ridiculous.

Hi Jingthing.. dont think we've yet crossed paths directly in a thread on TV yet.. but I read you often.. so.. Greetings!

You said: "The theory that the government did it is ridiculous."

Err.. I'd have to stop you there. After all, TIT.. The theory that the government did it is NOT ridiculous. These folks don't just do "ridiculous", they put a spitshine on it that, from the ground, could blind a jetliner pilot at 40K'. But in THIS case, it's just hundreds of times less ridiculous than the theory that the Reds DIDN'T do it.

As I'm sure you'll agree; there is very little (in Thailand) that can be quantified "absolutely".. but in a relative comparison, it's easy to see the MOST LIKELY culprit of these terrorist actions. Let's face it: If it waddles, quacks, uses it's webbed feet to paddle, lays its eggs, preens it's feathers, and does funny TV commecials for Aflak Insurance LIKE A DUCK?? Then guess what.. ? It's prolly gonna be ข้าวผัดเป็ด tonight!!!

This Government doesnt NEED to try to make the Reds look "bad"; coz the Reds have already done that work, for them.



anti-current government?

and the military? Mr 30%s. They don't care about the people. Nobody elected them. Nobody elected this government. BJT changed sides. So a vote for them didn't count really for much.

Block, ban all indipendant media., web sites. Arrest 16 year olds for holding a placard saying he saw dead people in Rachaprasong! A rant indeed. Oh yes. Things may be good in Pattaya but not here in Bangkok. Tourism is on the slide. Our business is suffering but those in power they couldn't care less. This is what you get from overthrowing an elected government. Sorry 2 elected governments and 3 prime ministers. The clock had to reset. Look at the history. Anytime change, modernisation begins here it has to be supressed. Everyone can see who really runs Thailand and they're so greedy. Are they buddhists? Downhill since the coup.

You sound like you are on Thackys PR team, when you bribe your way into office , you were not elected, dont let the facts interfere with your post.


This is just my opinion and it might offend people but I believe it to be true

The government has been far to nice to the red shirts. They have been more concerned about looking good than they have in punishing the criminals. The red shirts should have been crushed. As is they were merely coddled told it was not there fault and given free rides home.

Time to think of Thailand and not what is nice for the red shirts. Give them the same consideration they gave Bangkok. If the situation was reversed they would not handle you in such a nice way.

The problem with the label 'red shirts' is that there are many legitimate pro-democracy supporters who happen to be UDD member, or have a red shirt. To separate those from the minority who are militant is the main problem the government faces. Keep in mind that the lower classes (no offense meant by this label) have very valid grieves which need to be addressed in a constructive manner. That means education, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, participation in a democratic process. And start to forget about hand-outs.

Yes there is some truth in what you say. How ever I believe that most of those people have drifted away from the red shirts. There was a special on Air Asia about a week ago. All though it had red shirt leanings it showed a lot of citizens who are for democracy and condemned what the red shirts were doing. It was a real shock to me the size and determination of them. The English media well peaceful demonstrators don't sell news papers.

My question is if the red shirts want democracy and condemn the current system the same one used in Canada and Great Britain why don't they send letters and telephone calls to there ministers. By doing that there ministers will get the message and do every thing in there power to deliver what ever it is they are being asked to deliver. If the red shirts had the people they say they do and they all did this several times there ministers would get the message far better than invading hospitals sends it.

We some times forget that the first and primary job of a elected official is to get him self reelected and he will go to any length to do that. That is not a slam against Thailand that is the truth in most countries. Just a sad state of affairs.

Seems to me elected officials are interested in one thing only, self enrichment, getting their nose in the trough, your logic cannot be applied to Thailand.


The Minister believed that the incident could have been engineered by ill-intentioned people. He said CCTVs on the scene were not working and the police must take some time to investigate and gather evidences before an arrest of the bombers could be made. - Nation CCTVs on the scene were not working? Or did someone order it all to be switched off?


The Minister believed that the incident could have been engineered by ill-intentioned people. He said CCTVs on the scene were not working and the police must take some time to investigate and gather evidences before an arrest of the bombers could be made. - Nation CCTVs on the scene were not working? Or did someone order it all to be switched off?

Or did someone disable it prior to the bombing in order not to be recognized? Some groups have a track record of disabling and destroying CCTV in areas in which they perform misdeeds.

<br />
<br />The Minister believed that the incident could have been engineered by ill-intentioned people. He said CCTVs on the scene were not working and the police must take some time to investigate and gather evidences before an arrest of the bombers could be made. - Nation   CCTVs on the scene were not working? Or did someone order it all to be switched off?<br />
<br /><br />Or did someone disable it sometime prior to the bombing in order not to be recognized?  Some groups have a track record of disabling CCTV in areas in which they perform misdeeds.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

The red-shirt disable the cam after they capture the place, and police cannot get it to fox it. However if you disable the cam now, isn't it not an alarm to the police right away that something fishy is about to happen, hence the police will immediately send in more reinforcement?


