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Norwegian Arrested In Pattaya Underage Sex Bust

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Realistic solutions. Id card check stands on Beach road. Punter takes his lady to the id card check stand and a Tourist policeman checks her id. I would imagine three check stands could cover beach road. Total cost? Two cops per stand 24/7. Really cheap. Completely eliminate the problem.

Negatives? The Pattaya bashers would not be able to assert all men in Pattaya are pervs.

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The "underage" sex scam, fueled by either the indigenous police need for money, and/or the NGO need for publicity, etc., etc., is common all over Asia:


"…it has surfaced that a con game involving underage women and police appears to be in effect in Angeles City. This confidence game is similar to the scam being run by police and NGOs out of Cambodia. In the Philippine scam, the western male victims have no idea that the woman in question is under age. Nevertheless, it costs them 500,000 pesos ($11,000 USD) to get out of this phony sting operation…"

similar account, here:

On the other hand, I am sure that there are foreign sex tourists all over Asia who look for very young prostitutes, and get away with it, and I imagine that it goes on every day. Case in point, I had a new business partner come to town a few weeks ago, and I put him up in a fairly nice hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 11, in the newer annex, which connects to the German restaurant. He matter-of-factly told me this story at breakfast one morning… "I met a cabbie out here on the Soi who said he could find very young girls for me, so he took me driving around and looking. We found a real cute young one walking the street, and I took her back to my room, but I thought I was going to have trouble with getting her into the room. The annex desk clerk said "she too young to have I.D., you got to sign for her", so I did, and I took her up to my room…" Well, apparently, my partner had no problems, and the young 'lady' left after the deed was done. In truth, if the hotel was doing its job, they would have either denied entry to the girl, or called the Lumpini police, and I am surprised that the later didn't happen.

Now, in defense of my new business partner, he is young (25) naïve, and just recently released from indentured financial servitude in America, (recent divorce). Still, it is every punter's responsibility to know the law and use good judgment. (but, you've got to wonder, those touting cabbies on Soi 11, and elsewhere, who do you think protects them?)

Respectfully submitted,

Judge Dredd


1. India and Cambodia. That's the home for perverts, as you should know.

2. Your case for cleaning up Thailand sounds noble but corruption is a far more serious economic burden than some supposed stories about perverts.

3. Your case for cleaning up Thailand also is misguided as 95% of prostitution is Thai on Thai and you very well know that too.

4. Do you really think Thais are going to close up shop to assuage your western conscience.

Let's deal with your points in their order;

1. Yes Cambodia has problems. However, when people think of Cambodia, they still have the genocide of Pol Pot seared in their minds. What goes on in Cambodia is much worse, but the killing fields are a more powerful association. India? Go on. People think of filth, poverty, weird Indian movies with dancing and call centers. When people think of Thailand, they think of sex. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. it's the image that counts in marketing. This negative attribute does harm to the tourism trade and damages Thailand's credibility with other countries. Who is going to take a country that is seen as a haven for sex offenders?

2. Yes, corruption is enemy number 1. However, part & parcel of corruption is the presence of the criminals from abroad.

3. Your logic is empty. Of course the majority of prostituion is going to involve Thais with Thais, because the majority of residents are Thais. By the same token the majority of prostitution in Australia, the UK, the USA etc. is going to involve the respective nationals. The difference though is that Thais do not go to the USA to have sex with kids. Nor do Canadians usually travel to the UK to have sex with underage prostitutes. However, foreigners from all over head to Thailand for the opportunities. Thailand (and Cambodia) are perceived as the meccas of such acts. Again, I stress it is all about image. I sympathize with some of the Pattaya foreign residents that are decent responsible adults who are tarred and vilified by the actions of a small minority of the foreign population.

4. it is not my western conscience, but the views of the majority of Thais. They do not want foreigners coming to Thailand that engage in such depravity any more than Americans, Australians, Germans etc. would want foreigners showing up to prey on their local kids. These diddlers make trouble for the rest of us. I am fed up of having my laptop examined for porn when I land in LAX. I am fed up when I am on conference calls as we wait for others to dial in, having the snide comments about the going rate is for sex.

What I wish to impress upon you, is that everytime one of these creeps pops up in the news, it makes life difficult for everyone else.

Fact 1. Are children (pre pubescent) prostitutes available in Thailand? Seldom to never. In India and Cambodia every day occurrence.

Fact 2. Foreign criminals as opposed to Thai criminals in Thailand? 1% to 99%.

Fact 3. However you paint the picture the fact remains. 95% of prostitution in Thailand is for Thais. All Thais know this even if they don’t tell you. Thais are content with the situation or they would have changed it years ago.

Fact 4. No one of importance in Thailand cares about your problems at LAX. Your problems are a pimple on a gnats bottom.

Fact 5. The UN reports the Thai police are an organized crime association. Get used to it.

