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Se Asia Getting Closer To Usa In Response To Chinese Rising Power


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I notice that the anti-China propaganda machine is still functioning...:rolleyes:

If this article would be exactly the same but anti-USA, the topic would have been closed already.

Oh yes.

The article was objective. It was not anti-Chinese propaganda. The Washington Post news section doesn't do propaganda. You are mistaking the post for the one party communist controlled press of your beloved China.

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I notice that the anti-China propaganda machine is still functioning...:rolleyes:

If this article would be exactly the same but anti-USA, the topic would have been closed already.

Oh yes.

The article was objective. It was not anti-Chinese propaganda. The Washington Post news section doesn't do propaganda. You are mistaking the post for the one party communist controlled press of your beloved China.

:rolleyes:..objective....not anti-Chinese propaganda....?

"The country that posed the greatest threat to the region, the survey found, was not North Korea but China."

from your (non-propaganda Washington Post) OP article ;)


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The survey found. Do you understand what that means? They are reporting what the survey found. I don't know what they put into your chicken feet in your years in China but your bias is extreme and frankly you present yourself as an expert, but you come off as a Chinese government promoter.

Edited by Jingthing
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The survey found. Do you understand what that means? They are reporting what the survey found. I don't know what they put into your chicken feet in your years in China but your bias is extreme and frankly you present yourself as an expert, but you come off as a Chinese government promoter.

:lol: Good humor JT.

I don't eat chicken feet, never done and never will; Did you know that the US sends tens of thousands of containers on a yearly basis...filled with chicken feet ?

Anyway, why does it have to be an American survey, knowing the truth, and nothing but the truth when it comes to opinions about Asia and China in particular ?

...quoted as being the truth....;)...and thus wrapping it in an unbiased "survey" about China and what people "think" in a 53 pages survey-report called: Strategic Views on Asian Regionalism - Survey Results and Analysis...

American analysis about Asia.



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Anyway, let the panic continue. It's not like it'll change anything.

Resistance is futile.


I agree; it's also about the enormous lack of ignorance amongst the China bashers and that's because if you're fed, over and over again, with "news" about a certain country or hemisphere it's quite normal that the predicted "truth" by the main stream press and other media from your own country is going to "settle" in the minds of those who eat the news.

It was exactly the same during the post WWII decades.

In Europe (but also in the USA) we were fed, on a daily basis, about how dangerous and bad the Russians were, next to the "East Bloc" of countries. There were, per definition, only bad, ugly and dangerous governments who were only after creating wars and to conquer the Western European countries.

And we believed what our Governments "fed" us with.

The same-same situation however in the East, where the local press/media from Russia (and allies) were feeding THEIR people with daily news about how bad "we" in the West were.

Until we/they saw the light.

It's a matter of time that some start to realize that China and the Chinese are not all that bad; it takes time and the youth will travel, see and decide for themselves that Asia is the booming place to be, make money, fall in love, enjoy....and not about wars.

It's time that the weapon industry hawks stop talking about how dangerous other countries are.

But, I know....it's about big money and that kind of propaganda is not easy to stop. If it's not about Iraq or Afghanistan it will be about North Korea, Vietnam or China.

And if that isn't enough...watch, because Iran will be first for another action for freedom...and if the US won't attack, Israel will.

Next war please :(


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Anyway, let the panic continue. It's not like it'll change anything.

Resistance is futile.


I agree; it's also about the enormous lack of ignorance amongst the China bashers and that's because if you're fed, over and over again, with "news" about a certain country or hemisphere it's quite normal that the predicted "truth" by the main stream press and other media from your own country is going to "settle" in the minds of those who eat the news.

It was exactly the same during the post WWII decades.

In Europe (but also in the USA) we were fed, on a daily basis, about how dangerous and bad the Russians were, next to the "East Bloc" of countries. There were, per definition, only bad, ugly and dangerous governments who were only after creating wars and to conquer the Western European countries.

And we believed what our Governments "fed" us with.

The same-same situation however in the East, where the local press/media from Russia (and allies) were feeding THEIR people with daily news about how bad "we" in the West were.

Until we/they saw the light.

It's a matter of time that some start to realize that China and the Chinese are not all that bad; it takes time and the youth will travel, see and decide for themselves that Asia is the booming place to be, make money, fall in love, enjoy....and not about wars.

It's time that the weapon industry hawks stop talking about how dangerous other countries are.

But, I know....it's about big money and that kind of propaganda is not easy to stop. If it's not about Iraq or Afghanistan it will be about North Korea, Vietnam or China.

And if that isn't enough...watch, because Iran will be first for another action for freedom...and if the US won't attack, Israel will.

Next war please :(



The next war is coming. They always come. It's just a question when and how prepared you are for it. As the vietnam war has been referenced a lot in this thread, i suggest you watch the Fog of War if you haven't already seen it. Absolutely fascinating.

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The next war is coming. They always come. It's just a question when and how prepared you are for it. As the vietnam war has been referenced a lot in this thread, i suggest you watch the Fog of War if you haven't already seen it. Absolutely fascinating.

