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Dudes In The Parking Lots


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I wouldn't mind if when they turn up they actually look at you and say sorry. But most of the rude twots will not bother!!!

Yes. God I HATE them. I need to go outside and thrash the dogs...

I hit a soi dog the other night, on Sukhumvit 101/1. Not driving fast but still caught him on his rump! No damage except some scratches on my bumper. I can only imagine they came from grit in his coat.

I thought of you the other day (again). I came wizzing around a corner in the Vigo & there was an old lady crossing the road with a little concrete pot in her hands.......I thought to myself, "this could be onnut's friend, shoud I or shouldnt I?"

How many points do you get for an old buzz sheila these days?

I avoid the supermarket like the plague & if I go I normally go on the motorcycle & drop the misses at the front door, spear her a couple of baht and tell her go for her life......she knows the way home, in a taxi :lol: . Sometimes the trip costs 50 baht, sometimes 55 baht & I can float around in the swimming pool reminscising on the car park stress thing :D

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I can float around in the swimming pool reminscising on the car park stress thing :D

I get much more stress from shopping with a girl then the parking lot.

I'm hearing you brother, which is why I now choose the new 'neverdie' method of shopping. Firstly you deposit them at the Supermarket with an amount of money that you are happy to spend. At the same time you also place your personal order for certain goods. Prior to departing you say, "Have a good time & make sure you leave yourself enough money for the taxi ride home, its a long walk with shopping bags" YOU THEN SCOOT OFF. Simple and easy.

I will further impress you rob, today I did this and scooted off to the jym for an hour and a half before taking myself for a swim.......I then had a little kip :lol: . When I awoke the groceries were in the kitchen :D

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I have double parked only when leaving my vehicle for less then a minute or two. In a mall when other parking spaces available??? Never in a million years. Not even with a very light car parked in neutral. Probably the way I was raised. What right do I have to impose on anybody to have to move my vehicle?? Absolutely none. To hear of a falang doing it makes me feel embarrassed of my race.

I am fairly disabled with some serious damage done to my knees. The very few handicapped spots with the wheelchair logo painted on them are usually blocked off by traffic cones and/or used by motorbikes with the mother-in-law sidecars. I printed out my own handicap logo for the car and had it laminated. I use it sometimes to convince the whistle guys to let me park there. While living in CNX I worked with some folks who built and imported wheelchairs for needy and ignored Thais. They were the ones painting the logos in parking lots i.e. the one at Rimping Market at Meechok Plaza. Never heard of the Thai government having anything to do with the issue.

On a more humorous note I always laugh when the whistle blowers are trying to get the unskilled (99% Thais) to turn their wheels one way or another. If the drivers are actually looking in the mirrors and NOT picking pimples they get so flustered because of the opposite view in the mirrors. There are ways to do this but I am almost out of ink here. Started driving logging trucks when I was seventeen, drove one of two KW Dart 100 ton dump trucks when they were the largest in the world, and have backed up more trailers and even double trailers with the front doll locked more times than I can count. I pretty much don't need the help from the whistle guys. Like the one post says.."Always trust only yourself as a rule". Never double park in front of a light blue 1984 spotless Volvo.B)

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To hear of a falang doing it makes me feel embarrassed of my race.

Let me get this right, you belong to the 'race' of falang?

Can you tell me where that country is and is it difficult to get a visa to visit, whats the exchange rate like & do you have go go bars?

:lol: Crazy.

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I did read your post. The next time I am in a shopping mall car park and faced with the choice of driving round in circles for an hour and a half or parking in front of another car with my handbrake off and in neutral I will still choose the easier option on the basis that it is highly unlikely to be your car I park in front of.

I never double park if there are free spaces and don't care how near the entrance I am. I don't know what you are getting so steamed up about but if you were as rude to me in person as you are being on here then you'd have a bloody long wait before I moved my car.

Then mon amis, we would for sure have a dust up . The ' when in Thailand ' motoring stuff is concerned, do as the Thais do attitude by farangs, well you might as well drive on the wrong side of the road and jump red lights to save some time as well. The word l am looking for is, inconsiderate.

The word I'm looking for is 'incoherent'(found it!). That's because you're not making any sense. In a packed shopping mall carpark, parking in front of another car is acceptable practice here as well as other places; they even have lines painted on the ground to indicate it's a parking space. You can park provided you leave your car in neutral and release the hand brake.

