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Don’t worry I am ok, and thanks to some of you for your advice, I have looked and read many of your inputs, unfortunately some of you don’t relize the gravity of the situation I find myself in. Yes I understand it may seem like a script for a new movie, but please believe me I KNOW ON MONDAY I AM OUT OFF HERE.

I have read your post and taken on board your advice, I knew I had problem as soon as the PM was received from that Thai lady I mentioned before. I value some of your comments, and in time the humour side of what some of you have written will be relized by me I HOPE. ( by the way “bother in law” is the term I have used because that what he calls himself, and in a way he is even though I am not married)

All I can report is I feel safe at the moment, but there seems to be a bit of a family dispute going on since yesterday. When the mother and girlfriend returned last night all seemed well, until I asked them where they had been, when my GF replied shopping and then went into the karaoke bar, the “ brother in law "went ###### mad and slapped the GF a right good wallop. As to why I don’t know, but a right old barney continued into the late hours. When I have spoke to my GF about what’s going on, she has told me to shut up, you never understand nothing, you only bring me problem this week and I never forget this. ( upto her … I will be gone Monday and that’s a promise.) Any way as I said half the bloody family showed up, and there has been a great debate with an old man, (Uncle I am led to understand, but as with all Thai’s they use any name.)

The brother in law, has been drinking a lot, and just keeps smiling at me, and the GF just tells me many times, I never forget you make me look bad. But what does concern my I asked her about if she was pregnant or not, and all the response I got was apec apec apec and I ain’t got a clue about this one.

Ok it now 6.30 and I can hear stirring upstairs, I have to go just in case it’s the GF as she can read English, Thank Christ the family are as thick as they come.

Roll on Monday ( anyone want a nice house with live in lover) ?

Thank for all your concerns and advice.


I have just checked my email, and I have just received this email from another Thai website, Stickman. He and his wife has advise me too not make contact with the police, they refer it may be better to buy/pay my way out of this situation.

I have also had time to read some more posts from you lot, and many of you feel the answer is get the police involved. Now I am perplexed what I need to do on Monday if the shit hits the fan.

I also feel that some of you are making a mockery of the Thai anger that I am receiving. I cannot believe for one minute that someone has the time or insensitivity to make up stupid rhymes about the turmoil I find myself in. I also read a Fairy Tale, Jesus Christ now that’s what I call imagination. After reading 80 plus % of your input you have convinced me to move out ASAP. But sometimes just sometimes it isn’t that easy. I ask you now about how the Thai’s stick together like shit to a blanket if a falang upsets one of them. Yes you have a war on your hands. It appears only one or two of you can comprehend this, and can value the gravity of my circumstances.

Some of you have even convinced yourselves that I am having an affair with her brother; this process has not happened. I just stated he fondled me; he did not open my zip, he just had his hand on my nether region. I have thought this thru, and can find no logical grounds why some of you think a gay affair is under way. I would like to state here and now I think some of you are over reacting to my previous statement.

Now I must go, and try to calm down my pregnant GF.

Thanks to Wilson, WilliamIV, P1P, Ka1234, Supersurch etc etc.

Thanks C-F


Why wait until Monday?...rigormortis might have set in by then....You are a real dill (or Kiwi) to have not taken notice of each and every posting on this thread!! :o:D


Well it is a long time til monday,so keep us posted..

I member one time in 1968 in a little town in the upcountry called Da Nang that this big black dude had a little girlfriend that he used to abuse sometimes,and he came in drunk one night,gave her boxing lessons and then fell into the sleep of the just.[just drunk]..

She got her knife and in 1 nano second his root was laying on the floor while he was still on the bed,,there was a lot of screaming going on and the medics got there,and they did what they could to stop the bleeding and carted him off the the hospital,[while there 1 of the medics saw this shriveled black root laying on the floor by the bed] and due to the fact that the black guy was a bully anyway and not liked by anyone,the medic kicked the root under the bed,so it was still there when they got to the hospital,so therefore it was never tried to be reattached.

Do you know how much time 1 nano second is when subtracted from 5 days??

do you guys think this another from an alter-ego of "PYTHON LEE JACKSON"?

Guest IT Manager

Well my dick is secure. How do I know? I asked "she who must be obeyed".

She said the ones to have the problems in LoS were usually Pommies with no life outside there bedroom where they post and toss on this and IRC. And frequently doing it from UK and pretending to be in LoS.

So.. here is my take. Pommies should not have Thai Girlfriends. They should stick to what they know best, whatever that is, unless they live in LoS, like Chonabot. Obvious Pom.. obvious Isaan household. Ergo.. good all round chap, what?

Now DavidCharles and Concerned, et al., are a different kettle of fish altogether.

This thread is designed to annoy those of us who don't fukc round. I don't and Chonabot wouldn't dare, I reckon I can tell you what his wife is like.. a one man woman and "don't be going to the pub and getting laid" she would say. If he did, put him on stoppage and make him go shopping for his own socks. Six months later, all finshed and forgotten and happy again.

So in the interest of men who are in touch with their manhood in a very "living in Thailand way" and who don't want to believe their love would ever give them the chop, this silliness is now CLOSED.

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