I stopped watching anything that has to do with wars...a long time ago.

It makes me sick and sad.

War is horrible.


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The next war is coming. They always come. It's just a question when and how prepared you are for it. As the vietnam war has been referenced a lot in this thread, i suggest you watch the Fog of War if you haven't already seen it. Absolutely fascinating.

I stopped watching anything that has to do with wars...a long time ago.

It makes me sick and sad.

War is horrible.


Then you should probably leave it to those of us who have the the stomach for it, eh?

The Fog of War is not really about war itself, but its procedure. It's remarkable.

Edited by thepanicandthevomit
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I suggest everyone reading this thread to be sure to read the excellent and OBJECTIVE article from the Washington Post about China's rising power and the regional response to it. They will find it an excellent hedge against the blatant Panda pandering here.


About the pariah state of North Korea (allied of course with China), it is indeed a huge threat mostly to South Korea, but also Japan and the USA.

China on the other hand is destined to be the great world power of all of Asia, so you can understand why a country Singapore for example which was recently insulted by China for its small size may fear becoming a total puppet of the behometh. The only logical counterbalance for this is the USA, not what it once was and it won't be again, but not chopped liver either.

Edited by Jingthing
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I suggest everyone reading this thread to be sure to read the excellent and OBJECTIVE article from the Washington Post about China's rising power and the regional response to it. They will find it an excellent hedge against the blatant Panda pandering here.


About the pariah state of North Korea (allied of course with China), it is indeed a huge threat mostly to South Korea, but also Japan and the USA.

China on the other hand is destined to be the great world power of all of Asia, so you can understand why a country Singapore for example which was recently insulted by China for its small size may fear becoming a total puppet of the behometh. The only logical counterbalance for this is the USA, not what it once was and it won't be again, but not chopped liver either.

Speaking about American propaganda. You're good at it.

The difference between you and me is that I try to have a helicopter view upon both the US and China whilst you paint a bad picture about China and praise the US into heaven.

The other difference is that you are American and I'm neither American nor Chinese but European.

You speak from a position, born and raised in the US and fed with pure American press and media.

I have been informed from 3 sides: American, European and Asian and reading and speaking a handful of languages.

You write about me as "blatant Panda pandering" and that's childish and below the belt JT and you know it.

Your idea of a so called "excellent and OBJECTIVE article from the Washington Post about China's rising power" is purely meant to paint China black since that article is NOT objective; far from it.

I said it before: if this topic was not about China but the USA, the topic would have been closed since, according to the TV rules it's not allowed to bash upon countries, whatever the nation is.

You have no other goal than to bash upon China and create an atmosphere of supporting the idea that the USA should be a kind of hedge power in Asia BECAUSE of some report that says that China is dangerous to SE Asia because of some conflicts in the region.

What about the same hedge power by China in the Gulf of Mexico JT ?

Good idea ?


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I suggest everyone reading this thread to be sure to read the excellent and OBJECTIVE article from the Washington Post about China's rising power and the regional response to it. They will find it an excellent hedge against the blatant Panda pandering here.


About the pariah state of North Korea (allied of course with China), it is indeed a huge threat mostly to South Korea, but also Japan and the USA.

China on the other hand is destined to be the great world power of all of Asia, so you can understand why a country Singapore for example which was recently insulted by China for its small size may fear becoming a total puppet of the behometh. The only logical counterbalance for this is the USA, not what it once was and it won't be again, but not chopped liver either.

Speaking about American propaganda. You're good at it.

The difference between you and me is that I try to have a helicopter view upon both the US and China whilst you paint a bad picture about China and praise the US into heaven.

The difference between you and Jingthing is that he would never make such a silly statement without reading the old posts of the member he is criticizing. He is often very critical of the U.S.A. and is known for his progressive views, which completely negates the rest of your fanciful theory.

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I suggest everyone reading this thread to be sure to read the excellent and OBJECTIVE article from the Washington Post about China's rising power and the regional response to it. They will find it an excellent hedge against the blatant Panda pandering here.


About the pariah state of North Korea (allied of course with China), it is indeed a huge threat mostly to South Korea, but also Japan and the USA.

China on the other hand is destined to be the great world power of all of Asia, so you can understand why a country Singapore for example which was recently insulted by China for its small size may fear becoming a total puppet of the behometh. The only logical counterbalance for this is the USA, not what it once was and it won't be again, but not chopped liver either.

Speaking about American propaganda. You're good at it.

The difference between you and me is that I try to have a helicopter view upon both the US and China whilst you paint a bad picture about China and praise the US into heaven.

The difference between you and Jingthing is that he would never make such a silly statement without reading the old posts of the member he is criticizing. He is often very critical of the U.S.A. and is known for his progressive views, which completely negates the rest of your fanciful theory.

I made my statement, knowing what he wrote and what he said. That you find my statement silly is your problem, not mine.

If you think he has progressive views...not about China, since he writes nonsense.

