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Least Important Digit?


Least Important Digit?  

36 members have voted

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Pinkie, unless you are Asian, Arab and the like, as the nail is long for picking.

Thumb, balances your hand and is most important for grip.

Trigger finger, pulls the trigger.

middle finger, well we know what thats for.

other finger, to wear a wedding ring.

definately pinkie - why?

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I would have to say that if I had to lose one, I would pick the second finger from the thumb. I have better tools to use instead of it for anything in the sex department and he11 I can tell someone screw you or <deleted> you alot better than ever just flipping the old finger at them. :o

Even I agree with the scamp that it is a bit of a stretch to call this a good thread. Scamp are you freaked out. :D:D

Edited by Kringle
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Any digit on somebody elses hand.

I voted ring finger - 'cos other than holding a ring, its pretty useless really.

Little finger (pinkie) is useful 'cos its small so can fit in smaller orifices (I was thinking ear, but I let your imaginations think up some others :o ).

Index and thumb for picking things up (and pointing).

Middle finger 'cos its the longest and sometimes I need the extra reach (usually when fixing the car/bike and the wrench is 2mm out of reach - as usual).

And that's all of 'em.

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It turns out my second finger to the left of my thumb is going to cost me ANOTHER 26,000 baht to fix. Now I hafta sell my bike to pay for it. Sh1t happens. Look on the classifieds to see about the bike for sale. Dammm

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It turns out my second finger to the left of my thumb is going to cost me ANOTHER 26,000 baht to fix. Now I hafta sell my bike to pay for it. Sh1t happens. Look on the classifieds to see about the bike for sale. Dammm

Stick it in the wrong hole or something K.... :o

totster :D:D

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Totster, If I stuck my finger in a hole myself and got that result, I wouldn't stick my finger in ANY hole. :o

Sorry I missed your wedding matey but then you didn't send an invite. :D

Edited by Kringle
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My grandad actually got his thumb cut off when he was fishing for a quarter in the hole where a door locks in the ground, and someone shut the door without seeing him ....

Anyway, the pinky is what I voted for. The pinky and the ring finger are operated with the same tendon, so it would be one of them... and the ring finger is much more powerful, useful for articulating things with your hand (like drumsticks!) than the pinky.

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Funny thing about this poll... Would consider it boring and pointless, except for my recent experience.

A large sweaty and extremely obese mexican man with enchilada´s dripping off a very greasy black beard was in my bar, drinking beer and tequila. Obnoxious as he was, he started completely dissing the quality of the "Guatemalan Tequila tastes like a horses piss for shit" and so on and so forth... Then proeceded to verbally attempt to abuse me with pointless rants about bloody yanks, gringo´s etc... to which I took no notice whatsoever, as I am english/dutch.

When he got bored of me ignoring his taunts he turned to a regular customer and proceed to very feebly chat her up. She comes twice a week adn is from the states. :o

After a while he starts hurling abuse at our salvadoreña waitress, young, mostly harmless and above all very friendly 19 year old girl.

As we treat her like a little sister we decided then and there to forcibly remove the wanck.

As we were doing so, we picked his pocket for the money to pay the bill (and no more, no less) and found only dollars in his pockets. Gringo basher indeed... :D:D

In the scuffle that followed two friends, my bartender and me shuffling the guy out, he managed to break mypinkie on my left hand (lesser used). I decided that instead of breaking it again and setting it properly it wasn´t worth the hour journey to the nearest doctor (and related expenses) It is now four months on and although misformed slightly, functions adequatly to be able to perform guitar reliably.

The story turns into guns and a baseball bat,

but that is not relevant.


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whens the answer, Im sitting on the edge of my seart here-been waiting for dastys!

Isn't it strange how your digits seem to get fatter when you're drunk, and hit several keys at once? :o

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