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Crackdown On Foreign Criminals In Pattaya

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Police get tough on Pattaya's criminal migrants

PATTAYA: -- The days when

Why don't you credit Peter Janssen from DPA wire service? This is basically the story he wrote.

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With Immigration appearing to be computerized, I've long wondered why the bad boy farangs were not shown the door :)

Time will tell whether this is another "public relations" type crackdown or the real thing...



Very good this crackdown, I hope they will spread it all over this beatifull country.

Please do not stop.

And stop those who give us (the NON offenders) a bad bad name all over the world.

absolutely agree. I just hope the criminals will not move to other places like Phuket. They give us all a bad reputation here. Anyway, I think there is always a way out for the criminals with the bigger "income" as long as they dont pฬ1ss somebody of the BiB off.

Glad they catched this German Ulrich guy a couple of years ago after all the scams he did, he owes me 1600.-Baht and I hope I met him personally sometimes.


It is a step in the right direction. The unit that is leading this effort has the task of dealing with criminals from foreign origins. They are not there to find Mr. Thaksin or to deal with police corruption anymore than the immigration authorities in Australia, the USA, EU etc. are responsible for dealing with local criminals. Be fair. Pattaya is synonymous with debauchery, child exploitation and the palce to hide out out if one is on the lam. Decent people that reside in Pattaya suffer because of that well deserved reputation. Now that someone is finally acting to deal with a situation that has caused serious problems for Thailand, the naysayers come out of the woodwork. Give the authorities a chance. If they can get even a few scum off the street, it will make living in Pattaya a lot easier for those people that are honest and decent.

So much low hanging fruit that the authorities need only id patrons in a few of the more disgusting of the bars and I'm sure they'll identify people that are on the sex crime registeries of their homelands or that have criminal dossiers. I am looking forward to the pictures in the PDN. whistling.gif

Good post, you seem to understand the situation for what it is, unlike a lot of the experts on this board.

Can I ask a straight forward question?   If you weren't a criminal, fat old balding desparate bastard, sex tourist or a pedophile why would you even be in Pattaya?  Simple question needs simple answer.

Is this a rhetorical question?

Are you suggesting that I go live in the back of beyond in a wooden house on stilts, without aircon or a mains sewage system, without a splendid choice of several first class golf courses nearby, where the nearest supermarket selling food that I like to eat is at least 30 miles away, that I sail my boat on a rice paddy, be constantly pestered by creepy crawlies and other fauna, and not have a wide selection of other farangs whose company I can enjoy ? Should I live in BKK and choke myself to death? 

The majority of my friends and associates have put on a few extra pounds. Is this supposed to be reason enough to ridicule them? Shall we see what sort of figure you cut in your later years? Most civilisations revere their elders and acknowledge that they are a source of experience and garnered wisdom. Presumably that has passed you by. Loss of hair as one ages is a natural phenomenon. Most intelligent people do not consider that to be a subject for risible comment or barely veiled insult.  I know of nobody in LoS a state of desperation; I knew quite a few inthe UK though. Illegitimacy is commonplace these days in the UK.. There are single parent families wall to wall and whether one was born in or out of wedlock ceased to be of interest to anybody several decades ago.  Thus your second sentence may well give rise to the sentient here thinking what a total pompous ass you are. I do hope that this simple answer is simple enough for you to understand. 

What is it about your type who constantly denigrate Pattaya? Have you ever been outside of the area bounded by the beach and 3rd Road? Why not pay a visit and ask one or more of the many farang residents to be found shopping with their ladies in one of the supermarkets or malls and ask them which of the four categories that you have decided to put them in applies to them? I trust that you will enjoy the knuckle sandwich. 

Instead of responding maybe you should have reported his post, but his attitude will probably get him banned sooner rather than later.

He is just another wally with a blinkered view of Pattaya.