I find HIS remark about "blatant Panda pandering" silly, very silly for a member with progressive views and shows he can't accept the views of others. ;)


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You claim that he writes "American propaganda" and praises the U.S. "into heaven", but both statements are wildly untrue. You also claim to have a "helicopter view of the U.S." - which I guess is supposed to mean unbiased - but you are well known for your anti-American views.

Who is the one who is really writing the narrow-minded propaganda? Spin, spin, spin. :whistling:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You claim that he writes "American propaganda" and praises the U.S. "into heaven", but both statements are wildly untrue. You also claim to have a "helicopter view of the U.S." - which I guess is supposed to mean unbiased - but you are well known for your anti-American views.

Who is the one who is really writing the narrow-minded propaganda? Spin, spin, spin. :whistling:

You've said before (in the Box) that I was anti American and I say again that that's rubbish but I won't explain so again.

America is a great country and It was exciting to have been able to built my businesses in the past and have many great friends there but that doesn't mean I'm not entitled to certain opinions about members here who are American.

But that does not give them the right to bash upon other countries but at the same time get angry and nasty if someone says something about America,

Some of you Americans have the longest toes on the forum if it comes to your home country...a LOT more than the Aussies, Brits and Europeans. You simply can't stand it if someone expresses an opinion about anything, America related, and that includes yourself.


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Actually, you are the one who tried to smear Jingthing as writing propaganda and always supporting U.S. policy just because he expressed one idea that you disagreed with. He is die-hard liberal and exactly the opposite of the picture you tried to paint.

Now, who is it that can't accept other people's opinions? :whistling:

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Actually, you are the one who tried to smear Jingthing as writing propaganda and always supporting U.S. policy just because he expressed one idea that you disagreed with. He is die-hard liberal and exactly the opposite of the picture you tried to paint.

Now, who is it that can't accept other people's opinions? :whistling:

"....as many have predicted SE Asia would simply cave in to Chinese power and indeed bullying in the region."

JT's words in his OP, first sentence; suggestive propaganda and nothing to do anymore with an opinion.

If I would have written:

".......as many have predicted SE Asia would simply cave in to American power and indeed bullying in the region." :whistling:

...how would you have reacted ?


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Thanks for sharing his opinion that you do not agree with. Now, how about proving him wrong, rather than saying he only holds that belief because he is American. There are tons of Americans on here railing against Uncle Sam every single day and Jingthing is often one of them. He is a progressive, but he does not always tow the PARTY line.


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I love the idea of America and still consider it one of my homes, but a lot of anti-Chinese propaganda nowadays seems like a situation where a customer is short of funds (understatement) in a Chinese restaurant desperately hoping to find a hair in their egg drop soup.


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a lot of anti-Chinese propaganda nowadays seems like a situation where a customer is short of funds (understatement) in a Chinese restaurant desperately hoping to find a hair in their egg drop soup.

Do you really think that a Chinese restaurant would let you walk out without paying because of a little hair in your soup? That is Western style diplomacy. :)

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a lot of anti-Chinese propaganda nowadays seems like a situation where a customer is short of funds (understatement) in a Chinese restaurant desperately hoping to find a hair in their egg drop soup.

Do you really think that a Chinese restaurant would let you walk out without paying because of a little hair in your soup? That is Western style diplomacy. :)

Depends, I've seen it happen (not a hair, but some other more disturbing kitchen 'errors'). Hoping/rationalizing the bill away is pretty pathetic though.


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Last warning.  

This is not a thread about the evils or greatness of the USA.  This is a thread about China's influence in SE Asia and how that relates to Thailand.  Bringing up comparisons with the USA or any other country is probably appropriate, but this US-bashing/defense needs to stop.  If we can't bring the thread back on-track, it will have to be closed. 

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China also will become the world Super Power, Look what it did in Korea with a 10Th rate Guerrilla Army fought the UN to a stalemate. Chinese Military Capacity have greatly improved since then.

Thailand close military ties to the US go back a long ways, But a proven Military power Vietnam is now seeking that same attention.


Edited by bonobo
removed quoted post which was a subject of my above warning.
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I suggest everyone reading this thread to be sure to read the excellent and OBJECTIVE article from the Washington Post about China's rising power and the regional response to it. They will find it an excellent hedge against the blatant Panda pandering here.


About the pariah state of North Korea (allied of course with China), it is indeed a huge threat mostly to South Korea, but also Japan and the USA.

China on the other hand is destined to be the great world power of all of Asia, so you can understand why a country Singapore for example which was recently insulted by China for its small size may fear becoming a total puppet of the behometh. The only logical counterbalance for this is the USA, not what it once was and it won't be again, but not chopped liver either.

Speaking about American propaganda. You're good at it.

The difference between you and me is that I try to have a helicopter view upon both the US and China whilst you paint a bad picture about China and praise the US into heaven.

The difference between you and Jingthing is that he would never make such a silly statement without reading the old posts of the member he is criticizing. He is often very critical of the U.S.A. and is known for his progressive views, which completely negates the rest of your fanciful theory.

I find HIS remark about "blatant Panda pandering" silly, very silly for a member with progressive views and shows he can't accept the views of others. ;)


Thought it was quite funny, myself...

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