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hello folks. I have been in Thai for 6 months, and I normaly are careful with my food, and before I moved, I had thaifood, in Norway, every day. Spicy as ######, too.

lived in BKK 2 years ago, no problem before, been here many times. :D

After some weeks in TH, I got ill, running to toilet. This repeat aprox every month, 3 - 4 weeks between them,

I been to hospital, got pills, every time, get well, but then its on again. :o

Anybody heard about similar cases? what can it bee? some food I simply should NOT eat, no more clues,.... Could happen I want to move back, I dont like to poo... :D


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hello folks. I have been in Thai for 6 months, and I normaly are careful with my food, and before I moved, I had thaifood, in Norway, every day. Spicy as ######, too.

lived in BKK 2 years ago, no problem before, been here many times.  :D

After some weeks in TH, I got ill, running to toilet. This repeat aprox every month, 3 - 4 weeks between them,

I been to hospital, got pills, every time, get well, but then its on again.  :o   

Anybody heard about similar cases?  what can it bee? some food I simply should NOT eat, no more clues,....    Could happen I want to move back, I dont like to poo...            :D     


Hei Thomas,

I believe it happenes to us all from time to time. Do you eat spicy food? - tends to give me the runs occasionally. Also, it takes time to build up resistance to the local bacteria flora here. I have been here for 5 years now, and experience bowel problems when I go home to Norway on vaccasion - too much cheese, butter and other unfamiliar foods.

You don't say how bad your problem is - is it a single visit to the bog, or do you struggle for days to get back to normal? My suggestion is to lay off pills, take carbon tablets if you are having a prolonged problem, avoid coffee. Coconut juice is supposed to be stabilizing. Also as a fellow Norwegian, you may be glad to hear that blueberries can help. Get some good bread (easier said than done - make that "any bread"), and add a generous layer of blueberry jam. Works wonders for me!

Lykke til!


Eat some yogurt (at least once every two days) which contains acidophilus or get some acidophilus tablets from your pharmacist (make sure they are refrigerated when you buy them). You stomach needs something to promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the stomach. Most 'pills' for solving the immediate needs of stomach/diarhea ailments kill the bad and the good bacteria in your system.


Soften up your diet from hard to digest foods (hard meaning hard to swallow/slow to digest), soften up the veggies and nuts, slow down a little on citric based fruits (till you are back up to snuff), get some Essence of Chicken (a case - consume at least one to two per day) and brew some chamomile tea (bottle it and keep it in your fridge - good for about 8 days).


Also, during the diarhea stages, consume rehydration salt at least once to three times per day (read instructions). If your body weakens too much you will have to seek a pill solution to keep yourself from getting really ill. If the diarhea persists up to three consecutive days immediately seek a physician.


You should notice a gradual and hopefully lasting change over one to two weeks.



it makes me run several times at the day, and next...

normally it last for some days, but I take the pills, so I get back to normal. When that said, I love spicy as he##, ( wonder why they censored that word and not heaven) so I think I have to reconsider.

I love youghert too thoug, so, and bluberries. I grew up with strey for berries in the forests... Norway yes.

I wont give up, but stop eat chilli, eat youghert and no beer for some weeks...

Sight, its difficult to not!! :o

c ya later guys, thanks. make me feel better.

it makes me run several times at the day, and next... 

normally it last for some days, but I take the pills, so I get back to normal.

c ya later guys, thanks.  make me feel better.

What are the "pills"?

Anybody heard about similar cases?  what can it bee? some food I simply should NOT eat, no more clues,....    Could happen I want to move back, I dont like to poo...            :o     


DIRTY FOOD. IMO That is a-lot of the problem.

DIRTY AIR, TOO. After 4 weeks in BKK I get a chest infection every time.

Only thing to do is leave until you are healthy.


I could, i consider it. I am in the situation that I wonder about goint to Norway for a couple of months..

Well. Hopefully not!

Got pills in the hospital. they are named, Lexinor, Norfloxacin

getting tired, of it too- :o


... LDN ... they blasted LDN !!! ... bstrds


Yup...those are the ones. They kill everything in your stomach. Flora is such a nice word for it. Then again I've always like the sound of eColi too.

Anyway...most of the above advice is good advice. Just lay off the pills. Keep those for emergencies.

(Watch the expiry dates)


ps: you don't have to lay off all the spice. Peppers in many form in moderate doses are good for you and don't inhibit the growth of healthy bacteria in yo' lil tummy.

