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I dont know why people choose to go down the nostalgic route when choosing the best video game ever, with modern days CPUs and GPUs its pretty silly to choose a 20 year old game as the Best Video Game Ever, and this is coming from a gamer who started out with the C64.

I will say to this day, i will rank World of Warcraft as the best video game ever. I will get some heat from this im sure, but what other game can you spend hours on end, every day for year in and out and not get fed up with it?


I will get some heat from this im sure, but what other game can you spend hours on end, every day for year in and out and not get fed up with it?

Championship Manager :)


I will get some heat from this im sure, but what other game can you spend hours on end, every day for year in and out and not get fed up with it?

Real life.

End of.

  • 2 weeks later...

In the olden days, for the Spectrum Plus, there was a 3d game for it, Mugsby or Bugsby... a mafia guy going from room to room sorting things out.

In the 90s, Leisure Suit Larry, King`s Quest and Space Quest series.

I continue to play with Ghost Recon 2, Operation Flashpoint games.

I will get GTA5 when it comes out.

  • 3 weeks later...

This year seems to be one of the best ever years for AAA games

Just think how many 10/10 games have been released the past few months:

Uncharted 3

Batman: Arkham City

MW3 (I know there are lots of MW3 haters but MW3 is still a great game)


Dark Souls

Forza 4

Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

Zelda: Skyward Sword

Rayman: Origins

I have orders placed for Zelda and Rayman when they are officially released as I always pay for AAA games. Just picked up Super Mario 3D Land for the 3DS but not had chance to play it yet

Of the above list my favourite is a tie between Skyrim and Zelda. Both RPGs but play so very differently

I've been skint due to so many great games but this lot will last well past Christmas, especially Skyrim with all the DLC incoming

Then in early 2012 we'll have Diablo 3 and Mass Effect 3!


Just D/Led Skyrim from Steam yesterday (25 hour download! hate the internet speed here.

As a fan of the Elder Scrolls Series for nearly ten years now I found this to be the best iteration yet. I played a solid 14 hours! hahah. The game just loses you in it's beauty and immensity.

Anyone else been playing this game (on PC?)?


Best game depends on the platform (console)

N64 - Golden Eye, Mario Kart, Legend of Zelda

Game Cube - Mario Kart, Super mario smash bros, Zelda

Ps2 - GTA III & GTA San Andreas, Manhunt, final fantasy, silent hill 4, winning (football game)

ps3 - GTA4, Unreal Tournament,

Xbox360 - Halo titles

PC - Farcry 2, Elder scrolls, Kingpin, Worms, crysis, Metro,


unreal tournament, PC, online.

counter strike is pretty cool online also.

mario kart multiplayer, with friends and beer.

that's about it.

  • 6 months later...

Anyone remember an old Game I used to play on the Amiga 1200. Was a role playing puzzle type game where you looked for keys, swung around on ropes and jumped /somersaulted gaps etc. You were visulized as a small guy.

i am pretty sure it was a persons name that was the game title.

Cant really remember too much else unfortunately.



FFVII, Gran Turismo, MGS, F355 Challenge and the Shenmue series are amongst my all-time favourites.

  • 2 months later...

As an avid gamer, it's really way too difficult for me to pick out one, single game.

Maybe Okami for PS2?

Very tricky to name a single game but my all time faves include:

Atari 2600:

Space Invaders


BBC Micro:

Chuckie Egg



Jet Set Willy

Head Over Heels

Atari ST and Amiga:



Stunt Car Racer

Dungeon Master


Zelda:Link to The Past


Zelda Ocarina

Mario 64



Ridge racer


Ratchet and Clank series


Halo 2

PC, 360 and PS3 all still making better games so the best is yet to come for these systems

My god - I have been an avid gamer since Christmas 1980 when I got the Atari for Christmas

Me too, Atari, Intellivision, and Coleco. But really starting loving PC gaming starting with a C64 and RPGs like the Ultima series and sirtec games. Been loving gaming ever since. One of my alltime favorite game memories is with System Shock 2. Oh and I love you mentioned Dungeon Master. I really loved that one too! Looking out for Guild Wars 2 now! Hopefully itll pull me in like the old Ultima Online days, and I guess with Wow at first too.. but this a different pull i hope.

  • 2 weeks later...

- Fallout 3 (the music and open world bizarro environment sucked me in over Christmas holidays 2009 and DID cost me a girlfriend). :)

- Oblivion elder scrolls

- GTA Vice City and San Andreas

(do like GTA 4, but it's almost as if you need to make an effort to like it).

- infamous

- yakuza 4

- Currently enjoying the hell out of Max Payne 3

I guess that's more than one, huh? Depends on the mood. :)


Right now, I can't stop playing Dwarf Fortress. It has to be the deepest game ever made. The learning curve is pretty steep (nearly vertical in the beginning), but I've never had more fun or more surprises than I have with this game.

Elder Scrolls Morrowind is still my favorite RPG, even though it's a bit dated. Skyrim is also amazing.

Civilization IV is another of my favorites.


well personal favs vs. "best video game ever" are two very different things.

I think goldeneye for the nintendo 64 comes out on top of a lot of "all-time great" video game polls due to the fact it dominated the console market from 97-2001. It was hard to match the replayability and sheer fun of playing that game with friends.

Of course a case could be made for the mario series, counterstrike, .... in fact i think it could be impossible to try to narrow down the best ever video game due to the variability in systems and the huge difference between games 20 years ago and now.

So as far as personal favorites go...I'll present mine chronologically.

First system was Sega Genesis (4th grade-7th), and my favorite was Madden 96 (or really any Madden).

6th grade I got into PC games and I fell in love with Warcrafts 1-3 (i secretly installed warcraft 1 on my junior high computers we used to practice typing...my brother found it 4 years later haha), those pretty much took up most of my gaming time along with Goldeneye through high school.

University became more about social games with seemingly everyone in the dorms playing Halo or Counterstrike. (I told a guy i got a bj from his gf during a CS lan game and he showed up to our building with a bat...I quickly learned there were real people on the other end)

Towards the latter part of my uni days I got into DoTa, and then HoN after uni when I moved to Thailand. Dota and Hon are both 5v5 online games.

I went through a Starcraft 2 spell for about 2 years that ended about a year ago as I found the game too stressful haha...but I loved watching the ridiculous tournaments in Korea. (you know you are a nerd when you like watching other people play video games)

Now for the last year I have been trying to complete Elder Scrolls 4, Oblivion, while still occasionally playing some HoN when I feel competitive. I like Oblivion because it is not online, I can start and stop as I please which is nice as I get closer to 30 and my time for gaming becomes less and less.

Skyrim will be my next gaming voyage I believe.

  • 4 weeks later...

been playing since 1986, various formats, Amstrad 6128, BBC Micro, Spectrum ZX, Commodore 64, finally got a Viglen PC in 1988. as for the games that really stand out to me:


Wing Commander

Fields of Glory

Panzer General


Fallout / 2/ 3/ new Vegas


Half life




Heroes of Might and magic I/II/III/IV/V/VI

Might and magic III

I could list a whole lot more, but that would involve dredging through my chang addled brain to remember all the games I played for more than one month, which is generally my criterea for a great game.

  • 3 weeks later...

Most AAA titles on the Commodore Amiga along with MGS, Gran Turismo and FFVII will do for starters as my best game(s) ever.

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