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Homoeroticism In English Language Teaching

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Guest IT Manager
Pobly cause more teaching jobs are filled by women the world over,so it stands to reason that a lot of queers are doing it,Just like was said,Male nurses are mostly queer for the same reason,that is basicly a female job..

And you have got to watch those that call you BIGOT this and BIGOT that  cause they are generally queer also.

BIGOT and RACIST are two words that are always foremost in the vocabulary of the pot calling the kettle black. :o

This has got to be one of the all-time dumbest, most illogical posts I've ever read. Wherever you are, I hope you aren't in the sphere of influence of any children.

Queer is an interesting word. The only people I have heard use it in the last 5 years have been gay people referring to themselves. There is actually an american organisation I believe called "queer nation".

Not sure what that means in this case.

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What it means is "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS", If you are PC then you have changed your vocabulary and the way that you talked all your life so that you use acceptable language so as not to offend anyone..

Some people have done that and others haven't..I haven't.

For example,Do you use the "N" word,or have you changed it to BLACK or abbo. do you say POLLOCK,DAGO,WOP,CHINK,ZIPPERHEAD,SLOPEHEAD,GOOK,FROG,KRAUT, Some I have never used and some I have and I refuse to change my form of speech and the words I use just so I will not hurt some perverts feelings.I never use derogatory terms for anyones ethnic being,but I not see that calling a persons of a homosexual persuasion a persons of a homosexual persuasion is a racial sneer.

As to being HOMOPHOBIC,I for one see that as an oxy,due to the fact that PHOBIC means afraid of,and I am not afraid of a persons of a homosexual persuasion, I feel that they are an abolition of nature.

There does that answer your question..


Sorry Francois...didn't think you were gay!!!...I meant (I hoped) you weren't an English teacher....because of the way you spelt!!

don't worry I got it this way ... B)

just born french ... and if my talking is quite ok, my writing is far to be as good :D

it was already like this in school ... some laziness, I guess :o

This has got to be one of the all-time dumbest, most illogical posts I've ever read. Wherever you are, I hope you aren't in the sphere of influence of any children.

so do I ... :o


My wife just told me she was quite taken aback by your comment and asked if I thought you lived in LoS. Short answer is no, I don't think you do, but perhaps when you grow up, you may come here and enjoy it, without looking at every single male teacher and wonder whether he bonked a student last night. (male or female).

Yes, I've been here a few years, married for 2. My opinion differs from yours, so you throw insults. That's not what FORUM means. I don't like gays, period. If you do, I don't condemn you for it. Do you live in Thailand?

Guest IT Manager

My wife just told me she was quite taken aback by your comment and asked if I thought you lived in LoS. Short answer is no, I don't think you do, but perhaps when you grow up, you may come here and enjoy it, without looking at every single male teacher and wonder whether he bonked a student last night. (male or female).

Yes, I've been here a few years, married for 2. My opinion differs from yours, so you throw insults. That's not what FORUM means. I don't like gays, period. If you do, I don't condemn you for it. Do you live in Thailand?

I know I will always regret saying this but I promise not to kick you for that.

I have only lived here 8 years so I know very little about anything of course, however my English is quite good. I can't for the life of me see the insult.. even after looking several times.

Nobody asked you to like gays, nor even if you were one, I just said you were a little juvey in your attitude. I didn't reflect on your manhood or anything else, nor on your intelligence..merely your development.

So... have at it son..

What it means is "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS", If you are PC then you have changed your vocabulary and the way that you talked all your life so that you use acceptable language so as not to offend anyone..

Some people have done that and others haven't..I haven't.

For example,Do you use the "N" word,or have you changed it to BLACK or abbo. do you say POLLOCK,DAGO,WOP,CHINK,ZIPPERHEAD,SLOPEHEAD,GOOK,FROG,KRAUT, Some I have never used and some I have and I refuse to change my form of speech and the words I use just so I will not hurt some perverts feelings.I never use derogatory terms for anyones ethnic being,but I not see that calling a queer a queer is a racial sneer.

As to being HOMOPHOBIC,I for one see that as an oxy,due to the fact that PHOBIC means afraid of,and I am not afraid of a queer,I feel that they are an abolition of nature.

There does that answer your question..

But isn't it true that, like 99% of all PE teachers choose their line of work so that they can ogle boys in the showers?

If you're so hateful of "political correctness", I assume you don't refrain from calling your gay students "faggots" or "queers"...right? Or do you turn it off and on so that you can keep your job perving on those cute little buns and weenies in the shower?

Queer is an interesting word. The only people I have heard use it in the last 5 years have been gay people referring to themselves. There is actually an american organisation I believe called "queer nation".

Not sure what that means in this case.

Believe you're right IT - from memory they (or another gay group) have a chant, "we're queer, we're here, get used to it". (not joking either) :o


I think in every country or organisation there is a culture. We should respect it. If you keep discriminating on other culture like gay, or queer.......whatever it may be, then you cannot adapt well. Show people respect, and you will be respected. Even gays have pride, contribute to the society, are no idiots, and in fact can be exceptionally creative and skilled in certain professions. It makes no sense to label them anything like 'queer' or 'sissy'. Many gays I know behave normally and generally do not disturb you unless you disturb them first, or make them think wild.

Many gays I know behave normally and generally do not disturb you unless you disturb them first, or make them think wild.

Sounds like you're talking about snakes and spiders!

Guest IT Manager

wonder if our snake is a homosexual

Tell me,,Is there a history of incest in the last 2 or 3 generations in your family?

as it sometimes effects the mental process.

