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Hey guys/ladies!!! Well im looking to come to Thai withen the next few weeks!! if not few days!!! I need someone to show me around because i have never been ther before. Looking to make friends and hit up clubs and pubs! :o I would realy like someone to help me out. willing to let person or persons stay at hotel with me if they want. Im not some rich guy either but i do have a lil cash to throw around. Please im not some ###### tourist i just wanna get away from the states for a while. let me know!!! also how much is a u.s dollar worth over there is it worth more

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Guest IT Manager

Enjoy your visit. Most of the forum won't want to share your hotel room, but try to get out of Bangkok for a little time. Maybe take a train to Chiang Mai and the North, much prettier country.

As I said, have a good visit. :o


Check out Koh Samui. Rent a suzuki jeep and drive to the south end of the island, especially if you're with someone.

There are some places where you and your wife/friend et'al can be alone in paradise.


Mr Vietnam :o


well im going by my self!!! I dont have a wife kids or none of that i just got some money so i wanna go somewhere!! I heard Thai has some of the most beautiful women in the world!!! I dont know what hotel to go to, where to eat,where to rent a jeep from,or any of that!! Im just a person going into a dark room. Im nervous that when i get there ima wanna stay and not leave!! Also is the american dollar worth more over there?? Someone has to be willing to meet up somewhere or maybe even in the airport

I need someone to show me around because i have never been ther before. Looking to make friends and hit up clubs and pubs!
it will only be a matter of time before a bar girl will sink her teeth in. she will take you hostage and show you around.
Also is the american dollar worth more over there??

its at 39, but that doesn't matter, your ATM card withdrawl limit will be reached every 24 hours no matter what the rate is.

Someone has to be willing to meet up somewhere or maybe even in the airport

your bar girl will take you to the airport when you depart, there will be tears in her eyes. you will have one of her cell phone numbers and the western union address closest to her room.


When you get off the plane and come out front,get a meter-taxi, tell him what you want and he will gladly take you to where you want to be,and don't worry about a hotel,the first one that gets hold of you will know where you can stay,and will also know the exact location of all the ATMs in the area,she will have anywhere between 1 and 3 cell phones that will be on all the time,so info that she doesn't know will be available,and even during the "HAPPY TIMES" the phones will be turned on and take priority over everything else when they ring,so you will most likely be restricted to doggie fashion so she can talk on them while you are getting your moneys worth. :o


ok so are yall saying that there are women waiting at the airport for farangs??? LOL :o i think ima enjoy this trip. Also how do the women take to mixed guys over there. Im white,rican,and black?? So basicly i should just buy a plane ticket over to come over there, get off the plane, look for a taxi and tell him to take me to a motel?? I wanna go into the inner city where all the women are!! NO dirty women though. Also do i need a map of some sort?? someone please give me a layout of what i should do once i step off the plane. Where should i ask to be taken?? do they even have taxis at yall's airports?? i need info people help me out. oh how much are the hotels per night over there in american dollars???



Please buy a travel guide, eg the dreadfull Lonely Planet, by a guy named Joe Cummings who thinks he knows it all, but there you will find all info you need on hotels, food, travel, girls, AIDS etc.

LOS for Land Of Smiles is paradise for someone in need of a temporary companion, but you are free to travel on your own. Staying alone will be difficult however.

Enjoy your trip over here. I do not live near Bangkok and as such can not be of much help to you.

someone please give me a layout of what i should do once i step off the plane. Where should i ask to be taken??

straight back to your mummy's lap.

i cant believe that it is a serious posting.


You are right, taxexile, I also can't believe that it is a serious posting.

This ' joker ' is making " fools " out of us. He just trying to be funny or maybe he is just out from some institution. Just read all his postings...... it's fantastic.



no im not making fools out of u all!! Im being serious. Im only 19 so i dont know much about how to travel to another country. Just ready to leave the states thats all and asking for a lil help once i leave. Im taking my lap top with me when i get on the plane so that i can post on the board when i arrive. Going to buy a travel guide today. Also i was reading some materials on thai and i came across something i was curious about. Text i was reading stated that thai has alot of women carring the hiv virus! Is this true?? I hope not because im looking to meet alot of thai women to have fun with(one of the reasons im coming over there) also i read that the food over there is some of the best in the world. Im truley a little blind about this trip im taking but thats what makes it so exciting the fact that i only wanna know a lil bit about whats going to happen once i arrive. so yes it may sound stupid but im just asking for a lil info people thats all

Guest IT Manager

Red, my hairdresser wants your phone number.

Do you know what a condom is? Use them every time. If you don't, I will give my hairdresser your phone number.