I am afraid this is nothing more than media lip service, mandated by the Thai government, as a direct result of the recent public announcement that Thailand would like to host World Expo 2020 and of all places in Pattaya. I am also afraid 10 years is not nearly long enough to clean up Pattaya. "Farang" organized crime cannot be eliminated in this country as has been proven in so many other countries. Reduced but never eliminated. Unorganized "farang" criminal elements in Pattaya could be drastically reduced as well as those "farang" who are here barely surviving day to day who have chosen Pattaya Thailand as their home base for obvious reasons. It is not local crime or criminals that is creating the negative reputation that Pattaya is living with, it is the non-desirable farang.

I think a clean-up should start with:

- no more every three month visa runs for farang residing long term. Contrary to their belief they are not keeping the visa run services in business.

- eliminate the low rent beer bars owned/managed by farangs. Move all beer bars to Walking Street only and rent these low rent spaces to locals for setting up businesses (zoning the city). Local karaokes/beer bars will not replace them since they are always located on the outskirts of the city.

Pattaya and Thailand have been successful at making small changes to improve their appearance and reputation with the public but have gloated more about the improvement than continue to improve.

World Expo 2020 will never happen for Thailand or Pattaya nor will any other world event as long as they continue to welcome farang, who are barely welcome in their own country, into this country as model citizens without following up on what they do and how they survive once they get here.

You write pretty good English for a Thai national(ist).



THIS IS WHO YOU HAVE TO CRACK DOWN ON!!!!!!!!:realangry::ph34r:

Well Mr coconut, here in lies the real truth of the whole matter.

It has nothing really to do with making the steets safer (although I guess, that would be an un-planned (by the cops) benefit) .

It's all about removing the competition from those aliens. You know the obvious ones ie white or black skinned...easy to spot.

The criminal police want all the turf for themselves and the Thai gangs that they protect and foster.

It's just like the murder of those 3,000 supposed drug dealers a few years ago. They had to get rid of them for, among other reasons, 1. International appearences and 2. To get rid of any competition.

But because they were dealing with Thais they could just shoot them dead with total impunity.

However, with aliens it's a little , and I mean only a little trickier . Just roaming around Pattaya putting lumps of lead into scores of pre-judged alien criminals just might lift the odd eyebrow abroad. (And remember Thailand is all about appearences. Eevidence the the recent fiascoe with the Russian composer. No day in court..just guilty!).

Don't get me wrong. I agree that getting rid of (not bad guys as some less intellegent person suggested) known/proven/bona-fide criminals off the streets. It's great. Even though (as someone said) they could, in all probability, be stopped at the point of entry into the country.

But, consider , almost all of the criminal activity in all of Thailand is perpetrated by the cops themselves and their mates (gangs, mafia, and some politicians etc) .

Aliens, white and some black, are just easy, soft targets. And this kind of "action" really reads well, and is great for the consumption of the Thai populace who are, in the main, easily persuaded to believe that foreigners (non-Asian) are the root of all the evil in the world and in especially poor little down-trodded, misunderstood, butter-wouldn't-melt-in-my-mouth, innocent Thailand.


I hope it works, but farang crims that are wanted by Interpol and the likes have access to fake passports anyway.

in flite credit checks would flag this and other potential problems


Posted by Admin


Police get tough on Pattaya's criminal migrants

PATTAYA -- The days when foreign paedophiles


Ok, I understand. The Nation newspaper pays for dpa wire service stories. If this piece appeared in the Nation newspaper, there would be a by-line. Why not give credit here?


Since I do not bother to read the crappy comics masquerading as local newspapers, in fact any Thai newspaper at all, electing instead to find out what is going down from this board and the BBC website, it seems that I am out of touch with the Pattaya crime scene. The only major crime involving farangs that I can recall is when some Russians killed a security guard in the furtherance of robbing a bank situated on Pattaya Tai. There has been no shortage of crimes of violence involving Thais though. Can anybody appraise me of the details of the crime wave that farangs have visited upon Pattaya?


I reckon most of the shameless Pattaya bashing on this board comes from people who have either never been to Pattaya or haven't been here in a very long time (or have come here and never ventured further than the sin sois). It is a great place to live, a great place for a holiday, a great place to retire. All kinds live here. It could be better. What place can't? Next ...

You can say that but you must admit it is known for what it is around the world. I live in Chiangmai and went there for a weeks holiday my family and I fled after 1 day.