I think this post is a prime candidate for the axe. Better than that, why not banish the poster.


This is getting off topic!! "Incest" is for another thread.

The matter-at-hand is ....

Why so many Farang persons of a homosexual persuasion in Thailand?

Why do they choose to come here? (Fred and Kevin putting a strong showing here)

Why do they become teachers ? (ITM and Dick most persuasive here)

What is to be done about the massive gay migration? Will Thailand blacklist them, or is that an over-reaction?


I doubt that they will be blacklisted here as there seems to be a great tolerance for them,and San Francisco is about up to the saturation point from what I hear,

and like the guy that came home from a business trip and found his wife in bed and when he hung his coat in the closet,found a naked swede setting in there and asked him what the ###### he was doing in there? he recieved the answer "well everybody gotta be somewhere", so it seems that when the point is reached here the rest of us can go somewhere else,Maybe China as I hear that the Commies ain't to hip on persons of a homosexual persuasion.


I also don't think there will be any formal blacklisting of homosexuals - how, for instance would the embargo be implemented?

I daresay that a gay ban would be an excessive (and unfair) restriction.

Still, they are flocking here like starlings in autumn, and something clearly has to be done.

My view:

a) a ban on work permits for unmarried men

:o Registration of HIV negative certification for unmarried male tourists upon arrival.

c) Closure of Patong, Pattaya and Silom gay-entertainment districts.

This would solve the problem without being too heavy-handed. Gay travllers do spend a lot whilst on holiday - nice hotels, ...attractive, but kitsch souvenirs. The Tourist Authority of Thailand does not want to dissuade them altogether.


What is wrong with gays visiting Thailand? They visit for all the same reasons the rest of us do. The Thais don't seem to mind it...as a matter of fact, the only people who seem to mind it are close-minded Westerners.


There's nothing whatsoever wrong with gays visiting Thailand !!

However, they should return home peacefully, with nothing more than happy memories, souvenirs and silk shirts - (nor should they exploit Thai boys by touching them 'down there')

There's no need for them to hang around here indefinitely. They're not raising families, and do not therefore contribute in an organic way to the growth of the Thai nation.


If you're talking about Thai boys under 18, absolutely. Same goes for straight tourists and Thai girls under 18 (and I remind you that there is absolutely NO evidence whatsoever to suggest that gays are more prone to pedophilia than straights are).

I don't quite follow you, though, on the concept that one only contributes to Thailand by raising a family here. In other words, heterosexuals who don't reproduce shouldn't hang around either?

Guest IT Manager

I find it quite interesting Moog, that with your Judeo Christan Ethics and your staunch support of Nana Plaza etc., that you you don't quit working with the nasty bitches and go to a school where they only employ people like you.

In fact, if anyone knows of a school in Thaialnd without at least one homosexual staff member and at least one gay student, perhaps you could let Moog know.

You can bet the school will be operated with no technology, little intellect and probably by someone Moog could get to share his spare time with.

That being trhe case, he would not be trolling in here when he could be doing something to better himself as a teacher, like learning how its' normally done.

This is not to suggest that you don't have something on paper proclaiming such capacity, however as an earlier contributor said, I am bloody glad you don't have access to my kids.

If Thailand wants to stop the rot, I doubt whether banning gay people would be anywhere near as successful as giving you and your atttude the lift.

But that is just my opinion.


ITM has sown the seeds of a good business venture.

"Moogs Heterosexual Language School"

Contrary to what people are saying, I think that parents* would, all other things being equal, prefer their kids are taught by someone who is heterosexual and happily married.

In theory, perhaps parents are egalitarian and pragmatic, but in the real world, Mums and Dads do behave in predictable ways if given common sense choices.

* Unless they are hippies.


Well, here's one parent who would shun your school as athe pit of bigotry that it would be.

Looking back at my educational years, many of my most memorable, most inspiring teachers were homosexual men. And none of them laid a finger on me or any other student.

The thought that such exemplary people might be excluded from a teaching establishment because of who they sleep with is, to me, a vile, repulsive concept. I must be in the majority, since nothing as ridiculous as an "all hetero school" has ever been attempted anywhere in the world (to my knowledge).

What I find even viler, though, is Westerners who come to Thailand and try to impinge their narrow-minded morality on the local population, which is well known as one of the most tolerant in the world. The likes of Moog and KevinN should count their lucky stars for that, because if the Thais were as intolerant of homosexuals as they are, they would probably be just as intolerant of heterosexual men who come to Thailand for sex -- whether or not they recreate in the process.


There are heterosexual go-go clubs, gay go-go bars, straight discos, gay discos.

Are those places narrow minded?

Wake up and smell the coffee boys ! Segregation exists by virtue of FREE WILL in many places, and everyone concerned is perfectly happy with the status.

FREEDOM allows restaurateurs to hire pretty female waitresses if they see fit

If someone sets up a school which couches itself as 'heterosexual teaching' - and (importantly) doesn't exclude gay pupils per say, then what's the problem, if it makes a loss - so be it.

ITM and Dick must both be American, since their version of 'freedom' actually means following their restrictive line.



Its been a lot of fun, and of course, I don't REALLY believe anyone should be stopped from visiting Thailand, starting Catholic Church boys choirs, going to Silom 3, or being hired as teachers.

Moderator, unpick the padlock on your chastity belt and use it for a dignified end to this thread.

See you all in another topic.

ITM and Dick must both be American, since their version of 'freedom' actually means following their restrictive line.

not all American think that way, only the hick

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