Yup...those are the ones. They kill everything in your stomach. Flora is such a nice word for it. Then again I've always like the sound of eColi too.

Anyway...most of the above advice is good advice. Just lay off the pills. Keep those for emergencies.

(Watch the expiry dates)

Agree - lay off the pills if you can. Antibiotics will kill almost everything in your stomach - even the good germs. Avoid taking antibiotics unless as a last resort. Just ensure you drink plenty - green tea is good, either hot or cold, the energy drinks (on cans, not the brown bottles!) are also good as they contain salts and sugar. Yougurt is also excellent to add some "good" bacteria to your guts.

When you get better, you may want to have a stool sample analyzed, just to make sure you are not a carrier of anything nasty. Highly unlikely - I had one done last year - nothing out of the ordinary. I have been in SE Asia since the late 80's, and I eat everything! :o

Besides, getting the runs every now & then is a good way to keep you weight down.... :D


ya, but I get this feer and fatigue things too. Feel very bad and only thing that help IS that pills. I tried sometimes without pills, and It didnt stop-

Interesting link KATANA, its like I have been on and off this scince beginning of February. Not nice. First month I lost 5 kilo. My case, thats rare, and I am stable noe, gained some of them again.. but is ok.

I told my self, if this happen once more within 4 weeks now, I go to Norway for a long period.

Have a nice day!

Soften up your diet from hard to digest foods (hard meaning hard to swallow/slow to digest), soften up the veggies and nuts, slow down a little on citric based fruits (till you are back up to snuff), get some Essence of Chicken (a case - consume at least one to two per day) and brew some chamomile tea (bottle it and keep it in your fridge - good for about 8 days).


Oops...I said Chamomile when i should have said Chrysanthemum. :D

I'll never forgive myself!....

okay...maybe I will. :o

it makes me run several times at the day, and next... 

normally it last for some days, but I take the pills, so I get back to normal. When that said, I love spicy as he##, ( wonder why they censored that word and not heaven) so I think I have to reconsider.

I love youghert too thoug, so, and bluberries. I grew up with strey for berries in the forests... Norway yes.

I wont give up, but stop eat chilli, eat youghert and no beer for some weeks...

Sight, its difficult to not!!    :D

c ya later guys, thanks.  make me feel better.


Make sure the problem is not low sodium or potassium levels due to low level of these in your blood. This is not uncommon if you sweat a lot and don't take salt or salt tablets to replace sodium/potassium. This is common for foriegners in BKK that are not used to losing minerals through sweating. Happened to my friend. Simply drinking salted water daily can make the difference, low elrctrolyte levels can cause this problem. Do you feel weak on occasions?

Papaya enzyme extract, taken as a pill, is supposed to help stomach problems.

You can find it in BKK.

There is a drug, I have forgotten the name, that we used to call "Cement Pills", that is made for these problems. it can stop you from runing to the bathroom. It may "stop you up" for 24 hours. Old timers in BKK will remember the name, it is available in BKK in pharmacy. Well known cure for such problems. Is known by the brand name of drug, but somehow I can't remember the name right now.


There is a drug, I have forgotten the name, that we used to call "Cement Pills", that is made for these problems. it can stop you from runing to the bathroom. It may "stop you up" for 24 hours.

Which may not be such a great thing, if there is something the body is trying to rid itself of.....


There is a drug, I have forgotten the name, that we used to call "Cement Pills", that is made for these problems. it can stop you from runing to the bathroom. It may "stop you up" for 24 hours. Old timers in BKK will remember the name, it is available in BKK in pharmacy. Well known cure for such problems. Is known by the brand name of drug, but somehow I can't remember the name right now.


Are you trying to think of IMODIUM

It is very strong and certainly stops you squirting.

When I have this problem I just drink Sponsor all day.

It goes away in 2-3 days. I try to take as little medicine as possible


Chinese tea is a big help for intestinal disorders as are many herbs such as holy basil.

If it occurs at regular intervals can be due to an organism living in you gut that goes through a lifecycle and gives you problems at one stage of lifecycle. Get a stool sample done. A friend of mine picked up one of these in India.

There is a drug, I have forgotten the name, that we used to call "Cement Pills", that is made for these problems. it can stop you from runing to the bathroom. It may "stop you up" for 24 hours. Old timers in BKK will remember the name, it is available in BKK in pharmacy. Well known cure for such problems. Is known by the brand name of drug, but somehow I can't remember the name right now.


Are you trying to think of IMODIUM

It is very strong and certainly stops you squirting.

