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Motor Racing - This Weekend At Bira Circuit - Pattaya


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I agree with much of what you said and is also the reasoning behind my running here at all. Until recently there was no class for me to be able to compete financially as the organizers would not allow me to run in the more affordable classes due to my experience and there was/is no way I will invest that amount of money just to run these local races I have bigger goals and the field is tilted against me anyway here for obvious reasons.

I've already done it successfully at much higher levels so why would I invest so much just to step backwards?? But I'm also past the investing in myself stage as at some point you get compensated in some way for your skills and that's where I am though there is many forms of compensation and not all are costly with a little creative thinking and still return far more then invested....

JFYI FWD cars, small bore and turbo cars teach you how to drive more so then any other...

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the organizers would not allow me to run in the more affordable classes due to my experience

This doesnt make any sense, why would they restrict a class to only allow incompetent/inexperienced drivers to compete ???

Or was it lack of experience that deemed you unsuitable for the class ??

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Anyway, despite the bickering, my friend just reminded me Supercars next weekend at Bira (21-22).

"Supercars" is quite a loose term in this case, but if you ignore the 2 cheating Toyotas at the front there is some good racing, not to mention the many other classes (trucks, classics, bikes etc) that they have over the weekend.

I will be there supporting Thomas in the Pizza Company Subaru, maybe we could all meet up and have a fight beer :D

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hello gentlemen; Bira a little far for me, but I live within an hour of Wattana Nakhon - there was a race meeting advertised for there which was cancelled/transferred to Bira? in May or June this year.

Keen to see any form of motorsport, bikes or cars - appreciate if some one could direct me to a calendar of events, prefer WN but could do Bira with adequate warning/notice


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Which I guess is why the FWD boys cant drive RWD for toffee??

Seriously though I would like to know why you think that.

Which FWD boys are you referring to? I've won in every drive configuration and that includes the first time I drove a Mercedes 190E in a 4 hour enduro against 2 V8's and a turbo Porsche 944S2 as just a few of the notable standouts on a first time track and the first time in the car. The only drive line I've yet to compete in is mid engine which I've yet to have the pleasure of driving.

Why I think what specifically?

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"FWD cars, small bore and turbo cars teach you how to drive more so then any other.."

I too am interested to know your reasoning behind this.


Because they teach how to be smooth and are more difficult to cover mistakes with, timing, throttle control are all more technical in FWD.. They require more finesse to drive well. BTW I don't care whether or not anyone agrees, I state the facts as they stand and if you haven't competed in all drives and been successful then you have no way to argue the point...It's why most RWD drivers don't like FWD it's far more technical to drive well as well as potentially fragile..

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"I don't care whether or not anyone agrees"

"if you haven't competed in all drives and been successful then you have no way to argue the point"

"How to win friends and influence people" the WarpSpeed way :lol:

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drone.....drone.....drone...........I've won in every drive configuration and that includes the first time I drove a Mercedes 190E in a 4 hour enduro against 2 V8's and a turbo Porsche 944S2 as just a few of the notable standouts on a first time track and the first time in th....etc........etc........drone.....drone.....me me me........drone...


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"I don't care whether or not anyone agrees"

"if you haven't competed in all drives and been successful then you have no way to argue the point"

"How to win friends and influence people" the WarpSpeed way :lol:

I'm not trying to "win" any friends, I don't have to change who I am to win real friends..

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drone.....drone.....drone...........I've won in every drive configuration and that includes the first time I drove a Mercedes 190E in a 4 hour enduro against 2 V8's and a turbo Porsche 944S2 as just a few of the notable standouts on a first time track and the first time in th....etc........etc........drone.....drone.....me me me........drone...


Intelligent response and predictable....Clearly envious of others accomplishments sorry you have so little of value to compare against since boozing all night must the best you can do......What part of this topic does this address?? Waste of band width and oxygen......

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....Clearly envious of others accomplishments sorry you have so little of value to compare against since boozing all night must the best you can do......

Wow, you got that spot on. Seems like being the bestest most fastest "my dad's bigger than your dad" engineering guru in the world, you are also a genius at reading people.

What part of this topic does this address??

It addresses the fact that I read through an entire thread - that was started merely to inform people of an event at Bira - and you kept popping up telling the world how you are faster than everyone else, you've done more than anyone else, you are better than everyone else, that it became incredibly tedious and boring.

Quite frankly, even if it was all true, the fact that a grown man (I'm assuming?) feels the need to constantly brag, boast, make claims about what he's acheived (which is better than what other people are doing even though they were making no boastful claims), on an anonymous forum is really quite sad and pathetic. Most people grow out of that when they enter their teens.

You ruined what was quite an interesting and good natured thread.

Waste of band width and oxygen......

But at least I only used a little bit. Your tedious boasts are hogging half the internet.

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hello gentlemen; Bira a little far for me, but I live within an hour of Wattana Nakhon - there was a race meeting advertised for there which was cancelled/transferred to Bira? in May or June this year.

Keen to see any form of motorsport, bikes or cars - appreciate if some one could direct me to a calendar of events, prefer WN but could do Bira with adequate warning/notice


I'm with you on that. I'd like to see a sticky thread in this Thailand Motor forum with a calendar and announcing events as they become known.

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- 8 dictionary results




   /ˈnɑrsəˌsɪzɛm/ Show Spelled[nahr-suh-siz-em]



inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.


Psychoanalysis . erotic gratification derived from admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes, being a normal condition at the infantile level of personality development.

Also, nar·cism  /ˈnɑrsɪzəm/ Show Spelled[nahr-siz-uhm]

Narzissismus. See narcissus, -ism

—Related forms

nar·cis·sist, narcist, noun

nar·cis·sis·tic, nar·cis·tic, adjective

non·nar·cism, noun

non·nar·cis·sism, noun

non·nar·cis·sis·tic, adjective

un·nar·cis·sis·tic, adjective


1. self-centeredness, smugness, egocentrism.

Sound like anyone here ?


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