Sure there is a problem but it is a Thai problem. If you want to change it you will have to educate Thais that 2000 years of Thai history are wrong and that prostitution is wrong. Good luck.


India is really bad. I remember doing a 30 day tour with a private car and driver. We passed a really young girl sitting by the road one day. I asked what she was doing. He said she was a hooker...did I want to sleep with her? She was 12 years old...and according to the driver, not uncommon at all...sick...


India is really bad. I remember doing a 30 day tour with a private car and driver. We passed a really young girl sitting by the road one day. I asked what she was doing. He said she was a hooker...did I want to sleep with her? She was 12 years old...and according to the driver, not uncommon at all...sick...

I would submit this has been common knowledge for the past 50 years. Anyone who does not know about it is in denial or just plain dumb.


India is really bad. I remember doing a 30 day tour with a private car and driver. We passed a really young girl sitting by the road one day. I asked what she was doing. He said she was a hooker...did I want to sleep with her? She was 12 years old...and according to the driver, not uncommon at all...sick...

I would submit this has been common knowledge for the past 50 years. Anyone who does not know about it is in denial or just plain dumb.

I'm neither in denial nor am I dumb. I did not know this. I hope you can accept that maybe it is common knowledge to you, but not to everybody. Peace.


I doubt this news story was actually an organized setup, maybe though.

However, be clear that setups can and do happen. Over the years on the gay Thailand forums there are reports from time to time of very organized blackmail scams where a 17 year old boy presents himself as 18, he finds a mark, and then fake police sometimes even in fake police costumes extort the victim (the customer of course) for massive sums of money. I am sure the reports are the tip of the iceberg as generally victims of embarrassing scams keep quiet about it.


A girl who claimed to be legal who isn't by about 15 minutes.

Back to in the real world, she wasn't legal by over 1,000,000 minutes.

525,600 + 525,600 = 1,051,200 minutes


Fact 1. Are children (pre pubescent) prostitutes available in Thailand? Seldom to never. In India and Cambodia every day occurrence.

Anything is available in Thailand, and it is no better than Cambodia nor India in this regard so stop kidding yourself.


A girl who claimed to be legal who isn't by about 15 minutes.

Back to in the real world, she wasn't legal by over 1,000,000 minutes.

525,600 + 525,600 = 1,051,200 minutes

She surely wasn't legal. But the act wasn't pederasty either. (Look it up.)


Police used a foreigner as a decoy customer who contacted the pimp and agreed to pay 2,000 baht for a child prostitute.

Somsanit was caught while taking a 15-year-old girl to the customer in Room 211.

I do note the improved policing standards in that that the farang police volunteers are apparently no longer consummating the sex act prior to effecting an arrest like they did before.

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One thing that does concern me is the increasing number of 50 plus ladies of the night, kind of an aesthetic blow on an already not very pretty situation.

Thank you for warning us about this situation. Maybe the boys in brown should start arresting their customers just for having very questionable taste? :o

disgusting and of very questionable taste are grumpy old white men (50 plus) who make misogynistic comments towards woman that in the same age group like them meanwhile they seeking sex with prostitutes who could be the same age of their children or grandchildren.


One thing that does concern me is the increasing number of 50 plus ladies of the night, kind of an aesthetic blow on an already not very pretty situation.

Thank you for warning us about this situation. Maybe the boys in brown should start arresting their customers just for having very questionable taste? :o

disgusting and of very questionable taste are grumpy old white men (50 plus) who make misogynistic comments towards woman that in the same age group like them meanwhile they seeking sex with prostitutes who could be the same age of their children or grandchildren.

Hear, hear. For once I completely agree with you!


One thing that does concern me is the increasing number of 50 plus ladies of the night, kind of an aesthetic blow on an already not very pretty situation.

Thank you for warning us about this situation. Maybe the boys in brown should start arresting their customers just for having very questionable taste? :o

disgusting and of very questionable taste are grumpy old white men (50 plus) who make misogynistic comments towards woman that in the same age group like them meanwhile they seeking sex with prostitutes who could be the same age of their children or grandchildren.

Hear, hear. For once I completely agree with you!

You have every right to be disgusted. Others have every right to be disgusted by the idea of sex with someone their own age (as long as legal age of course). But your disgust is just disgust, it is your moral standards, you have no right to IMPOSE them on others. Of course its totally cool for you to express your views here or anywhere. Have fun.

This age thing is most amusing.

The sexpats on the board seem to imply that Thailand is full of 16 year olds that look older than they are.

This is not true at all. There ARE many 18-25 year olds that look 16 and there are many guys in Pattaya that look for this.

Thai women are famous for looking younger than their age. As such, it should be fairly easy to avoid underage girls. Just find one that looks 25 & you'll be OK.


Scandinavian countries have free sex. No need to come to Pattaya.

