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One of my customers has arrived and would like to take his g/f back on a holiday visa. How long is the present waiting list for Holiday visa interviews? Any other relevent info app. Thanks.

Also do you have to go to BKK to make the application for interview,or can it be done by telephone?


I know if all your documents are in order and they are satisfied that there is no risk with granting the visa (ie. GF doesn't return to Thailand), then the visa can be issued on the day from the embassy.

The likelihood is that there will be something missed or more probably the embassy are not satisfied that it is a genuine relationship or there is a risk of the GF not returning.

As for the current waiting list, I'm unsure but it wouldn't be a bad idea to factor in a month to be on the safe side.

You will have to go Bkk to submit the supporting documents, so it may take a bit of twoing and frowing - it did in my case.

I know if all your documents are in order and they are satisfied that there is no risk with granting the visa (ie. GF doesn't return to Thailand), then the visa can be issued on the day from the embassy.

The likelihood is that there will be something missed or more probably the embassy are not satisfied that it is a genuine relationship or there is a risk of the GF not returning.

As for the current waiting list, I'm unsure but it wouldn't be a bad idea to factor in a month to be on the safe side.

You will have to go Bkk to submit the supporting documents, so it may take a bit of twoing and frowing - it did in my case.

thanks for that. It's changed a bit since I got my wifes 8 years ago.

I know if all your documents are in order and they are satisfied that there is no risk with granting the visa (ie. GF doesn't return to Thailand), then the visa can be issued on the day from the embassy.

The likelihood is that there will be something missed or more probably the embassy are not satisfied that it is a genuine relationship or there is a risk of the GF not returning.

As for the current waiting list, I'm unsure but it wouldn't be a bad idea to factor in a month to be on the safe side.

You will have to go Bkk to submit the supporting documents, so it may take a bit of twoing and frowing - it did in my case.

thanks for that. It's changed a bit since I got my wifes 8 years ago.


As far as I've seen, if all the paperwork is in order. It is quite possible your gf could be asked to return in 2-3 days to collect her visa. Although it is correct that if your gf has something to miss in Thailand like children or owns land/property etc she is less likely to be a flight risk.

If the paperwork is short or not clearly presented then she may well be asked to return in anything upto 3mths for an interview.

For my gf first visa to UK 2yrs ago I wrote a long letter detailing our relationship and why we wanted her to visit UK. I provided mortgage details (rented accommodation is as good) headed letter from company I contract to stating day rates they pay me. Backed up with almost 3mth of bank statements from the internet, despite the fact I had been living in Thailand for several mths and not earning.

She has a 3yr son (but not married before as this needs more paperwork) and at the time had a small plot of land which I assume all helped as she was more likely to return.

She spoke to a lady at the window for maybe 5min and was asked to return in 3days to collect her visa.

We even got that down to collecting the next morning as we'd have to travel so far.

Their aim isn't to be awkward...although it may feel like that sometimes....patronising maybe but not awkward :o

Don't worry about things, just ask yourself what info/evidence you would want to see and then give that to them.

Best of luck :D


I know if all your documents are in order and they are satisfied that there is no risk with granting the visa (ie. GF doesn't return to Thailand), then the visa can be issued on the day from the embassy.

The likelihood is that there will be something missed or more probably the embassy are not satisfied that it is a genuine relationship or there is a risk of the GF not returning.

As for the current waiting list, I'm unsure but it wouldn't be a bad idea to factor in a month to be on the safe side.

You will have to go Bkk to submit the supporting documents, so it may take a bit of twoing and frowing - it did in my case.

thanks for that. It's changed a bit since I got my wifes 8 years ago.


As far as I've seen, if all the paperwork is in order. It is quite possible your gf could be asked to return in 2-3 days to collect her visa.

Although it is correct that if your gf has something to miss in Thailand like children or owns land/property etc she is less likely to be a flight risk.

If the paperwork is short or not clearly presented then she may well be asked to return in anything upto 3mths for an interview.

