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How Long To Keep Company Documents

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Can someone tell me how long a Company need to keep the documents, like Invoices, Import / Export Documents and so on? As far as I know a company must keep it for 10 years, but on the Internet I just read 7 years and I got the Information that the customs office said 15 years.

Does anyone know exactly when we can destroy the documents, if possible with a link to the source of this information?

Thanks in advance

Edited by kevinbkk
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Ask your accountant.

Seldom got so a stupid answer here, thank you....

Accountant said 10 years, so I ask already before I ask here in the forum. Customs say 15 years and on the Internet I read 7 years. Would be good if someone has a link to the law where to find this information, without such senseless comments like the one from bangkockney.

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