And Vegas has underage prostitutes....you can find what you are looking for pretty much anywhere in the world...except maybe the muslim countries! :)


Thank you for warning us about this situation. Maybe the boys in brown should start arresting their customers just for having very questionable taste? :o

disgusting and of very questionable taste are grumpy old white men (50 plus) who make misogynistic comments towards woman that in the same age group like them meanwhile they seeking sex with prostitutes who could be the same age of their children or grandchildren.

Hear, hear. For once I completely agree with you!

You have every right to be disgusted. Others have every right to be disgusted by the idea of sex with someone their own age (as long as legal age of course). But your disgust is just disgust, it is your moral standards, you have no right to IMPOSE them on others. Of course its totally cool for you to express your views here or anywhere. Have fun.

Who's talking about IMPOSING?


One thing that does concern me is the increasing number of 50 plus ladies of the night, kind of an aesthetic blow on an already not very pretty situation.

Thank you for warning us about this situation. Maybe the boys in brown should start arresting their customers just for having very questionable taste? :o

disgusting and of very questionable taste are grumpy old white men (50 plus) who make misogynistic comments towards woman that in the same age group like them meanwhile they seeking sex with prostitutes who could be the same age of their children or grandchildren.

What is "misogynistic" about not wanting to sleep with a 50 year old prostitute? Maybe you should look up the definition of words before making inane comments.

By the way, I would not bet on a 50 year old boxer winning the Olympics either. :lol:


People who favor "shutting down" Pattaya (severe PDS sufferers) are certainly talking about IMPOSING.

Yes, but not in the replies you quoted. Maybe I took you too literal


One thing that does concern me is the increasing number of 50 plus ladies of the night, kind of an aesthetic blow on an already not very pretty situation.

Thank you for warning us about this situation. Maybe the boys in brown should start arresting their customers just for having very questionable taste? :o

disgusting and of very questionable taste are grumpy old white men (50 plus) who make misogynistic comments towards woman that in the same age group like them meanwhile they seeking sex with prostitutes who could be the same age of their children or grandchildren.

What is "misogynistic" about not wanting to sleep with a 50 year old prostitute? Maybe you should look up the definition of words before making inane comments.

By the way, I would not bet on a 50 year old boxer winning the Olympics either. :lol:

50 year old women aren't that bad but I'm 65. What to do, oh my what to do?


What is "misogynistic" about not wanting to sleep with a 50 year old prostitute? Maybe you should look up the definition of words before making inane comments.

By the way, I would not bet on a 50 year old boxer winning the Olympics either. :lol:

50 year old women aren't that bad but I'm 65. What to do, oh my what to do?

May I suggest changing your nickname from mark45y to mark65y :)


What is "misogynistic" about not wanting to sleep with a 50 year old prostitute? Maybe you should look up the definition of words before making inane comments.

By the way, I would not bet on a 50 year old boxer winning the Olympics either. :lol:

50 year old women aren't that bad but I'm 65. What to do, oh my what to do?

May I suggest changing your nickname from mark45y to mark65y :)

I would except I meet more hi so Thai Chinese PhD's with it at 45.


Pattaya. An open septic tank that someone lost the cover for.

Some of the most important Thai people in Thailand live in Pattaya. I am sure you can find it with google. You hold an opinion that is not shared by many Thais at all levels of society.

But then again I am sure you are better informed, than you know who.


Health Hotel?? Is this one of the short time hotels near Beach Road?

Pedos are in every country, and just about every community. For those posters citing Pattaya as a pedo-infested locale, have you looked at your home community.

USA law enforcement groups have websites listing sex offenders, and these guys are everywhere, and come from all backgrounds (blue-collar, professional, religious, military, judicial).


India is really bad. I remember doing a 30 day tour with a private car and driver. We passed a really young girl sitting by the road one day. I asked what she was doing. He said she was a hooker...did I want to sleep with her? She was 12 years old...and according to the driver, not uncommon at all...sick...

I would submit this has been common knowledge for the past 50 years. Anyone who does not know about it is in denial or just plain dumb.

I'm neither in denial nor am I dumb. I did not know this. I hope you can accept that maybe it is common knowledge to you, but not to everybody. Peace.

I was not aware of this either. However, if i was eager to find such knowledge i'm sure i could. Fact though is i'm not! :angry:


India is really bad. I remember doing a 30 day tour with a private car and driver. We passed a really young girl sitting by the road one day. I asked what she was doing. He said she was a hooker...did I want to sleep with her? She was 12 years old...and according to the driver, not uncommon at all...sick...

I would submit this has been common knowledge for the past 50 years. Anyone who does not know about it is in denial or just plain dumb.

I'm neither in denial nor am I dumb. I did not know this. I hope you can accept that maybe it is common knowledge to you, but not to everybody. Peace.

Me too. Isn't it strange the specific knowledge some attain and perceive we all have! :ermm:

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