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Advice Please: Tb Certificate And Vaf4 In Different Name?

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My thai gf and I will shortly be tying the knot, and applying for a settlement visa. Exciting stuff!

If we get a TB certificate in her maiden name, and then her passport etc. changed to her married name, will the TB certificate still be accepted as part of the application (which will obviously be in her new name). I assume yes, if we include a cover letter, but thought it best to check.

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Why bother to change her name it makes No differance to her status She is still your Wife.

If you must then why not wait untill you are marriedto get her TB Cert and her Passport.

Just to add My wife now in the UK with me still as her maiden name after 2+ years of marraige I did not want the hastle of getting a new passport Ect

She can still call herself Mrs Suhari and retain her old Thai passport with her Visa inside

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I hope so, I might be in a position to tell you for sure in about 4 weeks.

My wife is in the same position, she applied for a settlement visa about 4 weeks ago now. Included in the application, along with the cert from the IOM she included a covering note, a copy of her current and previous ID card, also originals with copies of her previous passport, marriage certificate and name change document.

Should we be lucky enough to have the application succeed I am planning on making sure that the same documents are available to present to the immigration officer at border control.

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OP this is not a problem to submit tb cert in maiden name , and submit new passport and ID card copy in new married name,this will easily be checked against her old passport (which should be submitted with application)and her

change of name document that comes with the marriage certificate that the umper will issue.

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