Good luck is probably in order, and for the record, I don't think you are pulling our puds'. No one could be smart enough to dream up a wind up like this. It's too funny.


ok so are yall saying that there are women waiting at the airport for farangs??? LOL :D


It sounds like you've already got quite a good travel guide, if you know what "farang" means...

If you don't ask your brother :o ...

Nice try.

truley a little blind about this trip im taking but thats what makes it so exciting the fact that i only wanna know a lil bit about whats going to happen once i arrive

I can feel a premature ejaculation coming, he'll do it before he knows he's that excited :o:DB)


Red, I'm going to give you the benefit of a doubt.

:o From a fellow American, here. Always remember, take my advice or anybody's elses for that matter with a grain of salt. Use your own judgement and common sense. If it smells fishy, don't eat it!

Make sure you treat your passport like you would treat your penis. Always protect it. :D Make a few copies before you leave and give the copies to your parents or close relative. Bring travelers checks if possible. Remember that if you cash your travelers checks or cash in Thailand, you get a more favorable rate of return. Based on what you've indicated in regards to your travel experience, it is probably safer if you bring a small amount of T.C. or cash and use your credit card or debit card once you are in Thailand. Although, you may not receive as good of rate for using your C.C. or D.C.

Do not have a checking account in the states? Get one. Ask for a Visa/Master debit card, where you can withdraw money from any where in the world. Get internet access for that account, so you can view your transactions over there via internet.

You can get a nice western style hotel for $20-30, or you can opt for a back-packers venue for $5-10 a night. Bring some stomach medicine and mosquito repellent.

IMO, Lonely Planet is about the most in-depth reading on Thailand I have seen. GET ONE!

Every thing else will fall into place. B)

Oh, one more thing. If you are looking forward to smoking some Thai weed or doing any other drugs, DON'T DO IT!

Good luck and have a great time! B)

:o thanks super that realy helped!!! Now im going to order tickets tommorrow!!! but ima buy that book first!!! Cant wait to get over there! I wanna see all thses women everone speaks of!!! im so ready to leave like now!!! i will keep yall updated on what happens in the next few days and all the way up to departure!! I will also post when i get there from my laptop!!! $5-10 bucks a night thats not bad !!! what about car rental???
:D thanks super that realy helped!!! Now im going to order tickets tommorrow!!! but ima buy that book first!!! Cant wait to get over there! I wanna see all thses women everone speaks of!!! im so ready to leave like now!!! i will keep yall updated on what happens in the next few days and all the way up to departure!! I will also post when i get there from my laptop!!! $5-10 bucks a night thats not bad !!! what about car rental???

He must be serious...He's never been to LOS before if he's talking about renting a car...Mate, get yourself some health insurance before Mum lets you out on your Big Adventrure! :o


ok does can anyone send me pics of the los and the type of women i can expect to see?? :o OH what do u mean if i expect to rent a car?? They dont rent there? I hope they do i dont want a taxi to drive me everywhere i go


You should at least try Thai food at a local restaurant first. And look on the internet for Thai ladies' photos. Maybe you should stay home and spend your money at a massage palor?


how many suspended driver license you have back in the state, if none, walk or taxi

yes they do have rental, its not about the car, its the people. :o



take a moment and go to a book shop, you'll find plenty of guide-books ...

IMO, Lonely Planet is about the most in-depth reading on Thailand I have seen. GET ONE!

choose one or two, and read some inside ...

"lonely planet is one of a choice"

you'll find advices sometimes worth to follow B)

and girls ... watch your atm card, your passport and values(keep safe) B)

don't be a fool ... come enjoy and go back, this is even if you plan to come back B)

but .. please, when you'll go back home don't say that you thought it was a love trip ... :o

fall in love with the country, yes! B)

keep your heart safe B) to young to waste it on a one visit-trip :D

and as IT said, come and enjoy B)

and as tasa said, Thailand welcomes you B)

have a nice trip, please yourself B)

Guest IT Manager
:o thanks super that realy helped!!! Now im going to order tickets tommorrow!!! but ima buy that book first!!! Cant wait to get over there! I wanna see all thses women everone speaks of!!! im so ready to leave like now!!! i will keep yall updated on what happens in the next few days and all the way up to departure!! I will also post when i get there from my laptop!!! $5-10 bucks a night thats not bad !!! what about car rental???

Well the only thing no one remembered becasue you are all so old... bring a note from your mom to say it's ok for you to be out away from home after 10.00 PM or the police will lock you up in an army camp and you will find out about "Taking a Walk on the Wild Side".

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