It is family place, no doubt. Did you not make any research about the place before taking your family there? And now, after spending almost one whole day there, you feel qualified to judge and to say what is not good in Pattaya! I did not see you saying anything about what is good there and surely you must have noticed something in your day? Not only that, you also think you can tell what the world thinks about Pattaya. Please stick to reading the forum, not writing.


I reckon most of the shameless Pattaya bashing on this board comes from people who have either never been to Pattaya or haven't been here in a very long time (or have come here and never ventured further than the sin sois). It is a great place to live, a great place for a holiday, a great place to retire. All kinds live here. It could be better. What place can't? Next ...

You can say that but you must admit it is known for what it is around the world. I live in Chiangmai and went there for a weeks holiday my family and I fled after 1 day.

It is family place, no doubt. Did you not make any research about the place before taking your family there? And now, after spending almost one whole day there, you feel qualified to judge and to say what is not good in Pattaya! I did not see you saying anything about what is good there and surely you must have noticed something in your day? Not only that, you also think you can tell what the world thinks about Pattaya. Please stick to reading the forum, not writing.

Sorry but Pattaya is not a family destination. I will not slam it as a destination, but it is not a great place for family fun. Not every family needs to go to disney land, but it is more family friendly that Pattaya.


>>"There are a large number of foreign gangsters operating in Pattaya, and without exception they are all paying off the police," said one British crime reporter who specializes in Pattaya.<< That'd be Mr. Drummond I guess.

Can't wait to read the "explosive insight into foreign Pattaya gangs" in The Sun.

Then again, surely if a "British crime reporter" had such details the story/ies would have already been written so either there aren't any and it's a fabrication of The Nation or the "British crime reporter" is such a great reporter :ph34r:

I'd look at the stringer - er sorry - reporter! Nation has to get info from somewhere and they pay per word....


How about Hua Hin???

We have quite some scamsters and gangsters here as well!!

We would need one of these new generation police guys here as well!!


<EM>"Every foreigner who lives in Pattaya for a long time needs to come here to renew their visas, and when they do we put their name and address in our computer base," said Police Lieutenant Colonel Prapansak Prasansuk, deputy superintendent of Chonburi immigration.

Not every foreigner would need to go and renew their visa at the immigration office as most would do a visa run at the Cambodian border, like myself, have a Non Imm O and do a visa run every 90 days, never needed to set foot in the immigration office in the 6 years i've been doing this.


"It's just like the murder of those 3,000 supposed drug dealers a few years ago. They had to get rid of them for, among other reasons, 1. International appearences and 2. To get rid of any competition."

You forgot reason #3 - To eliminate them before they spilled the beans as to who controlled the dealers and where the supplies came from. I am sure quite a few from higher up places would have been put into the frying pan should that information be given widespread dissemination. But even with that, I can only assume those papers, tv and radio stations would have been put off the air or closed completely before most of it got out.

(Sorry, someday I will figure out how to put quotes in here as everybody else seems to be able to do - maybe someone can enlighten me on this by PM! Thanks)


A lot of crime in Pattaya indeed. I hope they clean it up a bit. I wonder why they can not catch the guys at airport?

because some of them come by speedboat :D


The jaded part of me sez ...

"Corruption in these cases has decreased in Pattaya ..."

Yeah, from really really bad down to only really bad.

The hopeful part of me sez ...

" ... retire in peace in Pattaya - a Thai beach resort infamous for its prostitution and sleazy nightlife"

I truly hope the Thai authorities are serious about these changes and are able to succeed. Let the infamous be restored to famous .... and let the holidaying, eating, drinking, and screwing prosper in the absence of violent, drug-related and petty crimes.


Its a nice thought, but it is still too easy for people hiding to just give false information or go somewhere away from these hotspots.Not only that but the amount of tourists that go in and out of Pattaya are so many that I can' imagine the police force being able to keep up with this, not to mention all of the data entry necessary each day. Catching them at the borders when they have the passport in hand is still the best way to deal with this. They need to focus on integrating the people's computers who check ID's with the databases that can help them such as interpol. Giving officers at checkpoints an android phone or some handheld device that could comminicate to their database would seem to be a much better use of money.