The red-shirt disable the cam after they capture the place, and police cannot get it to fox it. However if you disable the cam now, isn't it not an alarm to the police right away that something fishy is about to happen, hence the police will immediately send in more reinforcement?

I doubt the system is so advanced as to trigger alarms when a camera is disabled, but it is possible. And even if there is an alarm system I seriously doubt a faulty camera would warrant swift action by government technicians. I don't know what system is in place here. Do you?


Why give balance to a group with such a track record of terrorist acts? This isn't a garden party.

Why? Just to be fair!

Till now there is no proof who did this, only many speculations. Many good, bad, interesting arguments for and against. Only party not accused yet are the aliens (the real ones that is). As I said, IMHO it's red/UDD sympathisers, but that still allows me to try to keep an open-mind!

I don't see the point in giving equal weight to ridiculous theories. The theory that the government did it is ridiculous.

Hi Jingthing.. dont think we've yet crossed paths directly in a thread on TV yet.. but I read you often.. so.. Greetings!

You said: "The theory that the government did it is ridiculous."

Err.. I'd have to stop you there. After all, TIT.. The theory that the government did it is NOT ridiculous. These folks don't just do "ridiculous", they put a spitshine on it that, from the ground, could blind a jetliner pilot at 40K'. But in THIS case, it's just hundreds of times less ridiculous than the theory that the Reds DIDN'T do it.

As I'm sure you'll agree; there is very little (in Thailand) that can be quantified "absolutely".. but in a relative comparison, it's easy to see the MOST LIKELY culprit of these terrorist actions. Let's face it: If it waddles, quacks, uses it's webbed feet to paddle, lays its eggs, preens it's feathers, and does funny TV commecials for Aflak Insurance LIKE A DUCK?? Then guess what.. ? It's prolly gonna be ข้าวผัดเป็ด tonight!!!

This Government doesnt NEED to try to make the Reds look "bad"; coz the Reds have already done that work, for them.


Can you explain how the reds would tend to benefit from:

1. extension of the state of emergency?

2. erosion of any international sympathy that has been accorded the red 'cause'?

3. alienating those Thais who support 'the cause' but disagree with violent means?

4. providing yet more evidence that what Thailand needs is a military dictatorship since even with SofE, the gov't can't protect its citizens.

5. demonstrating conclusively that the reds are committed to terrorism- and pretty inept terrorism at that (blowing up the odd bus stop won't bring down a government).

The thinly veiled accusation that just maybe the upcoming army reshuffle had something to do with this (see the Echos of New Years Blasts thread) should serve to illustrate that there are more power groups in this country than simply the reds and the government- and that when conflicts arise among these groups, the gloves are off.

INteresting also that the press has almost studiously avoided comparing the bombs used here with those known to be used by redshirt fanatics- emphasising, in fact, that these were likely produced by 'professionals'. Yet on this forum, the finger will continue to point at those with the most to lose.


Can you explain how the reds would tend to benefit from:

1. extension of the state of emergency?

2. erosion of any international sympathy that has been accorded the red 'cause'?

3. alienating those Thais who support 'the cause' but disagree with violent means?

4. providing yet more evidence that what Thailand needs is a military dictatorship since even with SofE, the gov't can't protect its citizens.

5. demonstrating conclusively that the reds are committed to terrorism- and pretty inept terrorism at that (blowing up the odd bus stop won't bring down a government).

1. Helps to garner international support.

2. A moot point unless they are caught or admit to it.

3. If they are not caught it muddies the waters and makes the government look bad.

4. Nobody gains from this, not even the military.

5. Again a moot point if they are not caught.


No, a stores CCTV cam being broken does not raise a big alarm. Most CCTV systems are fairly basic and have no redundancy system whatsoever.

And since the Big C store was closed, even less chance the broken cam was of any priority or even noticed at the time of the bombing.

<br />No, a stores CCTV cam being broken does not raise a big alarm. Most CCTV systems are fairly basic and have no redundancy system whatsoever.<br />And since the Big C store was closed, even less chance the broken cam was of any priority or even noticed at the time of the bombing.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

But a government traffic CCTV cam sudden black out should raise a big alarm.

<br />
<br />The red-shirt disable the cam after they capture the place, and police cannot get it to fox it. However if you disable the cam now, isn't it not an alarm to the police right away that something fishy is about to happen, hence the police will immediately send in more reinforcement?<br />
<br /><br />I doubt the system is so advanced as to trigger alarms when a camera is disabled, but it is possible.  And even if there is an alarm system I seriously doubt a faulty camera would warrant swift action by government technicians.  I don't know what system is in place here.  Do you?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

http://traffic.thai.net/camera/ . . .