If you're complaining about people parking in front of you who *don't* disengage their handbrakes, fair enough. If you're complaining about *all* people who park in front of you, then you won't find many sympathizers.

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To hear of a falang doing it makes me feel embarrassed of my race.

And what "farang" have you heard of that does this? If you are referring to me then you obviously didn't read my posts.

Embarrassed of your race? Jeez, some people really make me laugh. The kind of behaviour that makes me embarrassed of my countrymen is when I see loud, abusive drunks in bars or guys holding forth on everything they would change about Thailand as if they'd have the first clue of how to run a country.

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To hear of a falang doing it makes me feel embarrassed of my race.

Let me get this right, you belong to the 'race' of falang?

Can you tell me where that country is and is it difficult to get a visa to visit, whats the exchange rate like & do you have go go bars?

:lol: Crazy.

:lol: I think you also have to wear a Chang Beer shirt in that country.

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I can float around in the swimming pool reminscising on the car park stress thing :D

I get much more stress from shopping with a girl then the parking lot.

I'm hearing you brother, which is why I now choose the new 'neverdie' method of shopping. Firstly you deposit them at the Supermarket with an amount of money that you are happy to spend. At the same time you also place your personal order for certain goods. Prior to departing you say, "Have a good time & make sure you leave yourself enough money for the taxi ride home, its a long walk with shopping bags" YOU THEN SCOOT OFF. Simple and easy.

I will further impress you rob, today I did this and scooted off to the jym for an hour and a half before taking myself for a swim.......I then had a little kip :lol: . When I awoke the groceries were in the kitchen :D

You give the GF money... wow.. i let her spend her own earned money.. i don't even want to imagine how long she could shop on my money :D

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I'm hearing you brother, which is why I now choose the new 'neverdie' method of shopping. Firstly you deposit them at the Supermarket with an amount of money that you are happy to spend. At the same time you also place your personal order for certain goods. Prior to departing you say, "Have a good time & make sure you leave yourself enough money for the taxi ride home, its a long walk with shopping bags" YOU THEN SCOOT OFF. Simple and easy.

I will further impress you rob, today I did this and scooted off to the jym for an hour and a half before taking myself for a swim.......I then had a little kip :lol: . When I awoke the groceries were in the kitchen :D


Well, this completely explains your coolness and non-display of aggravation on these forums.

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so when there are no free spaces what do you do, go home?

That or park further away.. For someone with high morals (at least you claim to have them) you don't seem to have a problem causing trouble for others. Be it minor trouble. Although if enough cars are double parked you have no way to go anyway.

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So now there is something morally wrong with parking in the delineated spaces in front of another car, in a packed shopping mall car park? We are all entitled to our own opinions but I think that's a little OTT.

We are.. but im taking to him he has a real high horse about other subjects so im confronting him with that. He pretends to be such a good guy.. hi so .. high morals..

I do feel its not a good thing to do parking like that.. i don't do it what you do is your choice. Anyway i know i am not going to change Thailand but i would think a farang would have more sense.

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Have more sense? I don't think abandoning a shopping trip and driving home instead of parking in a perfectly legitimate spot, with the handbrake off and in neutral gear so that the car can easily be pushed out of the way, is sensible at all

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Have more sense? I don't think abandoning a shopping trip and driving home instead of parking in a perfectly legitimate spot, with the handbrake off and in neutral gear so that the car can easily be pushed out of the way, is sensible at all

1 car no problem.. 2 or more so you have to move a load of cars.. that is not sensible. Besides the spots are many times not legitimate. I see lots of signs saying you cant do it. They are not enforced.. but that does not make it legimate. But it might depend on the place.

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Have more sense? I don't think abandoning a shopping trip and driving home instead of parking in a perfectly legitimate spot, with the handbrake off and in neutral gear so that the car can easily be pushed out of the way, is sensible at all

1 car no problem.. 2 or more so you have to move a load of cars.. that is not sensible. Besides the spots are many times not legitimate. I see lots of signs saying you cant do it. They are not enforced.. but that does not make it legimate. But it might depend on the place.

I never do it if it means that there is no space left to push any of the cars. I think our difference of opinion may be partly due to the fact that we shop at different places.

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Actually, all things considered I think we are a pretty sad bunch with too much time on our hands. We moved halfway round the world so we could sit at home on a computer and argue with complete strangers about the parking habits in Thai shopping malls?