When I have this problem I just drink Sponsor all day.

It goes away in 2-3 days. I try to take as little medicine as possible

Imodium is one of the many pharmaceuticals which kills the healthy flora in your digestive system. Very common and has been around for some time now. :D

Also: if you suspect you are low in potassium eat about two or three papayas and a couple of bananas about four hours before you go to sleep at night. If you wake up in the morning (no alcohol induced sleep please) and feel somewhat refreshed you can assume you are potassium deficient - a symptom of diarhea by the way. Potassium helps balance your body's electrolytes and your muscle endurance levels, which is why deficiency symptoms include fatigue. :o

Do a google on Potassium nutrients and you will get all the hits you need. :D

If it occurs at regular intervals can be due to an organism living in you gut that goes through a lifecycle and gives you problems at one stage of lifecycle. Get a stool sample done. A friend of mine picked up one of these in India.

You might just be the host of an organisms bigger than single cells.

Get further testing done.

If it occurs at regular intervals can be due to an organism living in you gut that goes through a lifecycle and gives you problems at one stage of lifecycle. Get a stool sample done. A friend of mine picked up one of these in India.

You might just be the host of an organisms bigger than single cells.

Get further testing done.

Tapeworms and many other parasites will reveal themselves under rather simple (microscopic) blood analysis. Ask your doctor. Takes a few minutes.

Stool analysis will reveal worms and unhealthy flora.

hmmm...it's getting late. I should order pizza or something. Feeling a bit peckish. :o

If it occurs at regular intervals can be due to an organism living in you gut that goes through a lifecycle and gives you problems at one stage of lifecycle. Get a stool sample done. A friend of mine picked up one of these in India.

You might just be the host of an organisms bigger than single cells.

Get further testing done.

Tapeworms and many other parasites will reveal themselves under rather simple (microscopic) blood analysis. Ask your doctor. Takes a few minutes.

Stool analysis will reveal worms and unhealthy flora.

hmmm...it's getting late. I should order pizza or something. Feeling a bit peckish. :o

It's worth doing... I once returned from LOS and developed a some very loose stools...

After stools were tested it turned out that I had...

Giardia lamblia Link


Campylobacter Link


Salmonella Link


I took nearly 2 months to get rid of these using some kick ass antibiotics, one of them was called Metronidozole I think ( with which you cannot drink alcohol :D )

Probably got infected from the water on Koh Samet (Mostly transpoted to the island in Boats then kept in storage tanks)... chicken no properly cooked ( I love chicken ), and possibly coming into contact with the animals ( cats and dogs ).

totster :D


aj aj...

I do will go and test, as soon as possible... (!) I go to a Hospital up Sukhumvit road. Ask them to test my stool, my blood and whatever to find out if I have some mad bacterials, parasites etc.

ps, scary ppix. hehe

If it occurs at regular intervals can be due to an organism living in you gut that goes through a lifecycle and gives you problems at one stage of lifecycle. Get a stool sample done. A friend of mine picked up one of these in India.

You might just be the host of an organisms bigger than single cells.

Get further testing done.

Tapeworms and many other parasites will reveal themselves under rather simple (microscopic) blood analysis. Ask your doctor. Takes a few minutes.

Stool analysis will reveal worms and unhealthy flora.

hmmm...it's getting late. I should order pizza or something. Feeling a bit peckish. :o

It's worth doing... I once returned from LOS and developed a some very loose stools...

After stools were tested it turned out that I had...

Giardia lamblia Link


Campylobacter Link


Salmonella Link


I took nearly 2 months to get rid of these using some kick ass antibiotics, one of them was called Metronidozole I think ( with which you cannot drink alcohol :D )

Probably got infected from the water on Koh Samet (Mostly transpoted to the island in Boats then kept in storage tanks)... chicken no properly cooked ( I love chicken ), and possibly coming into contact with the animals ( cats and dogs ).

totster :D

Geez, Totty, you had all 3? :D:D:D

Geez, Totty, you had all 3?  :D  :D  :D

Yep...You should have seen the doctors face when he called for the results.... I then had to "wait outside" while he contacted the consultants at the hospital to find out how to treat me.... :D:D


They look like pizza toppings.

It's quite possible they were... :o

totster :D

it makes me run several times at the day, and next... 

normally it last for some days, but I take the pills, so I get back to normal. When that said, I love spicy as he##, ( wonder why they censored that word and not heaven) so I think I have to reconsider.