I am afraid this is nothing more than media lip service, mandated by the Thai government, as a direct result of the recent public announcement that Thailand would like to host World Expo 2020 and of all places in Pattaya. I am also afraid 10 years is not nearly long enough to clean up Pattaya. "Farang" organized crime cannot be eliminated in this country as has been proven in so many other countries. Reduced but never eliminated. Unorganized "farang" criminal elements in Pattaya could be drastically reduced as well as those "farang" who are here barely surviving day to day who have chosen Pattaya Thailand as their home base for obvious reasons. It is not local crime or criminals that is creating the negative reputation that Pattaya is living with, it is the non-desirable farang.

I think a clean-up should start with:

- no more every three month visa runs for farang residing long term. Contrary to their belief they are not keeping the visa run services in business.

- eliminate the low rent beer bars owned/managed by farangs. Move all beer bars to Walking Street only and rent these low rent spaces to locals for setting up businesses (zoning the city). Local karaokes/beer bars will not replace them since they are always located on the outskirts of the city.

Pattaya and Thailand have been successful at making small changes to improve their appearance and reputation with the public but have gloated more about the improvement than continue to improve.

World Expo 2020 will never happen for Thailand or Pattaya nor will any other world event as long as they continue to welcome farang, who are barely welcome in their own country, into this country as model citizens without following up on what they do and how they survive once they get here.

You write pretty good English for a Thai national(ist).

Your statement reflects the negative attitude and resulting behavior that has contributed to Pattaya and Thailand's inability to improve, much like many farang in Thailand. You are part of the problem and not part of the solution. You call Thailand home but you treat Thailand as your playground with very little real concern for the country and it's people.


I am afraid this is nothing more than media lip service, mandated by the Thai government, as a direct result of the recent public announcement that Thailand would like to host World Expo 2020 and of all places in Pattaya. I am also afraid 10 years is not nearly long enough to clean up Pattaya. "Farang" organized crime cannot be eliminated in this country as has been proven in so many other countries. Reduced but never eliminated. Unorganized "farang" criminal elements in Pattaya could be drastically reduced as well as those "farang" who are here barely surviving day to day who have chosen Pattaya Thailand as their home base for obvious reasons. It is not local crime or criminals that is creating the negative reputation that Pattaya is living with, it is the non-desirable farang.

I think a clean-up should start with:

- no more every three month visa runs for farang residing long term. Contrary to their belief they are not keeping the visa run services in business.

- eliminate the low rent beer bars owned/managed by farangs. Move all beer bars to Walking Street only and rent these low rent spaces to locals for setting up businesses (zoning the city). Local karaokes/beer bars will not replace them since they are always located on the outskirts of the city.

Pattaya and Thailand have been successful at making small changes to improve their appearance and reputation with the public but have gloated more about the improvement than continue to improve.

World Expo 2020 will never happen for Thailand or Pattaya nor will any other world event as long as they continue to welcome farang, who are barely welcome in their own country, into this country as model citizens without following up on what they do and how they survive once they get here.

You write pretty good English for a Thai national(ist).

Your statement reflects the negative attitude and resulting behavior that has contributed to Pattaya and Thailand's inability to improve, much like many farang in Thailand. You are part of the problem and not part of the solution. You call Thailand home but you treat Thailand as your playground with very little real concern for the country and it's people.

Even though I agree in part with what you say mdrichard. No need to shoot the messenger. This problem would not exist in the first place if Thais (at least the ones with power) didn't want it.

Lets face it, the vast majority of the problem is owned/operated/staffed by Thais.

Maybe you should spend your time more wisely persuing more worthwhile tasks like chastising your own people. Thais control Thailand NOT westeners. Thais created and profit from all of the things you (and I for that matter) want erradicated.

So, get off the westeners back and do YOUR duty and fix the prolem at it's source ....Thai people.

And by the way, you know full well westeners can never be allowed to genuinely call Thailand "home" because Thais won't let them. Unlike generous western countries where Thais in their tens of thousands are granted FULL citizenship.