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I would not or could not ever leave my car parked in front of others. Not ever since the time I did it once behind Molly Malones for 2 minutes while I ran in the pub to grab something and on walking out seeing two guards running to stop my car from being rolled into a wall because they pushed it too hard. One guard ran behind the car to try and stop it and his legs got pushed against the wall. Bloody nuts.

I've also seen many cars get pushed into each other that way. I have never understood why people with nice cars leave them in harms way!

And Neverdie, if she had a blue rince hairdo, run her down next time. It's her!! I will pay the fine. LOL

Edited by onnut
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For those saying Thai only park when double when there are no spaces its not true. I just came back from the local carefour. Plenty of free spaces further out in the parking lot.. but close by all double parked. So it has nothing to do with full or not.. has everything to do with easy and lazy

Correct Thais only know one place to park and thats right outside the entrance to any shops, usually plenty of spaces available 99% of the time farther away in THE SAME car park but that requires the use of legs and brain.

Edited by yabaaaa
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Yes that's right. All Thais are exactly the same and have no brains. rolleyes.gif

Not just no brains. Also no morals, no education, no common sense, no driving skills, no sense of direction, no clues, no reputation points, no dress sense, no fancy pick-up lines, no girth, no length and no staying power.

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Yes that's right. All Thais are exactly the same and have no brains. rolleyes.gif

Not just no brains. Also no morals, no education, no common sense, no driving skills, no sense of direction, no clues, no reputation points, no dress sense, no fancy pick-up lines, no girth, no length and no staying power.

Amen to that.

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I don't drive in Thailand, but for many years I drove back in the old country. I can see how this double-parking stuff and other similar car-related goings-on would really annoy me, and obviously others here on this forum. As for parking in a large lot or even on city streets when going shopping, why is it that one will drive up and down searching for that one closest vacant spot? or as in Thailand, create your own vacant spot?

Consider this: if your house were located at the outer edge of the large parking lot, would you get into your car to try to find a place to park nearer the entrance to the mall so that you don't have to walk so far? Some would, I suppose, but chances are that most of us would just head out the door and walk over to the store entrance. The same is true on the city streets; so what if you have to walk a block or two to your destination. If you lived that close, you would think you had the ideal location, i.e., close to shopping. It takes a little bit of a change in mind-set, but it helps to relieve the stress of parking, and a bit of exercise is thrown in for good measure.

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<snip 4 brevity> and on walking out seeing two guards running to stop my car from being rolled into a wall because they pushed it too hard. One guard ran behind the car to try and stop it and his legs got pushed against the wall. Bloody nuts.

I've also seen many cars get pushed into each other that way. I have never understood why people with nice cars leave them in harms way!

And Neverdie, if she had a blue rince hairdo, run her down next time. It's her!! I will pay the fine. LOL

blink.gifohmy.gif Poor sod.

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Actually, all things considered I think we are a pretty sad bunch with too much time on our hands. We moved halfway round the world so we could sit at home on a computer and argue with complete strangers about the parking habits in Thai shopping malls?


Discussion is fun and i spend my time wisely here. I do sit a lot behind the computer and most of my posting is done in my working breaks. I loved computers back in the old country and i love them here. I cant be fishing or at the gym all the time.

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Yes that's right. All Thais are exactly the same and have no brains. rolleyes.gif

I don't think so but there is a large percentage that is real selfish. Just look at how people drive here or double park. Just think of the taxi's blocking bus stops.. minivans doing the same ect ect.

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Guys with whistles, can be helpful when interrupting traffic as you leave premises on to a busy road, same applies when you have stuff in the back of the truck/car that you wish to be looked after. Small tip it’s done.

As for the double parking more often than not it’s down to not being bothered to drive up another level/street and walk. The only two exceptions I can think of would be a concert or very large unusual event that stresses local parking to the max and its required. Or a genuine disabled/old person/heavily pregnant women who needs to have close access and the spaces are taken ( normally by the same self important tossers that double park)

So to those that advocate this practice without reason ,in my opinion you are nothing more than ar%%holes who the whistle boys are too intimidated by to ask to move.

I drive all over Thailand to some real parking hotspots, never not once have I had to double park ! But then again I’m considerate of others have the means to walk and if necessary the funds to park away and catch a cab in to the area.

I would have no problem asking said tossers Thai or western as to why they think they are obviously more important than the rest of us, id also ask why I should wait for them ? The response is most often utter embarrassment on their part and the realization they are in fact a inconsiderate &lt;deleted&gt;.

NB The handbrake off works in some cases but most often not particularly when other like minded tossers have done the same

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