For my gf first visa to UK 2yrs ago I wrote a long letter detailing our relationship and why we wanted her to visit UK. I provided mortgage details (rented accommodation is as good) headed letter from company I contract to stating day rates they pay me. Backed up with almost 3mth of bank statements from the internet, despite the fact I had been living in Thailand for several mths and not earning.

She has a 3yr son (but not married before as this needs more paperwork) and at the time had a small plot of land which I assume all helped as she was more likely to return.

She spoke to a lady at the window for maybe 5min and was asked to return in 3days to collect her visa.

We even got that down to collecting the next morning as we'd have to travel so far.

Their aim isn't to be awkward...although it may feel like that sometimes....patronising maybe but not awkward :o

Don't worry about things, just ask yourself what info/evidence you would want to see and then give that to them.

Best of luck :D


It is my opinion that when dealing in third world countries when dealing with the third world element i.e. the poor, it is the Immigration officers brief to say no. (Note full stop).

Children far from being a reason to return are regarded as a reason to migrate to a place where the applicant can remit funds illegally earnt for mum to support them with (If it was a positive thing why would you have to declare children on the application form??) any piece of land / house that does not take you out of the 'poor' category, is irrelevant, (if you'd be better off in a council house in England).

The UK immigration act makes specific provision for people of lowly means to be provided for by their host, no conditions,you got the money you can supply the poor person with economic credibility, this is however completely overlooked by the immigaration authorities, this is against the law, but there is no appeal from their decision......get it?


The application itself can be made by post. Should an interview be required, then the applicant will have to travel to BKK. The UK Visas website shows the waiting time for visit visa interviews as being 26 working days as of 31 March this year.


The UK immigration act makes specific provision for people of lowly means to be provided for by their host, no conditions,you got the money  you can supply the poor person with economic credibility, this is however completely overlooked by the immigaration authorities, this is against the law, but there is no appeal from their decision......get it?

Please can you tell me where in the Immigration Rules it specifically says that as long as your sponsor has enough money, you'll get the visa?

In relation to visitors, the immigration rules stipulate, inter alia, that the applicant has to satisfy the visa officer/immigration officer of their intention to leave the UK at the end of their proposed visit.



If all the supporting documents are included with the initial application and if those documents satisfy the ECO so that s/he is minded to grant the visa then it may be issued without the need for an interview. In which case, if the application was sent by post then the applicant will be asked to attend the embassy between Monday and Thursday to collect the visa. If the application was made in person then it is possible the visa will be issued on the same day but more likely that the applicant will be asked to return the next day.

Spacebass, it is true that the ECOs in Bangkok do not consider children alone to be an adequate reason to return. This is because it is very common in Thailand for children to be left with grandparents while the parents travel away to work. So having children will not, in itself, constitute a valid reason for return.

As for the rest of your post;

I fear, sir, that you are talking from between your buttocks!

The UK immigration act makes specific provision for people of lowly means to be provided for by their host, no conditions,you got the money  you can supply the poor person with economic credibility, this is however completely overlooked by the immigaration authorities, this is against the law, but there is no appeal from their decision......get it?

Please can you tell me where in the Immigration Rules it specifically says that as long as your sponsor has enough money, you'll get the visa?

In relation to visitors, the immigration rules stipulate, inter alia, that the applicant has to satisfy the visa officer/immigration officer of their intention to leave the UK at the end of their proposed visit.


Dear Scouse,

It doesn't of course say that any particular element will guarantee a visa , but I am sure it does say something like :' In the case of an applicant who has no money, the applicants host can provide the resources to pay for their stay in the country.'

This in my book would include anyone over 50 who has been involved in the housing market in the UK who would certainly have enough resources to finance a 30 day visit , even if staying in a reasonable hotel for the whole time. Precluding the further nonsense of whether a 50 year old man is able to provide a civilsed bed for the night for 30 days for himself and another.

