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Thailand was a military governed country at the outbreak of WW2. Although this government was sympathetic to Japan, many in Thailand were more inclined towards the Western side and so little support was given to Japan throughout the war. Nevertheless a short campaign to recover some areas of Cambodia and Laos, taken away during French rule in the area, was mounted and Japanese mediation resulted in Thailand temporarily recovering these areas.

Later on, Thailand entered the war on the Japanese side in Malaya and Burma.

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The name change has taken place twice. First, on June 24 1939 under the Pibulsongkram government. The name reverted back to Siam in 1945. Finally, another Pibulsongkram government brought back the name Thailand in 1949.

There isn't a simple answer to the question on Thailand's stance in WW2 since you not only have the official Thai government position but also the Seri Thai resistance movement which was led by a number of very prominent Thais who were in government both before and after this period.

Not very useful but this brief article gives an idea of the divisions within the Thai ruling elite:My Webpage

Edited by Tarragona
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