I am afraid this is nothing more than media lip service, mandated by the Thai government, as a direct result of the recent public announcement that Thailand would like to host World Expo 2020 and of all places in Pattaya. I am also afraid 10 years is not nearly long enough to clean up Pattaya. "Farang" organized crime cannot be eliminated in this country as has been proven in so many other countries. Reduced but never eliminated. Unorganized "farang" criminal elements in Pattaya could be drastically reduced as well as those "farang" who are here barely surviving day to day who have chosen Pattaya Thailand as their home base for obvious reasons. It is not local crime or criminals that is creating the negative reputation that Pattaya is living with, it is the non-desirable farang.

I think a clean-up should start with:

- no more every three month visa runs for farang residing long term. Contrary to their belief they are not keeping the visa run services in business.

- eliminate the low rent beer bars owned/managed by farangs. Move all beer bars to Walking Street only and rent these low rent spaces to locals for setting up businesses (zoning the city). Local karaokes/beer bars will not replace them since they are always located on the outskirts of the city.

Pattaya and Thailand have been successful at making small changes to improve their appearance and reputation with the public but have gloated more about the improvement than continue to improve.

World Expo 2020 will never happen for Thailand or Pattaya nor will any other world event as long as they continue to welcome farang, who are barely welcome in their own country, into this country as model citizens without following up on what they do and how they survive once they get here.

You write pretty good English for a Thai national(ist).

Your statement reflects the negative attitude and resulting behavior that has contributed to Pattaya and Thailand's inability to improve, much like many farang in Thailand. You are part of the problem and not part of the solution. You call Thailand home but you treat Thailand as your playground with very little real concern for the country and it's people.

Even though I agree in part with what you say mdrichard. No need to shoot the messenger. This problem would not exist in the first place if Thais (at least the ones with power) didn't want it.

Lets face it, the vast majority of the problem is owned/operated/staffed by Thais.

Maybe you should spend your time more wisely persuing more worthwhile tasks like chastising your own people. Thais control Thailand NOT westeners. Thais created and profit from all of the things you (and I for that matter) want erradicated.

So, get off the westeners back and do YOUR duty and fix the prolem at it's source ....Thai people.

And by the way, you know full well westeners can never be allowed to genuinely call Thailand "home" because Thais won't let them. Unlike generous western countries where Thais in their tens of thousands are granted FULL citizenship.

I have no idea what "messenger" you think I am shooting. This thread is about Pattaya making an effort to eradicate criminal migrants and improving the city's image. An image which currently attracts those criminal migrants,sex tourists and other undesirables, some long term. So, we're talking problems with westerners (migrants) in Thailand not Thai's in Thailand.

I'm not even going to dignify the rest of your statements with a response.

Oh by the way...I am a westerner who calls Thailand home!


A simple check of who is getting in and who doesn't get out of the country should produce a interesting list. I know a farang (I will not give is nationality or where he is in Thailand) who is in overstay for is 11th years in Thailand, he doesn't have a passport of his home country anymore. He own a restaurant with his Thai wife, he ride is motorbike everywhere, he doesn't hide and he doesn't seem to be a criminal.

If he can do that just imagine what a foreign criminal can do.



The messenger was basjke, but never mind now. And, I understand fully what the topic is.

You seem to be an intellegen tperson, so I'm confused as to why you missed my point and that is, this problem NEEDS to be fixed at it's source IE get rid of all the trashy bars and dens of iniquity selling their whores.

Yes, that's right , close them ALL down.. Problem solved.

Now, that's where you should be spending your time and effort...getting them all closed.

However, you are doing a very Thai thing and that is to try (in vain) to fix the effect/symptom/result.

Maybe you've been living here too long and you've been influenced by the locals (who typically can never see the forrest for the trees) so much so that your powers of logic, analysis and problem solving have been reduced and have thus resorted (as most Thais do ) to the easiest (and gutless) thing to do which is to blame westeners for every affliction and malaise that befalls the country.

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The Thais pick the card deck,; they shuffle; they deal; they have all the trump cards.

The foreigner comes here for pay for play (P4P), pay for work (P4W), or Pay for Living (P4L).

The foreigner accepts the hand they are dealt.

Tip the dealer, and try not to win too much against the Thai players.