Although as you suggest the ultimate reason for refusal is 'an opinion that someone will not return to where they came from' , the fact is that the resources angle is used to muddy the water in effect defaming the applicant, and sometimes the applicants host, when in fact it is accounted for by the above clause.

It would be fair if the law said 'anyone without a formal job, not owning a substantial property, without GBP10,000 in the bank etc will not be admitted to the UK', but some are and some are not granted visas and the law provides no way of knowing what will happen to an application as there is no control mechanism , available to the public to ensure the law is applied as determined 'by the clear words of parliament' because there is no appeal against the abstract thinking of a civil servant.

Pretty outrageous, especially when I imagine every asylum seeker who has never paid a penny tax in the UK turning up at Heathrow has access to appeal procedures which are no doubt paid for by the likes of all the poor sods in Thailand who are denied the right to take their bird to England on Holiday, or even appeal against this denial..


Just to put some perspective to this, from Entry Clearance Statistics 2003-4 (PDF, 337K) (page 34).


Non-settlement applications; 35,663

Granted: 32,976

Refused; 2,334

% refused; 6.56%

Just 6.56% refused! (Remember, these figures cover all non-settlement visas, not just tourist.)

I know that it's not much consolation if your g/f is among the 6.56%, but these figures do show that the ECOs are doing their best to apply the rules fairly. But they are only human, and therefore will make mistakes. Some genuine applicants will be refused and some chancers will succeed.


My g/f went to Embassy in early June for VV, and was simply told to return on 01 Sep for interview.

The reason they gave was a backlog, caused by dealing with over 200 applications per day.



A few weeks ago the earliest interview date available was in October! We were planning a round the world trip for September. However, the "official" who spoke to my girlfriend, and then to me, offered this: "If the Americans will give you a visa you can come here and get one on the spot the next day."

I hope that comforts everyone as much as it did me....



Your original statement wasn't, actually, that far of the mark, but was a bit "loose". Yes, poorer people are going to find it harder to get visas for developed countries, as they are less likely to return to their countries of origin; they lack what used to be referred to as an "incentive to return".

The current government did try to address this issue in 1997 when the notion of a sponsorship bond was introduced; i.e. you (the wealthy farang) lodge e.g. 5 grand of your hard-earned dough with HMG and if your Thai g/f then fails to leave the UK, you lose it. However, the bleeding hearts and politically correct deemed this as being racist and so it was never implemented.



Your original statement wasn't, actually, that far of the mark, but was a bit "loose". Yes, poorer people are going to find it harder to get visas for developed countries, as they are less likely to return to their countries of origin; they lack what used to be referred to as an "incentive to return".

The current government did try to address this issue in 1997 when the notion of a sponsorship bond was introduced; i.e. you (the wealthy farang) lodge e.g. 5 grand of your hard-earned dough with HMG and if your Thai g/f then fails to leave the UK, you lose it. However, the bleeding hearts and politically correct deemed this as being racist and so it was never implemented.


Thank you scouse, it is good to receive tacit support from the expert, as opposed to the dreamers.


But they are only human, and therefore will make mistakes. Some genuine applicants will be refused and some chancers will succeed.

Well said and is excactly the point...there will always be winners and those that don't fair so well...even those that luck out completely.

If that wasn't the case then a majority of the poorer nations would have moved already.

We are talking about a tourist visa and there has to be a criteria for everything, unfortunate but necessary. You can't expect embassy staff to not ask personal details or they would literally be taking applicants at face value.

The one issue I did have at the UK Embassy was being instructed to not get married (not that I had that idea in mind) whilst in UK or it would affect future applications.

I get the impression (from what I saw) that we would be refused and asked to re-apply again for a visa, as if it was some sort of punishment. :o

A few weeks ago the earliest interview date available was in October!  We were planning a round the world trip for September.  However, the "official" who spoke to my girlfriend, and then to me, offered this: "If the Americans will give you a visa you can come here and get one on the spot the next day."

I hope that comforts everyone as much as it did me....

is that really true ?? my GF has already been granted a 10 year visa for america so can you confirm she's be able to get a visa in time for the end of august ??

maybe The scouser could confirm this for me ??


