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Need Help Finding A Gym


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Hey guys, so I'm an international student here at Thammasat University and will be staying here in Thailand for the next 5 months. I've been here for a week so far and was hoping to find a good gym to workout at throughout my stay but I've just been so overwhelmed already with this place. Was hoping some of you guys could give me some advice and help as to where to find a good one.

I think my main criteria for a gym is one with a decent amount of free weights and at least 1 squat rack. I'm mostly into weight lifting so I don't need any of those extra perks like classes, cardio machines, etc. Distance is also an important factor for me as well. I've only been here in Bangkok for a week but I'm already sick of the traffic here. I live near Thammsat on Arun Amarin Rd so anything near that would be perfect. Also, price is pretty important to me too. I'm on a fixed budget here so I want to make sure I don't spend too much for a gym.

So far, the only place I've been able to look at is the California WOW across from Tesco Lotus and Central. I think the street it was on is called Phra Pink Lao? (Sorry, I'm still getting acclimated to my surroundings) I think this place would've been perfect for me since its so close, but the salesperson offered me 5 months prepaid for 7500 baht. Is this considered a lot in Thailand? That's like roughly $40/month. I'm used to only paying $15 a month back in California at a Gold's Gym. I think I would've signed up for it just because I'm so desperate for finding a gym here, but the salesperson was so intent on getting me to pay with credit card. Got a really bad vibe from her, felt like I was going to be overcharged or scammed in the end. I also looked at the gym on campus, but that place is absolute garbage and is rarely open.

So any help from you guys as to where to find a good, cheap gym to workout at near where I live would be greatly appreciated!

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California WOW, eh?

That place tries to sell you at any price, just like used car sales men.

I got a lifetime membership for 9,000 Baht and that included 2 hours free "Thai boxing" training.

I only pay 100 Baht per year to sustain this membership.

The worst thing is that they do not have a fixed schedule for prices anywhere, so it is BUYER BEWARE.

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Lol didn't know it was that bad at California Wow. Guess I didn't look at the place enough thoroughly. Just came back from checking out Powerhouse Gym. Turns out it was closed. Can't believe I missed the Fitness First. I was just inside Central browsing around.

Anyways, as of now, I'm in the Thai Studies program but I think I may need to switch into BE. I'm an Econ major back at home and I need some credits to transfer over in order to graduate on time. Are you a student at Thammasat as well, ricklev?

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Lol didn't know it was that bad at California Wow. Guess I didn't look at the place enough thoroughly. Just came back from checking out Powerhouse Gym. Turns out it was closed. Can't believe I missed the Fitness First. I was just inside Central browsing around.

Anyways, as of now, I'm in the Thai Studies program but I think I may need to switch into BE. I'm an Econ major back at home and I need some credits to transfer over in order to graduate on time. Are you a student at Thammasat as well, ricklev?

I have been a member of California Wow for 3 years and purchase various training packages from them. The way they operate is that you MUST bargain and fight to get a good price. If they offered you 7500 Baht without discussion, then you should be able to get them down to 5000 baht. Just be persistent and keep trying.

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Oh yeah, I definitely spent a good amount of time bargaining with them. They started me out at 9000 baht and I was able to get it down to 7500 after a good 40 minutes with them. 5000 baht was what I was aiming for, but they wouldn't budge after 7500. I'm not sure if its just because I'm an American and speak absolutely no Thai, but they were super stubborn. Anyways, I'll probably do as you said and keep going in to get a lower rate.

As of now, I was able to get a 7 day trial pass at Fitness First today. Didn't even bother trying to negotiate a price. I went there just to get a workout in. Was hoping for a bigger area to do power lifting, but I guess it'll have to do for now. Thanks for all the input guys. Any other help would still be super helpful for me.

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California WOW is fine for what it is. Push for a good price, then just use the facilities. Since you are only here for a short time, I doubt it would be much better. I have been able to get some good prices for friends there, but those have been at a minimum of one year. However, the membership manager told me last week that sales are very slow right now, so you should have some bargaining clout.

The Pin Klao branch is actually one of the best facilities, and the showers are fine as far as I am concerned. What I don't like there is the lack of decent air conditioning.

FItness First is more low key, but it is more expensive, too.

Further up the road going out of Bangkok on the Central side is another gym which looks fine from the windows, but I have never stopped inside. You can see it on the second floor of a building there.

Basically, within a stones throw of each other, you have four choices.

Edited by bonobo
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