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Prostate Check


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And you consider this a "fun thing to do in Phuket"?

Whoops! Wrong thread.

Actually grumpyoldman I am sure there are people who consider being p*ked in the *ss to be fun cool.gif

Any of the private hospitals, clinics or government hospitals will check your prostate. I am 57 with a family history of Prostate Cancer, so I get it checked every year. Average cost so far has been around 1,000 Baht for the PSA blood test, plus a rectal examination for enlargement, lumps or hardness. I am sure it can easily be much more expensive than that in a glitzy private hospital, I usually go to Vachira and wait patiently about an hour. My wife will not let me 'waste money'.

It is not unpleasant, though of course many men find it 'distasteful' to be probed, but it is essential to know what is going on. Make sure you explain all your symptoms, and keep a record of the results to compare as the years roll by. Depending on your age a steadily rising PSA and enlarging prostate is quite 'normal', but of course it is a source of concern.

I hope everything is OK.

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