Your original statement wasn't, actually, that far of the mark, but was a bit "loose". Yes, poorer people are going to find it harder to get visas for developed countries, as they are less likely to return to their countries of origin; they lack what used to be referred to as an "incentive to return".

The current government did try to address this issue in 1997 when the notion of a sponsorship bond was introduced; i.e. you (the wealthy farang) lodge e.g. 5 grand of your hard-earned dough with HMG and if your Thai g/f then fails to leave the UK, you lose it. However, the bleeding hearts and politically correct deemed this as being racist and so it was never implemented.


Thank you scouse, it is good to receive tacit support from the expert, as opposed to the dreamers.


Many of those on this forum who feel qualified to give inaccurate advice! :o !

However there are many knowledgable amateurs here who offer sound advice! :D !

A few weeks ago the earliest interview date available was in October!  We were planning a round the world trip for September.  However, the "official" who spoke to my girlfriend, and then to me, offered this: "If the Americans will give you a visa you can come here and get one on the spot the next day."

I hope that comforts everyone as much as it did me....

is that really true ?? my GF has already been granted a 10 year visa for america so can you confirm she's be able to get a visa in time for the end of august ??

maybe The scouser could confirm this for me ??

The British Embassy was satisfied the application and all supporting documents were in order. There was no request for an interview. The American visa was brought up, apparently, because we were going to visit the U.S. prior to the U.K. However, the troubling implication to me was that if the Americans thought my g/f could be trusted that was good enough for the Brits. It appears that UK Domestic Polocy, as well as Foreign Policy, is now largely written in Washington. I was not amused...

A few weeks ago the earliest interview date available was in October!  We were planning a round the world trip for September.  However, the "official" who spoke to my girlfriend, and then to me, offered this: "If the Americans will give you a visa you can come here and get one on the spot the next day."

I hope that comforts everyone as much as it did me....

is that really true ?? my GF has already been granted a 10 year visa for america so can you confirm she's be able to get a visa in time for the end of august ??

maybe The scouser could confirm this for me ??

The British Embassy was satisfied the application and all supporting documents were in order. There was no request for an interview. The American visa was brought up, apparently, because we were going to visit the U.S. prior to the U.K. However, the troubling implication to me was that if the Americans thought my g/f could be trusted that was good enough for the Brits. It appears that UK Domestic Polocy, as well as Foreign Policy, is now largely written in Washington. I was not amused...

but are you really surprised ..

try getting on the eurostar to paris .. you go through numerous checks, tickets passports, etc !!!

on the way back arriving in england walk straight through customs not a man in site ... go figure that ??


It's certainly true that if another western embassy has seen fit to issue a visa, then this will make getting a UK visa easier. It does work both ways, however, and if someone had a UK visa, the yanks would issue an American one on the back of it.


  • 2 months later...
Just to put some perspective to this, from Entry Clearance Statistics 2003-4  (PDF, 337K) (page 34).

I know that it's not much consolation if your g/f is among the 6.56%, but these figures do show that the ECOs are doing their best to apply the rules fairly. But they are only human, and therefore will make mistakes. Some genuine applicants will be refused and some chancers will succeed.

I went to the British Embassy in Bangkok on the 03/08/05 - From the first only those applying for the visa are allowed in. I waited and got an interview date in December. Now I am back in the UK alone and my g/f in Thailand. She has informed me that someone phoned her from the embassy and we now have an interview date in October, next time I go. The lady on the phone could not understand why we did not state our case better at the time...

I suppose it is a bit hard to argue your case when you are outside the building!!

But, at least the phone call shows they have a conscious and are prepared to change things to suit us. Maybe the way forward is to let them have it all their own way, no arguments, just keep saying OK and then wait.

PS They have also provided us with a check-list of what to bring as we did not have time to fill in the form as my g/f was called in, I was left outside and she is not very good with complex forms in English - then again neither am I.

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