I love youghert too thoug, so, and bluberries. I grew up with strey for berries in the forests... Norway yes.

I wont give up, but stop eat chilli, eat youghert and no beer for some weeks...

Sight, its difficult to not!!    :D

c ya later guys, thanks.  make me feel better.


Make sure the problem is not low sodium or potassium levels due to low level of these in your blood. This is not uncommon if you sweat a lot and don't take salt or salt tablets to replace sodium/potassium. This is common for foriegners in BKK that are not used to losing minerals through sweating. Happened to my friend. Simply drinking salted water daily can make the difference, low elrctrolyte levels can cause this problem. Do you feel weak on occasions?

Papaya enzyme extract, taken as a pill, is supposed to help stomach problems.

You can find it in BKK.

There is a drug, I have forgotten the name, that we used to call "Cement Pills", that is made for these problems. it can stop you from runing to the bathroom. It may "stop you up" for 24 hours. Old timers in BKK will remember the name, it is available in BKK in pharmacy. Well known cure for such problems. Is known by the brand name of drug, but somehow I can't remember the name right now.



I want to add some info:

1.The name of the "cement pills" as I used to know them that will usually cure diarrea is a drug called Immodium. Immodium can be bought in most pharmacies in Bangkok without any doctors prescription. Immodium.

2. If you are having cramps and fatique, be sure you are getting proper salt levels. If you sweat a lot, you can lose salt (Sodium, Potassium) and have low amount of these minerals in your blood. Sodium and potassium are vital to your cells asorbing nutrients from your blood. You can find Salt tablets in Bangkok at pharmacist that you simply dissolve in water and drink. This helps to restore proper level of these minerals in your blood. Diarrhea(sp?) is often caused by imbalance of minerals in cells and inability of cells to absorb nutrients properly.

Try taking Salt tabletsdissolved in CLEAN water. There are also re-hydration salts you can find (mentioned in another response), It may not work, but almost certainly worth a try, and won't make anything worse.

My friend Louie had cramps, Diarrhea, fatique when he came to BKK due to excessive water/salt loss through sweating until he started taking extra Salt via salt tablets.

Hope you get well soon.



Yep....Immodium, my wallet always had some tucked away inside.

Never did visa runs (sic) without them, cheap too. :D

TP too, with the cardboard core removed. :o

hello folks. I have been in Thai for 6 months, and I normaly are careful with my food, and before I moved, I had thaifood, in Norway, every day. Spicy as ######, too.

lived in BKK 2 years ago, no problem before, been here many times.  :D

After some weeks in TH, I got ill, running to toilet. This repeat aprox every month, 3 - 4 weeks between them,

I been to hospital, got pills, every time, get well, but then its on again.  :o   

Anybody heard about similar cases?  what can it bee? some food I simply should NOT eat, no more clues,....    Could happen I want to move back, I dont like to poo...            :D     


You say you've been to a hospital but since it appears the doctor there is of no help in resolving your problem I think you need to find a new doctor.

If I were you I'd go to Bumrungrad Hospital (Sukhumvit Soi 3) and get worked up. Stool samples collected on 3 separate days for Culture and also tested for Ova & Parasites would be a good start toward making a diagnosis.



parasites are everywhere. check this website out...


there could be other things causing your problems too. like the pollution, for example.

a couple of things I learned to do over the years.

1) take a worm pill every 2 months.

2) wash my hands often.

bangkok is a big city, and as such, there are a lot of people that you will come in contact with everyday. maybe not directly, but indirectly. touching the rails in the buses, or opening doors (restrooms) are examples of this indirect contact occurring.

this contact usually exposes you to germs that you are not aware of. so, whenever you have the chance, wash your hands. especially if you just get off a bus, or use the restroom.

once, I got a serious case of pinkeye because I used this towel hanging in a public restroom to dry my hands.

parasites are everywhere.  check this website out...


there could be other things causing your problems too.  like the pollution, for example.

a couple of things I learned to do over the years.

1) take a worm pill every 2 months.

2) wash my hands often.

bangkok is a big city, and as such, there are a lot of people that you will come in contact with everyday.  maybe not directly, but indirectly.  touching the rails in the buses, or opening doors (restrooms) are examples of this indirect contact occurring.

this contact usually exposes you to germs that you are not aware of.  so, whenever you have the chance, wash your hands.  especially if you just get off a bus, or use the restroom.

once, I got a serious case of pinkeye because I used this towel hanging in a public restroom to dry my hands.

Good advice 55. :o

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