NECTEC = govwernment

<br />
<br />The red-shirt disable the cam after they capture the place, and police cannot get it to fox it. However if you disable the cam now, isn't it not an alarm to the police right away that something fishy is about to happen, hence the police will immediately send in more reinforcement?<br />
<br /><br />I doubt the system is so advanced as to trigger alarms when a camera is disabled, but it is possible. And even if there is an alarm system I seriously doubt a faulty camera would warrant swift action by government technicians. I don't know what system is in place here. Do you?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

http://traffic.thai.net/camera/ . . .

NECTEC = govwernment

If you read the website you linked from you will see that there are 161 police traffic cameras. Of those 161 cameras only 9 are active while 152 are inactive. It seems maintenance on the vast majority of these cameras is not a police priority.

We also do not know that the CCTV cameras referred to in the article are from NETEC.

There are also conflicting reports about the surveillance cameras. See the latest announcement from the police chief in the live updates page. He states "The Scientific Crime Detection Division is identifying the explosive container found at the crime scene as it is a key piece of evidence to identify the perpetrators besides footage from surveillance cameras."


'Funny' note, check the few dates that huge chunk of the offline cameras sent their last update from...hardly a coincident.


Isn't this obvious?!

a 7 yearold boy from the nighbours even said who did it....

THE Aphisit Government! He does this so he can keep the state of emergency running!


So Obvious, and look...No one does anything against this madness.

I will never listen to thai news again.

have a good one Y'all!


snapback.pngPingManDan, on 2010-07-26 04:51, said:

snapback.pngtonywebster, on 2010-07-25 20:12, said:

i wonder who planted it, the government to justify the continued emergency decree, the reds or the yellows, or southern insurgents (terrorists). My money is on the fist one.

OH ya lets blame it all on the Reds, my guess it was the government boys themselves to keep making them looking good, and to have them win the election in BKK, which they did.

Read my post properly then engage brain, the government is clearly my first option.

Jeez Tony he is a red shirt. You should know your statement was to complicated for a red shirt. keep it simple Do not leave a red shirt any room for misinterpreting what you say he will.

can you show me one red shirt who wont admit the government did it. You are a good little boy you do exactly as your leaders tell you to do they are very proud of you.

Its the Govenment, so they can keep the EMERGENCY DECREE......Hahaha, can you believe this?

I mean i am neutral i take no sides, but c'mmon, reds are terrorists and in the south, they are gust cousing UNREST like bombing schools, shooting at teachers and students, bombing a Laan Khaa (Convenient store in thai) Bombing temples, bombing mosques.....etc.

I mean People who demmand Fredom and right are called TERRORISTS Hahahaha this is so crazy!

I mean i love Thailand, just kae all them dirty politicians out and BLING BLING you have the most beautifull country on the planet!:jap:

<br />Isn't this obvious?!<br /><br />a 7 yearold boy from the nighbours even said who did it....<br />THE Aphisit Government! He does this so he can keep the state of emergency running!<br />dammit..!<br />So Obvious, and look...No one does anything against this madness.<br />I will never listen to thai news again.<br /><br />have a good one Y'all!<br /><br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Proof please. thank you.

INteresting also that the press has almost studiously avoided comparing the bombs used here with those known to be used by redshirt fanatics- emphasising, in fact, that these were likely produced by 'professionals'. Yet on this forum, the finger will continue to point at those with the most to lose.

Er, would take that with a pinch of salt my friend. The report in the OP said that one vendor saw smoke spewing out of the trash can prior to the explosion - that is not the work of a professional demolition man, but an amateur with a slow-burning incendiary fuse (more than likely nothing more sophisticated than a November 5 firecracker).


No, a stores CCTV cam being broken does not raise a big alarm. Most CCTV systems are fairly basic and have no redundancy system whatsoever.

And since the Big C store was closed, even less chance the broken cam was of any priority or even noticed at the time of the bombing.


<br />
INteresting also that the press has almost studiously avoided comparing the bombs used here with those known to be used by redshirt fanatics- emphasising, in fact, that these were likely produced by 'professionals'. Yet on this forum, the finger will continue to point at those with the most to lose.<br />
<br /><br /><br />Er, would take that with a pinch of salt my friend. The report in the OP said that one vendor saw smoke spewing out of the trash can prior to the explosion - that is not the work of a professional demolition man, but an amateur with a slow-burning incendiary fuse (more than likely nothing more sophisticated than a November 5 firecracker).<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Firecracker don't kill. This bomb does.

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