It's OK to take all the chips from other foreigners, but do not have more chips than the Thai players, or your dealt hands will begin to change for the worse.

If you are too successful, you will be accused of cheating and kicked out of the game. Your chips will be divided amongst the Thai players only.

One can do quite well if they have the right kind of poker face and do not let on too much, nor involve too many greedy Thais in their processes.

Nobody has placed a gun to the head of anyone to make them come here. Everyone is free to leave. Not knowing the rules does not give one an excuse to complain about the game.

Learning how to play the game and walk away with a smile is the trick. Changing your value system and priorities and getting on with living has a lot to do with it.

  • Like 1

I have no idea what "messenger" you think I am shooting. This thread is about Pattaya making an effort to eradicate criminal migrants and improving the city's image. An image which currently attracts those criminal migrants,sex tourists and other undesirables, some long term. So, we're talking problems with westerners (migrants) in Thailand not Thai's in Thailand.

I'm not even going to dignify the rest of your statements with a response.

Oh by the way...I am a westerner who calls Thailand home!

I, too, call Thailand Home. In a perfect world, and at face value I emphatically agree with your views, Mdrichard.

You seem intelligent enough that I cannot imagine that you are not aware of the Thai mentality and culture that prevents what you believe and seem to long for ever coming to pass?

Living here, it is this very mentality and culture that keeps me on my toes, and ever watchful for the "angle" or scam that will relieve me of any freedom or money that I have worked so hard to achieve. Yes; there is an element of fear, anger, and vindictiveness that I always have to keep in check through meditation and willfully exerted self-discipline.

That you cannot interpret when you are being outright singled out and cheated, taken advantage of, ignored, lied to, etc. tells me that you are either ignorant, or are simply expressing only one of your views, and leaving out the ones that might be more in agreement with the ones you oppose. Would that be so difficult for you to do and still retain your dignity?

Just curious, but I, too, would love to see the criminal element lowered to a point where sincere, honest, and hard-working people had a bit more breathing room.


I have no idea what "messenger" you think I am shooting. This thread is about Pattaya making an effort to eradicate criminal migrants and improving the city's image. An image which currently attracts those criminal migrants,sex tourists and other undesirables, some long term. So, we're talking problems with westerners (migrants) in Thailand not Thai's in Thailand.

I'm not even going to dignify the rest of your statements with a response.

Oh by the way...I am a westerner who calls Thailand home!

I, too, call Thailand Home. In a perfect world, and at face value I emphatically agree with your views, Mdrichard.

You seem intelligent enough that I cannot imagine that you are not aware of the Thai mentality and culture that prevents what you believe and seem to long for ever coming to pass?

Living here, it is this very mentality and culture that keeps me on my toes, and ever watchful for the "angle" or scam that will relieve me of any freedom or money that I have worked so hard to achieve. Yes; there is an element of fear, anger, and vindictiveness that I always have to keep in check through meditation and willfully exerted self-discipline.

That you cannot interpret when you are being outright singled out and cheated, taken advantage of, ignored, lied to, etc. tells me that you are either ignorant, or are simply expressing only one of your views, and leaving out the ones that might be more in agreement with the ones you oppose. Would that be so difficult for you to do and still retain your dignity?

Just curious, but I, too, would love to see the criminal element lowered to a point where sincere, honest, and hard-working people had a bit more breathing room.

Thailand is full of corruption from top to bottom of the social ladder. As such, opportunistic locals at all social levels will take advantage of opportunities which includes supporting criminal activities if it benefits them.

Pattaya has been recognized as a safe haven for criminal migrants and undesirables. Effort (at least something) is now being made to at least reduce the numbers. As those numbers are reduced so will the opportunities for the locals to benefit from criminal activities of migrants and undesirables.


The Thais pick the card deck,; they shuffle; they deal; they have all the trump cards.

The foreigner comes here for pay for play (P4P), pay for work (P4W), or Pay for Living (P4L).

The foreigner accepts the hand they are dealt.

Tip the dealer, and try not to win too much against the Thai players.

In keeping with your gambling/poker analogy, there is always another choice, which is to elect not to play.

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