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Dispute Between 2 Cops Ends In Shoot Out With 1 Cop Dead


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Cops in Dispute Duel it Out in Bangbuathong

TAN Network

UPDATE : 2 August 2010

Two patrol policemen shot each other after a verbal dispute in the Bangbuathong area, leaving one dead.

Bangbuathong police examined the police checkpoint at Bangpoon intersection on Rattanathibet road, after two officers stationed there shot each other, leaving one dead, and the other severely injured.

Inside a makeshift checkpoint made of a modified shipping container, police found bloodstains and four 9-millimeter bullet casings.

Police Sergeant Major Thanom Chumsaeng, aged 36, was shot in the chest while Police Sergeant Major Sawit Iadnakkhan, aged 37, was shot in the stomach, head and arms. Both were brought to Kasemrat Rattnathibet hospital after the gunfight.

Sawit succumbed to injuries while Thanom has been transferred to the Police Hospital.

A source reveled that the two officers are known to have been at odds with each other for quite some time.

Commanders had called the two in to settle the dispute, but the two could not reconcile.

After they were assigned to go on duty together at the checkpoint on Sunday, the source said the two argued and eventually ended in the deadly shoot-out.

Police say they will set up a committee to investigate the shooting thoroughly, starting with interviewing Thanom when his condition improves.


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1!. Putting them together while they had ill feeling towards one another was pretty dumb or on the other hand very clever. Only the commander knows which.

2. Some might say good riddence to bad rubbish. What goes around, comes around etc

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These are adults with families and they can t work a few hours together?

There might a woman at the end of all the story.

I wonder why they had to shoot at each other. If my co worker gets on my wrong side and needed to be set straight, I would have gone with a shouting match and possibly giving him a red ear and not use him as a target practice.

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These are adults with families and they can t work a few hours together?

There might a woman at the end of all the story.

I wonder why they had to shoot at each other. If my co worker gets on my wrong side and needed to be set straight, I would have gone with a shouting match and possibly giving him a red ear and not use him as a target practice.

Better hope your co worker isn't the type to react to a red ear with a gun. Hope you don't work for the US Postal Service.

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